[AKKU] [HOW-TO] Better Battery Stats [Support]

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/* =================== General Information =================== BetterBatteryStats version: Creation Date: 2017-04-12 09:31:49 Statistic Type: Boot to Current Since 8 h 2 m 52 s Note: VERSION.RELEASE: 7.1.1 BRAND: samsung DEVICE: klte MANUFACTURER: samsung MODEL: SM-G900F OS.VERSION: 3.4.107-g243eaa7 BOOTLOADER: G900FXXU1CPH6 HARDWARE: qcom FINGERPRINT: samsung/kltexx/klte:6.0.1/MMB29M/G900FXXS1CQBW:user/release-keys ID: NOF27B TAGS: release-keys USER: jenkins PRODUCT: lineage_klte RADIO: G900FXXU1CPJ1 Root perms: true SELinux Policy: Enforcing BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true XPosed BATTERY_STATS module enabled: false ============ Battery Info ============ Level lost [%]: Bat.: -8%(54% to 46%) [1,0%/h] Voltage lost [mV]: (3567-3772) [-25,5%/h] =========== Other Usage =========== Deep Sleep (): 7 h 27 m 42 s 92,7% Awake (Screen Off) (): 28 m 22 s 5,9% Screen On (): 6 m 49 s 1,4% Wifi On (): 8 h 2 m 54 s 100,0% Wifi Running (): 8 h 2 m 54 s 100,0% Doze Interactive Time (): 6 m 22 s 1,3% Sync (): 2 s 0,0% Screen dark (): 3 m 13 s 0,7% Screen dimmed (): 3 m 35 s 0,7% ====================================================== Wakelocks (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+) ====================================================== *net_scheduler* (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): 2 m 54 s Count:2 0,6% AquaMail WakeLock (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): 2 m Count:425 0,4% deviceidle_maint (LineageOS-System): 1 m 48 s Count:496 0,4% wake:com.google.android.gms/.measurement.PackageMeasurementService (Google Play-Dienste): 1 m 15 s Count:62 0,3% AnyMotionDetector (LineageOS-System): 18 s Count:481 0,1% *net_scheduler* (Google Play-Dienste): 16 s Count:342 0,1% *alarm* (LineageOS-System): 15 s Count:631 0,1% wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService (Google Play-Dienste): 13 s Count:133 0,0% NlpCollectorWakeLock (LineageOS-System): 13 s Count:507 0,0% lock (org.telegram.messenger.Telegram): 9 s Count:5 0,0% MediaScannerService (Medien): 7 s Count:7 0,0% suicidepaintball@googlemail.com/INBOX (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): 5 s Count:28 0,0% ConnectivityService (LineageOS-System): 5 s Count:479 0,0% *job*/com.dvtonder.chronus/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService (com.dvtonder.chronus.Chronus): 5 s Count:30 0,0% JobExecutor (com.dvtonder.chronus.Chronus): 4 s Count:13 0,0% Sixrs2@gmx.de/INBOX (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): 3 s Count:261 0,0% SyncLoopWakeLock (LineageOS-System): 2 s Count:473 0,0% RILJ (Telefondienste): 2 s Count:244 0,0% Event Log Service (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:58 0,0% ================ Kernel Wakelocks !!! wakeup_sources !!! ================ wlan_rx_wake (): 18 m 16 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1654/198/1655 3,8% PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (): 14 m 20 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)627/38/0 3,0% PowerManagerService.Display (): 6 m 29 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)14/0/0 1,3% wlan_wd_wake (): 6 m 6 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3023/90/0 1,3% event0-788 (): 2 m 45 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1406/0/0 0,6% event13-788 (): 2 m 32 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1428/13/0 0,5% resume_wakelock (): 2 m 18 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1405/0/1405 0,5% wlan_wake (): 1 m 18 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)32509/286/0 0,3% alarm (): 33 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)317/12/0 0,1% wlan_ctrl_wake (): 29 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)33/0/33 0,1% event15-788 (): 29 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1424/13/0 0,1% alarm_rtc (): 27 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)127/20/0 0,1% ssp_wake_lock (): 18 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/6 0,1% PowerManagerService.Broadcasts (): 12 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/0/0 0,0% sec-battery-monitor (): 9 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1445/14/0 0,0% radio-interface (): 8 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/0/0 0,0% ipc00000004_rmt_storage (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)19/1/0 0,0% smdcntl0 (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1174/2/0 0,0% SensorService_wakelock (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/0/0 0,0% rmt_storage_-1229850336 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0% rmt_storage_-1230894816 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/0/0 0,0% KeyEvents (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5069/31/0 0,0% qmuxd_port_wl_0 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1186/2/0 0,0% event2-788 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2036/0/0 0,0% ipc00000003_rfs_access (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)24/10/0 