[AKKU] [HOW-TO] Better Battery Stats [Support]

  • 3.433 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Keine sorge, gelesen habe ich es. Meine Antwort darauf steht oben, kannst du sicher auch noch lesen.
Meine Meinung schrieb ich dir daraufhin später zwar auch noch, aber die unnötigen Beiträge folgten erst nach meiner ersten Antwort auf deine Frage.
Danke das wir drüber gesprochen haben, ich denke du hast deine Antwort.
Was wird das denn jetzt? Ich habe die Frage an das Forum (und nicht nur dich persönlich) ziemlich klar formuliert und zwar aus dem Grund, weil ich nicht weiß, ob und wie es funktionieren könnte, eine Messung bis "Screen-On" durchzuführen. Dass man diesen Punkt nicht auswählen kann, sehe ich ja selber, sonst hätte ich die Frage auch gar nicht gestellt. Nichts Anderes hast du in deiner direkten Antwort wiederholt. :-D Aber vielleicht ist das ja durch eine entsprechende Einstellung im Menü möglich, die ich bisher nicht gefunden habe. In den Advanced Settings lässt sich z. B. auch das Auto refresh für Current ausschalten, was mir in diesem Zusammenhang allerdings nichts bringt. Desweiteren wäre ja denkbar, dass eine solche Messung aus mir bisher nicht bekannten Gründen keinen Sinn macht, was man dann ja begründen könnte. Es existieren zudem zig Versionen von BBS und einige Funktionen die nur mit Root nutzbar sind.

Sollte mein Anliegen tatsächlich nicht möglich sein, wäre es zumindest Sinnvoll diese Option in einer zukünftigen Version mit aufzunehmen.
Dann stellt dein Anliegen doch im XDA Form mal vor. Dort wirst du eher die richtigen Leute treffen, die das mit einbringen können.

Ich denke nicht das noch jemand sagen wird das (jetzt schreibe ich es mal komplett bevor du mich wieder falsch verstehst) screen on bis screen off zu messen ist. Also brauchst du mich nicht tadeln das du das gesamte Form gefragt hast. Es reicht ja wenn einer aus dem Form antwortet.
Ich hab es nur gut gemeint, aber man kann sich h eine Antwort auch sparen und jedwede Frage im Sand verlaufen lassen.

Und ich meine das keineswegs böse.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Vielleicht kontaktiere ich mal den Entwickler (von dem der Thread) hier ja stammt. Der kann dazu sicher mehr sagen oder evtl. über eine Implementierung nachdenken.
Ich versteh Hessen schon, aber Sinn macht das trotzdem nicht. Dauert keine 10 Sekunden dort hin und ein kurzes Log, wo die 10sekunden ins Gewicht fallen wurden, ist ohnehin sinnlos. Wenn da ein Dienst zufällig einmal in 24h aktiv war "optimierst" das falsche...

Btw wäre ich es ein Receiver mehr der läuft. Such wenn du bbs nicht nutzt, ist es ja ständig im Hintergrund. Zwar wirklich unauffällig, aber würde bei jedem Screen On benachrichtigt, wenn auch kurz. Das steht dem "exakten" messen das du vorhast entgegen, weil du den minimalen potentiellen Benefit (wo ich uns chrissi sagen den wirst du nicht haben) wieder ksputt machst auf Grund der Aktivität von bbs bei jedem Screen On.

Aber frag ruhig, kostet nichts und vlt. denkt der Entwickler ganz anders als wir/ich/er/sie/es

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Und wenn du :
- BBS öffnest
- set cust. Ref
- sofort Handy aus
- nach deiner Messzeit Handy einschalten
- durch die automatische Aktualisierung hast du von "cust. Ref" bis "current" deine screeoff-screenon Messung. Oder?
Du könnte man testen, ich gehe aber davon aus das du dennoch die Zeit mit im log hast, die du brauchst um den log zu speichern.

Edit: hab mal einen 10 Minuten log gemacht, bin aber immer noch bei vier Sekunden Screen On.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
funktioniert auch Alles mit Tasker.
Ich habe z.B. die Möglichkeit per Button ein cust.Ref zu setzen mit anschließendem Screen Off.
Oder kompl. nach Zeit automatisieren, z.B. nachts wenn Handy aus ist:
- 23:00 Uhr: save custom Ref
- 6:00 Uhr: Save Dumpfile
So habe ich ein sauberes Dumpfile, ohne Screen On
  • Danke
Reaktionen: TylonHH und AA1973
S13gfried schrieb:
... ein kurzes Log, wo die 10sekunden ins Gewicht fallen wurden, ist ohnehin sinnlos. Wenn da ein Dienst zufällig einmal in 24h aktiv war "optimierst" das falsche...

Das stimmt! Es geht allerdings nicht um Logs im Sekundenbereich, sondern eher im Bereich von ~ 15...60 Minten.

S13gfried schrieb:
Btw wäre ich es ein Receiver mehr der läuft. Such wenn du bbs nicht nutzt, ist es ja ständig im Hintergrund. Zwar wirklich unauffällig, aber würde bei jedem Screen On benachrichtigt, wenn auch kurz.

Sollte das so sein, wäre das natürlich ein Grund gegen diese Auswahl.

TylonHH schrieb:
- BBS öffnest
- set cust. Ref
- sofort Handy aus
- nach deiner Messzeit Handy einschalten
- durch die automatische Aktualisierung hast du von "cust. Ref" bis "current" deine screeoff-screenon Messung. Oder?

Das müsste eigentlich so sein. Ich bin für die Messung allerdings immer komplett aus BBS herausgegangen, so dass ich das Phone erst im Homescreen in den StandBy-Modus gelassen habe.
Phasenspringer schrieb:
Sorry, wenn das nun nervt! Aber seit Kitkat (4.4.2) ist die App m.M.n doch für die Tonne!
Seit Gurgel die Statistik entfernt hat, kann ich mit dem Tool irgendwo nix mehr anfangen.
Erst wollte es garnicht laufen und nach dem Update aus dem Shop ging es zwar, aber nur auf halbe Leistung.:razz:
Hab jetzt "Gsam Battery Monitor" am Start. Der kann auch Wakelocks aufzeigen.

Also bei mir läuft BBS unter 4.4.2 genauso gut wie unter 4.3.1, was funktioniert denn bei dir nicht mehr?

Bei mir zb. funktioniert keine messung mehr richtig, bei jedem log werden Sämtliche zeiten, Since Boot, Unplugged, charged durcheinander geworfen. Screen On kann ich garnicht mehr einsehen.
Custom Ref funktioniert soweit, is aber auch das einzige.

