Xiaomi.EU Rom HyperOS Stable für das Xiaomi 14 Ultra [Aurora]

  • 212 Antworten
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Apk Mirror ist nicht für Schadsoftware bekannt. Die Seite gehört Androidpolice und ist vertrauenswürdig.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: marcodj und Klaus986

Sehr fragwürdig was du da postest 🤔

Mitte 2021 wurde Android Police von Valnet Inc. übernommen . APKMirror blieb unabhängig und wird weiterhin von Artem Russakovskii und Illogical Robot LLC betrieben.

Diese Seite gehört nicht Android Police und betreibt diese auch nicht ! wenn man sich doch mal die FAQ anschaut.
  • Haha
Reaktionen: marcodj
Jap exakt. Und wer ist Artem? Genau.
  • Haha
  • Danke
Reaktionen: marcodj, M@D, Klaus986 und 2 andere
@Neonsi Die KI sagt

Aber dennoch hab ich zur Vorsicht die Camera App deinstalliert.

APK Mirror gehört Artem Russakovskii1. Er ist ein leidenschaftlicher Technikblogger, Programmierer und der Gründer von Android Police und APK Mirror. APK Mirror bietet ein üppiges Archiv an Android-Apps im APK-Format. Das Portal ist seriös und wird von Android-Police, einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle für Android-News, Leaks und mehr, betrieben. Alle Apps und APKs werden vor dem Upload auf Viren und andere Gefahren überprüft. Anders als viele andere APK-Quellen gilt APK Mirror also als seriös1. Wenn du Apps von APK Mirror installieren möchtest, musst du in den Einstellungen deines Smartphones oder Tablets die Installation aus „unbekannten Quellen“ zulassen1.{% if not is_edge_browser %} Mehr Informationen findest du auf der APK Mirror FAQ-
  • Danke
Reaktionen: marcodj
Neonsi schrieb:
Jap exakt. Und wer ist Artem? Genau.
Es geht um deine Behauptung und nicht wer er ist ! Dein genannter Zusammenhang ist falsch. Und nur weil er die Webseite betreibt und Giga / PC-Welt und Bild schreiben :1f602: das es Sicher sein kann, macht das immer noch kein zertifizierten App Store aus der Seite.

Das muss jeder selbst wissen was er sich antut und wo / was er als Vertrauenswürdig hält.
Die Hersteller bieten Ihre Apps alle samt auch in Ihren App Stores an und das nicht ohne Grund ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: marcodj
@M@D ja, darum hab ich sie gelöscht
  • Danke
Reaktionen: M@D und marcodj
Die Seite apkmirror.com wurde damals von androidpolice.com, bzw. Artem Russakovskii, ins Leben gerufen und betrieben. Inzwischen ist androidpolice.com in der Hand von Valnet Inc., aber apkmirror.com wird weiterhin von Artem Russakovskii betrieben. Somit ist sie damals wie heute seriös und sicher. Außerdem gibt es nicht umsonst die Signaturen zu jeder App auf apkmirror.com. Wer diesen Signaturen nicht vertraut, sollte nirgendswo mehr eine App herunterladen. Das ist die Basis eines jeden Appstores bzgl. Sicherheit.
  • Danke
  • Haha
Reaktionen: M@D, marcodj, Macblack91 und eine weitere Person

hab inzwischen die Zeit abgesessen und den Bootloader entsperren können.
Nach dem Entsperren wieder:
- Entwicklermodus freischalten
- USB Debugging angeschalten
- Mi Entsperrstatus zeigt er auch "Entsperrt" an..

Ins Fastboot gebootet und die aktuelle stable Rom von Miui.eu versucht zu installieren.

Aber Fastboot hagelt es nur ein Fehler nach dem anderen.
Habt ihr ne Idee woran es scheitert:

Waiting for device...
You are going to wipe your data and internal storage.
It will delete all your files and photos stored on internal storage.
Do you agree? (Y/N) y
Please wait. The device will reboot when installation is finished.
fastboot: error: Device does not support slots
Warning: skip copying abl_ab image avb footer (abl_ab partition size: 0, abl_ab image size: 294912).
Sending 'abl_ab' (288 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed

das geht dann weiter bis:
fastboot: error: Command failed
Erasing 'metadata' FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Erasing 'userdata' FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Rebooting FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed

Smartphone bleibt dann im Fastboot und wird nicht rebootet..