0,0% ipc0000001d_Loc_hal_worker (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)24/10/0 0,0% ipc0000000e_time_daemon (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)24/10/0 0,0% ipc0000000b_time_daemon (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)40/10/0 0,0% ipc00000012_thermal-engine (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)33/10/0 0,0% ipc00000005_rmt_storage (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)24/10/0 0,0% power-supply (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)107/1/0 0,0% ipc00000018_thermal-engine (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)33/10/0 0,0% ipc00000017_thermal-engine (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)33/10/0 0,0% ipc00000011_thermal-engine (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)33/10/0 0,0% ipc_rtr_q6_ipcrtr (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)16/0/0 0,0% event3-788 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0% event1-788 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)16/0/0 0,0% ipc_rtr_smd_ipcrtr (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)56/11/0 0,0% ====================================================== Processes (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+) ====================================================== system (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 10 m 41 s Us: 19 m 8 s Starts: 0 com.android.vending (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10041 Sys: 5 m 25 s Us: 12 m 28 s Starts: 1 surfaceflinger (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 27 s Us: 4 m 35 s Starts: 0 kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 59 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/u:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 52 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/u:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 38 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/u:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 35 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/u:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 m 44 s Us: Starts: 0 android.process.media (Medien): Uid: 10010 Sys: 1 m 40 s Us: 4 m Starts: 2 kworker/u:7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 m 18 s Us: Starts: 0 mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 51 s Us: Starts: 0 me.twrp.twrpapp (me.twrp.twrpapp.Official TWRP App): Uid: 10051 Sys: 1 m 40 s Us: 3 m 4 s Starts: 1 com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Uid: 10030 Sys: 1 m 33 s Us: 3 m 7 s Starts: 1 org.kman.AquaMail (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): Uid: 10163 Sys: 1 m 34 s Us: 3 m 4 s Starts: 4 kworker/u:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 15 s Us: Starts: 0 logd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 8 s Us: 3 m 1 s Starts: 0 com.spotify.music (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Uid: 10109 Sys: 1 m 39 s Us: 2 m 27 s Starts: 1 com.facebook.orca (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): Uid: 10135 Sys: 1 m 15 s Us: 2 m 45 s Starts: 2 kworker/u:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m Us: Starts: 0 audioserver (1041): Uid: 1041 Sys: 2 m 30 s Us: 1 m 20 s Starts: 0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10035 Sys: 1 m 13 s Us: 2 m 9 s Starts: 1 com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): Uid: 10146 Sys: 1 m 14 s Us: 2 m 5 s Starts: 1 com.eset.ems2.gp (com.eset.ems2.gp.ESET Mobile Security): Uid: 10133 Sys: 53 s Us: 2 m 15 s Starts: 1 kworker/u:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 55 s Us: Starts: 0 *wakelock* (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10035 Sys: 1 m 10 s Us: 1 m 41 s Starts: 0 dhd_dpc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 48 s Us: Starts: 0 mpdecision (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 27 s Us: 18 s Starts: 0 com.google.android.gms (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10035 Sys: 57 s Us: 1 m 22 s Starts: 1 com.android.phone (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 55 s Us: 1 m 14 s Starts: 1 *wakelock* (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): Uid: 10163 Sys: 44 s Us: 1 m 4 s Starts: 0 ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 57 s Us: 45 s Starts: 0 com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): Uid: 10128 Sys: 39 s Us: 1 m 1 s Starts: 1 com.dvtonder.chronus (com.dvtonder.chronus.Chronus): Uid: 10157 Sys: 31 s Us: 52 s Starts: 1 irq/256-msm_sdc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 23 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/0:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 20 s Us: Starts: 0 dhd_rxf (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 13 s Us: Starts: 0 org.telegram.messenger (org.telegram.messenger.Telegram): Uid: 10105 Sys: 40 s Us: 30 s Starts: 1 com.touchtype.swiftkey (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey Tastatur): Uid: 10106 Sys: 24 s Us: 40 s Starts: 1 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): Uid: 10044 Sys: 32 s Us: 28 