Hast du BBS zur System App gemacht? bei mir hat es eine weile gedauert bis ich es geschafft hatte, aber einen unterschied macht es bei mir leider nicht.
Wie hast du sie denn zur System App gemacht?
Bei der aktuellen 1.15.0 kannst du unter settings / advance / System App BBS zus sys App machen, dieses ist aber noch experimentell.
Hm. Ja, schon klar. Nutze ich auch 'erfolgreich" seit Chamonix das eingebaut hat. Mich hatte nur das "es hat eine Weile gedauert bis ich es geschafft habe" irritiert.
Mit SuperSU ging es bei mir ohne weiteres.
Nur auf CM basierten Roms mit Superuser von koush hatte ich Probleme auf dem Note
siehe in meine signatur xD
Slimkat.. ich hab es zeitweise über titanium backup versucht, bbs als sysapp laufen zu lassen. hat leider nicht funktioniert.
sonntag dann die 2.5 geladen und dann hat es in den bbs einstellungen funktioniert und seitdem läuft bbs als sysapp, nur leider funktioniert bbs noch immer nicht :(
bis auf custom ref..
Hi, zusammen...war mir den wakelogs bei meinem N4 Super zufrieden...jetzt habe ich seit drei Tagen neun N5, bin aber noch lange nicht zufrieden...zu viel Verbrauch durch das System
Daher meine Frage, ob ihr mit dem log was sagen könnt...
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
01-31 15:04:12.325 I/StatsActivity(24007): OnCreated called
01-31 15:04:12.355 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1365(75KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 4% free, 3MB/3MB, paused 7.993ms total 22.246ms
01-31 15:04:12.435 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:12.435 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:12.435 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:12.435 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:12.435 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:12.435 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:12.525 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.565 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 8 h 47 m 30 s (Wl: 1 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.575 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 1 s Bat.: 0% (100% to 100%) [---%/h]
01-31 15:04:12.575 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:12.575 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:12.575 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:12.575 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:12.575 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:12.575 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:12.605 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.625 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 8 h 47 m 30 s (Wl: 1 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.635 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:12.635 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:12.635 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:12.635 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:12.635 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:12.635 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceDBHelper(24007): Reference store
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceDBHelper(24007): Reference ref_boot created 53 s (Wl: 73 elements; KWl: 0elements; NetS: 12 elements; Alrm: 0 elements; Proc: 200 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceDBHelper(24007): Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceDBHelper(24007): Reference ref_charged created 8 h 47 m 29 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceDBHelper(24007): Reference ref_current created 8 h 47 m 30 s (Wl: 1 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/StatsActivity(24007): OnResume called
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:12.755 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:12.775 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:12.775 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:04:12.775 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:04:12.775 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:12.775 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:12.785 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:04:12.785 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:04:12.805 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:04:12.805 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Called at 2014-01-31 15:04:12
01-31 15:04:12.815 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
01-31 15:04:12.825 I/Adreno-EGL(24007): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:320>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM Build: I0404c4692afb8623f95c43aeb6d5e13ed4b30ddbDate: 11/06/13
01-31 15:04:12.845 D/OpenGLRenderer(24007): Enabling debug mode 0
01-31 15:04:12.865 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Screen On 1 s (1 s) in 1 s (1 s) Ratio: 99,3%
01-31 15:04:12.885 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Wifi On 1 s (1 s) in 1 s (1 s) Ratio: 99,1%
01-31 15:04:12.895 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Wifi Running 1 s (1 s) in 1 s (1 s) Ratio: 99,1%
01-31 15:04:12.915 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Awake 1 s (1 s) in 1 s (1 s) Ratio: 100,0%
01-31 15:04:13.055 I/RootTools v2.6(24007): [ro, relatime] AND rw
01-31 15:04:13.055 I/KbReaderService(24007): Called at 2014-01-31 15:04:13
01-31 15:04:13.115 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@648bf468 time:15540420
01-31 15:04:13.115 I/RootTools v2.6(24007): [ro, relatime] AND ro
01-31 15:04:13.355 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 130(34KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 8MB/9MB, paused 5.121ms total 11.925ms
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 m 35 s (1235 s) Count:412 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 54 s (714 s) Count:1725 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 35 s (215 s) Count:148 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:40 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 42 s (42 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 34 s (34 s) Count:131 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:862 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 14 s (14 s) Count:569 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:107 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1138 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:31 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:373 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:483 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:207 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:44 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:383 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:31 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:555 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:42 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:66 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:339 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.585 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.595 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.605 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:13.705 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:AlarmManager,title:Alarm Manager,url:http://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/AlarmManager
01-31 15:04:13.715 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:*network-location*,url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/nework-location
01-31 15:04:13.725 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:*sync*,url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/sync
01-31 15:04:13.735 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"PowerManagerService",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/PowerManagerService
01-31 15:04:13.735 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"svnet",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/svnet
01-31 15:04:13.755 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"svnet-dormancy",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/svnet-dormancy
01-31 15:04:13.755 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"multipdp",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/svnet-dormancy
01-31 15:04:13.765 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"vbus_present",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/vbus_present
01-31 15:04:13.775 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"wlan_rx",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/wlan_rx
01-31 15:04:13.785 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"wlan_wake",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/wlan_wake
01-31 15:04:13.785 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"AudioOut_1",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/AudioOut_1
01-31 15:04:13.795 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"ConnectivityService",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/ConnectivityService
01-31 15:04:13.815 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"GTALK_ASYNC_CONN_com.google.android.gsf.gtalkservi-ce.AndroidEndpoint",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBa...gle.android.gsf.gtalkservi-ce.AndroidEndpoint
01-31 15:04:13.825 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"network-location",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/nework-location
01-31 15:04:13.825 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"SyncLoopWakeLock",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/SyncLoopWakeLock
01-31 15:04:13.845 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"deleted_wake_locks",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/deleted_wake_locks
01-31 15:04:13.845 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"suspend_backoff",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/suspend_backoff
01-31 15:04:13.875 I/KbReaderService(24007): Called at 2014-01-31 15:04:13
01-31 15:04:13.895 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:13.905 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:04:14.005 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10012(506KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 5% free, 10MB/11MB, paused 27.946ms total 48.295ms
01-31 15:04:14.115 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:AlarmManager,title:Alarm Manager,url:http://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/AlarmManager
01-31 15:04:14.125 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:*network-location*,url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/nework-location
01-31 15:04:14.135 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:*sync*,url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/sync
01-31 15:04:14.145 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"PowerManagerService",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/PowerManagerService
01-31 15:04:14.165 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"svnet",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/svnet
01-31 15:04:14.175 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"svnet-dormancy",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/svnet-dormancy
01-31 15:04:14.185 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"multipdp",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/svnet-dormancy
01-31 15:04:14.195 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"vbus_present",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/vbus_present
01-31 15:04:14.205 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"wlan_rx",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/wlan_rx
01-31 15:04:14.215 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"wlan_wake",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/wlan_wake
01-31 15:04:14.235 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"AudioOut_1",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/AudioOut_1
01-31 15:04:14.245 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"ConnectivityService",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/ConnectivityService
01-31 15:04:14.255 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"GTALK_ASYNC_CONN_com.google.android.gsf.gtalkservi-ce.AndroidEndpoint",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBa...gle.android.gsf.gtalkservi-ce.AndroidEndpoint
01-31 15:04:14.265 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"network-location",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/nework-location
01-31 15:04:14.275 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"SyncLoopWakeLock",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/SyncLoopWakeLock
01-31 15:04:14.285 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"deleted_wake_locks",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/deleted_wake_locks
01-31 15:04:14.295 I/KbDbHelper(24007): adding commands to the database: fqn:,title:"suspend_backoff",url:https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats-Knowledge-Base/wiki/suspend_backoff
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:14.485 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:04:14
01-31 15:04:14.615 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:04:14.785 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:04:14
01-31 15:04:14.785 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:04:14.785 I/StatsActivity(24007): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
01-31 15:04:14.795 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 43 m 4 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:04:14.805 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Screen On 36 m 23 s (2183 s) in 9 h 43 m 4 s (34984 s) Ratio: 6,2%
01-31 15:04:14.805 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Phone On 7 m 31 s (451 s) in 18 h 30 m 32 s (66632 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:14.825 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Wifi On 26 m 5 s (1565 s) in 9 h 43 m 4 s (34984 s) Ratio: 4,5%
01-31 15:04:14.825 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Wifi Running 9 h 43 m 4 s (34984 s) in 9 h 43 m 4 s (34984 s) Ratio: 100,0%
01-31 15:04:14.835 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Deep Sleep 8 h 5 m 49 s (29149 s) in 9 h 43 m 4 s (34984 s) Ratio: 83,3%
01-31 15:04:14.845 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Awake 1 h 37 m 14 s (5834 s) in 9 h 43 m 4 s (34984 s) Ratio: 16,7%
01-31 15:04:14.865 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:04:14.965 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:15.215 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19466(923KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(116KB) LOS objects, 6% free, 12MB/13MB, paused 18.797ms total 49.244ms
01-31 15:04:15.375 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 84(17KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 12MB/13MB, paused 9.779ms total 22.059ms
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 m 35 s (1235 s) Count:412 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 54 s (714 s) Count:1725 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 35 s (215 s) Count:148 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:40 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 42 s (42 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 34 s (34 s) Count:131 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:862 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 14 s (14 s) Count:569 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:107 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.395 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1138 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:31 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:373 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:483 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:207 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.405 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:44 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:383 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:31 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:555 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:42 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:66 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:339 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.415 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.425 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:15.725 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:15.735 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:16.205 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:04:16
01-31 15:04:16.265 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9835(465KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 3% free, 14MB/15MB, paused 22.271ms total 62.332ms
01-31 15:04:16.335 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:04:16.475 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:04:16
01-31 15:04:16.475 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:04:16.485 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
01-31 15:04:16.485 I/StatsActivity(24007): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
01-31 15:04:16.585 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:16.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:16.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:16.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:16.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:16.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:16.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:16.665 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:16.675 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:04:16.675 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:04:16.675 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:16.675 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:16.675 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Destroyed at2014-01-31 15:04:16
01-31 15:04:16.705 I/SmallWidgetProvider(24007): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2014-01-31 15:04:16
01-31 15:04:29.615 I/StatsActivity(24007): OnResume called
01-31 15:04:29.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:29.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:29.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:29.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:29.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:29.615 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:29.655 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:29.655 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:04:29.655 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:04:29.655 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:29.655 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:29.665 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:04:29.665 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:04:29.775 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:04:29.785 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Called at 2014-01-31 15:04:29
01-31 15:04:29.785 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
01-31 15:04:29.815 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@648bf468 time:15557121
01-31 15:04:30.305 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 m 35 s (1235 s) Count:412 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.305 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 54 s (714 s) Count:1725 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 36 s (216 s) Count:150 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:40 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 34 s (34 s) Count:131 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:862 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 14 s (14 s) Count:569 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:110 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1141 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.315 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:32 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:373 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:483 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:207 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:44 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.325 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:383 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:32 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:555 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:43 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:66 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:339 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.335 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.345 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:30.595 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15707(796KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(33KB) LOS objects, 6% free, 14MB/15MB, paused 18.012ms total 37.449ms
