Rootrechteverwaltungsapp Superuser 3.x

  • 19 Antworten
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Ich hab mir vom Market das App superuser geladen, weil hoch es aktualisieren wollte, aber irgendwie klappt das nicht. Mann mir jemand helfen?

da in den meisten ROMs die Superuser-App im System-Ordner liegt, lässt die sich nicht über den Market aktualisieren.
Hier kannst du dir die App runterladen und übers Recovery flashen.

Mhhh...wo soll da stehen wie man es flasht
"There are 2 versions, one for cupcake/donut, one for eclair/froyo. Pick the one appropriate for your firmware and flash via recovery mode.
md5: 51baab50155468e9465ffcb343608b3a
- Cupcake/Donut
md5: 7e8efb7b6622ca37da524d2b1d60e029
- Eclair/Froyo"

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Sh0X31
So habs. Jetzt neues Probleme mit busybox installer.
Status: Failed...

Your phone is rooted

BusyBox was not found!

The application failed, either because your device

is not nand unlocked or we wer unable to remount.
Scheint, als ob du die Busybox nicht installiert hast. Ist eigentlich schon in den ROMs integriert. :-/
Der einfachste Weg, die nach zu installieren, ist wohl über Titanium Backup (gibt's gratis im Market). Nach der Installation unten Recht auf Probleme drücken und danach wird die Busybox automatisch installiert.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Sh0X31
Hab das Stock Rom...
For those of you wanting an early look at the future of Superuser, here’s a flashable for the latest 3.0 beta. Please be aware that there may be bugs. If you find any, please email me at chainsdd at gmail dot com.

Known bugs
  • (all) Binary updater sometimes FCs after finishing it’s update. Caused by the system partition not wanting to be remounted as ro
  • (all) If you don’t have Elite installed, presssing the ‘Star’ button will cause a FC. I forgot to hide that button if Elite isn’t installed
  • (Honeycomb) “Close app details” button (top button on the right) doesn’t actually close the app details
Beta Changelog

Cupcake/Donut (1.5, 1.6)
md5: eb148fa796585b9216dcb7dcf77732fe | mirror | RM Web Connect

Eclair/Froyo/Gingerbread/Honeycomb (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0)
md5: 29d673eb87e680f872b36ea3274f37d3 | mirror | RM Web Connect

Superuser Elite is the Premium version of Elite. It unlocks several premium features within Superuser, including:
  • PIN Protection – Secure your Superuser prompt with a PIN number so that nobody but you can grant Superuser rights to apps
  • Access timeout – Allow an app to maintain Superuser rights for a set amount of time, so that you can allow certain apps access without having to remember them or press allow multiple times
  • Ghost mode – Hide Superuser from your app tray and home screen. With ghost mode activated, the only way to launch it is by dialing a secret code into the dialer. The default secret code is *#*#787378737#*#*, but it can be set to whatever you want. Note that this feature will probably be disabled if your device does not have a dialer (tablets specifically).
  • Advanced log management – Set the log to only store a certain number of entries before deleting the oldest entry. You also gain the ability to set certain apps to not log at all.
  • Advanced notification management – Set which apps send notifications and which apps don’t
  • Toast notification placement – If you choose to use Toast notifications instead of Status bar notifications, you gain the ability to set where the notification will appear; top, bottom, or center of the screen, or the default location
There’s also several features that are in the pipeline, including:
  • A widget of some kind, probably showing the last several log entries, and maybe a couple basic settings like PIN toggle. I’m very open to suggestions about this.
  • Root console, so that you don’t have to look for another package when you need to run console commands.
  • Permissions browser, to show you what apps are granted what system permissions, along with an explanation of what each permission lets the app do.
  • Recommended root apps, a list of popular root apps being used by other users.
  • Granted/denied stats, a message in the prompt that tells you how many and what percentage of other users have allowed or denied the app that’s asking for superuser permissions. Data will be collected on an opt-in basis from all Superuser users, not just those with Elite.
I’m always looking for more features to put in, and am very open to suggestions from the users. If you have an idea for something that’ll make Superuser or Elite better, please leave it in the comments and I’ll look into it.