s Starts: 4 ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 55 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 52 s Us: Starts: 0 mdss_fb0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 52 s Us: Starts: 0 *wakelock* (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Uid: 10136 Sys: 25 s Us: 23 s Starts: 0 netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 38 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0 *wakelock* (Medien): Uid: 10010 Sys: 17 s Us: 25 s Starts: 0 servicemanager (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 25 s Us: 14 s Starts: 0 kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 37 s Us: Starts: 0 mmcqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 35 s Us: Starts: 0 com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10159 Sys: 21 s Us: 13 s Starts: 2 com.sec.ricky310711.samsungtool (com.sec.ricky310711.samsungtool.Samsung Tool): Uid: 10118 Sys: 9 s Us: 22 s Starts: 1 rild (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 s Us: 12 s Starts: 0 spi32765 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 31 s Us: Starts: 0 su (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10159 Sys: 27 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0 daemonsu:10159 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 25 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0 com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile (com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile.Connect): Uid: 10068 Sys: 16 s Us: 11 s Starts: 1 de.telekom.mds.mbp (de.telekom.mds.mbp.Voicemail): Uid: 10096 Sys: 18 s Us: 7 s Starts: 2 kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: Starts: 0 com.google.process.gapps (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10035 Sys: 11 s Us: 10 s Starts: 1 com.google.android.youtube (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Uid: 10092 Sys: 20 s Us: 1 s Starts: 1 jbd2/mmcblk0p26 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: Starts: 0 lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0 ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s Us: Starts: 0 migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s Us: Starts: 0 cfinteractive (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0 zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0 kworker/u:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0 thermal-engine (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s Us: Starts: 0 wpa_supplicant (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0 dhd_watchdog_th (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: Starts: 0 flush-179:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: Starts: 0 irq/170-msm_sdc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: Starts: 0 com.teslacoilsw.notifier (com.teslacoilsw.notifier.TeslaUnread): Uid: 10103 Sys: 10 s Us: 1 s Starts: 1 ch.threema.app (ch.threema.app.Threema): Uid: 10102 Sys: 8 s Us: 4 s Starts: 4 qmuxd (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 6 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0 android.process.acore (Android Core Apps): Uid: 10003 Sys: 7 s Us: 4 s Starts: 2 irq/626-SSP_Int (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0 bdi-default (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0 com.google.android.gms.unstable (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10035 Sys: 2 s Us: 8 s Starts: 2 eu.chainfire.supersu (eu.chainfire.supersu.SuperSU): Uid: 10088 Sys: 7 s Us: 3 s Starts: 4 com.android.nfc (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: 8 s Us: 1 s Starts: 1 irq/628-synapti (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0 org.cyanogenmod.audiofx (org.cyanogenmod.audiofx.AudioFX): Uid: 10000 Sys: 7 s Us: 1 s Starts: 1 com.google.android.tts (com.google.android.tts.Google Text-in-Sprache): Uid: 10081 Sys: 5 s Us: 2 s Starts: 1 com.google.android.ext.services (com.google.android.ext.services.Android Services Library): Uid: 10039 Sys: 5 s Us: 2 s Starts: 1 com.android.deskclock (com.android.deskclock.Uhr): Uid: 10054 Sys: 6 s Us: 1 s Starts: 4 com.android.email (com.android.email.E-Mail): Uid: 10062 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 1 org.withouthat.acalendarplus (org.withouthat.acalendarplus.aCalendar+): Uid: 10167 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 1 org.cyanogenmod.cmparts (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 s Us: 1 s Starts: 3 healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0 com.cyanogenmod.settings.device (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 1 com.android.printspooler (com.android.printspooler.Druck-Spooler): Uid: 10070 Sys: 4 s Us: 1 s Starts: 2 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): Uid: 10044 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 2 com.android.smspush (com.android.smspush.com.android.smspush): Uid: 10073 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 1 org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice (org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice.Wetterdienst): Uid: 10034 