01-31 15:04:30.615 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:30.625 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:04:30.765 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3062(127KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 2% free, 14MB/15MB, paused 17.600ms total 35.342ms
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:31.155 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:04:31
01-31 15:04:31.235 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:04:31.325 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:04:31
01-31 15:04:31.325 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:04:31.325 I/StatsActivity(24007): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
01-31 15:04:31.325 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:04:31.345 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 43 m 21 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:04:31.355 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Screen On 36 m 39 s (2199 s) in 9 h 43 m 20 s (35000 s) Ratio: 6,3%
01-31 15:04:31.365 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Phone On 7 m 31 s (451 s) in 18 h 30 m 48 s (66648 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:31.375 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Wifi On 26 m 5 s (1565 s) in 9 h 43 m 20 s (35000 s) Ratio: 4,5%
01-31 15:04:31.375 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Wifi Running 9 h 43 m 20 s (35000 s) in 9 h 43 m 20 s (35000 s) Ratio: 100,0%
01-31 15:04:31.385 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Deep Sleep 8 h 5 m 49 s (29149 s) in 9 h 43 m 20 s (35000 s) Ratio: 83,3%
01-31 15:04:31.395 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Awake 1 h 37 m 31 s (5851 s) in 9 h 43 m 20 s (35000 s) Ratio: 16,7%
01-31 15:04:31.465 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 m 35 s (1235 s) Count:412 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 54 s (714 s) Count:1725 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 36 s (216 s) Count:151 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:40 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 34 s (34 s) Count:131 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:862 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.715 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 14 s (14 s) Count:569 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:110 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1141 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:32 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:373 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:483 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:207 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.725 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:44 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:25 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:383 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:32 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:555 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:43 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:66 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:339 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.735 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.745 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:31.805 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 21171(995KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(100KB) LOS objects, 5% free, 17MB/18MB, paused 29.155ms total 72.310ms
01-31 15:04:32.055 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:32.065 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:04:32.085 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 145(5KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 18MB/18MB, paused 6.550ms total 13.253ms
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.535 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:32.545 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:04:32
01-31 15:04:32.645 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Problem with socket or streams.
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to www.google-analytics.com/ (port 80): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:192)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:460)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:833)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:119)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.maybeOpenConnection(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.addRequest(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.dispatchSomePendingHits(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.run(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
01-31 15:04:32.695 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): ... 12 more
01-31 15:04:32.785 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:04:32
01-31 15:04:32.785 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:04:32.785 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
01-31 15:04:32.785 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Destroyed at2014-01-31 15:04:32
01-31 15:04:32.795 I/StatsActivity(24007): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
01-31 15:04:32.895 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:32.895 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:32.895 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:32.895 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:32.895 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:32.895 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:32.895 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:32.925 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:32.925 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:04:32.925 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:04:32.925 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:32.925 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:32.935 I/SmallWidgetProvider(24007): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2014-01-31 15:04:32
01-31 15:04:49.815 I/StatsActivity(24007): OnResume called
01-31 15:04:49.825 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:49.825 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:49.825 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:49.825 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:49.825 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:49.825 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:49.855 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:49.855 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:04:49.855 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:04:49.855 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:49.855 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:49.855 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:04:49.855 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:04:49.865 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:04:49.905 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Called at 2014-01-31 15:04:49
01-31 15:04:49.905 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
01-31 15:04:49.985 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@648bf468 time:15577291
01-31 15:04:50.295 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 29070(1456KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(150KB) LOS objects, 7% free, 18MB/19MB, paused 16.615ms total 79.495ms
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 m 41 s (1241 s) Count:414 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 54 s (714 s) Count:1730 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:151 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:40 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 35 s (35 s) Count:136 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:865 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 14 s (14 s) Count:570 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:110 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1141 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:32 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.545 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:373 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:483 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:45 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:207 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:25 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:383 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:32 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:555 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:43 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:66 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:339 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.555 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.565 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.575 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:50.785 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9130(388KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 2% free, 19MB/20MB, paused 13.910ms total 41.914ms
01-31 15:04:50.905 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:50.915 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:51.435 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:04:51
01-31 15:04:51.555 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:04:51.725 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:04:51
01-31 15:04:51.725 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:04:51.725 I/StatsActivity(24007): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
01-31 15:04:51.735 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:04:51.735 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 43 m 41 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:04:51.735 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Screen On 36 m 59 s (2219 s) in 9 h 43 m 41 s (35021 s) Ratio: 6,3%
01-31 15:04:51.745 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Phone On 7 m 31 s (451 s) in 18 h 31 m 9 s (66669 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:51.755 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Wifi On 26 m 5 s (1565 s) in 9 h 43 m 41 s (35021 s) Ratio: 4,5%
01-31 15:04:51.755 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Wifi Running 9 h 43 m 41 s (35021 s) in 9 h 43 m 41 s (35021 s) Ratio: 100,0%
01-31 15:04:51.765 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Deep Sleep 8 h 5 m 49 s (29149 s) in 9 h 43 m 41 s (35021 s) Ratio: 83,2%
01-31 15:04:51.775 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: Awake 1 h 37 m 51 s (5871 s) in 9 h 43 m 41 s (35021 s) Ratio: 16,8%
01-31 15:04:51.875 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:52.175 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 m 42 s (1242 s) Count:414 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.175 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 54 s (714 s) Count:1732 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.175 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.175 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.175 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:151 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.175 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.175 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:40 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 43 s (43 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 35 s (35 s) Count:136 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:865 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 14 s (14 s) Count:570 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:110 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1141 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:32 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:373 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.185 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:483 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:45 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:207 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:25 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:383 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:32 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:555 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:43 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:66 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:339 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.195 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:69 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.205 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:04:52.285 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 29199(1372KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(116KB) LOS objects, 6% free, 21MB/22MB, paused 35.154ms total 70.466ms
01-31 15:04:52.535 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:04:52.545 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:04:52.635 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3385(191KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 22MB/22MB, paused 8.713ms total 30.297ms
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Problem with socket or streams.
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to www.google-analytics.com/ (port 80): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:192)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:460)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:833)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:119)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.maybeOpenConnection(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.addRequest(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.dispatchSomePendingHits(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.run(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
01-31 15:04:52.715 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): ... 12 more
01-31 15:04:53.085 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.085 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.085 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.085 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.095 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.095 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.095 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.095 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.095 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.095 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.095 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:04:53.095 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:04:53
01-31 15:04:53.205 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:04:53.485 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:04:53
01-31 15:04:53.485 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:04:53.485 I/StatsActivity(24007): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
01-31 15:04:53.485 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
01-31 15:04:53.555 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:04:53.555 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:04:53.555 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:04:53.555 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:04:53.555 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:53.555 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:04:53.555 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:04:53.575 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:04:53.575 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:04:53.575 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:04:53.575 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:53.575 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:04:53.575 I/SmallWidgetProvider(24007): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2014-01-31 15:04:53
01-31 15:04:53.575 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Destroyed at2014-01-31 15:04:53
01-31 15:05:02.065 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 18 h 31 m 11 s (Wl: 56 elements; KWl: 75elements; NetS: 60 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 180 elements; Oth: 6 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:05:02.065 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 43 m 43 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:05:02.085 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:05:02.085 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:05:02.085 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:05:02.085 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:05:02.085 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:05:02.085 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:05:02.105 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:05:02.105 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:05:02.105 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:05:02.105 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:05:02.105 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:05:02.115 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:05:02.115 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:05:02.125 I/StatsActivity(24007): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
01-31 15:05:02.215 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 18 h 31 m 11 s (Wl: 56 elements; KWl: 75elements; NetS: 60 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 180 elements; Oth: 6 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:05:02.245 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 43 m 43 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:05:02.245 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: NlpCollectorWakeLock55 m 57 s (3357 s)
01-31 15:05:02.295 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: NlpWakeLock55 m 57 s (3357 s)
01-31 15:05:02.295 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: ProximitySensor55 m 57 s (3357 s)
01-31 15:05:02.315 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: *sync*/com.android.email.provider/com.android.email/83682ce9014d3697a44d66c25f5096df@googlemail.com55 m 57 s (3357 s)
01-31 15:05:02.335 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: AudioMix55 m 57 s (3357 s)
01-31 15:05:02.345 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: *sync*/com.android.email.provider/com.android.email/3380d5db3e85e830273650301f36648c@gmail.com55 m 57 s (3357 s)
01-31 15:05:04.405 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 43 m 43 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:05:04.425 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:05:04.425 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:05:04.425 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:05:04.425 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:05:04.425 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:05:04.425 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:05:04.455 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:05:04.455 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:05:04.455 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:05:04.455 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:05:04.455 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:05:04.455 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:05:04.455 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:05:04.475 I/StatsActivity(24007): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
01-31 15:05:04.565 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 18 h 31 m 11 s (Wl: 56 elements; KWl: 75elements; NetS: 60 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 180 elements; Oth: 6 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:05:04.575 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)27/1/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:04.575 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-108/-4/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)114/4/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:04.575 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-114/-4/0 -0,1%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:04.575 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-119/-4/0 0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:04.575 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-109/-4/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)114/4/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:04.575 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-115/-4/0 -0,1%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:04.575 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-120/-4/0 0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:04.585 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 43 m 43 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:05:04.585 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: PowerManagerService.WakeLocks9 h 43 m 42 s (35022 s)
