[ROM][5.0.2][26.03.] Temasek's UNOFFICIAL Build 9.3

  • 78 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum



Dies ist eine inoffizielle Version von CyanogenMod 12 mit den besten Extra´s aus crDroid, SlimKAT, Omni, LiquidSmooth, Carbon, Nameless, Beanstalk usw.

Das Flashen einer Custom ROM geschieht auf eigene Verantwortung!


Quick Settings Customization
App Circle bar
Gestures Anywhere
Screen Animations
Disable scrolling cache
Heads Up Notifications
Configurable lockscreen shortcuts
Clock alignment
Network traffic meter
Status bar weather
Launch SuperSU from Settings
Navigation bar height
Enable/disable VOLUME rocker wake
Setting: add app move to external storage
Settings: allow home button to wake device
Settings:DPI Settings/Display density
And more..



* frameworks/base/
cff9295 Sort Bluetooth devices in quick settings by name
e05f008 hwui : fix memory leak due to duplicate in shadow cache
af9ef86 Fix to crash when clicking text link without view activity
fb569b4 systemui: Handle case when network has been lost
66ef0e3 Make forward/reverse lookup default overlay
f9042bf Revert "Temp restore permission for HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS"
066e982 pm: Deal with a nuked package that was granted extra permissions
1ed3653 Frameworks: follow charging notification settings also for wireless charging
be4565f Revert "Frameworks: follow charging notification settings also for wireless charging"

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8226/
9adc065 msm8226: add missing symlink to common.mk in msm8974

* packages/apps/Calculator/
c7aa11a Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Calculator into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Mms/
3fee73b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.0
6ba0152 MMS: Add feature to auto-enable mobile data for MMS send or receive.

* packages/apps/Settings/
74a675e Fix incorrect ManageApplications options menu order value.

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
19ee2fd Protected Apps: fix insets so that views stay above navbar
42427c9 ProtectedApps: Fix protecting shortcuts with no ComponentNames

* packages/services/Telephony/
a94d2bc Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-12.0
693743e TelephonyService: Don't change preferred network type on multi RAT capable devices.
50451ca TeleService: Set mode to 2g on other sim(DSDS) prior to change


* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
5f8e67c Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_external_wpa_supplicant_8 into cm-12.0

* frameworks/av/
39694fd Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.0

* frameworks/base/
ff8964a [ActivityManager] Avoid killing unrelated processes.
517b50c Layout the window to be displayed if it would be resized
d711c3c Frameworks/base: Don't allocate another identity matrix
37c6842 Prevent unexpected rotation while going back to keyguard

* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
f19ea1b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_net_wifi into cm-12.0

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
b25ce8b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into cm-12.0

* hardware/qcom/wlan/
325fb2e Revert "Adding support for passing userdata in nan_register_handler"
df34a8d Revert "Further Availability Map Structure change"

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
1288edb CMFileManager: Fixed string typo
b96748d CMFileManager: Changed status string to something more descriptive

* packages/apps/Settings/
ee31381 Update OTA icon
dc6a280 Build V9.3
8438261 Settings: fix mobile network switch being unchecked
9fd4fdf Settings: prompt to fill new profiles out only once

* vendor/cm/
1b93435 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.0
75271cf Airtel MMS - Add authtype=1 for PAP


* build/
44c10c9 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-12.0

* device/lge/g3-common/
60686db g3: disable forcing of triple framebuffers

* frameworks/av/
c29fb05 audioflinger: refresh fast track underrun state upon start
5a72830 audiopolicy: Fix call recording for legacy qcom HAL

* frameworks/base/
bb9f9a9 SystemUI needs the SET_WALLPAPER permission
bd576b1 Move arrow_pointer hotspot to better match actual tip
7f15005 Move default value for Settings.Secure.ADVANCED_MODE to core
979e0cd Fix screen pinning on devices without navbar
0a3a3b7 systemui: don't use SIM display name if there isn't available info

* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
67d21c2 Softap: update WifiContoller state on start softap failure