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 1 flush-179:64 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0 mediadrmserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 2 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0 org.cyanogenmod.cmaudio.service (org.cyanogenmod.cmaudio.service.CM-Audiodienst): Uid: 10001 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 1 org.cyanogenmod.profiles (org.cyanogenmod.profiles.Anbieter für vertrauenswürdige Profile): Uid: 10069 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 1 com.wagwan.datestatusbar (com.wagwan.datestatusbar.Datum in der Statusleiste Pro): Uid: 10155 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 1 kthreadd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0 installd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0 vold (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0 com.google.android.gms.ui (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10035 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 3 com.pixlr.express (com.pixlr.express.Pixlr): Uid: 10122 Sys: 4 s Us: 1 s Starts: 2 org.tvbrowser.tvbrowser (org.tvbrowser.tvbrowser.TV-Browser): Uid: 10099 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 4 com.shadowfury.facebookcalendarsync (com.shadowfury.facebookcalendarsync.Facebook Calendar Sync): Uid: 10145 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 2 system (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0 rmt_storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/0:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0 com.android.inputmethod.latin (com.android.inputmethod.latin.Android-Tastatur (AOSP)): Uid: 10079 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 2 sush (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0 de.pizza (de.pizza.pizza.de): Uid: 10058 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 1 com.shazam.android (com.shazam.android.Shazam): Uid: 10117 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 1 com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note (com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note.ColorNote): Uid: 10156 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 2 kworker/3:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0 stericson.busybox.donate (stericson.busybox.donate.BusyBox Pro): Uid: 10087 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 2 com.android.defcontainer (com.android.defcontainer.Package Access Helper): Uid: 10009 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 1 com.painless.pc (com.painless.pc.Power Toggles): Uid: 10120 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 3 com.mobisystems.editor.office_registered (com.mobisystems.editor.office_registered.OfficeSuite): Uid: 10126 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 2 /init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0 time_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/3:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0 de.spiegel.android.app.spon (de.spiegel.android.app.spon.SPIEGEL ONLINE): Uid: 10110 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 1 mm-qcamera-daemon (1006): Uid: 1006 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0 qseecomd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0 media.codec (1046): Uid: 1046 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping (com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping.Amazon Shopping): Uid: 10165 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 1 mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 daemonsu:master (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 kworker/3:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 media.extractor (1040): Uid: 1040 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 gatekeeperd (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0 com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.Titanium Backup): Uid: 10085 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 2 com.google.android.partnersetup (com.google.android.partnersetup.Google Partner Setup): Uid: 10037 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 3 flush-7:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10006 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1 debuggerd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 audiod (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 com.android.gallery3d (com.android.gallery3d.Galerie): Uid: 10019 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 1 com.android.keychain (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 2 daemonsu:10088 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0 tunein.player (tunein.player.TuneIn Radio): Uid: 10100 Sys: Us: Starts: 1 rfs_access (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.Cell Broadcast): Uid: 10007 Sys: Us: Starts: 3 com.svox.pico (com.svox.pico.Pico TTS): Uid: 10065 Sys: Us: Starts: 1 com.google.android.calendar (com.google.android.calendar.Kalender): Uid: 10083 Sys: Us: Starts: 2 keystore (1017): Uid: 1017 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 drmserver (1019): Uid: 1019 