[AKKU] [HOW-TO] Better Battery Stats [Support]

  • 3.433 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
jo, sieht eigentlicht ganz gut aus. Sehr gut sogar.
Deepsleep von über 92% und wenige wakelocks.

Der Verbrauch von 2,5 %/h erscheint mir da nicht ganz schlüssig, wobei er noch ok ist.
Das Gerät war nicht zufällig mal sehr heiß geworden, nass oder so`?
Einmal im Auto, wie ich Amazon Music gehört habe ist es schon sehr warm in der Ladeschale geworden.
Was mich wundert ist, das der der Verbrauch nicht immer gleich hoch ist, er schwankt zwischen 3,8 und 1,5%, das macht mich stutzig.
Mahlzeit, könnte mal jemand drüber schauen, ob alles okay so wäre?
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version: 2.4-265
Creation Date: 2019-06-30 13:10:25
Statistic Type: Custom to Current
Since 5 h 8 m 58 s
OS.VERSION: 4.9.111
HARDWARE: hi3660
FINGERPRINT: HUAWEI/MHA-L29/HWMHA:9/HUAWEIMHA-L29/191C432R1:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: test
RADIO: 21C30B323S006C000,21C30B323S006C000
Root perms: false
SELinux Policy:
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
XPosed BATTERY_STATS module enabled: false
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -3%(90% to 87%) [0,6%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4356-4188) [32,7%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 4 h 23 m 46 s 85,4%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 44 m 57 s 14,5%
Screen On (): 15 s 0,1%
Wifi On (): 5 h 8 m 58 s 100,0%
Wifi Running (): 5 h 8 m 58 s 100,0%
Bluetooth On (): 5 s 0,0%
Doze Interactive Time (): 14 s 0,1%
Doze Idle Mode Time (): 5 h 3 m 50 s 98,3%
No Data Connection (): 5 h 8 m 58 s 100,0%
Moderate Signal (): 1 h 54 m 45 s 37,1%
Good Signal (): 3 h 14 m 13 s 62,9%
Screen dark (): 15 s 0,1%
deviceidle_maint (Android-System): 1 m 18 s Count:15 0,4%
bluetooth_timer (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth): 15 s Count:9 0,1%
dispatcher (Android-System): 11 s Count:76 0,1%
AnyMotionDetector (Android-System): 9 s Count:9 0,1%
*alarm* (Android-System): 3 s Count:317 0,0%
RainbowSDK_HttpsWakeLockHelper (Android-System): 2 s Count:236 0,0%
GCM_CONN_ALARM (Google Play-Dienste): 2 s Count:40 0,0%
NlpWakeLock (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:148 0,0%
eventloop (Android-System): 1 s Count:213 0,0%
*gms_scheduler*/com.google.android.gms/.clearcut.uploader.QosUploaderService (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:38 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
bluesleep (*api*): 34 m 6 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)643/0/0 11,0%
Active resource: bluesleep (*api*): 34 m 6 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)643/0/0 11,0%
mmc1_detect (*api*): 2 m 59 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1706/0/0 1,0%
wlan_rx_wake (*api*): 2 m 44 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)284/0/0 0,9%
Active resource: wlan_rx_wake (*api*): 2 m 44 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)284/0/0 0,9%
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (*api*): 2 m 16 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)259/0/0 0,7%
Active resource: PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (*api*): 2 m 16 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)259/0/0 0,7%
wlan_wd_wake (*api*): 1 m 35 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1041/0/0 0,5%
Active resource: wlan_wd_wake (*api*): 1 m 35 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1041/0/0 0,5%
[timerfd] (*api*): 39 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1690/0/0 0,2%
NETLINK (*api*): 33 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6776/0/0 0,2%
Active resource: wlan_wake (*api*): 25 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10629/0/0 0,1%
wlan_wake (*api*): 21 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8401/0/0 0,1%
Active resource: sensorhub (*api*): 19 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)12/0/0 0,1%
alarmtimer (*api*): 18 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)9/0/0 0,1%
Active resource: wlan_ctrl_wake (*api*): 17 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)11/0/0 0,1%
ads_tx_wake (*api*): 10 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)19/0/0 0,1%
Active resource: ts_wake_lock (*api*): 10 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,1%
ts_wake_lock (*api*): 10 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,1%
wlan_ctrl_wake (*api*): 10 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,1%
sensorhub (*api*): 4 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
android-pwr (*api*): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
appvcom53_rd_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)20/0/0 0,0%
GPSD (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5656/0/0 0,0%
KeyEvents (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)190/0/0 0,0%
event5 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)184/0/0 0,0%
appvcom0_rd_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)67/0/0 0,0%
appvcom9_rd_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)11/0/0 0,0%
eventpoll (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8444/0/0 0,0%
appvcom13_rd_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)113/0/0 0,0%
icc_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)179/0/0 0,0%
fff34000.pmic:pmic_rtc@a0 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)97/0/0 0,0%
event2 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
appvcom14_rd_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/0/0 0,0%
appvcom5_rd_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)19/0/0 0,0%
Battery (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
diag_wakelock (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)88/0/0 0,0%
appvcom1_rd_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/0/0 0,0%
ipf_rd_wake (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)24/0/0 0,0%
mmc2_detect (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)945/0/0 0,0%
IdleMaint (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-3/0/0 0,0%
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 20 m 32 s Us: 18 m 23 s Starts: 0
com.mc.miband1 (com.mc.miband1.Notify & Fitness for Mi Band): Uid: 10128 Sys: 2 m 43 s Us: 14 m 56 s Starts: 7
com.mc.miband1:NotifyService (com.mc.miband1.Notify & Fitness for Mi Band): Uid: 10128 Sys: 2 m 16 s Us: 4 m 27 s Starts: 0
com.huawei.powergenie (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 59 s Us: 2 m 4 s Starts: 0
lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 27 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
com.android.systemui (UID): Uid: 10017 Sys: 25 s Us: 1 m 57 s Starts: 0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth): Uid: 1002 Sys: 45 s Us: 1 m 12 s Starts: 0
logd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 33 s Us: 1 m 1 s Starts: 0
powerlogd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 33 s Us: 59 s Starts: 0
dubaid (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 33 s Us: 46 s Starts: 0
com.huawei.hiview (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 24 s Us: 53 s Starts: 0
ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s Us: 58 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10009 Sys: 21 s Us: 51 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10009 Sys: 10 s Us: 47 s Starts: 0
com.huawei.systemmanager:service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 12 s Us: 36 s Starts: 0
rcu_preempt (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 42 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth): Uid: 1002 Sys: 29 s Us: 11 s Starts: 0
hwpged (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: 15 s Starts: 0
kworker/2:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 37 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 36 s Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.HwOPServer (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 25 s Us: 10 s Starts: 0
com.huawei.android.pushagent.PushService (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 8 s Us: 24 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 29 s Us: Starts: 0
khungtaskd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 27 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10097 Sys: 3 s Us: 22 s Starts: 0
dhd_dpc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 26 s Us: Starts: 0
hiview (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
cfinteractive (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: 13 s Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: 7 s Us: 14 s Starts: 0
hw_kstate (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 19 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 s Us: Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 16 s Us: Starts: 0
wificond (1010): Uid: 1010 Sys: 13 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
servicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 9 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
migration/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
mailbox-13 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
migration/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:9 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:13 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:15 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:17 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
dhd_watchdog_th (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:18 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
vendor.huawei.hardware.wifi@1.1-service (1010): Uid: 1010 Sys: 9 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:12 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
rcu_sched (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 6 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:14 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.android.launcher (com.huawei.android.launcher.Huawei-Start): Uid: 10078 Sys: 3 s Us: 7 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:11 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
vendor.huawei.hardware.sensors@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:10 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
mailbox-16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
rild (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:19 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): Uid: 10143 Sys: 2 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
modemchr (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
glgps4774 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
chargemonitor (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
com.android.settings (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
thermal-daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 4 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
wpa_supplicant (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
rpmb_task (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
com.touchtype.swiftkey (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey-Tastatur): Uid: 10083 Sys: 1 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
aptouch_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.process.gservices (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10009 Sys: Us: 4 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
statsd (1066): Uid: 1066 Sys: 2 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/3:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome:privileged_process0 (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10097 Sys: 1 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
cpuhp/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.systemserver (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/2:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
zygote64 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.nearby (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 0
android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
tee_auth_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u17:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u17:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
unrmd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
teecd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
displayengineserver (1003): Uid: 1003 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
dhd_rxf (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
hisecd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
vendor.huawei.hardware.audio@4.0-service (1041): Uid: 1041 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.mms (com.android.mms.Nachrichten): Uid: 10011 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
cpuhp/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 0
lhd4774 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): Uid: 10132 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 1
vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
adbd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
vold (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
storage_info (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.iconnect (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
oeminfo_nvm_server (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
fusion_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
bbox_main (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
android.hardware.health@2.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.vending (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10052 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
hinetmanager (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/sdd12-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.usb@1.0-service (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
workingset:coll (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
hw_ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
emcomd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kcompactd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
iptables-restore (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.secure_element@1.0-service (com.android.se.SecureElementService): Uid: 1068 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
ts_thread:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kauditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.recsys (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ip6tables-restore (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
webview_zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
sys_heap (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.unstable (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10009 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
bastetd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
activity_recognition_service (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.hiviewtunnel:hwbdservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
vendor.huawei.hardware.gnss@1.1-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
audioserver (1041): Uid: 1041 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/dm-0-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
gpuassistant (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.gallery3d (com.android.gallery3d.Galerie): Uid: 10025 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
f2fs_discard-25 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
AppDS (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.gallery3d:vision (com.android.gallery3d.Galerie): Uid: 10025 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
f2fs_gc-259:41 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/sdd6-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ecryptfs-kthrea (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
storaged (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
vendor.huawei.hardware.power@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.partnersetup (com.google.android.partnersetup.Google Partner Setup): Uid: 10040 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
jbd2/dm-1-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/dm-2-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/dm-5-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
spi0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/sdd10-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/sdd13-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
vendor.huawei.hardware.perfgenius@2.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
wl_event_handle (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/dm-3-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/dm-4-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/dm-6-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/sdd3-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/sdd7-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
spi3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/sdd19-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/sdd42-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
icc_shared (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
vendor.huawei.hardware.hwdisplay@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
vendor.huawei.hardware.hwfactoryinterface@1.1-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.lbs (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.huawei.android.thememanager (com.huawei.android.thememanager.Designs): Uid: 10076 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.partnerbrowsercustomizations.tmobile (com.android.partnerbrowsercustomizations.tmobile.com.android.partnerbrowsercustomizations.tmobile): Uid: 10087 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android (): Wakeups: 140 (27,3 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.xtra.download
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 61, Intent: com.huawei.push.alarm.HEARTBEAT
Alarms: 61, Intent: com.android.intent.action.HEARTBEAT_FIXER
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL
Alarms: 0, Intent: *job.heartbeat*
Alarms: 4, Intent: *job.delay*
Alarms: 2, Intent: *job.deadline*
Alarms: 5, Intent: DeviceIdleController.deep
Alarms: 5, Intent: DeviceIdleController.light
Alarms: 1, Intent: WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Watchdog Timer
Alarms: 0, Intent: WriteBufferAlarm
Alarms: 1, Intent: JS idleness

com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 16 (3,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.operation.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.ALARM
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action
Alarms: 8, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.MCS_HEARTBEAT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.METADATA_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.cryptauth.DEVICE_STATE_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT

com.mc.miband1 (): Wakeups: 15 (2,9 / h)
Alarms: 15, Intent: reconnectAlarm

com.huawei.nb.service (): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.huawei.nb.service/com.huawei.nb.receiver.SchedulerAlarmReceiver