Superuser ELite is available exclusively in the Android Market, search for it or scan the QR code above. Cost is currently $1.00, or similar in your local currency. The price will increase soon, when 3.0 is fully released and available from the market. The app will likely be $3.00 at that point.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: ramdroid
beta3 – unreleased

New PIN activity for setting/changing/checking PIN
New NFC tag writer activity
Check PIN when toggling an app’s permission if PIN is enabled
Let the binary updater fail to remount /system as read-only, and alert the user about it
When updating the su binary, put the new one in the same place as the old, if possible
Fix for apps being removed from the allow list when they’re updated
Use the PIN activity for setting the code for Ghost mode
Changelog thanks to Karsten Priegnitz
Loads of new translations, see the translators page for details

beta2 – 2011/06/26

Fixed Honeycomb prompt
Fixed Superuser3 being deleted on reboot on some ROMS
Keep Superuser out of Recent Apps when Ghost mode is enabled
Automatic malicious app scanner
Star button in title bar now points to Elite’s Featured Apps
Better handling of database to reduce FCs
Fixed bug causing some apps to not display right
Fixed bug causing some apps to prompt again even if they’re already remembered

beta1 – 2011/06/19

Initial release of Superuser 3 Beta
Massive overhaul to entire app from version 2x
beta4 – 2011-08-21

New layout for home activity with app list and log in the same place
Basic backup/restore capability for apps (will be expanded later)
Fix a FC in the LogService
Updated translations from, see the translators page for details
Change the Changelog dialog so that Elite only features are more obvious
3.0 – 2011-09-26

Fixed layout on non-Honeycomb tablets
Better handling of fragments on tablets
Compatibility for Donut restored
Fixed bug that caused unpredictable results when an app is remembered that was previously allowed
Backup/restore of apps and preferences
Fix for Superuser thinking the binary is outdated when it’s not
Major speed increase for notifications and logging
Show seconds in log defaults to off now
Fix FC when trying to swipe left/right in HomeActivity
Fix changelog version tracking, only show what’s changed since the last time the changelog was displayed on launch
hab heute von su2.3 auf 3.0 geupdatet. Jetzt meckert er natürlich, das die su-binary veraltet ist, und lädt die neue version auf wunsch runter.
nach "aktiviere Schreibzugriff auf /system ... okay" ist es aber vorbei - "update fehlgeschlagen" :huh:

ich steh grad ein wenig am schlauch. Tipps?

edit: gerade auf der zugehörigen HP gefunden:
Binary updater fails to update binary – This usually happens because for Superuser can’t write to the system partition where the binary is installed. This can happen for a couple reasons. First, and most common, is that your device has S-ON which prevents the system partition from being written to at runtime. Even if a remount succeeds, and the system thinks that the partition is mounted as rw, you can’t write to it.
Muß mal schauen, ob es mit der entsprechenden zip funktioniert ... erst mal Update entfernt und die alte Version läuft wieder brav.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Leute!
Ich habe eine frage zum superuser.
Ich hab den speed 10d und habe mit superoneclick gerootet. Ich bekam auch den superuser Icon mit den 2 Knochen ( pirat)
Jezt hatte ich plötzlich ein update im market und das Teil sieht anders aus und ist von chainsDD.
Und es ist jezt im Market (Version 3.0)
Ist das ok oder hab ich mir was eingefangen?

Danke im Voraus für die Mühe.

mein optimus ist auf speed
Das ist genau richtig. Das ist einfach nur eine neue Version mit neuem Icon.
Aber warum kommt das update über den market?
Was hat die superuser app ,die ich ja durch superoneclick bekommen habe, mit dem market zu tun?Außerdem schrecken mich die Berechtigungen ein wenig ab für das update verlangt.
ist es wirklich ohne Risiko wenn ich das update installierte?

LG FlashUser
Ja ist es, Updates davon = Bugfixes und Erweiterung ;)

Gesendet von meinem X10i mit der
Leider gibt es mit der Version 3.0.2 wohl auch zahlreiche Probleme mit verschiedenen ROMs, abgesehen davon, daß mich das automatische Update total geärgert hat.
Ich bin wieder zurück zu meiner und alles läuft wie gehabt super.
Also ich konnte mit der Superuser App aus SoC 1.7 keine su-Rechte vergeben. Ging immer erst nach Update.
3.0.2 – 2011-10-06

Fix FC when viewing app details on phones
3.0.1 – 2011-10-05

New layout for tablets in portrait to improve usability
Don’t show log if logging is disabled
Binary updater fixes
Prevent FC when uninstalling an app

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