01-31 15:05:04.595 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: bam_dmux_wakelock9 h 43 m 42 s (35022 s)
01-31 15:05:04.605 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: wlan_ctrl_wake9 h 43 m 42 s (35022 s)
01-31 15:05:04.605 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: wlan_wd_wake9 h 43 m 42 s (35022 s)
01-31 15:05:04.615 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: alarm_rtc9 h 43 m 42 s (35022 s)
01-31 15:05:04.615 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: event0-7559 h 43 m 42 s (35022 s)
01-31 15:05:04.625 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: radio-interface9 h 43 m 42 s (35022 s)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Problem with socket or streams.
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to www.google-analytics.com/ (port 80): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:192)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:460)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:833)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:119)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.maybeOpenConnection(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.addRequest(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.dispatchSomePendingHits(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.run(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
01-31 15:05:12.745 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): ... 12 more
01-31 15:05:16.065 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.asksven.betterbatterystats time:15603376
01-31 15:05:16.105 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.105 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.105 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.105 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.115 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1e a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.125 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.125 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xa a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.145 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xa a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.145 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:05:16.195 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 52077(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 11(393KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 22MB/25MB, paused 12.979ms total 63.272ms
01-31 15:05:16.385 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@65a189a8 time:15603697
01-31 15:05:18.485 I/SmallWidgetProvider(24007): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_PREFS_REFRESH' at 2014-01-31 15:05:18
01-31 15:05:50.537 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@65a189a8 time:15611915
01-31 15:05:56.877 I/StatsActivity(24007): OnResume called
01-31 15:05:56.877 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:05:56.877 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:05:56.877 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:05:56.877 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:05:56.877 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:05:56.877 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:05:56.907 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:05:56.907 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:05:56.907 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:05:56.907 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:05:56.907 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:05:56.917 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:05:56.917 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:05:56.927 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:05:56.957 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Called at 2014-01-31 15:05:56
01-31 15:05:56.957 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
01-31 15:05:56.967 I/SmallWidgetProvider(24007): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_PREFS_REFRESH' at 2014-01-31 15:05:56
01-31 15:05:56.997 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@648bf468 time:15618370
01-31 15:05:57.357 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7366(383KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(33KB) LOS objects, 3% free, 25MB/26MB, paused 11.400ms total 36.072ms
01-31 15:05:57.367 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 m 47 s (1247 s) Count:416 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.367 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 55 s (715 s) Count:1740 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 48 s (228 s) Count:158 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 45 s (45 s) Count:73 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 44 s (44 s) Count:41 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 35 s (35 s) Count:138 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:868 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.377 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 15 s (15 s) Count:572 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:113 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 9 s (9 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1147 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:33 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.387 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:375 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:484 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.397 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:209 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:45 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:25 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:384 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:33 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.407 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:557 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:44 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:68 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:340 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:70 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.457 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.457 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.457 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.457 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.457 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:57.887 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:05:57.907 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Problem with socket or streams.
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to www.google-analytics.com/ (port 80): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:192)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:460)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:833)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:119)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.maybeOpenConnection(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.addRequest(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.dispatchSomePendingHits(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.run(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
01-31 15:05:58.647 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): ... 12 more
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:05:58.677 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:05:58
01-31 15:05:58.847 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:05:58.987 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:05:58
01-31 15:05:58.987 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:05:58.987 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:05:58.987 I/StatsActivity(24007): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
01-31 15:05:59.027 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)27/1/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:59.037 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-108/-4/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)114/4/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:59.037 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-114/-4/0 -0,1%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:59.037 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-119/-4/0 0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:59.037 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-109/-4/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)114/4/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:59.037 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-115/-4/0 -0,1%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:59.037 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-120/-4/0 0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:05:59.047 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 44 m 48 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:05:59.057 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: PowerManagerService.WakeLocks9 h 44 m 47 s (35087 s)
01-31 15:05:59.067 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: bam_dmux_wakelock9 h 44 m 47 s (35087 s)
01-31 15:05:59.077 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: wlan_ctrl_wake9 h 44 m 47 s (35087 s)
01-31 15:05:59.087 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: wlan_wd_wake9 h 44 m 47 s (35087 s)
01-31 15:05:59.097 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: alarm_rtc9 h 44 m 47 s (35087 s)
01-31 15:05:59.097 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: event0-7559 h 44 m 47 s (35087 s)
01-31 15:05:59.107 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: radio-interface9 h 44 m 47 s (35087 s)
01-31 15:05:59.167 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 m 47 s (1247 s) Count:416 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 55 s (715 s) Count:1740 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 48 s (228 s) Count:158 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 45 s (45 s) Count:73 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 44 s (44 s) Count:41 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 35 s (35 s) Count:138 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:868 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 15 s (15 s) Count:572 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:113 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.417 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1147 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:33 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:375 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:484 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:209 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:45 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:25 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:384 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.427 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:33 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:557 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:44 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:68 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:340 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:70 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.437 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.447 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:05:59.697 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 39886(2027KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(116KB) LOS objects, 7% free, 26MB/28MB, paused 35.831ms total 98.141ms
01-31 15:05:59.737 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:05:59.747 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:06:00.017 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1816(147KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 1% free, 28MB/28MB, paused 12.435ms total 52.058ms
01-31 15:06:00.057 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 82435(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 29(943KB) LOS objects, 13% free, 23MB/27MB, paused 5.161ms total 41.508ms
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.197 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:00.207 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:06:00
01-31 15:06:00.297 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:06:00.657 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:06:00
01-31 15:06:00.657 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:06:00.657 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
01-31 15:06:00.667 I/StatsActivity(24007): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
01-31 15:06:00.737 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:06:00.737 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:06:00.737 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:06:00.737 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:06:00.737 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:06:00.737 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:06:00.737 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:06:00.757 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:06:00.757 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:06:00.757 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:06:00.757 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:06:00.757 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:06:00.757 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Destroyed at2014-01-31 15:06:00
01-31 15:06:00.777 I/SmallWidgetProvider(24007): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2014-01-31 15:06:00
01-31 15:06:01.947 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.asksven.betterbatterystats time:15623328
01-31 15:06:01.987 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:06:01.987 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:06:01.987 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:06:01.987 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:06:01.997 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1e a=-1}
01-31 15:06:01.997 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:06:01.997 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xa a=-1}
01-31 15:06:02.007 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xa a=-1}
01-31 15:06:02.007 W/Resources(24007): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
01-31 15:06:02.137 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@6574f590 time:15623510
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Problem with socket or streams.
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to www.google-analytics.com/ (port 80): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:192)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:460)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:833)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:119)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.maybeOpenConnection(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.addRequest(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.dispatchSomePendingHits(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.run(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
01-31 15:06:18.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): ... 12 more
01-31 15:06:24.267 W/InputEventReceiver(24007): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
01-31 15:06:35.757 W/InputEventReceiver(24007): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Problem with socket or streams.
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to www.google-analytics.com/ (port 80): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:192)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:460)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:833)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:119)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.maybeOpenConnection(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.addRequest(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.dispatchSomePendingHits(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.run(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
01-31 15:06:38.677 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): ... 12 more
01-31 15:06:43.617 W/InputEventReceiver(24007): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
01-31 15:06:46.167 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:06:46.167 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:06:49.057 I/StatsActivity(24007): OnResume called
01-31 15:06:49.057 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:06:49.057 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:06:49.057 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:06:49.057 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:06:49.057 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:06:49.057 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:06:49.087 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:06:49.087 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:06:49.087 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:06:49.087 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:06:49.087 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:06:49.087 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:06:49.087 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:06:49.107 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:06:49.147 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Called at 2014-01-31 15:06:49
01-31 15:06:49.147 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
01-31 15:06:49.157 I/SmallWidgetProvider(24007): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_PREFS_REFRESH' at 2014-01-31 15:06:49
01-31 15:06:49.187 I/ActivityManager(24007): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@648bf468 time:15670560
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 21 m 1 s (1261 s) Count:420 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 57 s (717 s) Count:1753 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 48 s (228 s) Count:158 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 45 s (45 s) Count:73 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 44 s (44 s) Count:41 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 36 s (36 s) Count:140 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:873 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 15 s (15 s) Count:576 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 13 s (13 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:113 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.577 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1149 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:33 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:376 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.587 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:485 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:210 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:45 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:25 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:385 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:33 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:558 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:44 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:68 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.597 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:341 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:49 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:70 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.607 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.617 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.617 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.617 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.617 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:49.737 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 39968(1942KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(247KB) LOS objects, 6% free, 29MB/31MB, paused 31.375ms total 106.702ms
01-31 15:06:49.997 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:06:50.007 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:06:50.307 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6556(365KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 1% free, 31MB/32MB, paused 12.692ms total 39.496ms