10009 (Wifi) (Google Play-Dienste): 103.0 KBytes 34,2%
0 (Wifi) (0): 69.0 KBytes 22,8%
1000 (Wifi) (Android-System): 68.0 KBytes 22,6%
10083 (Wifi) (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey-Tastatur): 28.0 KBytes 9,4%
10128 (Wifi) (com.mc.miband1.Notify & Fitness for Mi Band): 18.0 KBytes 6,3%
10132 (Wifi) (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): 9.0 KBytes 3,1%
1051 (Wifi) (1051): 3.0 KBytes 1,1%
10097 (Wifi) (com.android.chrome.Chrome): 884.0 Bytes 0,3%
10119 (Wifi) (com.huawei.hwid.Huawei Mobile Services): 475.0 Bytes 0,2%
10052 (Wifi) (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 144.0 Bytes 0,0%
10076 (Wifi) (com.huawei.android.thememanager.Designs): 111.0 Bytes 0,0%
CPU States
1,84 GHz (): 4 m 52 s 1,6%
1,71 GHz (): 1 m 57 s 0,6%
1,4 GHz (): 6 m 41 s 2,2%
999 MHz (): 55 s 0,3%
533 MHz (): 30 m 44 s 10,0%
Deep Sleep (): 4 h 23 m 46 s 85,4%
(Android-System): Sensor: accelerometer-lsm6dsm(0), wakeup=false, Time: 5 s
Sensor: light-bh1745(3), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: proximity-pa224(4), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s
Sensor: significant Motion(15), wakeup=true, Time: 21 m 19 s
Sensor: step counter(17), wakeup=false, Time: 21 m 19 s

(UID): Sensor: proximity-pa224(4), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s

Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo  |  Android Developers
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.services.EventWatcherService)
Active since: 5 m 25 s
Last activity: 50 m 41 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 5 m 29 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 63elements; NetS: 6 elements; Alrm: 5 elements; Proc: 21 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 5 elements; Sensors: 0 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 5 h 14 m 28 s (Wl: 10 elements; KWl: 68elements; NetS: 11 elements; Alrm: 7 elements; Proc: 219 elements; Oth: 12 elements; CPU: 6 elements; Sensors: 2 elements)
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 16 h 54 m 18 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 73elements; NetS: 0 elements; Alrm: 8 elements; Proc: 34 elements; Oth: 9 elements; CPU: 6 elements; Sensors: 0 elements)
------ human readable part end here
"alarmStats": [
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.android.xtra.download"
"number": 0,
"intent": "android.intent.action.TIME_TICK"
"number": 61,
"intent": "com.huawei.push.alarm.HEARTBEAT"
"number": 61,
"intent": "com.android.intent.action.HEARTBEAT_FIXER"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL"
"number": 0,
"intent": "*job.heartbeat*"
"number": 4,
"intent": "*job.delay*"
"number": 2,
"intent": "*job.deadline*"
"number": 5,
"intent": "DeviceIdleController.deep"
"number": 5,
"intent": "DeviceIdleController.light"
"number": 1,
"intent": "WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Watchdog Timer"
"number": 0,
"intent": "WriteBufferAlarm"
"number": 1,
"intent": "JS idleness"
"total_count": 173,
"wakeups": 140,
"package_name": "android",
"time_runing_ms": 18538550,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.common.operation.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS"
"number": 5,
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.ALARM"
"number": 2,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action"
"number": 8,
"intent": "com.google.android.intent.action.MCS_HEARTBEAT"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.METADATA_ALARM"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.cryptauth.DEVICE_STATE_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT"
"total_count": 173,
"wakeups": 16,
"package_name": "com.google.android.gms",
"time_runing_ms": 18538550,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 15,
"intent": "reconnectAlarm"
"total_count": 199,
"wakeups": 15,
"package_name": "com.mc.miband1",
"time_runing_ms": 18868019,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 2,
"intent": "com.huawei.nb.service/com.huawei.nb.receiver.SchedulerAlarmReceiver"
"total_count": 199,
"wakeups": 2,
"package_name": "com.huawei.nb.service",
"time_runing_ms": 18868019,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"batteryLevelLost": -3,
"batteryLevelLostText": "Bat.: -3%(90% to 87%) [0,6%/h]",
"batteryStatsPermGranted": true,
"batteryVoltageLost": -168,
"batteryVoltageLostText": "(4356-4188) [32,7%/h]",
"bbsVersion": "2.4-265",
"buildBootloader": "unknown",
"buildBrand": "HUAWEI",
"buildDevice": "HWMHA",
"buildFingerprint": "HUAWEI/MHA-L29/HWMHA:9/HUAWEIMHA-L29/191C432R1:user/release-keys",
"buildHardware": "hi3660",
"buildId": "HUAWEIMHA-L29",
"buildManufacturer": "HUAWEI",
"buildModel": "MHA-L29",
"buildProduct": "MHA-L29",
"buildRadio": "21C30B323S006C000,21C30B323S006C000",
"buildTags": "release-keys",
"buildUser": "test",
"buildVersionRelease": "9",
"cpuStateStats": [
"duration_ms": 292580,
"freq": 1844000,
"total": 18538638,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"duration_ms": 117500,
"freq": 1709000,
"total": 18538638,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"duration_ms": 401690,
"freq": 1402000,
"total": 18538638,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"duration_ms": 55670,
"freq": 999000,
"total": 18538638,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"duration_ms": 1844880,
"freq": 533000,
"total": 18538638,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"duration_ms": 15826318,
"freq": 0,
"total": 18867188,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"creationDate": "2019-06-30 13:10:25",
"duration": "5 h 8 m 58 s ",
"kernelWakelockStats": [
"active_since": 0,
"count": 643,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "bluesleep ",
"sleep_time": 2046492,
"total_time": 2046492,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 643,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Active resource: bluesleep ",
"sleep_time": 2046491,
"total_time": 2046491,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 1706,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "mmc1_detect ",
"sleep_time": 179171,
"total_time": 179171,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 284,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "wlan_rx_wake ",
"sleep_time": 164272,
"total_time": 164272,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 284,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Active resource: wlan_rx_wake",
"sleep_time": 164271,
"total_time": 164271,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 259,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "PowerManagerService.WakeLocks ",
"sleep_time": 136693,
"total_time": 136693,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 259,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Active resource: PowerManagerService.WakeLocks",
"sleep_time": 136692,
"total_time": 136692,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 1041,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "wlan_wd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 95939,
"total_time": 95939,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 1041,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Active resource: wlan_wd_wake",
"sleep_time": 95939,
"total_time": 95939,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 1690,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "[timerfd] ",
"sleep_time": 39661,
"total_time": 39661,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 6776,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "NETLINK ",
"sleep_time": 33828,
"total_time": 33828,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 10629,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Active resource: wlan_wake ",
"sleep_time": 25365,
"total_time": 25365,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18545901,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 8401,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "wlan_wake ",
"sleep_time": 21548,
"total_time": 21548,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 12,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Active resource: sensorhub ",
"sleep_time": 19223,
"total_time": 19223,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18545901,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 9,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "alarmtimer ",
"sleep_time": 18193,
"total_time": 18193,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18545901,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 11,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Active resource: wlan_ctrl_wake",
"sleep_time": 17047,
"total_time": 17047,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18545901,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 19,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "ads_tx_wake ",
"sleep_time": 10691,
"total_time": 10691,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 4,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Active resource: ts_wake_lock",
"sleep_time": 10669,
"total_time": 10669,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 4,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "ts_wake_lock ",
"sleep_time": 10669,
"total_time": 10669,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 6,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "wlan_ctrl_wake ",
"sleep_time": 10385,
"total_time": 10385,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 3,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "sensorhub ",
"sleep_time": 4251,
"total_time": 4251,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 1,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "android-pwr ",
"sleep_time": 1103,
"total_time": 1103,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 20,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "appvcom53_rd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 840,
"total_time": 840,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 5656,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "GPSD ",
"sleep_time": 167,
"total_time": 167,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 190,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "KeyEvents ",
"sleep_time": 132,
"total_time": 132,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 184,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "event5 ",
"sleep_time": 122,
"total_time": 122,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 67,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "appvcom0_rd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 107,
"total_time": 107,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 11,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "appvcom9_rd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 97,
"total_time": 97,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 8444,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "eventpoll ",
"sleep_time": 40,
"total_time": 40,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 113,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "appvcom13_rd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 24,
"total_time": 24,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 179,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "icc_wake ",
"sleep_time": 23,
"total_time": 23,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 97,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "fff34000.pmic:pmic_rtc@a0 ",
"sleep_time": 21,
"total_time": 21,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18545901,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 4,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "event2 ",
"sleep_time": 7,
"total_time": 7,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 8,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "appvcom14_rd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 6,
"total_time": 6,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 19,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "appvcom5_rd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 5,
"total_time": 5,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 3,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "Battery ",
"sleep_time": 4,
"total_time": 4,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 88,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "diag_wakelock ",
"sleep_time": 4,
"total_time": 4,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 8,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "appvcom1_rd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 2,
"total_time": 2,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 24,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "ipf_rd_wake ",
"sleep_time": 2,
"total_time": 2,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": 945,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "mmc2_detect ",
"sleep_time": 1,
"total_time": 1,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"active_since": 0,
"count": -3,
"details": "*api*",
"expire_count": 0,
"last_change": 0,
"max_time": 0,
"name": "IdleMaint ",
"sleep_time": 1,
"total_time": 1,
"wake_count": 0,
"total": 18538645,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"networkStats": [
"bytes_received": 50514,
"bytes_sent": 55727,
"iface": "Wifi",
"total": 310213,
"uid": 10009,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10009,
"m_uidName": "Google Play-Dienste",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"bytes_received": 35014,
"bytes_sent": 35680,
"iface": "Wifi",
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"uid": 0,
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"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "jbd2/sdd3-8",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 100,
"user_time": 100,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "jbd2/sdd7-8",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 100,
"user_time": 100,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "spi3",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 0,
"user_time": 200,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "jbd2/sdd19-8",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 200,
"user_time": 0,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "jbd2/sdd42-8",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 200,
"user_time": 0,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "icc_shared",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 200,
"user_time": 0,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "kworker/0:1",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 200,
"user_time": 0,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "kworker/7:1H",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 200,
"user_time": 0,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "vendor.huawei.hardware.hwdisplay@1.0-service",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 100,
"user_time": 100,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 1000,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 1000,
"m_uidName": "Android-System",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "vendor.huawei.hardware.hwfactoryinterface@1.1-service",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 100,
"user_time": 100,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 1000,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 1000,
"m_uidName": "Android-System",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "com.huawei.lbs",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 200,
"user_time": 0,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 1000,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 1000,
"m_uidName": "Android-System",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "com.huawei.android.thememanager",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 100,
"user_time": 100,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 10076,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10076,
"m_uidName": "Designs",
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.huawei.android.thememanager",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"name": "com.android.partnerbrowsercustomizations.tmobile",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 0,
"user_time": 200,
"total": 6327100,
"uid": 10087,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10087,
"m_uidName": "com.android.partnerbrowsercustomizations.tmobile",
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.partnerbrowsercustomizations.tmobile",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"rootPermissions": false,
"seLinuxPolicy": "",
"sensorUsage": [
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": 0,
"time": 5051,
"sensor": "accelerometer-lsm6dsm(0), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"handle": 3,
"time": 120,
"sensor": "light-bh1745(3), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"handle": 4,
"time": 52,
"sensor": "proximity-pa224(4), wakeup\u003dtrue"
"handle": 15,
"time": 1279484,
"sensor": "significant Motion(15), wakeup\u003dtrue"
"handle": 17,
"time": 1279922,
"sensor": "step counter(17), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"total_time": 2564629,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 1000,
"m_uidName": "Android-System",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": 4,
"time": 218,
"sensor": "proximity-pa224(4), wakeup\u003dtrue"
"total_time": 218,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10017,
"m_uidName": "UID",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"statType": "Custom to Current",
"totalTime": 18538562,
"xposedBatteryStatsEnabled": false
Der Verbrauch pro Stunde sieht sehr gut aus, der Deepsleep nicht. Das wiederspricht sich zwar, aber das Ergebnis - lange Laufzeit - ist gegeben.

Kennst du "bluesleep" ? Falls das eine App ist, würde ich hier noch was vermuten. Könnte aber auch ein Systemdienst sein.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: VampirKing
Bluesleep = Bluetooth das läuft immer wegen dem Mi Band.
Ich hab auch schon den Grund, für den schlechten/schlechteren Deepsleep gefunden, das liegt tatsächlich am Bluetooth.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: funkenwerner
Ich weiß ja nicht, vielleicht mache ich auch was falsch aber bei mir zeigt die App nur bei CPU und Alarms etwas an. Bei allem anderen steht nur "noch keine Statistik erhoben", obwohl die Rechte vergeben sind (true) und das Handy 7 Stunden nach dem Laden auf dem Nachtschrank lag und nicht angefasst wurde.