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
d77b4cd Telephony: Handle PS DETACH failure during DDS SWITCH
d683d69 Abort Cross mapping process if SubInfo List is null

* kernel/lge/g3/
7932784 g3: disable lge panic handling (demigod)

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
79d00ac cmfm: reduce banner size and adjust ratio to fit the banner view bounds
f8a8d15 cmfm: fix typo in xml drawable
72869df cmfm: update changelog
1e3be7d CMFileManager: Removed copyright portion of about_summary

* packages/apps/Calculator/
207cff2 Calculator: remove cbrt option in floating calculator advanced window

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
33e8f42 contactscommon: ensure preferences are loaded before reload data

* packages/apps/Mms/
ef73373 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.0
6246153 Backup: fix crash when listing backups

* packages/apps/Settings/
a1d12dc Fix OTA Settings
1dd7dd9 Build V9.2
a023b78 Fix typo
89d6c3a Use actual storage type of sdcard/usb (2/2).
ec3f541 Settings: Remove "advanced mode" toggle if its defaulted to enabled.
4bcd35f Settings: Set untraslatable
f81a2e2 Update RU translations

* packages/services/Telephony/
7cd1c6d Update RU translations

* system/core/
d51ce44 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_system_core into cm-12.0

* vendor/cm/
52da2e6 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.0
a4f3e9a Update Telekom (T-Mobile) HU APN


* external/whispersystems/WhisperPush/
81f285c Automatic translation import

* frameworks/base/
c092553 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/AudioFX/
da03ec8 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
2d6aa37 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth into cm-12.0
cda26b8 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
1c3fe3b Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
c5bc4ee Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
96e8aa2 CMFileManager: Nitpicking on strings
d66ebd2 Automatic translation import
80daa0e CMFileManager: Fixed positioning of title in editor custom ActionBar layout
07154e9 CMFileManager: Check if intent action is null when applying user defined initial directory

* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
be990f2 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Calculator/
a07a8be Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Calculator into cm-12.0
60b60f4 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Calendar/
4f7af54 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Camera2/
628a77e Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Camera2 into cm-12.0
7a11a41 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
a34bb1e Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Contacts/
e7dc11a Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
af649c8 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/DeskClock/
d7245f1 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_DeskClock into cm-12.0
db3a532 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Dialer/
6518ff4 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Dialer into cm-12.0
a59cffd Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Eleven/
a6a6cab Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Email/
50c4c11 email: add an option for delete the account

* packages/apps/Gallery2/
fc0426b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Gallery2 into cm-12.0
9991ef6 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
721acc9 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI into cm-12.0
6240812 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/LockClock/
d81eba5 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Mms/
10b47fc Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.0
c06f93e Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
48b1458 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Settings/
689503b Integrate OTA update into Settings
9f9c71a Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
8ba259f Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Stk/
b0135c2 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Terminal/
e4da6cf Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
9bc7b86 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
04ad82d Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
70b5f3d UnifiedEmail: Increase max attachment size to 25MB

* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
a18a824 Automatic translation import

* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
0b72077 Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Mms/
d3944ea Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Telecomm/
e556309 Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Telephony/
a0298a9 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-12.0
234562b Automatic translation import

* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
7d20065 Automatic translation import

* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
3a8cbf7 Automatic translation import

* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
665b08d Automatic translation import


* android/
7a9f2d0 Merge pull request #4 from arter97/cm-12.0
29cd80d Add temasek vendor repo

* bionic/
9b94776 Merge pull request #1 from arter97/pull
b232042 Re-export libgcc's __aeabi_fcmplt

* external/sqlite/
50bd4fe Merge pull request #4 from arter97/cm-12.0
7a26e5b sqlite: Rename perf flag
3b2b30a Do not pass QC_PERF into host build of sqlite3.
77bc46c Additional guard around perf enablement
6d1d82f Add hooks for database open and pragma handling
dcfc27e SQLite: Enable fdatasync for SQLite