Danke schon mal für euer Schwarmwissen :)
@mz4 kannst du mal in einem Terminal schauen, was der Befehl "fastboot devices" ergibt ? er müsste da das Gerät auch erkennen und eine ID anzeigen...
Abfrage ohne reboot nach obigem Installationsversuch:
C:\adb\platform-tools>fastboot devices
???????????? fastboot

Smartphone neustart ins Fastboot:
C:\adb\platform-tools>fastboot devices
31c662a6 fastboot
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: hagex - Grund: Direktzitat entfernt. Gruß von hagex
OK, dann erkennt er das ja schon mal, das ist gut :) .... kannst du sonst mal bitte die komplette Ausgabe des Installationsskripts hier reinstellen oder mit per PM schicken ?
Waiting for device...
You are going to wipe your data and internal storage.
It will delete all your files and photos stored on internal storage.
Do you agree? (Y/N) y
Please wait. The device will reboot when installation is finished.
fastboot: error: Device does not support slots
Warning: skip copying abl_ab image avb footer (abl_ab partition size: 0, abl_ab image size: 294912).
Sending 'abl_ab' (288 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying aop_ab image avb footer (aop_ab partition size: 0, aop_ab image size: 335872).
Sending 'aop_ab' (328 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying aop_config_ab image avb footer (aop_config_ab partition size: 0, aop_config_ab image size: 28672).
Sending 'aop_config_ab' (28 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying bluetooth_ab image avb footer (bluetooth_ab partition size: 0, bluetooth_ab image size: 1437696).
Sending 'bluetooth_ab' (1404 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying countrycode_ab image avb footer (countrycode_ab partition size: 0, countrycode_ab image size: 1048576).
Sending 'countrycode_ab' (1024 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying cpucp_ab image avb footer (cpucp_ab partition size: 0, cpucp_ab image size: 253952).
Sending 'cpucp_ab' (248 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying cpucp_dtb_ab image avb footer (cpucp_dtb_ab partition size: 0, cpucp_dtb_ab image size: 16384).
Sending 'cpucp_dtb_ab' (16 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying devcfg_ab image avb footer (devcfg_ab partition size: 0, devcfg_ab image size: 61440).
Sending 'devcfg_ab' (60 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying dsp_ab image avb footer (dsp_ab partition size: 0, dsp_ab image size: 67108864).
Sending 'dsp_ab' (65536 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying dtbo_ab image avb footer (dtbo_ab partition size: 0, dtbo_ab image size: 12582912).
Sending 'dtbo_ab' (12288 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying featenabler_ab image avb footer (featenabler_ab partition size: 0, featenabler_ab image size: 106496).
Sending 'featenabler_ab' (104 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying hyp_ab image avb footer (hyp_ab partition size: 0, hyp_ab image size: 1499136).
Sending 'hyp_ab' (1464 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying imagefv_ab image avb footer (imagefv_ab partition size: 0, imagefv_ab image size: 6299648).
Sending 'imagefv_ab' (6152 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying keymaster_ab image avb footer (keymaster_ab partition size: 0, keymaster_ab image size: 425984).
Sending 'keymaster_ab' (416 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying modem_ab image avb footer (modem_ab partition size: 0, modem_ab image size: 153317376).
Sending 'modem_ab' (149724 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying modemfirmware_ab image avb footer (modemfirmware_ab partition size: 0, modemfirmware_ab image size: 221925376).
Sending 'modemfirmware_ab' (216724 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying multiimgqti_ab image avb footer (multiimgqti_ab partition size: 0, multiimgqti_ab image size: 12288).
Sending 'multiimgqti_ab' (12 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying qupfw_ab image avb footer (qupfw_ab partition size: 0, qupfw_ab image size: 61440).