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 adsprpcd (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 com.google.android.gms:car (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10035 Sys: Us: Starts: 1 ping (me.twrp.twrpapp.Official TWRP App): Uid: 10051 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 kauditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 daemonsu:mount:master (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 com.qualcomm.timeservice (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 1 khubd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 perfprofd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 fingerprintd (LineageOS-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 debuggerd:signaller (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 org.wikipedia (org.wikipedia.Wikipedia): Uid: 10095 Sys: Us: Starts: 2 sync_supers (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 jbd2/mmcblk0p23 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 kworker/3:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.cLock): Uid: 10064 Sys: Us: Starts: 2 file-storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 ecryptfs-kthrea (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0 ====================== Alarms (requires BATTERY_STATS permissions) ====================== android (): Wakeups: 131 (16,3 / h) Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK Alarms: 82, Intent: *job.delay* Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL Alarms: 18, Intent: DeviceIdleController.light Alarms: 10, Intent: DeviceIdleController.deep Alarms: 2, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE Alarms: 9, Intent: *job.deadline* Alarms: 1, Intent: ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE Alarms: 0, Intent: android/org.cyanogenmod.platform.internal.display.TwilightTracker Alarms: 6, Intent: WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Periodic Scan Timer Alarms: 2, Intent: WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Watchdog Timer Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.server.ACTION_TRIGGER_IDLE Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.NetworkTimeUpdateService.action.POLL com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 55 (6,8 / h) Alarms: 10, Intent: com.google.android.gms/.checkin.EventLogServiceReceiver Alarms: 21, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.receiver.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS Alarms: 7, Intent: CONTEXT_MANAGER_ALARM_WAKEUP_63181 Alarms: 3, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE Alarms: 4, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_ACTIVITY_DETECTION Alarms: 1, Intent: null.INACTIVITY_TRIGGERED Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.measurement.UPLOAD Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT Alarms: 2, Intent: com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.libraries.social.mediamonitor.MediaMonitorIntentService Alarms: 4, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action com.facebook.orca (): Wakeups: 35 (4,3 / h) Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.messaging.app.init.DexWarmup.ACTION_DEX_WARMUP Alarms: 19, Intent: X.05R.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.orca Alarms: 5, Intent: X.1Eq.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca Alarms: 3, Intent: X.1Eq.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca.Mqtt_Wakeup Alarms: 2, Intent: X.05m.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.orca Alarms: 2, Intent: X.05m.ACTION_BACKUP_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.orca Alarms: 1, Intent: X.1Oh.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca Alarms: 2, Intent: X.1Oh.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca.Mqtt_Wakeup Alarms: 1, Intent: X.05R.ACTION_BACKUP_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.orca com.facebook.katana (): Wakeups: 15 (1,9 / h) Alarms: 5, Intent: X.33B.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.katana Alarms: 4, Intent: X.08u.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.katana Alarms: 5, Intent: X.33B.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.katana.Mqtt_Wakeup Alarms: 1, Intent: X.08u.ACTION_BACKUP_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.katana com.android.vending (): Wakeups: 9 (1,1 / h) Alarms: 3, Intent: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.FlushLogsReceiver Alarms: 5, Intent: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.ContentSyncService Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.dailyhygiene.DailyHygiene$DailyHygieneService org.kman.AquaMail (): Wakeups: 8 (1,0 / h) Alarms: 0, Intent: org.kman.AquaMail.ACTION_KEEP_ALIVE Alarms: 8, Intent: org.kman.AquaMail.ACTION_START_SYNC com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox (): Wakeups: 4 (0,5 / h) Alarms: 4, Intent: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.tasks.VelvetBackgroundTasksIntentService com.android.providers.calendar (): Wakeups: 3 (0,4 / h) Alarms: 3, Intent: com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2 