ZTE Blade L3 - Stock Rom 5.0.2

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@Arty45 die .zip Datei kann nur via TWRP installiert werden
@Arty45 Hi.what You want to do?
If installing my Rom via Spflashtool,just unzip it and find in forum taturals for making it...
Thanks, i installed the 5.0.2 extracted ROM from here. (After some TWRP flashs of CM ROM = no more akku loading )
@mitchde Hi.firstly check your phone model.open backcover,remove battery and see on white label.if you see hspa 900,1900,2100 then you must flash 5.0,else if you see 900,2100 then 5.0.2.both roms and flashing instructin you could find here..
Yep, i have an german 900,2100 Band version. After that i got the OTA Update (Version not changed by that), 25 MB.
I did that before Kingroot + Busybox, because OTA didnt worked last time i tried that.
@mitchde which problem you had firstly with phone,what You did and what You have now?
Now, after SP Flashtool using complete 5.0.2 ROM all is OK again.
Probs started as i tried the two 5.1.1 ROMs from here. First : both had Animation loop, means animation loop forever at start.
I got hint to use TWRP 3.0.2 to format (not only wipe) data partition. After isntalling again the 5.1.1 ROM boots without animation loop.
BUT USB loading didnt work anymore. Not after booting and not if the L3 in shutdown situation. red load LED was on (as it would load) but Akku goes down and down ... until zero %.

Reasons - maybe:
1. It can be that something with the TWRP flash went wrong. I used flashify (apk) to flash TWRP or org. recovery.img.
Many time and it went everytime OK.
Now, looking back. I remember that one time , after flashify TWRP (little modded, new one for tests), the minimal/early "OS" which comes up
if the L3 is shutdown and you connect to USB power, the graphics of the animated power loading was with glitches, corrupted, pixeled and wrong couloured.
But it had, even usb power load graphics corrupted, all worked: USB Loading and the orig. 5.0.2 ROM worked normal.
That was long before the 5.1.1 ROM installs.
So i think something went wrong and in combination with installing the 5.1.1 ROM the usb power not loading problem fires up real, not only the only cosmetic
USB power loading animation glitches.

HINT: TWRPs 2.8.7 vs TWRP 3.0.2 - both from here
I used long time TWRP 2.8.7 (named new2...img here) - worked really good - i used backup function and restored whole orig. ROM with all usrdata two times without lost of anything!
The TWRP 3.0.2 is, my opinion, only usable for installing ROM.zips. NOT! usable for backup/restores, Has some mount problems for some partitions to backup/restore. Has probs with , orig. data entcrypted data partiton ... other probs. Only the install of .zips is working.
So i recommend TWRP 2.8.7 until someone fix that mounting probs in TWRP 3.0.2.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@mitchde Why You dont stop on 5.0.2.normal Rom.normal Rooting?
Where You find 5.1.1 Rom and why You think it must work in Your phone correctly?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

I've noticed the same issues with the TWRP 3.0.2.

Maybe I'll give it a shot and will Port a new One.

1. I tried 5.1.1 ROM (from here) only because of interest. No real reason for that, and i am fine with 5.0.2 again :)
2. 5.1.1 ported ROMs (two of them ) from here: [ROM] (PORT) AICP10 CM ZTE Blade L3
Hey Leute! Ich habe 2 Rom's für unseres Gerät gefunden!
Beide Lollipop 5.0.2 (Kernel 3.10.54)
Sind schnell und sauber + gerootet + xposed
Flashen aus'm recovery...
Wer will testen?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Elmario, pad11 und No3ight
Hey blant7000,

Erst einmal vielen Dank. Hast du zu den Roms die Quellen?

I have tried some Dl910 roms and every has single sim and simlock.No recomended,while free unlock unposibale...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: blant7000
Da habe iche keine Quellen gefunden leider... Nur ein Link aus'm youtube.

tigran0705 schrieb:
I have tried some Dl910 roms and every has single sim and simlock.No recomended,while free unlock unposibale...
Idk about second sim, i use just one.
But simlock can be removed by
Did you use that app. for unlock sim card,while I think its only easy way to find unlock window on the phone?
tigran0705 schrieb:
Did you use that app. for unlock sim card,while I think its only easy way to find unlock window on the phone?
Im not sure what u mean, but yes i unlocked a rom with the app.
@blant7000 Please send my taturals,while my used one maybe was wrong?
blant7000 schrieb:
Hey Leute! Ich habe 2 Rom's für unseres Gerät gefunden!
Beide Lollipop 5.0.2 (Kernel 3.10.54)
Sind schnell und sauber + gerootet + xposed
Flashen aus'm recovery...
Wer will testen?

Nun, falls jemand sein orig. 5.0x zerschossen hat, sicher gut.
Doch bei funktionieren dem orig. 5.0.1, .02er ROM eigentlich nicht wirklich sinnvoll, meine ich.
U can do it with qshorcutmaker.apk, mtk engineer mode.apk or prolauncher like in this video-
[doublepost=1470057572,1470057141][/doublepost]Sim me lock kann man so entsperren:


In your base/stock rom.
After that, you can flash a port_rom from
Here for example..
No3ight schrieb:

hier die portierte Version von Lollipop port_working.zip

An der Cyanogenmod ROM arbeite ich z.zt. noch.

Viel Spaß dabei!

If not possible, i give another solution...
Just tell me.
Good luck
Hast eigendlich Recht...
Ist nur'ne Spielerei... :biggrin:
Dear friend for L3 it work,but it does not work on Dl910.is there simple metod via mtkengeenering mod to get unlock window but unlock Dl910 not so easy,while l3 is free for sell and after reflash maybe want default china phons cods but Dl910 is providers prelocked phone..

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