Sending 'qupfw_ab' (60 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying shrm_ab image avb footer (shrm_ab partition size: 0, shrm_ab image size: 139264).
Sending 'shrm_ab' (136 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying spuservice_ab image avb footer (spuservice_ab partition size: 0, spuservice_ab image size: 94208).
Sending 'spuservice_ab' (92 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying tz_ab image avb footer (tz_ab partition size: 0, tz_ab image size: 4124672).
Sending 'tz_ab' (4028 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying uefi_ab image avb footer (uefi_ab partition size: 0, uefi_ab image size: 2904064).
Sending 'uefi_ab' (2836 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying uefisecapp_ab image avb footer (uefisecapp_ab partition size: 0, uefisecapp_ab image size: 200704).
Sending 'uefisecapp_ab' (196 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying vbmeta_ab image avb footer (vbmeta_ab partition size: 0, vbmeta_ab image size: 8192).
Sending 'vbmeta_ab' (8 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying vbmeta_system_ab image avb footer (vbmeta_system_ab partition size: 0, vbmeta_system_ab image size: 4096).
Sending 'vbmeta_system_ab' (4 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying vm-bootsys_ab image avb footer (vm-bootsys_ab partition size: 0, vm-bootsys_ab image size: 20971520).
Sending 'vm-bootsys_ab' (20480 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying xbl_ab image avb footer (xbl_ab partition size: 0, xbl_ab image size: 1097728).
Sending 'xbl_ab' (1072 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying xbl_config_ab image avb footer (xbl_config_ab partition size: 0, xbl_config_ab image size: 225280).
Sending 'xbl_config_ab' (220 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying xbl_ramdump_ab image avb footer (xbl_ramdump_ab partition size: 0, xbl_ramdump_ab image size: 925696).
Sending 'xbl_ramdump_ab' (904 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying boot_ab image avb footer (boot_ab partition size: 0, boot_ab image size: 100663296).
Sending 'boot_ab' (98304 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying init_boot_ab image avb footer (init_boot_ab partition size: 0, init_boot_ab image size: 8388608).
Sending 'init_boot_ab' (8192 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying vendor_boot_ab image avb footer (vendor_boot_ab partition size: 0, vendor_boot_ab image size: 100663296).
Sending 'vendor_boot_ab' (98304 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 470163620).
Sending 'super' (459144 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 531452092).
Sending 'super' (518996 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 504512676).
Sending 'super' (492688 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 516923552).
Sending 'super' (504808 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 494121132).
Sending 'super' (482540 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 532402364).
Sending 'super' (519924 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 469762184).
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Warning: skip copying super image avb footer (super partition size: 0, super image size: 427192492).
Sending 'super' (417180 KB) FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Erasing 'metadata' FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Erasing 'userdata' FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Rebooting FAILED (Write to device failed (no link))
fastboot: error: Command failed
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: hagex - Grund: Direktzitat entfernt. Gruß von hagex
  • Danke
Reaktionen: s3axel
Will mich ja nicht einmischen, aber bei mir hang es unter anderem am Kabel. Nur mit dem original Kabel ging es und nicht mit meinem üblichen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mz4 und s3axel
So wie das aussieht scheint er bei dem ersten Kommando "fastboot set_active a" mit einem Fehler auszusteigen und danach erkennt fastboot das Gerät nicht mehr und alle weiteren Kommandos schlagen fehl.