* frameworks/av/
546d0e9 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.0

* frameworks/base/
a751ef9 SystemUI: load current user's qs tiles
ca48bfb systemui: don't start-stop visualizer directly after a power save event
f3088fe GlobalActions: Use circular user avatars
a470c38 Revert "GlobalActions: Use circular user avatars"
85f52f9 improve lock screen wallpaper behavior
cc32eba PackageManager: don't attempt to get theme on core boot
1a885d8 Themes: Properly hide recreateTheme
617f9c9 Revert "Themes: Don't break API in MockContext"
6115b95 Themes: Don't break API in MockContext
3b73657 SystemUI: survive notification update spam
7cb0d00 Don't start theme service on core only boot
822fac8 Clear Theme in System UI
a8d9a15 Themes: Perform mapping when not from overlay
f34096a third part apps can unlock the phone without password even if the phone has setted the password
2e84354 Avoid boot looping when theme provider is unavailable

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
7cfce7d Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
da04013 CMFileManager: set search item icon to fixed width and centerCrop
fb259f0 CMFileManager: set compute folder statistics to true by default
df97de0 CM File Manager - Gracefully handle renaming on case-insensitive filesystems

* packages/apps/Settings/
4ecff9d Build V9.1
6c9739f Settings: add dashboard switch view for sw600dp
cd23813 Allow launching display rotation & lock screen settings externally
6384d86 Settings: add switches for dashboard items

* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.9/
5bff7cb Merge android-toolchain-eabi-4.9-2015.03-x86.tar #7

* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/
5bff7cb Merge android-toolchain-eabi-4.9-2015.03-x86.tar #7

* system/core/
92d5ea9 healthd: allow custom charger

* vendor/cm/
99e5dfb Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.0

* vendor/temasek/
9922887 Initial commit====================

* hardware/qcom/keymaster/
ca6561a keymaster: Export HEAP_MASK flag for msm8610 target

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
e169a31 Fix potential NPE handling TransitionEffectsFragment


* build/
78b98b7 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-12.0

* frameworks/av/
5cb21b8 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.0
4af8125 Revert "Flush the audio sink if NuPlayerRenderer is paused during a flush"

* frameworks/base/
7fa8b8c Themes: Include ThemeConfig for ResourceKey hash
2bb9e1a Themes: Add theme change timestamp to ThemeConfig
4d8ad7f EdgeGesture service: add more sensitivity steps
a480b7c Expanded Desktop : Fix Left handed navbar during landscape mode
438af65 SystemUI: fix flashlight tile inconsistency
a572e2f Revert "Revert "camera2-legacy: Workaround max jpeg/preview size AR mismatch""
c2c886d Profiles: Disable lock screen after boot
442507d Themes: Don't clip notification when a theme defines a larger radius
29d3c1e Themes: Fix theme package name being set to target's
04a0c56 StorageNotification: Add missing import
e0c8ad6 Merge pull request #68 from arter97/pull
88bb430 bootanimation: remove memory saving tricks
5ff0c1a bootanimation: fix exhaustive memory leaks
df10f8e Revert "Revert "bootanimation: performance/speedup enhancements (squashed from CM11)""
a20b8c9 Revert "bootanimation: fallback to outer loop on repeating the middle sequence"
75830a3 Use actual storage type of sdcard/usb (1/2).
01fd4f7c Use actual storage type for format message strings
3077bee6 Fix translatability of External media format message
e639e01 Add config_batterySdCardAccessibility to cm_symbols.xml
235190b Add storage_usb & storage_uicc to cm_symbols.xml
83ea743 Fix for ambiguous and broken disk formatting dialog

* packages/apps/Settings/
79650c9 Build V7.8
5af621c Don't show "Eject card" if the card is not accessible
7bfc5f4 Fix detection of USB/UICC volumes

* packages/services/Telephony/
4be5a20 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-12.0
1d97438 Fix back button on SelectSubscription activity

* vendor/cm/
c4c7d5b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.0
9cfcfcc Update Japanese APNs
41832bd correct APN for Setar Aruba


* frameworks/base/
ca7c5b3 Revert "Storage: Fix moving apps to external storage"
19f9ab6 Navbar: Fixed NAVBAR_POWER behavior
6939caf Navbar: add power button
8b29aae NavBar: Fix little BackLand drawable
57fefbb Merge pull request #67 from arter97/pull
2d2c2b9 bootanimation: fallback to outer loop on repeating the middle sequence
298617d Revert "bootanimation: performance/speedup enhancements (squashed from CM11)"

* frameworks/native/
3b9de90 Calculate application sizes correctly

* packages/apps/Nfc/
c6f7234 NFCService: Add sysprop to prevent FW download during boot with NFC off.

* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
063f220 Don't update package while resources are being processed

* system/vold/
af5a6d1 vold: Allow ASEC containers on an external volume when internal is emulated

* vendor/cm/
b4878d4 sepolicy: Fix denails for flash_recovery service


* packages/apps/Settings/
9e6b75f Build V7.7


* android/
79a263c Revert "Track own external/busybox"

* frameworks/base/
7de74f5 Revert "QS: fix random missing tiles when leaving detailed view"
3a681b4 Increase available volume levels
d4938ef QsTiles : Brightness point to ic_qs_brightness_auto_on_alpha
26f363f SystemUI: fix lock screen phone shortcut showing when target is set to none
28c266a Prevent power key capture when screen is off

* frameworks/opt/net/ims/
607bb1e IMS: Add an extra for ims phantom MO call.

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
f4d8c77 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI into cm-12.0
acad21a InCallUI: Fix string typo

* packages/apps/Settings/
ec74a52 Merge pull request #304 from DouglasGomes123/cm-12.0
53c3ac6 Translation pt-rBR updated

* packages/apps/Terminal/
4538377 TerminalKeys: Disable debug

* packages/services/Telephony/
e899874 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-12.0

* system/vold/
0274d51 Vold: Reset mPartMinors array when handling disk removal


* external/busybox/
d9ce728 mount: use blkid to determine fstype

* frameworks/base/
fe01e4b Removing some more FloatMath references
91c45be Switch from FloatMath -> Math and Math.hypot where possible
e8d76c6 Call startInput on return from sleep mode
cacf71c FWB: Add Volume Key Answer (1/2)
901ec74 Storage: Fix moving apps to external storage
711c0da Revert "Fixes large number of thumbnails leads to low memory"
8d1f78f Store compiled code in Context.getCodeCacheDir()
0ca4773 Remove usages of FloatMath
77f2b80 Hide msim 'no-sim' icons
6781f60 RRO: prevent doze notifications from inverting
86dbbbf DeviceUtils: Clean up code after ScreenType FWB commit

* frameworks/minikin/
4e4ab1a Move coverage bitmap from FontCollection to FontFamily

* packages/apps/AudioFX/
451a68b Add missing translations from 5.0.2_r1

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
1d1aa2f Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth into cm-12.0
16bc583 bluetooth: Tone down the logspam

* packages/apps/Camera2/
a5eb056 Remove additional dependencies on FloatMath

* packages/apps/DeskClock/
9ece527 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_DeskClock into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
00527b1 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI into cm-12.0
9d67326 InCallUi: Update string for call on hold.
7625c62 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
23e4e7b OmniSwitch: protect startup sequence

* packages/apps/Settings/
e23f8c8 Settings: Add Volume Key Answer (2/2)
ebdaeeb Merge pull request #303 from DouglasGomes123/cm-12.0
9042c5e Navbar Dimen: Clean up code after ScreenType FWB commit
243ed8b Settings: Add touchscreen hovering support
cc82a3e Settings: LT translations
bfacef3 Clean up MultiSimEnablerPreference.
108a2e2 Settings: Set untranslatable

* packages/services/Telephony/
74b8c6f Telephony: theme MultiSim Mobile Settings to match Settings app

* system/core/
1ad3c56 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_system_core into cm-12.0
bbdc54a logd: fix persistent blocking reader performance
7c92abf healthd: Disable the RTC wakeup timer

* system/vold/
1951d59 vold: Fix compilation
f9efab5 Fix Ext4 sdcard permissions on mount