01-31 15:06:50.377 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 79865(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 17(1232KB) LOS objects, 12% free, 27MB/30MB, paused 7.839ms total 46.757ms
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:50.767 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:06:50
01-31 15:06:50.867 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:06:51.067 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:06:51
01-31 15:06:51.067 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:06:51.067 I/StatsActivity(24007): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
01-31 15:06:51.067 I/WakeupSources(24007): Parsing /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources
01-31 15:06:51.107 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)27/1/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:06:51.107 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-108/-4/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)114/4/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:06:51.107 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-114/-4/0 -0,1%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:06:51.107 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-119/-4/0 0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:06:51.107 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-109/-4/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)114/4/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:06:51.107 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-115/-4/0 -0,1%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:06:51.107 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-120/-4/0 0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:06:51.117 I/StatsActivity(24007): Since 9 h 45 m 40 s Bat.: -38% (100% to 62%) [3,9%/h]
01-31 15:06:51.117 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: PowerManagerService.WakeLocks9 h 45 m 40 s (35140 s)
01-31 15:06:51.127 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: bam_dmux_wakelock9 h 45 m 40 s (35140 s)
01-31 15:06:51.127 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: wlan_ctrl_wake9 h 45 m 40 s (35140 s)
01-31 15:06:51.137 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: wlan_wd_wake9 h 45 m 40 s (35140 s)
01-31 15:06:51.137 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: alarm_rtc9 h 45 m 40 s (35140 s)
01-31 15:06:51.147 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: event0-7559 h 45 m 40 s (35140 s)
01-31 15:06:51.147 I/StatsAdapter(24007): Values: radio-interface9 h 45 m 40 s (35140 s)
01-31 15:06:51.207 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 21 m 1 s (1261 s) Count:420 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 m 57 s (717 s) Count:1753 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 m 54 s (354 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 48 s (228 s) Count:158 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 38 s (218 s) Count:63 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 m 1 s (181 s) Count:67 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 45 s (45 s) Count:73 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 44 s (44 s) Count:41 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 39 s (39 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 36 s (36 s) Count:140 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 31 s (31 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 28 s (28 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 23 s (23 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 20 s (20 s) Count:873 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 18 s (18 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 15 s (15 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 15 s (15 s) Count:576 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 11 s (11 s) Count:113 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:8 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 8 s (8 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.487 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 s (7 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 6 s (6 s) Count:1149 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:33 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 5 s (5 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 4 s (4 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 3 s (3 s) Count:656 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:90 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 2 s (2 s) Count:376 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:485 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:12 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:210 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:45 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:14 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:25 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:144 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:385 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 1 s (1 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:61 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.497 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:24 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:33 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:93 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:558 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:44 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:68 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:341 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:50 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:34 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:70 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:18 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:11 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:13 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:21 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:10 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:9 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:7 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.507 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:6 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.517 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.517 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.517 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:5 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.517 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.517 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:4 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.517 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:3 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.517 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:2 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.517 I/PartialWakelocksDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Count:1 ---%
01-31 15:06:51.867 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: 7 m 31 s (451 s) Ratio: 0,7%
01-31 15:06:51.877 I/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Adding partial wakelock: (0 s) Ratio: 0,0%
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package su was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package com.oasisfeng.greenify:service was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.acore was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package android.process.media was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 D/OtherStatsDumpsys(24007): Package *wakelock* was not found in xref
01-31 15:06:52.317 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Calling root operations2014-01-31 15:06:52
01-31 15:06:52.397 I/AlarmsDumpsys(24007): getAlarms: SDK=19, RELEASE=4.4.2
01-31 15:06:52.627 I/StatsProvider(24007): Trace: Finished root operations2014-01-31 15:06:52
01-31 15:06:52.627 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Serializing reference ref_current
01-31 15:06:52.637 I/StatsActivity(24007): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
01-31 15:06:52.637 D/Globals (24007): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
01-31 15:06:52.747 I/art (24007): GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 45400(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 5(116KB) LOS objects, 6% free, 33MB/35MB, paused 44.453ms total 128.964ms
01-31 15:06:52.797 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Saved ref ref_current
01-31 15:06:52.797 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Populating cache
01-31 15:06:52.797 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_boot
01-31 15:06:52.797 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_unplugged
01-31 15:06:52.797 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_charged
01-31 15:06:52.797 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Added ref ref_current
01-31 15:06:52.797 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Finished populating cache
01-31 15:06:52.827 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 8 h 47 m 28 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:06:52.827 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
01-31 15:06:52.827 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners Spinner values: SpinnerFrom=[ref_boot, ref_unplugged, ref_charged] SpinnerTo=[ref_current]
01-31 15:06:52.827 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners: request selections: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:06:52.827 I/StatsActivity(24007): refreshSpinners result positions: from='1', to='0'
01-31 15:06:52.827 I/SmallWidgetProvider(24007): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2014-01-31 15:06:52
01-31 15:06:52.827 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(24007): Destroyed at2014-01-31 15:06:52
01-31 15:06:52.907 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:06:52.907 W/asset (24007): deep redirect failure from 0x01030117 => 0x02080019, defStyleAttr=0x01010084, defStyleRes=0x0103008f, style=0x010302f7
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Problem with socket or streams.
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to www.google-analytics.com/ (port 80): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:192)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:460)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:833)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:119)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.maybeOpenConnection(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.PipelinedRequester.addRequest(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.dispatchSomePendingHits(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.NetworkDispatcher$DispatcherThread$AsyncDispatchTask.run(Unknown Source)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
01-31 15:06:58.697 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(24007): ... 12 more
01-31 15:07:02.217 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 18 h 33 m 10 s (Wl: 56 elements; KWl: 75elements; NetS: 60 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 181 elements; Oth: 6 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:07:02.467 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)27/1/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:07:02.467 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-108/-4/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)114/4/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:07:02.467 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-114/-4/0 -0,1%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:07:02.467 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-119/-4/0 0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:07:02.467 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-109/-4/0 -0,0%] - power-supply [2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)114/4/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:07:02.467 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-115/-4/0 -0,1%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:07:02.467 E/NativeKernelWakelock(24007): substractFromRef generated negative values (power-supply [ (-2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-120/-4/0 0,0%] - power-supply [ (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0%])
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.google.android.gms [Wakeups: 172] from com.google.android.gms [Wakeups: 897]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.google.android.gms [Wakeups: 725]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663ad608
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663ad668
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663ad688
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663ad6a8
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663ad6c8
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663ad6e8
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663ad708
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663adbf0
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663adc10
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting android [Wakeups: 196] from android [Wakeups: 388]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: android [Wakeups: 192]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663b37e0
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663b3840
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663b3860
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663b3880
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663aef78
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.facebook.orca [Wakeups: 71] from com.facebook.orca [Wakeups: 171]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.facebook.orca [Wakeups: 100]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65ab5288
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65ab52e8
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65ab5308
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65ab5328
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65ab5348
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65ab5368
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.android.phone [Wakeups: 2] from com.android.phone [Wakeups: 92]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.android.phone [Wakeups: 90]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65fe1618
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65fe1678
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65fe1698
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.nuance.swype.dtc [Wakeups: 25] from com.nuance.swype.dtc [Wakeups: 51]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.nuance.swype.dtc [Wakeups: 26]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65fea0f8
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.google.android.gsf [Wakeups: 17] from com.google.android.gsf [Wakeups: 36]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.google.android.gsf [Wakeups: 19]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@64f9c488
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.cyanogenmod.lockclock [Wakeups: 14] from com.cyanogenmod.lockclock [Wakeups: 27]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.cyanogenmod.lockclock [Wakeups: 13]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65656740
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@662745e8
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting pro.burgerz.weather [Wakeups: 9] from pro.burgerz.weather [Wakeups: 19]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: pro.burgerz.weather [Wakeups: 10]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@659ade50
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.oasisfeng.greenify [Wakeups: 7] from com.oasisfeng.greenify [Wakeups: 9]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.oasisfeng.greenify [Wakeups: 2]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@658b4be0
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@658b4c40
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.whatsapp [Wakeups: 4] from com.whatsapp [Wakeups: 7]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.whatsapp [Wakeups: 3]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@658faaa0
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@658fab00
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65894ab0
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65894ad0
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65894af0
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.android.providers.calendar [Wakeups: 2] from com.android.providers.calendar [Wakeups: 6]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.android.providers.calendar [Wakeups: 4]
01-31 15:07:02.807 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65983c08
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.quoord.tapatalkHD [Wakeups: 3] from com.quoord.tapatalkHD [Wakeups: 6]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.quoord.tapatalkHD [Wakeups: 3]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663b76f8
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.android.email [Wakeups: 5] from com.android.email [Wakeups: 5]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.android.email [Wakeups: 0]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@661b11a0
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.android.keyguard [Wakeups: 3] from com.android.keyguard [Wakeups: 5]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.android.keyguard [Wakeups: 2]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@659f7650
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.android.vending [Wakeups: 4] from com.android.vending [Wakeups: 4]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.android.vending [Wakeups: 0]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65bcb7f0
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@64f2d320
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget [Wakeups: 2] from com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget [Wakeups: 3]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget [Wakeups: 1]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@64ca3520
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox [Wakeups: 3] from com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox [Wakeups: 3]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox [Wakeups: 0]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@6604ab78
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.android.deskclock [Wakeups: 2] from com.android.deskclock [Wakeups: 3]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.android.deskclock [Wakeups: 1]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65bd0350
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@65bd03b0
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.skype.raider [Wakeups: 3] from com.skype.raider [Wakeups: 3]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.skype.raider [Wakeups: 0]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@66048770
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.google.android.keep [Wakeups: 1] from com.google.android.keep [Wakeups: 2]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.google.android.keep [Wakeups: 1]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@661d1170
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.kebab.Llama [Wakeups: 2] from com.kebab.Llama [Wakeups: 2]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.kebab.Llama [Wakeups: 0]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@663b4878
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Substracting com.ebay.mobile [Wakeups: 2] from com.ebay.mobile [Wakeups: 2]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.ebay.mobile [Wakeups: 0]
01-31 15:07:02.817 I/Alarm (24007): Result: com.asksven.android.common.privateapiproxies.Alarm$AlarmItem@6589a7a8
01-31 15:07:03.117 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_boot created 53 s (Wl: 73 elements; KWl: 0elements; NetS: 12 elements; Alrm: 0 elements; Proc: 200 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
01-31 15:07:03.147 I/ReferenceStore(24007): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_charged created 8 h 47 m 29 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 22 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
01-31 15:07:03.177 I/Util (24007): command: logcat -v time -d > /storage/emulated/0/logcat-2014-01-31_150703160.txt
@vergilbt: 3,9 %/h finde ich ebenfalls sehr viel. Zieht man den ScreenOn-Anteil von Awake ab, landet man bei einem DeepSleep-Anteil von nur 89,5 %. Zunächst mal würde ich mir wegen PowerManagerService.WakeLocks mal die Partial Wakelocks anschauen! Vielleicht kann noch jemand anderes etwas zu bam_dmux_wakelock sagen, denn der ist auch noch relativ auffällig.