Die Idee von @spline ist gut, um einfach das Kabel ausschließen zu können.

Schlägt das dann immer noch fehl würde ich sonst einfach mal eine aktuelle CN-ROM per Fastboot flashen, das Gerät einmal neu booten lassen und dann nochmal die Installation der Xiaomi.EU versuchen - so habe ich das bei meinem Gerät zumindest gemacht... eine CN-ROM findest du zB hier (die Fastboot-Version nehmen)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mz4
Ihr seid Hammer!

Tatsächlich das USB Kabel :D
jetzt rennt er durch.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: s3axel
s3axel schrieb:
einfach mal eine aktuelle CN-ROM per Fastboot flashen
Das war auch mein zweites Problem.

Evtl. hat er ein China Gerät?
Beiträge automatisch zusammengeführt:

@mz4 😉😁👍
  • Danke
Reaktionen: s3axel
mist zu früh gefreut..

Der Installer ist zwar durchgelaufen aber jetzt landet das Handy nach jedem reboot sofort wieder im Fastboot ?!?
es kommt kurz das "powered by Android" am unteren Bildschirmrand und dann direkt Fastboot..

Log vom Installer:
Waiting for device...
You are going to wipe your data and internal storage.
It will delete all your files and photos stored on internal storage.
Do you agree? (Y/N) y
Please wait. The device will reboot when installation is finished.
Setting current slot to 'a' OKAY [ 0.025s]
Finished. Total time: 0.036s
Warning: skip copying abl_ab image avb footer (abl_ab partition size: 0, abl_ab image size: 294912).
Sending 'abl_ab' (288 KB) OKAY [ 0.009s]
Writing 'abl_ab' (bootloader) Partition abl_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition abl_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.003s]
Finished. Total time: 0.046s
Warning: skip copying aop_ab image avb footer (aop_ab partition size: 0, aop_ab image size: 335872).
Sending 'aop_ab' (328 KB) OKAY [ 0.010s]
Writing 'aop_ab' (bootloader) Partition aop_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition aop_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.002s]
Finished. Total time: 0.046s
Warning: skip copying aop_config_ab image avb footer (aop_config_ab partition size: 0, aop_config_ab image size: 28672).
Sending 'aop_config_ab' (28 KB) OKAY [ 0.002s]
Writing 'aop_config_ab' (bootloader) Partition aop_config_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition aop_config_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.002s]
Finished. Total time: 0.042s
Warning: skip copying bluetooth_ab image avb footer (bluetooth_ab partition size: 0, bluetooth_ab image size: 1437696).
Sending 'bluetooth_ab' (1404 KB) OKAY [ 0.038s]
Writing 'bluetooth_ab' (bootloader) Partition bluetooth_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition bluetooth_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.003s]
Finished. Total time: 0.076s
Warning: skip copying countrycode_ab image avb footer (countrycode_ab partition size: 0, countrycode_ab image size: 1048576).
Sending 'countrycode_ab' (1024 KB) OKAY [ 0.029s]
Writing 'countrycode_ab' (bootloader) Partition countrycode_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition countrycode_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.003s]
Finished. Total time: 0.067s
Warning: skip copying cpucp_ab image avb footer (cpucp_ab partition size: 0, cpucp_ab image size: 253952).
Sending 'cpucp_ab' (248 KB) OKAY [ 0.009s]
Writing 'cpucp_ab' (bootloader) Partition cpucp_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition cpucp_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.003s]
Finished. Total time: 0.045s
Warning: skip copying cpucp_dtb_ab image avb footer (cpucp_dtb_ab partition size: 0, cpucp_dtb_ab image size: 16384).
Sending 'cpucp_dtb_ab' (16 KB) OKAY [ 0.002s]
Writing 'cpucp_dtb_ab' (bootloader) Partition cpucp_dtb_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition cpucp_dtb_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.002s]
Finished. Total time: 0.039s
Warning: skip copying devcfg_ab image avb footer (devcfg_ab partition size: 0, devcfg_ab image size: 61440).
Sending 'devcfg_ab' (60 KB) OKAY [ 0.003s]
Writing 'devcfg_ab' (bootloader) Partition devcfg_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition devcfg_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.002s]
Finished. Total time: 0.041s
Warning: skip copying dsp_ab image avb footer (dsp_ab partition size: 0, dsp_ab image size: 67108864).
Sending 'dsp_ab' (65536 KB) OKAY [ 1.719s]
Writing 'dsp_ab' (bootloader) Partition dsp_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition dsp_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.064s]
Finished. Total time: 1.816s
Warning: skip copying dtbo_ab image avb footer (dtbo_ab partition size: 0, dtbo_ab image size: 12582912).
Sending 'dtbo_ab' (12288 KB) OKAY [ 0.325s]
Writing 'dtbo_ab' (bootloader) Partition dtbo_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition dtbo_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.011s]
Finished. Total time: 0.369s
Warning: skip copying featenabler_ab image avb footer (featenabler_ab partition size: 0, featenabler_ab image size: 106496).
Sending 'featenabler_ab' (104 KB) OKAY [ 0.004s]
Writing 'featenabler_ab' (bootloader) Partition featenabler_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition featenabler_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.044s