Hab ich was übersehen? Nutze die letzte Xda Version.

Ach ja und das Gerät ist NICHT GEROOTET!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kann bitte mal wer drüberschauen und mir seine Meinung mitteilen.
Ist mein BQ Aquaris X Pro 4/128 mit LinegeOS 16 ohne Root.
Danke im Voraus.

General Information
BetterBatteryStats version: 2.5-336
Creation Date: 2019-08-06 05:27:04
Statistic Type: Custom to Current
Since 7 h 34 m 59 s
DEVICE: bardockpro
MODEL: Aquaris X Pro
OS.VERSION: 4.9.183-perf+
FINGERPRINT: bq/bardock-pro/bardock-pro:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/2169:user/release-keys
ID: PQ3A.190705.003
TAGS: release-keys
USER: gitlab-runner
PRODUCT: bardock-pro
RADIO: .TA.2.3.c1-00748-8953_GEN_PACK-1,.TA.2.3.c1-00748-8953_GEN_PACK-1
Root perms: false
SELinux Policy:
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
BATTERY_STATS status: Success
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -14%(83% to 69%) [1,8%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4270-3998) [35,9%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 7 h 4 m 46 s 93,4%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 24 m 51 s 5,5%
Screen On (): 5 m 21 s 1,2%
Doze Interactive Time (): 5 m 20 s 1,2%
Doze Idle Mode Time (): 7 h 24 m 56 s 97,8%
Good Signal (): 1 m 36 s 0,4%
Great Signal (): 7 h 33 m 23 s 99,6%
Screen dark (): 7 s 0,0%
Screen dimmed (): 5 m 13 s 1,1%
deviceidle_maint (Android-System): 1 m 17 s Count:102 0,3%
*telephony-radio* (Telefondienste): 9 s Count:804 0,0%
AnyMotionDetector (Android-System): 7 s Count:95 0,0%
AudioMix (1041): 4 s Count:2 0,0%
wake:org.antivirus/com.evernote.android.job.v14.PlatformAlarmServiceExact (org.antivirus.AntiVirus): 3 s Count:39 0,0%
JobExecutor (org.antivirus.AntiVirus): 2 s Count:77 0,0%
*alarm* (Android-System): 2 s Count:185 0,0%
*alarm* (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): 2 s Count:1 0,0%
AudioMix (com.android.systemui.System-UI): 1 s Count:3 0,0%
AquaMail WakeLock (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): 1 s Count:87 0,0%
*gms_scheduler*/com.google.android.gms/.clearcut.uploader.QosUploaderService (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:9 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
IPA_WS (*api*): 5 m 49 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2600/0/0 1,3%
PowerManagerService.Display (*api*): 5 m 21 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 1,2%
IPA_RM12 (*api*): 4 m 41 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1323/0/0 1,0%
NETLINK (*api*): 3 m 56 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)224174/0/0 0,9%
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (*api*): 2 m 22 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)992/0/0 0,5%
[timerfd] (*api*): 2 m 5 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3158/0/0 0,5%
alarmtimer (*api*): 30 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)15/0/0 0,1%
5-0028 (*api*): 6 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
CHG_PLCY_MAIN_WL (*api*): 3 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)61873/0/0 0,0%
qpnp_fg_memaccess (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)830/0/0 0,0%
PowerManagerService.Broadcasts (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
eventpoll (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)228629/0/0 0,0%
qcril (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)924/0/0 0,0%
qpnp_fg_update_sram (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)60/0/0 0,0%
event5 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1746/0/0 0,0%
ipc_rtr_smd_ipcrtr (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1792/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000f0_2141_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1538/0/0 0,0%
KeyEvents (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)941/0/0 0,0%
qpnp_fg_update_temp (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)177/0/0 0,0%
event0 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000174_2157_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)11/0/0 0,0%
radio-interface (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/0/0 0,0%
bms (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)18/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000f1_2141_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)102/0/0 0,0%
200f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmi8950@2:qcom,qpnp-smbcharger (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)18/0/0 0,0%
200f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8953@0:qcom,pm8953_rtc (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)131/0/0 0,0%
battery (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)7/0/0 0,0%
ipc0000010c_2023_netmgrd (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)40/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000067_73_kworker/0:1 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)31/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000e8_2019_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000e7_2019_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)16/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000f2_2141_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 m 28 s Us: 55 m 23 s Starts: 0
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 34 m 27 s Us: 8 m 38 s Starts: 0
android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 m 23 s Us: 41 s Starts: 0
netmgrd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 21 s Us: 6 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10015 Sys: 38 s Us: 1 m 30 s Starts: 0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Uid: 10019 Sys: 23 s Us: 1 m 42 s Starts: 0
mmc-cmdqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 1 s Us: Starts: 0
rild (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 1 m 44 s Us: 7 s Starts: 0
logd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 38 s Us: 1 m 13 s Starts: 0
hvdcp_opti (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 24 s Us: 12 s Starts: 0
org.antivirus (org.antivirus.AntiVirus): Uid: 10171 Sys: 15 s Us: 1 m 19 s Starts: 0
com.adguard.android (com.adguard.android.AdGuard): Uid: 10150 Sys: 18 s Us: 54 s Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 32 s Us: 32 s Starts: 0
kworker/4:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 4 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 58 s Us: Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 43 s Us: 14 s Starts: 0
migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 56 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10015 Sys: 15 s Us: 40 s Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): Uid: 10175 Sys: 15 s Us: 39 s Starts: 0
migration/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 53 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 52 s Us: Starts: 0
qseecomd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 50 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 48 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 42 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
thermal-engine (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: 26 s Starts: 0
rcu_preempt (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 45 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 44 s Us: Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 19 s Us: 24 s Starts: 0
migration/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 43 s Starts: 0
android.hardware.health@2.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 34 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 36 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
cpuhp/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 33 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 39 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 38 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 39 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 38 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 37 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 36 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 27 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 35 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 34 s Us: Starts: 0
statsd (1066): Uid: 1066 Sys: 5 s Us: 28 s Starts: 0
cpuhp/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 32 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
sugov:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 33 s Us: Starts: 0
vold (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 19 s Us: 13 s Starts: 0
kworker/u17:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 30 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 29 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 29 s Starts: 0
msm_irqbalance (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): Uid: 10106 Sys: 5 s Us: 21 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 25 s Us: Starts: 0
com.infonetservice.phono (com.infonetservice.phono.Phono): Uid: 10116 Sys: 9 s Us: 13 s Starts: 1
sensors.qti (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
org.kustom.widget.service (org.kustom.widget.Kustom Widget): Uid: 10108 Sys: 5 s Us: 16 s Starts: 0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10147 Sys: 6 s Us: 15 s Starts: 1
android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 18 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
rcuop/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 20 s Starts: 0
kworker/u17:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 s Us: Starts: 0
org.kman.AquaMail (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): Uid: 10099 Sys: 5 s Us: 11 s Starts: 0
sk.mildev84.agendareminder (sk.mildev84.agendareminder.Kalender Widget): Uid: 10111 Sys: 3 s Us: 14 s Starts: 3
kworker/4:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s Us: Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
rcu_sched (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 16 s Us: Starts: 0
cnd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/7:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
servicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 10 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
kgsl_worker_thr (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.vending (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10017 Sys: 5 s Us: 7 s Starts: 1
kworker/5:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
vendor.qti.gnss@2.0-service (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.audio@2.0-service (1041): Uid: 1041 Sys: 7 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
de.payback.client.android (de.payback.client.android.PAYBACK): Uid: 10145 Sys: 5 s Us: 6 s Starts: 2
kworker/u17:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
ipc_rtr_q6_ipcr (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.process.gservices (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10015 Sys: 3 s Us: 7 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 10 s Starts: 0
audioserver (1041): Uid: 1041 Sys: 4 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
org.kustom.widget.editor (org.kustom.widget.Kustom Widget): Uid: 10108 Sys: 3 s Us: 7 s Starts: 0
irq/72-408000.q (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 6 s Starts: 0
irq/16-7824900. (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 9 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kcompactd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.vending:instant_app_installer (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10017 Sys: 1 s Us: 6 s Starts: 1
com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping (com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping.Amazon Shopping): Uid: 10102 Sys: 1 s Us: 6 s Starts: 1
qti (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 3 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): Uid: 10175 Sys: 3 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
rcuop/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
slim_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
zygote64 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
xtwifi-client (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
loc_launcher (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
mm-qcamera-daemon (1006): Uid: 1006 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
adsprpcd (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
dpmd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
xtra-daemon (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
ilitek_i2c_thre (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
rcuos/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
ipacm (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 3 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
time_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u17:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 4 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
imsdatadaemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
dpmQmiMgr (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10022 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
msm_perf:events (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
lowi-server (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
wcnss_service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
imsqmidaemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
cnss-daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
ims_rtp_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
ipacm-diag (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
android.process.acore (Android Core Apps): Uid: 10013 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
ATFWD-daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
tftp_server (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p25 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/6:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 3 s Starts: 0
vendor.nxp.hardware.nfc@1.1-service (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/0rpmb (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 0
iptables-restore (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
ipc_rtr_smd_ipc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.notifier (com.teslacoilsw.notifier.TeslaUnread): Uid: 10153 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
rmt_storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
webview_zygote (1053): Uid: 1053 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
android.process.media (Medien): Uid: 10014 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
kworker/6:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
ip6tables-restore (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.nfc (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 1
com.android.launcher3 (com.android.launcher3.Trebuchet): Uid: 10029 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
irq/288-ilitek_ (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
pm-service (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
imsrcsd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
sh (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): Uid: 10175 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
mdss_fb0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
vsync_retire_wo (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p26 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
cameraserver (1047): Uid: 1047 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.dialer (com.google.android.dialer.Telefon): Uid: 10158 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 3
media.codec (1046): Uid: 1046 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
rcuos/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.ui (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10015 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 4
com.android.calendar (com.android.calendar.Kalender): Uid: 10065 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
rcuos/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kauditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p12 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10015 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
org.lineageos.lockclock (org.lineageos.lockclock.cLock): Uid: 10081 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 1
com.google.android.keep (com.google.android.keep.Notizen): Uid: 10132 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
net.cdeguet.smartkeyboardpro (net.cdeguet.smartkeyboardpro.Smart Keyboard Pro): Uid: 10097 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
.dataservices (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
pl.waskysoft.screenshotassistant:interactor (pl.waskysoft.screenshotassistant.Screenshot Assistant): Uid: 10129 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 1
com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.se (com.android.se.SecureElementApplication): Uid: 1068 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
org.lineageos.audiofx (org.lineageos.audiofx.AudioFX): Uid: 10026 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.qualcomm.qtil.aptxui (com.qualcomm.qtil.aptxui.com.qualcomm.qtil.aptxui): Uid: 10095 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
kworker/4:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.light@2.0-service.msm8953 (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
org.lineageos.lineageparts (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.google.android.partnersetup (com.google.android.partnersetup.Google Partner Setup): Uid: 10006 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.android.smspush (com.android.smspush.com.android.smspush): Uid: 10063 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
org.lineageos.profiles (org.lineageos.profiles.Anbieter für vertrauenswürdige Profile): Uid: 10084 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
org.withouthat.acalendarplus (org.withouthat.acalendarplus.aCalendar+): Uid: 10154 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
vendor.qti.hardware.perf@1.0-service (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.deskclock (com.android.deskclock.Uhr): Uid: 10055 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client (com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client.MyPhoneExplorer Client): Uid: 10143 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
com.android.inputmethod.latin (com.android.inputmethod.latin.Android-Tastatur (AOSP)): Uid: 10079 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
system (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.power@1.1-service-qti (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.qualcomm.timeservice (com.qualcomm.timeservice.com.qualcomm.timeservice): Uid: 10096 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
kworker/6:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.webview:webview_service (com.android.webview.Android System WebView): Uid: 10056 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
pl.solidexplorer.unlocker (pl.solidexplorer.unlocker.Solid Explorer Unlocker): Uid: 10104 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
storaged (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.dialer (com.android.dialer.Telefon): Uid: 10025 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
org.lineageos.updater (org.lineageos.updater.Updater): Uid: 10045 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
hwservicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/17-spdm_bw_ (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
media.extractor (1040): Uid: 1040 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
keystore (1017): Uid: 1017 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android (): Wakeups: 89 (11,8 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL
Alarms: 30, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
Alarms: 22, Intent: *job.delay*
Alarms: 24, Intent: *job.deadline*
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED
Alarms: 0, Intent: *job.heartbeat*
Alarms: 0, Intent: android/com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanionService$PullingAlarmReceiver
Alarms: 5, Intent: DeviceIdleController.deep
Alarms: 6, Intent: DeviceIdleController.light
Alarms: 1, Intent: ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: GraphicsStatsService
Alarms: 1, Intent: JS idleness