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 16:48 Uhr wurde um 17:14 Uhr ergänzt:

Dank BBS ist mir aufgefallen, dass sich die Wetterdaten von Beautiful Widgets scheinbar auch dann synchronisieren, wenn das Phone im StandBy ist. com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.Beautifulwidgets rangiert in den Partial Wakelocks zwar ziemlich weit unten, aber meiner Meinung nach ist es absolut unnötig, dass die Wetterdaten aktualisiert werden, wenn die Daten eh nicht eingesehen werden können (weil das Phone im StandBy ist). Im Übrigen machts bei mir überhaupt keinen Unterschied, ob ich in den allgemeinen Einstellungen der App "Nachladen beim Aufwecken" aktiviere oder deaktiviere. Die Wetterdaten synchronisieren sich immer plump in dem Intervall, was ich eingestellt habe.

Falls jemand ebenfalls Beautiful Widgets sucht und sich zusammen mit mir mal die Mühe machen möchte, den Verbrauch im StandBy zu optimieren, habe ich vor längerer Zeit hier schon mal einen Thread angefangen:

  • Danke
Reaktionen: vergilbt
Hab's gefunden...als erstes zum bam_dmux_wakelock: da hält eine App die Daten aktiv... siehe hier --> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1811365&page=2

Dadurch konnte ich feststellen, das mein Google-sync beim Google Books syncen einen Fehler brachte... Wohl weil ich die App deaktiviert habe...habe jetzt die Synchronisation abgestellt, schon gibt's keine wakelocks mehr... supi!

Edit: und wieder Ernüchterung... über 4h einfach liegen gelassen und trotzdem 2.3%per h

Anbei nochmal ein log (ich glaube, der vorherige war eh falsch)

