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Da mir der MP3 Player im Smartphone doch sehr wichtig ist (im gegensatz zur Kamera ) musste ich den MOD einfach mal antesten.
Link zum MOD
[Z & ZL] AC!D Audio Engine v1, Sound enancement mod| Enjoy your music! [04/03] - xda-developers
Ich bin ja immer skeptisch was solche Sound Mods angeht aber das Ding ist wirklich Klasse arbeit, die Klangverbesserung ist deutlich spürbar. Kräftige Bässe und schöne Höhen. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Link zum MOD
[Z & ZL] AC!D Audio Engine v1, Sound enancement mod| Enjoy your music! [04/03] - xda-developers
A Sound mod to bring you overall better sound quality, more precisely:
● Bass are deeper, crispier and more powerful, with nice effect without distortion and crackling
● treble are less aggressive and more immersive (you'll enjoy whistle, whisper, instrument like piano, guitar,... will be much more natural and balanced)
● Voice is really more natural with better balanced EQ for a pure crystal sound for an awesome clarity
● Audio track quality will be enhanced and the improvement will be even noticed on your most crappy headset (even if good headphone are really suggested to enjoy all improvement of this MOD)
This Engine is A port of several Audio Technology, each of them are well know to enhance some specific audio part, our goal was to get them working simultaneously with a lot of personal optimisation modification tweaks and unique features by our Team
Included mods:
● Sony Clearaudio Plus system (an amazing technology to enhance clarity of Bass and provide several effect like Clearphase, Clearbass, SRS surround,...)
● All stock Sony sound enhancements are still working together with this mod.
● Beats Audio Engine (we ported latest beats engine from HTC one XL, and modded it a lot to be great handled by Clearaudio, it improve greatly Bass power and overal surround effect)
● Dolby Digital Sound (overall better audio clarity with way more natural sound and some awesome features like SRS Wow and Dynamic Bass range)
● AC!D Audio Parts (Huge optimisation in overall sound quality due to some optimisation, some tweaks, some audio rendering and resampling and even more... some Huge work have been done already)
Ich bin ja immer skeptisch was solche Sound Mods angeht aber das Ding ist wirklich Klasse arbeit, die Klangverbesserung ist deutlich spürbar. Kräftige Bässe und schöne Höhen. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
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