org.antivirus (): Wakeups: 40 (5,3 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: org.antivirus/com.avast.android.sdk.antitheft.internal.protection.RestoreReceiver
Alarms: 40, Intent: org.antivirus/com.evernote.android.job.v14.PlatformAlarmReceiver
Alarms: 0, Intent: org.antivirus/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity.activitylog.ActivityLogDumpShieldsReceiver
Alarms: 0, Intent: org.antivirus/com.avast.android.appinfo.usedresources.scanner.traffic.NetworkTrafficScannerService
Alarms: 0, Intent: action_reschedule
Alarms: 0, Intent: org.antivirus/com.avast.android.appinfo.usedresources.scanner.db.PowerConsumptionScannerDbCleaningService
Alarms: 0, Intent: org.antivirus/.o.bwt

com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 27 (3,6 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms/.lockbox.LockboxAlarmReceiver
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.google.android.gms.analytics.ANALYTICS_DISPATCH
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.tron.ALARM
Alarms: 1, Intent: null.INACTIVITY_TRIGGERED
Alarms: 16, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.MCS_HEARTBEAT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.stats.eastworld.action.EASTWORLD_ALARM
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.METADATA_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.cryptauth.DEVICE_STATE_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.download.START
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.operation.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.fido.authenticator.autoenroll.FIDO_ENROLLMENT_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.reminders.notification.ACTION_REFRESH_TIME_REMINDERS
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action

org.withouthat.acalendarplus (): Wakeups: 3 (0,4 / h)
Alarms: 2, Intent: org.withouthat.acalendarplus/de.tapirapps.calendarmain.notifications.TaskNotificationReceiver
Alarms: 0, Intent: acalendar.DATE_CHANGED
Alarms: 1, Intent: org.withouthat.acalendarplus/de.tapirapps.calendarmain.notifications.BirthdayNotificationReceiver

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 2 (0,3 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageHandler.CLIENT_PINGER_ACTION
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.BACKUP_MESSAGES
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.DAILY_CRON
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageHandler.LOGOUT_ACTION

com.android.providers.calendar (): Wakeups: 2 (0,3 / h)
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2

org.lineageos.lockclock (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: org.lineageos.lockclock/.weather.WeatherUpdateService
Alarms: 0, Intent: org.lineageos.lockclock.action.FORCE_WEATHER_UPDATE

org.kman.AquaMail (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: org.kman.AquaMail.ACTION_START_SYNC
Alarms: 0, Intent: org.kman.AquaMail.KICK_SYNC

org.lineageos.lineageparts (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: org.lineageos.lineageparts.action.TRIGGER_REPORT_METRICS

com.android.systemui (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.DELAYED_KEYGUARD

com.microsoft.office.excel (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.microsoft.office.action.OFF_PEAK_HOURS_DAILY

com.microsoft.office.word (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.microsoft.office.action.OFF_PEAK_HOURS_DAILY

org.tvbrowser.tvbrowser.play (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: org.tvbrowser.tvbrowser.play/org.tvbrowser.tvbrowser.ServiceUpdateDataTable

10150 (Mobile) (com.adguard.android.AdGuard): 683.0 KBytes 75,3%
10017 (Mobile) (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 151.0 KBytes 16,7%
0 (Mobile) (0): 64.0 KBytes 7,1%
1000 (Mobile) (Android-System): 5.0 KBytes 0,6%
1051 (Mobile) (1051): 3.0 KBytes 0,4%
CPU States
(Google Play-Dienste): Sensor: BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Significant Motion Detector(22), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s

(Android-System): Sensor: Unknown, Time: 0 s
Sensor: BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup=false, Time: 5 m 3 s
Sensor: Significant Motion Detector(22), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s

(eu.thedarken.sdm.SD Maid): Sensor: BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

(com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Sensor: BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

(com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Sensor: Unknown, Time: 0 s
Sensor: AK09916 Magnetometer Uncalibrated(4), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: BMI160 Gyroscope Uncalibrated(6), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Gravity(17), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Linear Acceleration(18), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Step Detector(20), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo | Android Developers
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.services.EventWatcherService)
Active since: 1 m 8 s
Last activity: 44 m 26 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 18113 d 19 h 38 m 40 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 115elements; NetS: 4 elements; Alrm: 2 elements; Proc: 56 elements; Oth: 9 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 4 elements)
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 18113 d 19 h 51 m 25 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 118elements; NetS: 5 elements; Alrm: 7 elements; Proc: 126 elements; Oth: 10 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 5 elements)
ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 18113 d 19 h 51 m 45 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 118elements; NetS: 5 elements; Alrm: 7 elements; Proc: 126 elements; Oth: 10 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 5 elements)
ref_screen_off: Reference ref_screen_off created 18113 d 19 h 56 m 47 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 118elements; NetS: 5 elements; Alrm: 7 elements; Proc: 142 elements; Oth: 11 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 5 elements)
ref_screen_on: Reference ref_screen_on created 18114 d 3 h 26 m 44 s (Wl: 11 elements; KWl: 122elements; NetS: 5 elements; Alrm: 13 elements; Proc: 240 elements; Oth: 13 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 5 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 18114 d 3 h 26 m 45 s (Wl: 11 elements; KWl: 122elements; NetS: 5 elements; Alrm: 13 elements; Proc: 240 elements; Oth: 13 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 5 elements)
------ human readable part end here
"alarmStats": [
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 0,
"intent": "android.intent.action.TIME_TICK"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL"
"number": 30,
"intent": "android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE"
"number": 22,
"intent": "*job.delay*"
"number": 24,
"intent": "*job.deadline*"
"number": 0,
"intent": "android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED"
"number": 0,
"intent": "*job.heartbeat*"
"number": 0,
"intent": "android/com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanionService$PullingAlarmReceiver"
"number": 5,
"intent": "DeviceIdleController.deep"
"number": 6,
"intent": "DeviceIdleController.light"
"number": 1,
"intent": "ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE"
"number": 0,
"intent": "GraphicsStatsService"
"number": 1,
"intent": "JS idleness"
"total_count": 170,
"wakeups": 89,
"package_name": "android",
"time_runing_ms": 27299608,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 0,
"intent": "org.antivirus/com.avast.android.sdk.antitheft.internal.protection.RestoreReceiver"
"number": 40,
"intent": "org.antivirus/com.evernote.android.job.v14.PlatformAlarmReceiver"
"number": 0,
"intent": "org.antivirus/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity.activitylog.ActivityLogDumpShieldsReceiver"
"number": 0,
"intent": "org.antivirus/com.avast.android.appinfo.usedresources.scanner.traffic.NetworkTrafficScannerService"
"number": 0,
"intent": "action_reschedule"
"number": 0,
"intent": "org.antivirus/com.avast.android.appinfo.usedresources.scanner.db.PowerConsumptionScannerDbCleaningService"
"number": 0,
"intent": "org.antivirus/.o.bwt"
"total_count": 170,
"wakeups": 40,
"package_name": "org.antivirus",
"time_runing_ms": 27299608,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms/.lockbox.LockboxAlarmReceiver"
"number": 5,
"number": 2,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.analytics.ANALYTICS_DISPATCH"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.tron.ALARM"
"number": 1,
"number": 16,
"intent": "com.google.android.intent.action.MCS_HEARTBEAT"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.stats.eastworld.action.EASTWORLD_ALARM"
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.METADATA_ALARM"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.ALARM"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.cryptauth.DEVICE_STATE_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.common.download.START"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.common.operation.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS"
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.fido.authenticator.autoenroll.FIDO_ENROLLMENT_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT"
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.reminders.notification.ACTION_REFRESH_TIME_REMINDERS"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action"
"total_count": 170,
"wakeups": 27,
"package_name": "com.google.android.gms",
"time_runing_ms": 27299608,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 2,
"intent": "org.withouthat.acalendarplus/de.tapirapps.calendarmain.notifications.TaskNotificationReceiver"
"number": 0,
"intent": "acalendar.DATE_CHANGED"
"number": 1,
"intent": "org.withouthat.acalendarplus/de.tapirapps.calendarmain.notifications.BirthdayNotificationReceiver"
"total_count": 235,
"wakeups": 3,
"package_name": "org.withouthat.acalendarplus",
"time_runing_ms": 28155745,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.whatsapp.MessageHandler.CLIENT_PINGER_ACTION"
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.whatsapp.action.BACKUP_MESSAGES"
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.whatsapp.action.DAILY_CRON"
"number": 0,
"intent": "com.whatsapp.MessageHandler.LOGOUT_ACTION"
"total_count": 170,
"wakeups": 2,
"package_name": "com.whatsapp",
"time_runing_ms": 27299608,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 2,
"intent": "com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2"
"total_count": 170,
"wakeups": 2,
"package_name": "com.android.providers.calendar",
"time_runing_ms": 27299608,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 1,
"intent": "org.lineageos.lockclock/.weather.WeatherUpdateService"
"number": 0,
"intent": "org.lineageos.lockclock.action.FORCE_WEATHER_UPDATE"
"total_count": 170,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "org.lineageos.lockclock",
"time_runing_ms": 27299608,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 1,
"intent": "org.kman.AquaMail.ACTION_START_SYNC"
"number": 0,
"intent": "org.kman.AquaMail.KICK_SYNC"
"total_count": 170,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "org.kman.AquaMail",
"time_runing_ms": 27299608,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 1,
"intent": "org.lineageos.lineageparts.action.TRIGGER_REPORT_METRICS"
"total_count": 235,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "org.lineageos.lineageparts",
"time_runing_ms": 28155745,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.DELAYED_KEYGUARD"
"total_count": 235,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "com.android.systemui",
"time_runing_ms": 28155745,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.microsoft.office.action.OFF_PEAK_HOURS_DAILY"
"total_count": 235,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "com.microsoft.office.excel",
"time_runing_ms": 28155745,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 1,
"intent": "com.microsoft.office.action.OFF_PEAK_HOURS_DAILY"
"total_count": 235,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "com.microsoft.office.word",
"time_runing_ms": 28155745,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "",
"items": [
"number": 1,
"intent": "org.tvbrowser.tvbrowser.play/org.tvbrowser.tvbrowser.ServiceUpdateDataTable"
"total_count": 235,
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"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10015,
"m_uidName": "Google Play-Dienste",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": -10000,
"time": -92,
"sensor": "Unknown"
"handle": 1,
"time": 303206,
"sensor": "BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"handle": 22,
"time": -13305835,
"sensor": "Significant Motion Detector(22), wakeup\u003dtrue"
"total_time": -13003132,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 1000,
"m_uidName": "Android-System",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": 1,
"time": -5017569,
"sensor": "BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"total_time": -21356181,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10117,
"m_uidName": "SD Maid",
"m_uidNamePackage": "eu.thedarken.sdm",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": 1,
"time": -5027205,
"sensor": "BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"total_time": -21365817,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10147,
"m_uidName": "WhatsApp",
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.whatsapp",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": -10000,
"time": -834,
"sensor": "Unknown"
"handle": 4,
"time": 0,
"sensor": "AK09916 Magnetometer Uncalibrated(4), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"handle": 6,
"time": 0,
"sensor": "BMI160 Gyroscope Uncalibrated(6), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"handle": 17,
"time": 0,
"sensor": "Gravity(17), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"handle": 18,
"time": 0,
"sensor": "Linear Acceleration(18), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"handle": 20,
"time": 0,
"sensor": "Step Detector(20), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"total_time": -21370635,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10146,
"m_uidName": "Maps",
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.google.android.apps.maps",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"statType": "Custom to Current",
"totalTime": 27299667
Hallo Leutz,

ich suche verzweifelt nach der Ursache der Tiefschlafstörung.
Vor ca. 3 Monate ist mir das sporadisch zum erstem mal aufgefallen. Jetzt merke ich aber doch, es ist permanent.

