- 7.843
- Themenstarter
- #21
Die App passt aber leider nicht hier in den Thread, habe es extra nach deinem Hinweis überprüft. Es sei denn, man kann das irgendwie als Zusatzfunktion kaufen.
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
... allerdings ist die App kostenpflichtig.Forcast.io schrieb:Data Sources:
- Dark Skys own hyperlocal precipitation forecasting system (id darksky), backed by radar data from the following systems:
- The USA NOAAs NEXRAD system (USA).
- The UK Met Offices NIMROD system (UK, Ireland).
- (More coming soon.)
- The USA NOAAs LAMP system (USA, id lamp).
- The UK Met Offices Datapoint API (UK, id datapoint).
- The Norwegian Meteorological Institutes meteorological forecast API (global, id metno).
- The USA NOAAs Global Forecast System (global, id gfs).
- The USA NOAAs Integrated Surface Database (global, id isd).
- The USA NOAAs Public Alert system (USA, id nwspa).
- The UK Met Offices Severe Weather Warning system (UK, id metwarn).
- Environment Canadas Canadian Meteorological Center ensemble model (global, id cmc).
- The US Navys Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Ensemble Forecast System (global, id fnmoc).
- The USA NOAA and Environment Canadas North American Ensemble Forecast System (global, id naefs).
- The USA NOAAs North American Mesoscale Model (North America, id nam).
- The USA NOAAs Rapid Refresh Model (North America, id rap).
- The Norwegian Meteorological Institutes GRIB file forecast for Central Europe (Europe, id metno_ce).
- The Norwegian Meteorological Institutes GRIB file forecast for Northern Europe (Europe, id metno_ne).
- Worldwide METAR weather reports (global, id metar).
- The USA NOAA/NCEPs Short-Range Ensemble Forecast (North America, id sref).
- The USA NOAA/NCEPs Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis model (North America, id rtma).
- The USA NOAA/ESRLs Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (global, id madis).
So geht 's mir auchRak schrieb:Will es mir jetzt nicht unbedingt installieren....