Warning: skip copying hyp_ab image avb footer (hyp_ab partition size: 0, hyp_ab image size: 1499136).
Sending 'hyp_ab' (1464 KB) OKAY [ 0.039s]
Writing 'hyp_ab' (bootloader) Partition hyp_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition hyp_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.081s
Warning: skip copying imagefv_ab image avb footer (imagefv_ab partition size: 0, imagefv_ab image size: 6299648).
Sending 'imagefv_ab' (6152 KB) OKAY [ 0.174s]
Writing 'imagefv_ab' (bootloader) Partition imagefv_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition imagefv_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.009s]
Finished. Total time: 0.221s
Warning: skip copying keymaster_ab image avb footer (keymaster_ab partition size: 0, keymaster_ab image size: 425984).
Sending 'keymaster_ab' (416 KB) OKAY [ 0.013s]
Writing 'keymaster_ab' (bootloader) Partition keymaster_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition keymaster_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.052s
Warning: skip copying modem_ab image avb footer (modem_ab partition size: 0, modem_ab image size: 153317376).
Sending 'modem_ab' (149724 KB) OKAY [ 3.964s]
Writing 'modem_ab' (bootloader) Partition modem_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition modem_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.134s]
Finished. Total time: 4.133s
Warning: skip copying modemfirmware_ab image avb footer (modemfirmware_ab partition size: 0, modemfirmware_ab image size: 221925376).
Sending 'modemfirmware_ab' (216724 KB) OKAY [ 5.731s]
Writing 'modemfirmware_ab' (bootloader) Partition modemfirmware_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition modemfirmware_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.190s]
Finished. Total time: 5.959s
Warning: skip copying multiimgqti_ab image avb footer (multiimgqti_ab partition size: 0, multiimgqti_ab image size: 12288).
Sending 'multiimgqti_ab' (12 KB) OKAY [ 0.002s]
Writing 'multiimgqti_ab' (bootloader) Partition multiimgqti_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition multiimgqti_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.047s
Warning: skip copying qupfw_ab image avb footer (qupfw_ab partition size: 0, qupfw_ab image size: 61440).
Sending 'qupfw_ab' (60 KB) OKAY [ 0.003s]
Writing 'qupfw_ab' (bootloader) Partition qupfw_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition qupfw_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.041s
Warning: skip copying shrm_ab image avb footer (shrm_ab partition size: 0, shrm_ab image size: 139264).
Sending 'shrm_ab' (136 KB) OKAY [ 0.005s]
Writing 'shrm_ab' (bootloader) Partition shrm_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition shrm_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.003s]
Finished. Total time: 0.042s
Warning: skip copying spuservice_ab image avb footer (spuservice_ab partition size: 0, spuservice_ab image size: 94208).
Sending 'spuservice_ab' (92 KB) OKAY [ 0.004s]
Writing 'spuservice_ab' (bootloader) Partition spuservice_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition spuservice_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.044s
Warning: skip copying tz_ab image avb footer (tz_ab partition size: 0, tz_ab image size: 4124672).
Sending 'tz_ab' (4028 KB) OKAY [ 0.106s]
Writing 'tz_ab' (bootloader) Partition tz_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition tz_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.007s]
Finished. Total time: 0.146s
Warning: skip copying uefi_ab image avb footer (uefi_ab partition size: 0, uefi_ab image size: 2904064).
Sending 'uefi_ab' (2836 KB) OKAY [ 0.076s]
Writing 'uefi_ab' (bootloader) Partition uefi_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition uefi_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.010s]
Finished. Total time: 0.119s
Warning: skip copying uefisecapp_ab image avb footer (uefisecapp_ab partition size: 0, uefisecapp_ab image size: 200704).
Sending 'uefisecapp_ab' (196 KB) OKAY [ 0.007s]
Writing 'uefisecapp_ab' (bootloader) Partition uefisecapp_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition uefisecapp_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.045s
Warning: skip copying vbmeta_ab image avb footer (vbmeta_ab partition size: 0, vbmeta_ab image size: 8192).
Sending 'vbmeta_ab' (8 KB) OKAY [ 0.002s]
Writing 'vbmeta_ab' (bootloader) Partition vbmeta_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition vbmeta_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.039s
Warning: skip copying vbmeta_system_ab image avb footer (vbmeta_system_ab partition size: 0, vbmeta_system_ab image size: 4096).
Sending 'vbmeta_system_ab' (4 KB) OKAY [ 0.002s]
Writing 'vbmeta_system_ab' (bootloader) Partition vbmeta_system_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition vbmeta_system_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.005s]
Finished. Total time: 0.043s
Warning: skip copying vm-bootsys_ab image avb footer (vm-bootsys_ab partition size: 0, vm-bootsys_ab image size: 20971520).
Sending 'vm-bootsys_ab' (20480 KB) OKAY [ 0.521s]
Writing 'vm-bootsys_ab' (bootloader) Partition vm-bootsys_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition vm-bootsys_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.020s]