General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2014-02-01 08:35:45
Statistic Type: Unplugged to Current
Since 3 h 50 m 23 s
BRAND: google
DEVICE: hammerhead
MODEL: Nexus 5
OS.VERSION: 3.4.75-franco.Kernel
HARDWARE: hammerhead
FINGERPRINT: google/hammerhead/hammerhead:4.4.2/KOT49H/937116:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: dsmitty166
PRODUCT: hammerhead
RADIO: M8974A-
Rooted: true
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -9% (100% to 91%) [2,3%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4285-4153) [34,5%/h]
Other Usage
Screen On (): 9 s (9 s) Ratio: 0,1%
Wifi On (): 3 h 50 m 22 s (13822 s) Ratio: 10,7%
Wifi Running (): 3 h 50 m 22 s (13822 s) Ratio: 10,7%
Deep Sleep (): 3 h 30 m 11 s (12611 s) Ratio: 91,2%
Awake (): 20 m 12 s (1212 s) Ratio: 8,8%
*sync*/com.android.email.provider/com.android.email/83682ce9014d3697a44d66c25f5096df@googlemail.com (com.android.email.E-Mail): 2 m 27 s (147 s) Count:28 39,7%
*sync*/com.android.email.provider/com.android.email/3380d5db3e85e830273650301f36648c@gmail.com (com.android.email.E-Mail): 2 m 22 s (142 s) Count:28 38,4%
ConnectMQTT (com.nuance.swype.dtc.Swype + Dragon): 30 s (30 s) Count:11 8,1%
com.quoord.tapatalkpro (com.quoord.tapatalkHD.Tapatalk): 16 s (16 s) Count:2 4,3%
WeatherUpdateService (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.cLock): 7 s (7 s) Count:4 1,9%
*sync*/de.is24.android.searches/de.is24.android.account/Immobilien Scout 24 (de.is24.android.Immobilien Scout 24): 5 s (5 s) Count:2 1,4%
*sync*/com.android.email.provider/com.android.exchange/17d0fa4bf6c1d91e5de4f07e791722a7@hotmail.com (com.android.exchange.Exchange-Dienste): 5 s (5 s) Count:9 1,4%
Genie (0): 4 s (4 s) Count:0 1,1%
StartingAlertService (com.google.android.calendar.Kalender): 3 s (3 s) Count:1 0,8%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): 3 s (3 s) Count:2 0,8%
AlarmManager (0): 3 s (3 s) Count:276 0,8%
*sync*/com.twitter.android.provider.TwitterProvider/com.twitter.android.auth.login/vergilbt01 (com.twitter.android.Twitter): 1 s (1 s) Count:1 0,3%
SyncLoopWakeLock (0): 1 s (1 s) Count:250 0,3%
Checkin Service (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s (1 s) Count:8 0,3%
GCM_CONN_ALARM (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s (1 s) Count:5 0,3%
*sync*/de.finanzen100.depot/de.finanzen100.account.general/3380d5db3e85e830273650301f36648c@gmail.com (de.finanzen100.Finanzen100): 1 s (1 s) Count:1 0,3%
Kernel Wakelocks !!! wakeup_sources !!!
wlan_rx_wake (): 10 m 12 s (612 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1133/243/1133 4,4%
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (): 6 m 17 s (377 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)340/27/0 2,7%
wlan_wd_wake (): 1 m 51 s (111 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1518/106/0 0,8%
event0-755 (): 1 m 24 s (84 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1151/1/0 0,6%
alarm_rtc (): 43 s (43 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)93/35/4 0,3%
bam_dmux_wakelock (): 36 s (36 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)7/0/0 0,3%
alarm (): 20 s (20 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)314/22/0 0,1%
max17048_alert (): 19 s (19 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1101/19/0 0,1%
bluesleep (): 17 s (17 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/1 0,1%
msm_serial_hs_dma (): 16 s (16 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,1%
wlan_wake (): 11 s (11 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3072/461/0 0,1%
qpnp-vadc-f6683e00 (): 10 s (10 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2270/38/0 0,1%
wlan_ctrl_wake (): 7 s (7 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/5 0,1%
event2-755 (): 5 s (5 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1187/19/0 0,0%
event3-755 (): 5 s (5 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1187/19/0 0,0%
qpnp-iadc-f6684000 (): 5 s (5 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1139/20/0 0,0%
event4-755 (): 5 s (5 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1187/19/0 0,0%
msm_serial_hs_rx (): 2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/6 0,0%
radio-interface (): 1 s (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
PowerManagerService.Broadcasts (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
power-supply (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-11/0/0 -0,0%
PowerManagerService.Display (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000003_rmt_storage (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
event1-755 (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)102/10/0 0,0%
KeyEvents (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1329/35/0 0,0%
rmt_storage_704672288 (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
smsm_snapshot (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)23/0/0 0,0%
smdcntl0 (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)76/0/0 0,0%
NFCWAKE (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)21/0/0 0,0%
qcril (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/0/0 0,0%
smdcntl1 (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)17/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000096_FLP Service Cal (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc0000007d_sensors.qcom (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000079_sensors.qcom (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc0000002a_sensors.qcom (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000026_sensors.qcom (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000022_sensors.qcom (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000020_sensors.qcom (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc0000001e_sensors.qcom (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000016_sensors.qcom (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000004_rmt_storage (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
qmuxd_port_wl_0 (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)91/0/0 0,0%
kworker/u:12 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 38 s (98 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
system_server (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 9 s (9 s) Us: 15 s (15 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s (15 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.email (com.android.email.E-Mail): Uid: 10035 Sys: 1 s (1 s) Us: 4 s (4 s) Starts: 1
*wakelock* (): Uid: -1 Sys: 2 s (2 s) Us: 2 s (2 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s (4 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
dhd_dpc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s (3 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
de.is24.android (de.is24.android.Immobilien Scout 24): Uid: 10143 Sys: (0 s) Us: 3 s (3 s) Starts: 2
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: 2 s (2 s) Starts: 0
com.android.systemui (UID): Uid: 10007 Sys: (0 s) Us: 1 s (1 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s (2 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
cfinteractive (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s (1 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
bdi-default (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s (1 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.exchange (com.android.exchange.Exchange-Dienste): Uid: 10036 Sys: (0 s) Us: 1 s (1 s) Starts: 0
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: 1 s (1 s) Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s (1 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
mmcqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s (1 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.kebab.Llama (com.kebab.Llama.Llama): Uid: 10120 Sys: (0 s) Us: 1 s (1 s) Starts: 0
robj.floating.notifications (robj.floating.notifications.Floating Notifications): Uid: 10125 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.quoord.tapatalkHD (com.quoord.tapatalkHD.Tapatalk): Uid: 10121 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect (): Uid: -1 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
pro.burgerz.weather (pro.burgerz.weather.Wetter BZ): Uid: 10123 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
kworker/0:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10008 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): Uid: 10122 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10137 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
debuggerd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
dhd_watchdog_th (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
dhd_rxf (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
flush-179:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.twitter.android (com.twitter.android.Twitter): Uid: 10154 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
*wakelock* (): Uid: -1 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
irq/170-msm_sdc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (): Uid: -1 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p28 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.process.location (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10008 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
*wakelock* (): Uid: -1 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10008 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.cLock): Uid: 10044 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.skype.raider (com.skype.raider.Skype): Uid: 10136 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 2
com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10001 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth-Freigabe): Uid: 1002 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
su (): Uid: -1 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.settings (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
android.process.acore (): Uid: -1 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.vending (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10018 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
rcuc/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.chrome (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10028 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
rild (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process2 (de.finanzen100.Finanzen100): Uid: 10163 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.android.gsf.login (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10008 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
com.android.deskclock (com.android.deskclock.Uhr): Uid: 10032 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
wpa_supplicant (1010): Uid: 1010 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.nfc (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
sdcard (1023): Uid: 1023 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
mdss_fb0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
sh (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
flush-0:19 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.maps (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Uid: 10080 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
netmgrd (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
android.process.media (): Uid: -1 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
sensors.qcom (9999): Uid: 9999 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
migration/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
irq/362-s3350 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
se.footballaddicts.livescore (se.footballaddicts.livescore.Live Score Addicts): Uid: 10147 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
fr.slvn.mms (fr.slvn.mms.SMS/MMS): Uid: 10159 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
kworker/1:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
servicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
bridgemgrd (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.android.lmt (com.android.lmt.LMT): Uid: 10102 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (): Uid: -1 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
qseecomd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
time_daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
adbd (com.android.shell.Shell): Uid: 2000 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
qmuxd (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/1:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
app_process (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/1:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.android.calendar (com.google.android.calendar.Kalender): Uid: 10040 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
com.google.android.youtube (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Uid: 10088 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
rmt_storage (9999): Uid: 9999 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
file-storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p25 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p27 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/3:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
sync_supers (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.android.tts (com.google.android.tts.Google Text-in-Sprache): Uid: 10076 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 1
com.nuance.swype.dtc (com.nuance.swype.dtc.Swype + Dragon): Uid: 10119 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
migration/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kthreadd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
mmcqd/1rpmb (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/2:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/2:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.google.android.keep (com.google.android.keep.Keep): Uid: 10041 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10111 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 2
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.Mobilgerät-Broadcasts): Uid: 10029 Sys: (0 s) Us: (0 s) Starts: 0
Alarms (requires root)
android (): Wakeups: 68
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL
Alarms: 50, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM
Alarms: 17, Intent: android.net.ConnectivityService.action.PKT_CNT_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_ELAPSED
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.server.IdleMaintenanceService.action.UPDATE_IDLE_MAINTENANCE_STATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.UPDATE_TWILIGHT_STATE

com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 24
Alarms: 4, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.nlp.ALARM_WAKEUP_LOCATOR
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.nlp.ALARM_WAKEUP_ACTIVITY_DETECTION
Alarms: 14, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.MCS_HEARTBEAT
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.SEND_IDLE
Alarms: 3, Intent: {com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService}
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.nlp.ALARM_WAKEUP_ACTIVE_COLLECTOR
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.playlog.uploader.UploaderAlarmReceiver}
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.icing.INDEX_RECURRING_MAINTENANCE cmp={com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.icing.service.IndexWorkerService}
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.nlp.ALARM_WAKEUP_CACHE_UPDATER
Alarms: 1, Intent: {com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.analytics.internal.PlayLogReportingService}

com.facebook.orca (): Wakeups: 15
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.analytics.service.b.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 15, Intent: com.facebook.push.mqtt.s.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.com.facebook.orca
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.push.ACTION_ALARM cmp={com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.push.PushInitializer$LocalBroadcastReceiver}
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.common.executors.ay.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.database.ACTION_ALARM cmp={com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.contacts.database.AddressBookPeriodicRunner$LocalBroadcastReceiver}
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.common.tempfile.TempFileCleanupService}
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.ui.media.cache.MediaCacheCleanupService}

com.nuance.swype.dtc (): Wakeups: 12
Alarms: 12, Intent: {com.nuance.swype.dtc/com.nuance.swype.connect.ConnectClient}

com.google.android.gsf (): Wakeups: 8
Alarms: 7, Intent: {com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.checkin.EventLogService$Receiver}
Alarms: 1, Intent: {com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.checkin.CheckinService$Receiver}

com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (): Wakeups: 7
Alarms: 3, Intent: {com.cyanogenmod.lockclock/com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.weather.WeatherUpdateService}
Alarms: 4, Intent: com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.action.CANCEL_LOCATION_UPDATE cmp={com.cyanogenmod.lockclock/com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.weather.WeatherUpdateService}
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.action.FORCE_WEATHER_UPDATE cmp={com.cyanogenmod.lockclock/com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.weather.WeatherUpdateService}

com.google.android.apps.maps (): Wakeups: 4
Alarms: 4, Intent: {com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.apps.gmm.prefetch.PrefetcherService}

pro.burgerz.weather (): Wakeups: 3
Alarms: 3, Intent: {pro.burgerz.weather/pro.burgerz.weather.services.WeatherUpdateService}

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 2
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_ACTION
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_ROTATE_LOGS
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageService.RECONNECT cmp={com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService}

com.quoord.tapatalkHD (): Wakeups: 2
Alarms: 2, Intent: {com.quoord.tapatalkHD/com.quoord.tapatalkpro.alarm.PingsOnAlarmReceiver}

com.android.phone (): Wakeups: 1
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DataConnection.DC-2.action_retry
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.internal.telephony.data-stall
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.phone.UPDATE_CALLER_INFO_CACHE cmp={com.android.phone/com.android.phone.CallerInfoCacheUpdateReceiver}
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DataConnection.DC-1.action_retry

com.oasisfeng.greenify (): Wakeups: 1
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.oasisfeng.greenify.CLEAN_NOW cmp={com.oasisfeng.greenify/com.oasisfeng.greenify.CleanerService}
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.oasisfeng.greenify/com.oasisfeng.greenify.CleanerService}

com.android.providers.calendar (): Wakeups: 1
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2

