- 99
Ok, danke. Dann wird das beim Blade so sein, daher fragte ich hier nochmal. Das muss aber nicht bei jedem Gerät so sein.
Gutes Beispiel für ein Regelset. Bevor ich nun aber diese App "injiziere" (ging das nicht über den Market mit root-Rechten), werde ich das selbst mit Llama machen, voll konfigurierbar :Automatic Mode Features:
Switch to 2G when wifi is connected.
Switch to 2G when data is turned off.
If screen is off for more that 10 minutes (configurable in the app) it will switch to 2G
If screen is off and battery is below 30% (configurable in the app) it will switch to 2G
Network usage monitoring to prevent switching to 2G if network is being used.
3G can be re-enabled as soon as the screen is turned on or unlocked or it can be done manually
Option to Disable data before switching network. (Required on some phones/ROMs)
Option for manual switching back to 3G. This setting allows user to choose when to switch back to 3G by selecting a notification in the notification bar. Requires separate app located on market or use link below
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