Finished. Total time: 0.581s
Warning: skip copying xbl_ab image avb footer (xbl_ab partition size: 0, xbl_ab image size: 1097728).
Sending 'xbl_ab' (1072 KB) OKAY [ 0.029s]
Writing 'xbl_ab' (bootloader) Partition xbl_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition xbl_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.006s]
Finished. Total time: 0.067s
Warning: skip copying xbl_config_ab image avb footer (xbl_config_ab partition size: 0, xbl_config_ab image size: 225280).
Sending 'xbl_config_ab' (220 KB) OKAY [ 0.007s]
Writing 'xbl_config_ab' (bootloader) Partition xbl_config_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition xbl_config_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.003s]
Finished. Total time: 0.048s
Warning: skip copying xbl_ramdump_ab image avb footer (xbl_ramdump_ab partition size: 0, xbl_ramdump_ab image size: 925696).
Sending 'xbl_ramdump_ab' (904 KB) OKAY [ 0.025s]
Writing 'xbl_ramdump_ab' (bootloader) Partition xbl_ramdump_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition xbl_ramdump_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.005s]
Finished. Total time: 0.067s
Warning: skip copying boot_ab image avb footer (boot_ab partition size: 0, boot_ab image size: 100663296).
Sending 'boot_ab' (98304 KB) OKAY [ 2.609s]
Writing 'boot_ab' (bootloader) Partition boot_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition boot_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.089s]
Finished. Total time: 2.732s
Warning: skip copying init_boot_ab image avb footer (init_boot_ab partition size: 0, init_boot_ab image size: 8388608).
Sending 'init_boot_ab' (8192 KB) OKAY [ 0.213s]
Writing 'init_boot_ab' (bootloader) Partition init_boot_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition init_boot_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.008s]
Finished. Total time: 0.257s
Warning: skip copying vendor_boot_ab image avb footer (vendor_boot_ab partition size: 0, vendor_boot_ab image size: 100663296).
Sending 'vendor_boot_ab' (98304 KB) OKAY [ 2.546s]
Writing 'vendor_boot_ab' (bootloader) Partition vendor_boot_a flashed successfully
(bootloader) Partition vendor_boot_b flashed successfully
OKAY [ 0.089s]
Finished. Total time: 2.671s
Sending 'super' (459144 KB) OKAY [ 11.985s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.011s]
Finished. Total time: 12.380s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 11.969s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.001s]
Finished. Total time: 12.613s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 11.977s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 12.622s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 11.983s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.008s]
Finished. Total time: 12.623s
Sending 'super' (518996 KB) OKAY [ 13.521s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.001s]
Finished. Total time: 14.225s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 11.995s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.001s]
Finished. Total time: 12.684s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 11.961s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 12.643s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 12.009s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 12.694s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 11.973s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Finished. Total time: 12.694s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 11.955s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.020s]
Finished. Total time: 12.663s
Sending 'super' (492688 KB) OKAY [ 12.825s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.006s]
Finished. Total time: 13.544s
Sending 'super' (504808 KB) OKAY [ 13.154s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 13.903s
Sending 'super' (482540 KB) OKAY [ 12.576s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 13.325s
Sending 'super' (519924 KB) OKAY [ 13.580s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.003s]
Finished. Total time: 14.384s
Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 12.202s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 12.882s
Sending 'super' (417180 KB) OKAY [ 11.074s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.009s]
Finished. Total time: 11.703s
Erasing 'metadata' OKAY [ 0.080s]
Finished. Total time: 0.304s
******** Did you mean to fastboot format this f2fs partition?
Erasing 'userdata' OKAY [ 0.125s]
Finished. Total time: 0.137s
Rebooting OKAY [ 0.000s]
Finished. Total time: 0.001s
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: Anz - Grund: Log in Spoiler gesetzt
@mz4 dann bin ich wieder bei der Idee "erst CN ROM flashen, durchbooten und danach nochmal das .EU ROM" ...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: spline und M@D
Bei einem China Gerät muss erst wieder die CN Rom geflasht werden ,dann die EU Rom und bei dem 14er aus CN gibt es noch teils Probleme mit der EU Rom.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: hagex - Grund: Direktzitat entfernt. Gruß von hagex
  • Danke
Reaktionen: M@D

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