Network (requires root)
10035 (Wifi) (com.android.email.E-Mail): 279.0 KBytes 26,5%
10036 (Wifi) (com.android.exchange.Exchange-Dienste): 91.0 KBytes 8,6%
10035 (Mobile) (com.android.email.E-Mail): 72.0 KBytes 6,8%
10008 (Wifi) (Google Play-Dienste): 70.0 KBytes 6,7%
10036 (Mobile) (com.android.exchange.Exchange-Dienste): 61.0 KBytes 5,9%
10137 (Wifi) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 58.0 KBytes 5,5%
10020 (Wifi) (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google-Suche): 58.0 KBytes 5,5%
10119 (Wifi) (com.nuance.swype.dtc.Swype + Dragon): 52.0 KBytes 4,9%
10154 (Mobile) (com.twitter.android.Twitter): 48.0 KBytes 4,6%
0 (Wifi) (0): 41.0 KBytes 3,9%
10121 (Wifi) (com.quoord.tapatalkHD.Tapatalk): 37.0 KBytes 3,6%
10008 (Mobile) (Google Play-Dienste): 25.0 KBytes 2,4%
10137 (Mobile) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 23.0 KBytes 2,2%
10044 (Wifi) (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.cLock): 21.0 KBytes 2,0%
10018 (Mobile) (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 20.0 KBytes 1,9%
10163 (Mobile) (de.finanzen100.Finanzen100): 20.0 KBytes 1,9%
10123 (Wifi) (pro.burgerz.weather.Wetter BZ): 15.0 KBytes 1,4%
10080 (Wifi) (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): 8.0 KBytes 0,8%
10080 (Mobile) (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): 8.0 KBytes 0,8%
10143 (Wifi) (de.is24.android.Immobilien Scout 24): 6.0 KBytes 0,6%
0 (Mobile) (0): 6.0 KBytes 0,6%
1000 (Mobile) (Android-System): 6.0 KBytes 0,6%
10143 (Mobile) (de.is24.android.Immobilien Scout 24): 6.0 KBytes 0,6%
10044 (Mobile) (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.cLock): 5.0 KBytes 0,5%
10123 (Mobile) (pro.burgerz.weather.Wetter BZ): 4.0 KBytes 0,4%
10076 (Wifi) (com.google.android.tts.Google Text-in-Sprache): 2.0 KBytes 0,2%
0 (lo) (0): 1.0 KBytes 0,2%
10008 (lo) (Google Play-Dienste): 1000.0 Bytes 0,1%
1000 (Wifi) (Android-System): 984.0 Bytes 0,1%
10121 (lo) (com.quoord.tapatalkHD.Tapatalk): 900.0 Bytes 0,1%
0 (p2p0) (0): 384.0 Bytes 0,0%
10088 (lo) (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): 100.0 Bytes 0,0%
CPU States
300 MHz (): 10 m 11 s 4,4%
422,4 MHz (): 20 s 0,1%
652,8 MHz (): 3 s 0,0%
729,6 MHz (): 0,0%
883,2 MHz (): 0,0%
960 MHz (): 5 s 0,0%
1,04 GHz (): 0,0%
1,19 GHz (): 0,0%
1,27 GHz (): 0,0%
1,5 GHz (): 2 m 35 s 1,1%
1,57 GHz (): 6 m 12 s 2,7%
1,73 GHz (): 0,0%
1,96 GHz (): 0,0%
2,27 GHz (): 40 s 0,3%
Deep Sleep (): 3 h 30 m 11 s 91,2%
Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo.html
com.kebab.Llama (com.kebab.Llama.LlamaService)
Active since: 28 s
Last activity: 8 h 9 m 51 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidService)
Active since: 1 d 1 h 10 m 8 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 44 s
Crash count:0
com.nuance.swype.dtc (com.nuance.swype.input.IME)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 7 h 39 m 39 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.backup.BackupTransportService)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.android.phone.BluetoothPhoneService)
Active since: 25 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.tts (com.google.android.tts.service.GoogleTTSService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 35 m 23 s
Last activity: 7 h 52 m 8 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.fused.NlpLocationReceiverService)
Active since: 23 h 48 m 16 s
Last activity: 7 h 2 m 6 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 28 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 44 s
Crash count:0
com.android.lmt (com.android.lmt.TouchService)
Active since: 50 s
Last activity: 50 s
Crash count:0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService)
Active since: 56 s
Last activity: 8 h 55 s
Crash count:0
com.nuance.swype.dtc:SwypeConnect (com.nuance.swype.connect.ConnectClient)
Active since: 25 s
Last activity: 8 h 8 m 40 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.android.exchange (com.android.exchange.service.EmailSyncAdapterService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 46 s
Last activity: 8 h 7 m 23 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.geocode.GeocodeService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
robj.floating.notifications (robj.floating.notifications.WindowStateChanged)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.gapps (com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService)
Active since: 28 s
Last activity: 8 h 7 s
Crash count:1
net.zehai.photosync (net.zehai.photosync.MediaObserveService)
Active since: 52 s
Last activity: 52 s
Crash count:0
com.bel.android.dspmanager (com.bel.android.dspmanager.service.HeadsetService)
Active since: 31 s
Last activity: 5 h 17 m 27 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.AnalyticsService)
Active since: 60 s
Last activity: 8 h 12 s
Crash count:0
robj.floating.notifications (robj.floating.notifications.NotificationListener)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 8 h 10 m 5 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 28 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 45 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.hdp.HealthService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 28 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 44 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.keyguard.KeyguardService)
Active since: 22 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.pbap.BluetoothPbapService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 29 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 49 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 28 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 44 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process2 (org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService2)
Active since: 1 d 48 m 16 s
Last activity: 7 h 46 m 17 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.SystemUIService)
Active since: 22 s
Last activity: 22 s
Crash count:0
system (android.hardware.location.GeofenceHardwareService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.facebook.orca (com.facebook.orca.chatheads.service.ChatHeadService)
Active since: 26 m 33 s
Last activity: 39 m 39 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService)
Active since: 26 s
Last activity: 8 h 7 m 52 s
Crash count:0
com.facebook.orca (com.facebook.push.mqtt.MqttPushService)
Active since: 31 s
Last activity: 7 h 13 m 24 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ReportingAndroidService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 35 m 23 s
Last activity: 7 h 52 m 8 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService)
Active since: 25 s
Last activity: 8 h 6 m 51 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.network.NetworkLocationService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 6 h 59 m 11 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.android.stk.StkAppService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 1 m 9 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.location (com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService)
Active since: 27 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 50 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget (com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget.GenieRefreshService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 19 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 34 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.hfp.HeadsetService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 28 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 44 s
Crash count:0
com.android.smspush (com.android.smspush.WapPushManager)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 24 s
Crash count:0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.CleanerService)
Active since: 53 s
Last activity: 8 h 9 m 29 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 21 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.playlog.service.PlayLogBrokerService)
Active since: 27 s
Last activity: 8 h 10 s
Crash count:0
me.paranoid.touchcontrol (me.paranoid.touchcontrol.PGMReceiver$FireStarter)
Active since: 57 s
Last activity: 57 s
Crash count:0
net.zehai.photosync (net.zehai.photosync.SyncService)
Active since: 52 s
Last activity: 52 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.map.BluetoothMapService)
Active since: 1 d 1 h 10 m 8 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 44 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.android.phone.TelephonyDebugService)
Active since: 25 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.opp.BluetoothOppService)
Active since: 1 d 8 h 11 m 33 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 49 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.pan.PanService)
Active since: 1 d 1 h 10 m 8 s
Last activity: 7 h 49 m 44 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 53 s (Wl: 73 elements; KWl: 0elements; NetS: 12 elements; Alrm: 0 elements; Proc: 200 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 1 d 8 h 11 m 29 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 76elements; NetS: 78 elements; Alrm: 23 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 3 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
ref_charged: Reference ref_charged created 1 d 8 h 11 m 30 s (Wl: 1 elements; KWl: 76elements; NetS: 78 elements; Alrm: 23 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 3 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 1 d 12 h 1 m 53 s (Wl: 16 elements; KWl: 76elements; NetS: 80 elements; Alrm: 23 elements; Proc: 114 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 15 elements)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Welche App verwendest du für deine E-Mails? Ich würde dir gmail im push Betrieb empfehlen. Manuelle regelmäßige Synchronisation ist sehr ungünstig.
Danke für die Info...ich mag nur echt diesen Aufbau von Gmail nicht...habe daher die normale e-mail App genutzt, vor allem wegen mehreren Konten...

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