* vendor/cm/
0357905 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.0
e0d34c1 vendor:cm: Update CONTRIBUTORS.mkdn
8f310be vendor:cm: cleanup contributors


* android/
5051c11 Track own external/busybox
d3fe300 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android into cm-12.0
ef724a5 Remove OpenWnn from manifest

* build/
9113a99 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-12.0

* frameworks/base/
199a47a Improve layout of MSIM SIM PIN/PUK keyguard views.
d71f02f SystemUI: fix performance profile not showing up
99dc7e0 SystemUI: fix profiles tile disappearing after profile selection.

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
9b812ef hal: Featureize FLAC offload support

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
dc86d92 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
3c4f362 CM File Manager - Make AsyncResultExecutable's cancel() and end() innocuous

* packages/apps/Calculator/
dd2818b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Calculator into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Calendar/
2128f1f Calendar: Set untranslatable

* packages/apps/Camera2/
5c68e5d Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Camera2 into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Dialer/
be23c47 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Dialer into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Email/
179416c Fix crash issue when trying to setup an IMAP/POP3 account

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
d2c5fc2 Fix up in-call overflow button.
c1ec856 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Mms/
c2d583c Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
d83169d Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_PackageInstaller into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Settings/
1692638 Translation pt-rBR updated
d4b424c Build V7.6
a4eaf87 Heads Up: Clean up code after ScreenType FWB commit
e5f82d1 Clean up code after ScreenType FWB commit

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
6227800 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME into cm-12.0

* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
52c6c3a Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_providers_MediaProvider into cm-12.0

* packages/services/Telephony/
86e7cfa Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-12.0


* build/
e80399b Revert "Add phone directory to frameworks/base."
8f3bc99 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-12.0

* device/qcom/sepolicy/
23a1492 Revert "SEAndroid: Updated vold domain related policy"

* external/sepolicy/
077da1c SEAndroid: Updated vold domain related policy

* frameworks/av/
096f7b5 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.0
9236fc5 audioflinger: Power hints for audio activity

* frameworks/base/
2648a59 systemui: Underp blur effect after theme change
594d43b Fix pt-rBR translations
64fef7c Remove CAF Chinese translations
312a0ec Automatic translation import

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
113a06c hal: Correctly set backend to best available parameters

* hardware/qcom/wlan/
76d7437 wcnss_service: Retry qmi client init with port RMNET_0

* packages/apps/Browser/
8cedb96 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Calculator/
c72d1a3 Sync translations with AOSP 5.0.2_r1

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
012e415 [2/2] InCallUI: let InCallUI handle proximity sensor for incoming calls

* packages/apps/Settings/
3778b57 Make phone status string translatable.
0f6d4c3 Settings: set profile name as title when editing
cf41a37 Automatic translation import

* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
a1b71b0 MediaProvider: Avoid null pointer exceptions inside getCompressedAlbumArt

* packages/services/Telephony/
68c097c TelephonyService: Only add VideoCall settings if supported.

* vendor/cm/
c75446d sepolicy: Split off /cache/recovery's permissions






[SIZE="4"]- ROM / Gapps herunterladen
- Full-Wipe (Cache/Dalvik-Cache, Data, System), eventuell noch Format Data
- Flashen der Rom im Custom-Recovery
- Cache/Dalvik-Cache wipen
- Flashen der Gapps im Custom Recovery
- Cache/Dalvik-Cache wipen
- Reboot[/SIZE]