Akkuverbrauch bei ca. 1h Standby mit Datenverbindung zwischen 5% bis 12%.
Deep Sleep zwischen 45% bis bestenfalls 90% (erst nach mehreren Stunden Standby)
(Früher war mein Phone schon nach 5 Minuten bei ca. 90% Deep Sleep, und hat nur 2-3% Akku mit Datenverbindung verbraucht)

Laut BBS sind die Partial Wakelocks minimal. Daran dürfte es nicht liegen.
Der multipdp Wakelock ist meist extrem, bei 15 bis 40%
Allerdings gibt es fast keinen Datentraffic. Nur wenige KB. Daher macht das irgendwie keinen Sinn. Von dem bisschen Datentraffic kann doch nicht so ein hoher multipdp erzeugt ausgehen?!
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version: 2.3-248
Creation Date: 2019-10-10 18:26:14
Statistic Type: Screen Off to Current
Since 1 h 5 m 25 s
BRAND: Samsung
OS.VERSION: 3.0.31-889555
HARDWARE: smdk4210
FINGERPRINT: samsung/GT-I9100/GT-I9100:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9100XWLSD:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: dpi
Root perms: true
SELinux Policy: n/a
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
XPosed BATTERY_STATS module enabled: false
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -10%(97% to 87%) [9,2%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4011-3925) [78,9%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 28 m 14 s 43,2%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 34 m 28 s 52,7%
Screen On (): 2 m 41 s 4,1%
Wifi On (): 7 s 0,2%
Wifi Running (): 6 s 0,2%
Good Signal (): 19 s 0,5%
Great Signal (): 1 h 5 m 5 s 99,5%
Screen medium (): 2 m 41 s 4,1%
Wakelocks (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
AlarmManager (Android-System): 1 m 34 s Count:149 2,4%
RILJ (Telefon): 23 s Count:1484 0,6%
AudioOut_2 (1013): 22 s Count:6 0,6%
AlarmManager (com.droid27.transparentclockweather.Transparente Uhr & Wetter): 17 s Count:66 0,4%
NlpCollectorWakeLock (Google-Dienste): 15 s Count:166 0,4%
ImapFolderPusher GMX:INBOX (com.fsck.k9.K-9 Mail): 10 s Count:27 0,3%
*sync*_com.android.calendar_Account {name=b95c3d50fa47443166f7d356eaed8006, type=com.google} (com.google.android.calendar.Kalender): 9 s Count:8 0,3%
AlarmManager (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 8 s Count:180 0,2%
*gms_scheduler*/com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.legacy.AuthCronService (Google-Dienste): 8 s Count:50 0,2%
ActivityManager-Launch (Android-System): 7 s Count:11 0,2%
*backup* (Android-System): 7 s Count:54 0,2%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition.BBS): 6 s Count:5 0,2%
Command.execute.Screen-User-Off (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 4 s Count:26 0,1%
com.whatsapp.AlarmService:run (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 4 s Count:4 0,1%
Command.execute.Screen-User-On (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 3 s Count:20 0,1%
Poweramp scan (com.maxmpz.audioplayer.Poweramp): 3 s Count:8 0,1%
Command.execute.Volumen (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 3 s Count:7 0,1%
ImapFolderPusher Gmail:INBOX (com.fsck.k9.K-9 Mail): 3 s Count:4 0,1%
Command.execute.WIFI AppKill (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 2 s Count:27 0,1%
ImapFolderPusher GMX:Sekundär (com.fsck.k9.K-9 Mail): 2 s Count:58 0,1%
Command.execute.Screen auto off (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 2 s Count:7 0,1%
Command.execute.Sync Auto Off (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 2 s Count:19 0,1%
*gms_scheduler*/com.google.android.gms/.clearcut.uploader.QosUploaderService (Google-Dienste): 1 s Count:142 0,1%
*sync*_com.google.android.location.reporting_Account {name=b95c3d50fa47443166f7d356eaed8006, type=com.google} (Google-Dienste): 1 s Count:92 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.facebook.mlite.Messenger Lite): 1 s Count:154 0,0%
Command.execute.Screen auto off proxy-switch (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 1 s Count:25 0,0%
Command.execute.Sync auto Noti (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 1 s Count:16 0,0%
NetworkStats (Android-System): 1 s Count:22 0,0%
*gms_scheduler*:internal (Google-Dienste): 1 s Count:16 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.fsck.k9.K-9 Mail): 1 s Count:76 0,0%
Command.execute.1 BBS ref (com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): 1 s Count:21 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"multipdp" (): 21 m 59 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)157/0/157 33,6%
"secril_fd-interface" (): 14 m 54 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)250/0/0 22,8%
"l2_hsic" (): 8 m 43 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1009/292/1010 13,3%
"radio-interface" (): 7 m 17 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)408/0/0 11,1%
"umts_ipc0" (): 4 m 37 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)473/0/474 7,1%
"rpm_hsic" (): 2 m 18 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)700/0/0 3,5%
"PowerManagerService" (): 2 m 5 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1722/0/0 3,2%
"sec-battery-monitor" (): 1 m 44 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)311/6/0 2,6%
"tx_hsic" (): 1 m 33 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6191/0/0 2,4%
"alarm" (): 19 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)384/0/0 0,5%
"alarm_rtc" (): 15 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)27/0/5 0,4%
"AudioOutLock" (): 10 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)7/0/0 0,3%
"power-supply" (): 3 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)311/0/0 0,1%
"secril_fmt-interface" (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4654/0/0 0,1%
"vib_present" (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)19/0/0 0,0%
"event1-2182" (system, com.sec.android.app.FileShareServer): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)25/1/0 0,0%
"boot_hsic" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
"mmc1_detect" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)323/0/0 0,0%
"mmc0_detect" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)323/0/1 0,0%
"KeyEvents" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)551/0/0 0,0%
"ApmCommand" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)34/0/0 0,0%
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.droid27.transparentclockweather.Transparente Uhr & Wetter): Uid: 10028 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
logcat (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
rild (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
s3c-fb-vsync (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.systemui:screenshot (com.android.systemui.Oberfläche): Uid: 10105 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
*wakelock* (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.facebook.mlite.Messenger Lite): Uid: 10077 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10018 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:9 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:23 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:28 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:14 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:11 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.pylba.news (com.pylba.news.Simply): Uid: 10101 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
kworker/u:24 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p10 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:18 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:13 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:25 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
flush-179:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:26 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process5 (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10007 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:20 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10007 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome:privileged_process0 (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10007 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.bartat.android.robot (): Wakeups: 157 (2,4 / min)
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -549, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM
Alarms: -553, Intent: com.bartat.android.util.alarm.ALARM

com.facebook.mlite (): Wakeups: 126 (1,9 / min)
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.mlite/.jobscheduler.LiteJobSchedulerAlarmManagerService
Alarms: 126, Intent: com.facebook.liblite.mqttnano.android.mqtt_connect

com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 11 (10,2 / h)
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.reminders.notification.ACTION_REFRESH_ALIAS_LOCATION_REMINDERS
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.download.START
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.operation.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.reminders.notification.ACTION_REFRESH_TIME_REMINDERS
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_SENSOR_UPLOADER
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_CALIBRATION_COLLECTOR
Alarms: 4, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE

android (): Wakeups: 6 (5,5 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED
Alarms: 66, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 3, Intent: com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL
Alarms: 7, Intent: com.android.server.ThrottleManager.action.POLL
Alarms: 2, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.DELAYED_KEYGUARD
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.NetworkTimeUpdateService.action.POLL
Alarms: 1, Intent: android.app.backup.intent.RUN
Alarms: 3, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 2 (1,8 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageHandler.CLIENT_PINGER_ACTION
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageHandler.LOGOUT_ACTION
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.DAILY_CRON
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.BACKUP_MESSAGES

com.fsck.k9 (): Wakeups: 2 (1,8 / h)
Alarms: -4, Intent: com.fsck.k9.service.BroadcastReceiver.fireIntent
Alarms: -4, Intent: com.fsck.k9.service.BroadcastReceiver.fireIntent
Alarms: -4, Intent: com.fsck.k9.service.BroadcastReceiver.fireIntent
Alarms: -1, Intent: com.fsck.k9.service.BroadcastReceiver.fireIntent

10018 () (Google-Dienste): 94.0 KBytes 92,7%
1000 () (Android-System): 7.0 KBytes 7,3%
CPU States
1,2 GHz (): 1 m 32 s 2,3%
1 GHz (): 8 s 0,2%
800 MHz (): 2 m 54 s 4,4%
500 MHz (): 4 m 2 s 6,2%
200 MHz (): 28 m 32 s 43,6%
Deep Sleep (): 28 m 14 s 43,2%
(Android-System): Sensor: K3DH Acceleration Sensor, Time: 1 h 5 m 17 s
Sensor: CM3663 Light Sensor, Time: 2 m 41 s

(com.bartat.android.robot.E-Robot): Sensor: CM3663 Proximity Sensor, Time: 2 m 50 s

(Google-Dienste): Sensor: K3DH Acceleration Sensor, Time: 0 s
Sensor: K3G Gyroscope Sensor, Time: 15 s

Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo | Android Developers
com.android.phone (com.android.phone.TelephonyDebugService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 24 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService)
Active since: 48 s
Last activity: 1 h 6 m 30 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.server.DrmEventService)
Active since: 35 s
Last activity: 35 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentApiService)
Active since: 40 s
Last activity: 1 h 44 m 57 s
Crash count:0
com.facebook.mlite (com.facebook.mlite.syncjob.MLiteStickyService)
Active since: 50 s
Last activity: 1 h 46 m 27 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ReportingAndroidService)
Active since: 52 s
Last activity: 1 h 4 m 16 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.SystemUIService)
Active since: 19 s
Last activity: 20 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.inputmethod.latin (com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME)
Active since: 22 s
Last activity: 22 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.lockbox.service.LockboxBrokerService)
Active since: 50 s
Last activity: 1 h 5 m 35 s
Crash count:0
com.fsck.k9 (com.fsck.k9.service.PushService)
Active since: 2 h 13 m 11 s
Last activity: 1 h 44 m 56 s
Crash count:0
com.bartat.android.robot (com.bartat.android.robot.RobotAccessibilityService)
Active since: 27 s
Last activity: 27 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService)
Active since: 33 s
Last activity: 1 h 44 m 57 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.measurement.service.MeasurementBrokerService)
Active since: 27 s
Last activity: 3 m 12 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.android.app.bluetoothtest.BluetoothBDTestService)
Active since: 36 s
Last activity: 36 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService)
Active since: 52 s
Last activity: 52 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.android.phone.BluetoothHeadsetService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 24 s
Crash count:0
com.plexnor.gravityscreenofffree (com.plexnor.gravityscreenofffree.GravityService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 21 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.android.widgetapp.alarmclock (com.sec.android.widgetapp.alarmclock.ClockAlarmWidgetService)
Active since: 3 m 17 s
Last activity: 1 h 46 m 16 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.android.app.twdvfs (com.sec.android.app.twdvfs.ScreenMonitorService)
Active since: 40 s
Last activity: 40 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.sap.BluetoothSapService)
Active since: 18 s
Last activity: 18 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService)
Active since: 35 s
Last activity: 50 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.common.stats.GmsCoreStatsService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
com.android.chrome:privileged_process0 (org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0)
Active since: 1 h 3 m 5 s
Last activity: 1 h 3 m 5 s
Crash count:0
com.bartat.android.robot (com.bartat.android.robot.RobotService)
Active since: 33 s
Last activity: 1 h 45 m 10 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.gapps (com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService)
Active since: 45 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.phone (com.sec.phone.SecPhoneService)
Active since: 35 s
Last activity: 1 h 5 m 20 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.gapps (com.google.android.location.NetworkLocationService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.services.EventWatcherService)
Active since: 49 s
Last activity: 1 h 44 m 42 s
Crash count:0
com.teslacoilsw.notifier (com.teslacoilsw.notifier.NotificationService)
Active since: 2 h 12 m 57 s
Last activity: 1 h 47 m 14 s
Crash count:0
de.almisoft.boxtogofull (de.almisoft.boxtogo.services.CallMonitorService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 1 h 4 m 26 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.deviceconnection.service.DeviceConnectionWatcherService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.location.persistent.LocationPersistentService)
Active since: 40 s
Last activity: 40 s
Crash count:0
com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process5 (org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService5)
Active since: 1 h 4 m 54 s
Last activity: 1 h 6 m 54 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.config.ConfigService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 1 m 43 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService)
Active since: 33 s
Last activity: 1 h 44 m 57 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.clearcut.debug.ClearcutDebugDumpService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
com.google.process.gapps (com.google.android.location.internal.server.NetworkLocationService)
Active since: 25 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.NovaService)
Active since: 27 s
Last activity: 27 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.samsung.sec.android.application.csc.CscUpdateService)
Active since: 36 s
Last activity: 1 h 4 m 47 s
Crash count:0
system (com.google.android.backup.BackupTransportService)
Active since: 19 s
Last activity: 19 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService)
Active since: 32 s
Last activity: 1 h 45 m 6 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.PendingIntentCallbackService)
Active since: 39 s
Last activity: 39 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.gcm.nts.SchedulerService)
Active since: 52 s
Last activity: 52 s
Crash count:0
android.process.media (com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadService)
Active since: 9 m 41 s
Last activity: 1 h 4 m 23 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 60 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 7elements; NetS: 0 elements; Alrm: 3 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 0 elements; CPU: 5 elements; Sensors: 3 elements)
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 1 h 2 m 14 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 19elements; NetS: 0 elements; Alrm: 11 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 6 elements; CPU: 5 elements; Sensors: 2 elements)
ref_charged: Reference ref_charged created 1 h 2 m 15 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 19elements; NetS: 0 elements; Alrm: 11 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 5 elements; Sensors: 2 elements)
ref_screen_off: Reference ref_screen_off created 1 h 10 m 13 s (Wl: 20 elements; KWl: 19elements; NetS: 1 elements; Alrm: 11 elements; Proc: 18 elements; Oth: 9 elements; CPU: 5 elements; Sensors: 2 elements)
ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 1 h 10 m 40 s (Wl: 24 elements; KWl: 21elements; NetS: 1 elements; Alrm: 11 elements; Proc: 18 elements; Oth: 10 elements; CPU: 6 elements; Sensors: 2 elements)
ref_screen_on: Reference ref_screen_on created 2 h 13 m 1 s (Wl: 38 elements; KWl: 27elements; NetS: 2 elements; Alrm: 11 elements; Proc: 42 elements; Oth: 10 elements; CPU: 6 elements; Sensors: 3 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 2 h 15 m 38 s (Wl: 41 elements; KWl: 27elements; NetS: 2 elements; Alrm: 11 elements; Proc: 45 elements; Oth: 11 elements; CPU: 6 elements; Sensors: 3 elements)
------ human readable part end here
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"number": -553
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"number": -553
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"number": -553
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"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:14",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 140,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:0",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 128,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:6",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 123,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:11",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 123,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "com.pylba.news",
"user_time": 83,
"system_time": 34,
"starts": 1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.pylba.news",
"m_uidName": "Simply",
"m_uid": 10101,
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"total": 15976,
"uid": 10101
"name": "kworker/u:24",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 114,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "jbd2/mmcblk0p10",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 114,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:18",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 114,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:13",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 113,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:25",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 112,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:8",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 110,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "flush-179:0",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 109,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "kworker/u:26",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 106,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process5",
"user_time": 60,
"system_time": 43,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.chrome",
"m_uidName": "Chrome",
"m_uid": 10007,
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"total": 15976,
"uid": 10007
"name": "kworker/u:20",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 102,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "com.android.chrome",
"user_time": 39,
"system_time": 56,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.chrome",
"m_uidName": "Chrome",
"m_uid": 10007,
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"total": 15976,
"uid": 10007
"name": "kswapd0",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 80,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "com.android.chrome:privileged_process0",
"user_time": 4,
"system_time": 36,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.chrome",
"m_uidName": "Chrome",
"m_uid": 10007,
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"total": 15976,
"uid": 10007
"name": "kworker/u:4",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 25,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"name": "mmcqd/1",
"user_time": 0,
"system_time": 2,
"starts": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"total": 15976,
"uid": 0
"totalTime": 3925069,
"batteryVoltageLost": -85,
"batteryStatsPermGranted": true,
"batteryLevelLost": -10,
"rootPermissions": true,
"xposedBatteryStatsEnabled": false
Woran kann der enorme multipdp Wakelock liegen??
BBS gibt hier nach meinem Analyse Wissen keine Auskunft.
Ohnehin spuckt BBS manchmal Werte aus, die praktisch nicht erklärbar sind.
Wenn ich z.B. einen Intervall von screen off bis current setzte, und (fast) gleichzeitig mit Screen off eine eigene Referenz setzte, dann lag der gemessene Akkuverbrauch im einen Fall bei 10% und im anderen Fall bei 3% in einer Stunde. Obwohl der selbe Zeitraum gemessen wurde, abgesehen von 3 Sekunden Unterschied. Zuverlässig scheint BBS also nicht zu sein.

Kann es sein, dass irgendeine App an der BBS Messtechnik ihre Daten vorbeischummelt, und daher der hohe multipdp Wakelock entsteht? Oder ist ein Fehler in meinen Android Batterery Stats? Oder muss ich die Xposed Opion ativieren??

Rätsel rätsel …


  • 1.Summery_2019-10-10-18-24-08.png
    61,8 KB · Aufrufe: 246
  • 2.KernelWake_2019-10-10-18-24-20.png
    70,7 KB · Aufrufe: 242
  • 3.PartialWake_2019-10-10-18-23-56.png
    94,8 KB · Aufrufe: 261
  • 4.Network_2019-10-10-18-24-39.png
    44,2 KB · Aufrufe: 248
Ich würde mich hier mal anschliessen wollen. Bei meinem BQ Aquaris X war ich bisher mit dem Original OS und auch nach dem Wechsel zum Lineage mit WLAN/BT/GPS on etc. immer so bei 4-8% Verlust über die Nacht verwöhnt. Also Standby unter 1% die Stunde.

Seit ca. 2-3 Wochen liege ich bei mindestens 2,5%. Die Wake Locks sind bei 10%. Teilweise waren sie auch doppelt so hoch. Da konnte ich allerdings mittelns BBS das RIVA_BT_APP oder so ähnlich identifizieren und auf die Einstellung (Achtung!) im Web Google: "Spracherkennung via BT auch bei gesperrtem Bildschirm aktiv" zurückführen. Der Verbrauch ging auf die jetzt gemessenen 2,5%/h nachts zurück.

Heute nacht habe ich gemäß Anleitung eine Messung gemacht. Leider hat Titanium Backup 10 Minuten dazwischen gefunkt. Trotzdem komme ich auf ca. 1h Awake Zeit. Die Logs/Messung ist mir irgendwie nicht schlüssig. Ich finde den Schuldigen einfach nicht.

Ich hänge die Logdatei mal an. Eventuell werde ich die Messung nochmal wiederholen nachdem ich meinen Akku mal komplett leer laufen lasse und dann voll lade (also Rekalibriere)

Danke für Eure Anregungen.

Edit: komischerweise gesehen, dass root perms false ist, obwohl mein Handy gerooted ist und BBS beim permission check nichts anmeckert.

Edit2: ich habe jetzt nochmal ein neues "sauberes" Log gezogen über Nacht. Keine App, die hätte laufen sollen.
Fazit: 10,6% Awake, aber die Wakelocks kommen in Summe auf 6,6% wo sind die Fehlenden 4% - irgendwas passt da doch nicht, oder?