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: an0n
Wenn ich es bei XDA richtig verstanden habe ist es nicht von tema sondern wird von jemand anders kompiliert der denn tema Code benutzt.
Habe tema's ROM fast 3 Jahre im Einsatz gehabt bei Samsung. Und er hatt immer ne Top Arbeit geleistet, bin mal auf erste Testberichte gespannt vor allem was die cam angeht.
Lasst es euch gesagt sein, ein HAMMER! Und definitiv ein Mehrwert gegenüber normalem CM. Habe noch lange nicht alles gecheckt, aber alleine App Circle rockt dermaßen, ist ne Menge zu konfigurieren, aber es lohnt sich. Bin extrem geflasht und melde mich später.
Es gibt noch soviel zu probieren und anzupassen, ich brauch Urlaub
  • Danke
Reaktionen: KoKo 61
Habe die BlissPop Rom laufen und denke, dass die sich untereinander eh nicht viel unterschied geben. Bin also seit gestern auf cm umgestiegen, weil vorher einige Dinge noch nicht liefen. Jetzt ist es aber beinahe perfekt. Kein Vergleich zu Stock. Abgesehen von der cam, die muss noch getestet werden. Aber erfahrungsgemäß wird die cam von cm nie an stocks heranreichen. Egal.
Ich sag nur seitliche App Circle Bar (pie control), Omni Switch und Gesture Anywhere... Dazu noch schöne SchnickelSchnackelSachen... Leider ist aber wohl noch der Proximity Sensor Bug enthalten aus CM... Das ist eigentlich der einzige Minuspunkt, der aber ja wenn er in CM richtig gefixt ist, sich hier verschwindet...
Und falls noch Zweifel bestehen: ich bin jetzt offiziell ein Fanboy...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mega Rom...läuft bis jetzt absolut smooth

Whatsapp sprachnachrichten.. Mirko Normal? Also die Qualität oder immer noch so komisch wenn man leise wird bzw spricht, das die Mirko Lautstärke so hoch und runter geregelt wird?

Ohne freeze? Hatte bisher jede Rom die es bis jetzt gibt fürs G3 getestet... Bin auf ganz Stock zurück... Deshalb frage ich :)
Teste ich nachher mal für dich, nutze das eher nicht, aber ausprobieren macht Spaß...
Zum Thema Freezes: CM hat das Problem noch nicht vollständig im Griff, aber es ist deutlich besser geworden. Meistens können sich die Geräte doch wieder fangen und Akku rausnehmen hatte ich persönlich in den ganzen Monaten nur einmal.
So bin über RR und TeamUb auch bei dieser Rom gelandet und muss sagen ,ist wirklich super die Temasek,s läuft bei mir seit 24h ohne Probs und ist mit dem Stock Kernel wirklich smooth ,hatte ich mit den beiden anderen CM12 Rom's nicht.

So heute wohl noch ein Update auf 7.5 geben.
Es gab Probleme mit der Telefoniefunktion in der 7.5, Temasek hat drüber getwittert (war wohl im gesamten CM heute). Es gibt aber mittlerweile einen fix (7.5.1), aber der Junge mit dem Namen, den ich mir nicht merken kann auf xda, muss das Ganze ja erst noch für das 855 compilen... Ich bin auch gespannt!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: blackline2008
gibts Updates via OTA?

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 20:38 Uhr wurde um 20:58 Uhr ergänzt:

7.5.1 is UP
Nope, bisher jedenfalls nicht. Und ich habe mal die WhatsApp Voice getestet. Da ist mit nix negatives aufgefallen... Wie gesagt, ich nutze das eher nicht, vielleicht fällt mit das auch erst auf, wenn ich es öfter brauchen würde...

Edit: joah, ist hochgeladen, aber bisher nur für devhost, da kannste ja die ganze Nacht laden dann doch lieber morgen früh mit mega...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
und dachte schon, meine 100000 hat nen absturz^^

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 21:12 Uhr wurde um 21:27 Uhr ergänzt:

Mega is up!
* all commits from temasek build
* DOZE/Ambient Display working (i love it and add some commits to enable)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hmm wenn ich unter Display einstellungen gehe kommt die anzeige *Einstellungen beendet* wer hats noch?
Nee bei mir alles bestens.
hmmm :( hab aber clean geflasht
Hab dirty geflasht und vorher und nachher Cache und dalvik Cache geleert
Hab nochmal Cache und dalvik geleert immer noch der Fall, naja stört nicht weiter ist nur bei der Display Einstellung so, der Rest läuft, erstaunlich smooth :)

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