General Information
BetterBatteryStats version: 2.5-344
Creation Date: 2019-12-13 07:52:03
Statistic Type: Custom to Current
Since 8 h 34 m 27 s
DEVICE: bardock
MODEL: Aquaris X
OS.VERSION: 4.9.191-perf+
FINGERPRINT: HUAWEI/CLT-L29/HWCLT:8.1.0/HUAWEICLT-L29/128(C432):user/release-keys
ID: PQ3A.190801.002
TAGS: release-keys
USER: buildkite-agent
PRODUCT: bardock
RADIO: .TA.2.3.c1-00748-8953_GEN_PACK-1,.TA.2.3.c1-00748-8953_GEN_PACK-1
Root perms: false
SELinux Policy:
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
BATTERY_STATS status: Success
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -19%(92% to 73%) [2,2%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4192-4044) [17,3%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 7 h 39 m 56 s 89,4%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 54 m 18 s 10,6%
Screen On (): 12 s 0,0%
Wifi On (): 8 h 34 m 27 s 100,0%
Wifi Running (): 8 h 34 m 27 s 100,0%
Bluetooth On (): 1 s 0,0%
Doze Interactive Time (): 11 s 0,0%
Doze Idle Mode Time (): 8 h 27 m 12 s 98,6%
No Data Connection (): 8 h 34 m 27 s 100,0%
Good Signal (): 0,0%
Great Signal (): 8 h 34 m 27 s 100,0%
Screen dark (): 12 s 0,0%
deviceidle_maint (Android-System): 1 m 2 s Count:61 0,2%
*job*/de.stocard.stocard/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService (de.stocard.stocard.Stocard): 31 s Count:4 0,1%
JobExecutor (de.stocard.stocard.Stocard): 31 s Count:7 0,1%
*alarm* (Google Play-Dienste): 20 s Count:540 0,1%
BleScanner_WakeLock (Google Play-Dienste): 9 s Count:119 0,0%
*telephony-radio* (Telefondienste): 7 s Count:1191 0,0%
AnyMotionDetector (Android-System): 7 s Count:188 0,0%
NlpCollectorWakeLock (Google Play-Dienste): 6 s Count:376 0,0%
NlpWakeLock (Google Play-Dienste): 4 s Count:701 0,0%
*net_scheduler* (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): 3 s Count:5 0,0%
*alarm* (Android-System): 3 s Count:360 0,0%
*job*/de.stocard.stocard/com.evernote.android.job.JobRescheduleService (de.stocard.stocard.Stocard): 2 s Count:1 0,0%
*gms_scheduler*/com.google.android.gms/.clearcut.uploader.QosUploaderService (Google Play-Dienste): 2 s Count:170 0,0%
*job*/com.google.android.gm.email.provider/com.google.android.gm.exchange/46ac4f55499cd2520c41547c0e8666cb@tui.com:android (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 2 s Count:38 0,0%
*sync*/com.google.android.gm.email.provider/com.google.android.gm.exchange/46ac4f55499cd2520c41547c0e8666cb@tui.com (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 2 s Count:12 0,0%
GattClientService-ScheduledTaskService (com.casio.watchplus.CASIO+): 1 s Count:35 0,0%
*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 1 s Count:27 0,0%
GCM_READ (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:488 0,0%
*job*/com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 1 s Count:6 0,0%
UlrDispSvcSlowWL (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:146 0,0%
Icing (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:276 0,0%
*job*/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.tasks.BackgroundTasksJobService (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google): 1 s Count:30 0,0%
*job*/org.thoughtcrime.securesms/.jobmanager.JobSchedulerScheduler$SystemService (org.thoughtcrime.securesms.Signal): 1 s Count:3 0,0%
NlpWakeLock (Android-System): 1 s Count:388 0,0%
*sync*/com.google.android.apps.docs/com.google/845be59cfdbca40d1fcdca954645f4ce@gmail.com (com.google.android.apps.docs.Drive): 1 s Count:6 0,0%
*job*/com.google.android.apps.docs/com.google/845be59cfdbca40d1fcdca954645f4ce@gmail.com:android (com.google.android.apps.docs.Drive): 1 s Count:4 0,0%
*alarm* (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 1 s Count:57 0,0%
*job*/com.asksven.betterbatterystats/.services.UpdateTextWidgetService (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): 1 s Count:24 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
NETLINK (*api*): 8 m 11 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)477842/0/0 1,6%
IPA_WS (*api*): 6 m 50 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3039/0/0 1,3%
IPA_RM12 (*api*): 5 m 18 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1599/0/0 1,0%
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (*api*): 3 m 59 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1308/0/0 0,8%
[timerfd] (*api*): 3 m 46 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)7095/0/0 0,7%
qcom_rx_wakelock (*api*): 2 m 59 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3131/0/0 0,6%
alarmtimer (*api*): 1 m 19 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)39/0/0 0,3%
APPS_RIVA_BT_CMD (*api*): 47 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)67/0/0 0,2%
wlan (*api*): 22 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)20/0/0 0,1%
PowerManagerService.Display (*api*): 12 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
CHG_PLCY_MAIN_WL (*api*): 5 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)132665/0/0 0,0%
5-0028 (*api*): 4 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
SMDTTY_READ_IN_SUSPEND (*api*): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)22/0/0 0,0%
sunwave_intr (*api*): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
qpnp_fg_memaccess (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1433/0/0 0,0%
eventpoll (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)484574/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000be_1270_Loc_hal (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)91/0/0 0,0%
PowerManagerService.Broadcasts (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
qpnp_fg_update_sram (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)109/0/0 0,0%
ipc_rtr_smd_ipcrtr (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2106/0/0 0,0%
qcril (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1048/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000f9_2549_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1817/0/0 0,0%
qpnp_fg_update_temp (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)320/0/0 0,0%
rmt_storage_506755290352 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
ipc0000001e_547_rmt_storage (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
rmt_storage_506756330736 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
KeyEvents (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)151/0/0 0,0%
ipc0000017e_2629_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
SMD_TTY_APPS_RIVA_BT_CMD_RA (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)863/0/0 0,0%
bms (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)24/0/0 0,0%
200f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmi8950@2:qcom,qpnp-smbcharger (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)24/0/0 0,0%
200f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8953@0:qcom,pm8953_rtc (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)120/0/0 0,0%
event5 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)62/0/0 0,0%
radio-interface (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
event0 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000fa_2549_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)30/0/0 0,0%
battery (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000116_2439_netmgrd (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)40/0/0 0,0%
ipc_rtr_q6_ipcrtr (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)27/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000f0_2495_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)25/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000068_78_kworker/2:1 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)25/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000032_650_pm-service (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000021_549_sensors.qti (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000004_137_kworker/6:1 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc0000001a_1_swapper/0 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000036_549_sensors.qti (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000005_1_swapper/0 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000c7_2338_time_daemon (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000c9_2357_thermal-engine (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000bc_1270_Loc_hal (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000020_549_sensors.qti (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)9/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000002_87_kworker/4:1 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000065_6_kworker/u16:0 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000e2_2472_slim_daemon (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc0000001f_547_rmt_storage (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000038_549_sensors.qti (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc0000001c_6_kworker/u16:0 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000018_77_kworker/u16:1 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000022_537_android.hardwar (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000175_2335_qti (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000fb_2549_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000da_2343_imsrcsd (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000069_78_kworker/2:1 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc0000006d_306_kworker/u16:2 (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000ee_2495_rild (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000ea_2584_wcnss_service (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000cc_2330_cnd (*api*): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 h 51 s Us: 15 m 52 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 1 m 8 s Us: 3 m 1 s Starts: 0
mmc-cmdqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 52 s Us: Starts: 0
netmgrd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 37 s Us: 6 s Starts: 0
libsyncthing.so (com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.Syncthing): Uid: 10153 Sys: 1 m 8 s Us: 2 m 20 s Starts: 0
logd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 53 s Us: 2 m 20 s Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 1 m 4 s Us: 2 m 7 s Starts: 0
ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 2 s Us: 2 m 5 s Starts: 0
rild (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 2 m 40 s Us: 10 s Starts: 0
hvdcp_opti (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 25 s Us: 20 s Starts: 0
kworker/4:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 44 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 m 51 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 51 s Us: Starts: 0
sugov:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 46 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 38 s Us: 6 s Starts: 0
cpuhp/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 43 s Us: Starts: 0
*wakelock* (de.stocard.stocard.Stocard): Uid: 10121 Sys: 35 s Us: 1 m 6 s Starts: 0
android.hardware.health@2.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 m 24 s Us: 15 s Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 8 s Us: 29 s Starts: 0
migration/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 35 s Us: Starts: 0
healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 23 s Us: 11 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 27 s Us: 1 m 7 s Starts: 0
de.stocard.stocard (de.stocard.stocard.Stocard): Uid: 10121 Sys: 21 s Us: 1 m 10 s Starts: 1
cpuhp/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 29 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 m 26 s Starts: 0
cpuhp/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 17 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 13 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 12 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 9 s Us: Starts: 0
thermal-engine (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 32 s Us: 36 s Starts: 0
android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service (1010): Uid: 1010 Sys: 40 s Us: 27 s Starts: 0
cpuhp/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 3 s Us: Starts: 0
cpuhp/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 59 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 58 s Us: Starts: 0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10208 Sys: 14 s Us: 43 s Starts: 3
migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 57 s Us: Starts: 0
rcu_preempt (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 56 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:9 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 54 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 54 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 53 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 50 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 50 s Us: Starts: 0
statsd (1066): Uid: 1066 Sys: 9 s Us: 41 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 48 s Us: Starts: 0
msm_irqbalance (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 37 s Us: 10 s Starts: 0
VosMCThread (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 48 s Us: Starts: 0
magiskd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 46 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth): Uid: 1002 Sys: 30 s Us: 16 s Starts: 0
VosRXThread (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 46 s Us: Starts: 0
vold (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 25 s Us: 20 s Starts: 0
com.nutomic.syncthingandroid (com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.Syncthing): Uid: 10153 Sys: 24 s Us: 21 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google): Uid: 10032 Sys: 9 s Us: 35 s Starts: 1
migration/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 39 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 16 s Us: 23 s Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): Uid: 10245 Sys: 13 s Us: 26 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 38 s Us: Starts: 0
sensors.qti (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 37 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
rcuop/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 36 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 25 s Us: 10 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gm (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): Uid: 10233 Sys: 13 s Us: 20 s Starts: 1
VosTXThread (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 34 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 27 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-qti (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth): Uid: 1002 Sys: 29 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Uid: 10028 Sys: 7 s Us: 23 s Starts: 0
rcuop/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 30 s Us: Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 29 s Us: Starts: 0
rcu_sched (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 28 s Us: Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 22 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
irq/16-7824900. (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 27 s Us: Starts: 0
lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/5:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 25 s Us: Starts: 0
qseecomd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: Starts: 0
cnd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 23 s Us: Starts: 0
irq/72-408000.q (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 23 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 22 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.maps (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Uid: 10138 Sys: 5 s Us: 15 s Starts: 4
cnss-daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 19 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/2:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 16 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
kworker/7:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: Starts: 0
vendor.qti.gnss@2.0-service (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 19 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.vending (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10022 Sys: 5 s Us: 14 s Starts: 2
com.google.process.gservices (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 6 s Us: 12 s Starts: 0
kworker/u17:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 s Us: Starts: 0
org.thoughtcrime.securesms (org.thoughtcrime.securesms.Signal): Uid: 10109 Sys: 5 s Us: 11 s Starts: 2
jbd2/dm-0-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: 12 s Starts: 0
kcompactd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 16 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u17:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 16 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u17:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 16 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.docs (com.google.android.apps.docs.Drive): Uid: 10236 Sys: 4 s Us: 12 s Starts: 2
com.spotify.music (com.spotify.music.Spotify): Uid: 10194 Sys: 6 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
rcuop/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
kworker/7:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u17:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: Starts: 0
storaged (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 12 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.youtube (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Uid: 10189 Sys: 2 s Us: 10 s Starts: 3
ipacm (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 8 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
mega.privacy.android.app (mega.privacy.android.app.MEGA): Uid: 10144 Sys: 6 s Us: 5 s Starts: 4
zygote64 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
qti (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
wlan_logging_th (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
slim_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
lowi-server (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
ch.deletescape.lawnchair.plah (ch.deletescape.lawnchair.plah.Lawnchair): Uid: 10105 Sys: 1 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
logcat (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
dpmd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
mm-qcamera-daemon (1006): Uid: 1006 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 9 s Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
adbd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
adsprpcd (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 8 s Starts: 0
xtra-daemon (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kgsl_worker_thr (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
msm_perf:events (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuop/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 7 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
com.casio.watchplus (com.casio.watchplus.CASIO+): Uid: 10211 Sys: 2 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
time_daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel (com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel.Google Pay): Uid: 10244 Sys: 2 s Us: 4 s Starts: 1
servicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 4 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
imsdatadaemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
xtwifi-client (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
wpa_supplicant (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
loc_launcher (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
wcnss_service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
com.microsoft.skydrive (com.microsoft.skydrive.OneDrive): Uid: 10152 Sys: 3 s Us: 2 s Starts: 1
ipacm-diag (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
imsqmidaemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
ATFWD-daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
ims_rtp_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
dpmQmiMgr (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/0rpmb (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 5 s Starts: 0
tftp_server (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p25 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.wellbeing (com.google.android.apps.wellbeing.Digital Wellbeing): Uid: 10021 Sys: Us: 4 s Starts: 5
com.android.vending:instant_app_installer (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10022 Sys: 1 s Us: 3 s Starts: 2
android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.digibites.calendar (UID): Uid: 10125 Sys: Us: 3 s Starts: 2
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
vendor.nxp.hardware.nfc@1.1-service (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
webview_zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.touchtype.swiftkey (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey-Tastatur): Uid: 10170 Sys: Us: 3 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.nextcloud.client (com.nextcloud.client.Nextcloud): Uid: 10168 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 1
ksoftirqd/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
rmt_storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
iptables-restore (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
de.hafas.android.db (de.hafas.android.db.DB Navigator): Uid: 10212 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 1
ip6tables-restore (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.turbo:aab (com.google.android.apps.turbo.Device Health Services): Uid: 10018 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 3
android.process.media (Medien): Uid: 10004 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 1
imsrcsd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
android.process.acore (Android Core Apps): Uid: 10006 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 1
sh (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): Uid: 10245 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
ipc_rtr_smd_ipc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p26 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 0
rcuos/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.tasks (com.google.android.apps.tasks.Tasks): Uid: 10111 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 1
cameraserver (1047): Uid: 1047 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p12 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.ui (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 4
pm-service (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
kauditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
ipc_rtr_q6_ipcr (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
rcuos/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.translate (com.google.android.apps.translate.Übersetzer): Uid: 10165 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 3
rcuos/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 0
com.android.webview:sandboxed_process0 (de.hafas.android.db.DB Navigator): Uid: 10212 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
com.android.vending:download_service (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10022 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 2
com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.photos (com.google.android.apps.photos.Fotos): Uid: 10130 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 2
keystore (1017): Uid: 1017 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 2
com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10008 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 2
kworker/7:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.nfc (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
de.avm.android.myfritz2 (de.avm.android.myfritz2.MyFRITZ!App): Uid: 10127 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.android.chrome (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10241 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.google.android.gms.unstable (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.google.android.apps.turbo (com.google.android.apps.turbo.Device Health Services): Uid: 10018 Sys: Us: Starts: 5
com.google.android.projection.gearhead:shared (com.google.android.projection.gearhead.Android Auto): Uid: 10242 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
com.android.launcher3 (com.android.launcher3.Trebuchet): Uid: 10007 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
de.dwd.warnapp (de.dwd.warnapp.WarnWetter): Uid: 10192 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.google.android.partnersetup (com.google.android.partnersetup.Google Partner Setup): Uid: 10035 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
kworker/3:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.calendar (com.android.calendar.Kalender): Uid: 10076 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
vendor.qti.hardware.perf@1.0-service (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
wificond (1010): Uid: 1010 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
VosWDThread (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms:car (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.google.android.configupdater (com.google.android.configupdater.ConfigUpdater): Uid: 10033 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
kworker/1:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.deskclock (com.android.deskclock.Uhr): Uid: 10084 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
ilitek_i2c_thre (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.power@1.1-service-qti (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.webview:webview_service (com.android.webview.Android System WebView): Uid: 10087 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
system (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google): Uid: 10032 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/17-spdm_bw_ (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
hwservicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0-service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
vsync_retire_wo (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
.dataservices (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/288-ilitek_ (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
qseecom-unreg-l (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
msm_watchdog (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.inputmethod.latin (com.android.inputmethod.latin.Android-Tastatur (AOSP)): Uid: 10055 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
audioserver (1041): Uid: 1041 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/78-7864900. (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
org.lineageos.lockclock (org.lineageos.lockclock.cLock): Uid: 10092 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 84 (9,8 / h)
Alarms: 3, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_ACTIVITY_DETECTION
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_CACHE_UPDATER
Alarms: 11, Intent: com.google.android.location.reporting.collectors.ble.ULR_BLE_SCAN_ALARM
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_BURST_COLLECTION_TRIGGER
Alarms: 6, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_LOCATOR
Alarms: 3, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_SENSOR_UPLOADER
Alarms: 41, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: null
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_IN_OUT_DOOR_COLLECTOR
Alarms: 4, Intent: com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD
Alarms: 3, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.METADATA_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.operation.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.fido.authenticator.autoenroll.FIDO_ENROLLMENT_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.westworld.action.ALARM
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.reminders.notification.ACTION_REFRESH_TIME_REMINDERS
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_SENSOR_COLLECTOR
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.cryptauth.DEVICE_STATE_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT

android (): Wakeups: 61 (7,1 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL
Alarms: 27, Intent: *job.delay*
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED
Alarms: 0, Intent: *job.heartbeat*
Alarms: 19, Intent: *job.deadline*
Alarms: 0, Intent: android/com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanionService$PullingAlarmReceiver
Alarms: 5, Intent: DeviceIdleController.deep
Alarms: 6, Intent: DeviceIdleController.light
Alarms: 1, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: WriteBufferAlarm
Alarms: 1, Intent: ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: lineageos.platform.intent.action.UPDATE_TWILIGHT_STATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: NETWORK_LINGER_COMPLETE.100
Alarms: 0, Intent: WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Periodic Scan Timer
Alarms: 0, Intent: GraphicsStatsService
Alarms: 1, Intent: EventConditionProvider.EVALUATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Watchdog Timer
Alarms: 1, Intent: JS idleness

com.casio.watchplus (): Wakeups: 30 (3,5 / h)
Alarms: 24, Intent: com.casio.gshockplus.ble.common.action.SCHEDULED_TASK
Alarms: 6, Intent: com.casio.gshockplus.action.UPDATE_TIME_CORRECT_INFO

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 19 (2,2 / h)
Alarms: 12, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageHandler.CLIENT_PINGER_ACTION
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.DAILY_CRON
Alarms: 4, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageHandler.LOGOUT_ACTION
Alarms: 1, Intent: action_backup
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.BACKUP_MESSAGES

com.android.providers.calendar (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2

org.lineageos.lockclock (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: org.lineageos.lockclock/.weather.WeatherUpdateService
Alarms: 0, Intent: org.lineageos.lockclock.action.FORCE_WEATHER_UPDATE

10208 (Wifi) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 4.0 MBytes 58,3%
10153 (Wifi) (com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.Syncthing): 1.0 MBytes 15,2%
10013 (Wifi) (Google Play-Dienste): 699.0 KBytes 9,1%
10022 (Wifi) (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 270.0 KBytes 3,5%
10121 (Wifi) (de.stocard.stocard.Stocard): 210.0 KBytes 2,7%
10189 (Wifi) (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): 103.0 KBytes 1,3%
10236 (Wifi) (com.google.android.apps.docs.Drive): 82.0 KBytes 1,1%
0 (Mobile) (0): 80.0 KBytes 1,0%
10153 (Mobile) (com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.Syncthing): 78.0 KBytes 1,0%
10032 (Wifi) (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google): 71.0 KBytes 0,9%
10233 (Wifi) (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 68.0 KBytes 0,9%
1051 (Wifi) (1051): 54.0 KBytes 0,7%
10152 (Wifi) (com.microsoft.skydrive.OneDrive): 49.0 KBytes 0,6%
10168 (Wifi) (com.nextcloud.client.Nextcloud): 44.0 KBytes 0,6%
10170 (Wifi) (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey-Tastatur): 41.0 KBytes 0,5%
0 (Wifi) (0): 37.0 KBytes 0,5%
10109 (Wifi) (org.thoughtcrime.securesms.Signal): 28.0 KBytes 0,4%
10138 (Wifi) (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): 27.0 KBytes 0,4%
10212 (Wifi) (de.hafas.android.db.DB Navigator): 25.0 KBytes 0,3%
10111 (Wifi) (com.google.android.apps.tasks.Tasks): 17.0 KBytes 0,2%
1000 (Wifi) (Android-System): 8.0 KBytes 0,1%
10130 (Wifi) (com.google.android.apps.photos.Fotos): 8.0 KBytes 0,1%
10125 (Wifi) (UID): 8.0 KBytes 0,1%
10127 (Wifi) (de.avm.android.myfritz2.MyFRITZ!App): 7.0 KBytes 0,1%
10244 (Wifi) (com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel.Google Pay): 7.0 KBytes 0,1%
10211 (Wifi) (com.casio.watchplus.CASIO+): 3.0 KBytes 0,0%
10194 (Wifi) (com.spotify.music.Spotify): 2.0 KBytes 0,0%
10245 (Wifi) (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BBS): 40.0 Bytes 0,0%
CPU States
(Google Play-Dienste): Sensor: BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Significant Motion Detector(22), wakeup=true, Time: 8 h 15 m 47 s

(com.spotify.music.Spotify): Sensor: Linear Acceleration(18), wakeup=false, Time: 21 m 48 s

(Android-System): Sensor: Unknown, Time: 7 s
Sensor: BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: LTR579 ALSPS(8), wakeup=false, Time: 4 s
Sensor: Significant Motion Detector(22), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s

(eu.thedarken.sdm.SD Maid): Sensor: BMI160 Accelerometer(1), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

(com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Sensor: Unknown, Time: 0 s
Sensor: AK09916 Magnetometer Uncalibrated(4), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: BMI160 Gyroscope Uncalibrated(6), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Gravity(17), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Linear Acceleration(18), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Step Detector(20), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo | Android Developers
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.services.EventWatcherService)
Active since: 1 m 56 s
Last activity: 1 h 6 m 17 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 18242 d 21 h 31 m 22 s (Wl: 4 elements; KWl: 124elements; NetS: 16 elements; Alrm: 2 elements; Proc: 139 elements; Oth: 12 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 3 elements)
ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 18242 d 22 h 17 m 26 s (Wl: 19 elements; KWl: 131elements; NetS: 26 elements; Alrm: 8 elements; Proc: 248 elements; Oth: 15 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 4 elements)
ref_screen_off: Reference ref_screen_off created 18242 d 22 h 17 m 31 s (Wl: 19 elements; KWl: 131elements; NetS: 26 elements; Alrm: 8 elements; Proc: 248 elements; Oth: 15 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 4 elements)
ref_screen_on: Reference ref_screen_on created 18243 d 6 h 51 m 49 s (Wl: 40 elements; KWl: 137elements; NetS: 38 elements; Alrm: 8 elements; Proc: 289 elements; Oth: 15 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 5 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 18243 d 6 h 51 m 53 s (Wl: 40 elements; KWl: 137elements; NetS: 38 elements; Alrm: 8 elements; Proc: 289 elements; Oth: 15 elements; CPU: 0 elements; Sensors: 5 elements)
------ human readable part end here

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bearbeitet von: B3nder - Grund: Spoiler bearbeitet, da hat was nicht funktioniert. B3nder
Sieht alles unauffällig aus...

Versuchs mal über Nacht im Flugmodus + WLAN und eine Nacht mal nur im Flugmodus.
Ja, werde ich mal probieren die einzelnen "Netzkomponenten" abzuschalten. Wundert mich eben nur, dass es vorher nicht war, obwohl alles "an" war und wo in den BBS Stats die fehlende Zeit des Awake ist. 10,6% in der Summary, aber in den Details in Summe nur 6,6%. Irgendwer frisst da Akku und versteckt sich ;) wenn ich das rausrechne, dann komme ich so langsam wieder in die 1%/h Zone über Nacht.

Ich hoffe ich finde da was ohne WLAN/BT manuell an und auszuschalten.

Danke Cloud für die ersten Tipps.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Cloud

Ich glaube ich habe es.

Heute Nacht knapp über Flugmodus geblieben. 0.5% pro Stunde. Rechts im Graph Links zum Vergleich vorgestern.

Standortverlauf habe ich abgeschaltet, aber vermutlich war es das nicht, denn den nutze ich seit Jahren.

Des Weiteren habe ich in den Entwickler Optionen 'Mobile Datenübertragung im Hintergrund aktiviert lassen auch bei WLAN' oder so ähnlich ABGESCHALTET. Das war an. Seit dem hat es sich normalisiert.

Falls nicht poste ich nochmal.

VG Peter
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: funkenwerner und Cloud
Finde im Netz nichts näheres. Was könnte es mit dem Wakelock "IpReachabilityMonitor.wlan0" auf sich haben? Habe meine Wakelocks mittlerweile alle gut im Griff. Habe viele Google Dienste deaktiviert und ziemlich viel entschlackt. Nur diesen Wakelock bekomme ich einfach nicht weg. Habe W-Lan nur zuhause an. Sobald ich das Haus verlasse, schalte ich W-Lan manuell ab.

Habe ein gerootetes Samsung Galaxy S7 mit Superman Rom 3.0.1 (Android 8.0). Unter Android 7 hatte ich diese Probleme mit diesem Wakelock nie.

nur eine kurze Frage, noch ohne Log File:
BBS meldet bei Alarms: android -- 1,5 Alarms pro Minute. Wesentlich *job.delay* und *job.deadline*
Es ist Android 8, das Telefon wird währenddessen verwendet.
Muss ich mir Gedanken darüber machen, oder nicht?
Anonym6x6 schrieb:
Finde im Netz nichts näheres. Was könnte es mit dem Wakelock "IpReachabilityMonitor.wlan0" auf sich haben? Habe meine Wakelocks mittlerweile alle gut im Griff. Habe viele Google Dienste deaktiviert und ziemlich viel entschlackt. Nur diesen Wakelock bekomme ich einfach nicht weg. Habe W-Lan nur zuhause an. Sobald ich das Haus verlasse, schalte ich W-Lan manuell ab.

Habe ein gerootetes Samsung Galaxy S7 mit Superman Rom 3.0.1 (Android 8.0). Unter Android 7 hatte ich diese Probleme mit diesem Wakelock nie.

Ich denke, das ist ein WLAN-Wakelock. Tritt er auch noch auf, wenn das WLAN ausgeschaltet ist?

jochen-01 schrieb:

nur eine kurze Frage, noch ohne Log File:
BBS meldet bei Alarms: android -- 1,5 Alarms pro Minute. Wesentlich *job.delay* und *job.deadline*
Es ist Android 8, das Telefon wird währenddessen verwendet.
Muss ich mir Gedanken darüber machen, oder nicht?

Ich würde mir da spontan keine Gedanken machen. Für eine genauere Aussage müsstest du aber das Log-File posten.
@tefracky O.k., danke.
Ich schaue mal, sollte ich nennenswerten Einfluss auf die Akku-Laufzeit feststellen, melde ich mich mit genaueren Daten.
Weiß jemand welcher Alarm das ist ?
Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
Könnte es eine Wetterapp sein ?


  • foto1.jpg
    260 KB · Aufrufe: 256
leider verstehe ich es nicht ganz. 😞
Irgendwie hat es mit dem Startbildschirm-Widget zu tun? Also sind das sämtliche Widgets auf dem Display ?
Wetter usw. ?

Wird gesendet, wenn es Zeit ist, Ihr AppWidget zu aktualisieren.
Dies kann als Antwort auf eine neue Instanz für diesen AppWidget-Anbieter gesendet werden.

Ok, ich verstehe es so - also wenn sich die Widgets auf dem Startbildschirm aktualisieren ?! Kann man das nicht irgendwie im Deep sleep ausschalten ? (ohne root)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Ja, da wird eines oder mehrere Widgets aktualisiert. Du kannst einfach nach und nach die Widgets entfernen und so testen, an welchem es liegt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: hagex - Grund: Direktzitat entfernt, Gruß von hagex
  • Danke
Reaktionen: 359966 und mj084

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