ch.threema.app (): Wakeups: 3 (0,4 / h) Alarms: 3, Intent: ch.threema.app/.receivers.AlarmManagerBroadcastReceiver com.android.deskclock (): Wakeups: 2 (0,2 / h) Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.deskclock.ON_QUARTER_HOUR Alarms: 2, Intent: change_state com.android.email (): Wakeups: 2 (0,2 / h) Alarms: 2, Intent: com.android.email.intent.action.RESTART_ALL_IDLE_CONNECTIONS com.dvtonder.chronus (): Wakeups: 2 (0,2 / h) Alarms: 2, Intent: com.dvtonder.chronus/com.evernote.android.job.v14.PlatformAlarmReceiver Alarms: 0, Intent: com.dvtonder.chronus.action.ON_QUARTER_HOUR org.cyanogenmod.cmparts (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h) Alarms: 1, Intent: org.cyanogenmod.cmparts.action.TRIGGER_REPORT_METRICS org.wikipedia (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h) Alarms: 1, Intent: action_notification_poll com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h) Alarms: 1, Intent: note.socialnmobile.intent.action.AUTO_SYNC ====================== Network (requires root) ====================== 10041 (Wifi) (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 203.0 MBytes 95,9% 10044 (Wifi) (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): 2.0 MBytes 1,1% 10109 (Wifi) (com.spotify.music.Spotify): 2.0 MBytes 1,1% 0 (Wifi) (0): 1.0 MBytes 0,5% 10163 (Wifi) (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): 858.0 KBytes 0,4% 10035 (Wifi) (Google Play-Dienste): 784.0 KBytes 0,4% 10146 (Wifi) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 448.0 KBytes 0,2% 10051 (Wifi) (me.twrp.twrpapp.Official TWRP App): 400.0 KBytes 0,2% 10157 (Wifi) (com.dvtonder.chronus.Chronus): 269.0 KBytes 0,1% 10135 (Wifi) (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 198.0 KBytes 0,1% 10110 (Wifi) (de.spiegel.android.app.spon.SPIEGEL ONLINE): 72.0 KBytes 0,0% 10092 (Wifi) (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): 36.0 KBytes 0,0% 10105 (Wifi) (org.telegram.messenger.Telegram): 24.0 KBytes 0,0% 10165 (Wifi) (com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping.Amazon Shopping): 20.0 KBytes 0,0% 1000 (Wifi) (LineageOS-System): 18.0 KBytes 0,0% 10128 (Wifi) (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): 14.0 KBytes 0,0% 10096 (Wifi) (de.telekom.mds.mbp.Voicemail): 11.0 KBytes 0,0% 0 (Mobile) (0): 3.0 KBytes 0,0% 10102 (Wifi) (ch.threema.app.Threema): 1.0 KBytes 0,0% 10144 (Wifi) (com.fatsecret.android.FatSecret): 1.0 KBytes 0,0% 10133 (Wifi) (com.eset.ems2.gp.ESET Mobile Security): 675.0 Bytes 0,0% 10051 (Mobile) (me.twrp.twrpapp.Official TWRP App): 588.0 Bytes 0,0% 10010 (Wifi) (Medien): 572.0 Bytes 0,0% 10089 (Wifi) (com.google.android.apps.translate.Übersetzer): 468.0 Bytes 0,0% 10150 (Wifi) (com.ebay.mobile.eBay): 80.0 Bytes 0,0% ========== CPU States ========== 2,46 GHz (): 4 m 51 s 1,0% 2,27 GHz (): 43 s 0,1% 1,96 GHz (): 15 s 0,1% 1,73 GHz (): 1 m 21 s 0,3% 1,57 GHz (): 53 s 0,2% 1,5 GHz (): 3 m 6 s 0,6% 1,27 GHz (): 6 s 0,0% 1,19 GHz (): 3 m 29 s 0,7% 1,04 GHz (): 3 s 0,0% 960 MHz (): 4 s 0,0% 883,2 MHz (): 18 s 0,1% 729,6 MHz (): 9 s 0,0% 652,8 MHz (): 29 s 0,1% 422,4 MHz (): 40 s 0,1% 300 MHz (): 18 m 37 s 3,9% Deep Sleep (): 7 h 27 m 42 s 92,7% ========== Sensors ========== (LineageOS-System): Sensor: MPU6500 Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s Sensor: TMG399X RGB Sensor(6), wakeup=false, Time: 5 m 33 s Sensor: SAMSUNG Significant Motion Sensor(13), wakeup=true, Time: 1 h 29 m 37 s (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Sensor: TMG399X Proximity Sensor(5), wakeup=true, Time: 33 s (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Sensor: MPU6500 Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s (Google Play-Dienste): Sensor: MPU6500 Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s Sensor: MPL Rotation Vector(10), wakeup=false, Time: 4 s ======== Services ======== Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it. Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it) See ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo | Android Developers com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidService) Active since: 23 s Last activity: 23 s Crash count:0 com.facebook.katana:videoplayer (com.facebook.video.vps.VideoPlayerService) Active since: 4 h 55 m 54 s Last activity: 26 m 29 s Crash count:0 com.facebook.orca:videoplayer (com.facebook.video.vps.VideoPlayerService) Active since: 10 m 32 s Last activity: 4 m 3 s Crash count:0 com.android.email (com.android.email.service.LegacyImapSyncAdapterService) Active since: 37 s Last activity: 37 s Crash count:0 com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService) Active since: 35 s Last activity: 35 m 42 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.tts (com.google.android.tts.service.GoogleTTSService) Active since: 28 s Last activity: 29 s Crash count:0 com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile (com.garmin.android.gncs.GNCSListenerService) Active since: 27 s Last activity: 27 s Crash count:0 com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardService) Active since: 22 s Last activity: 24 s Crash count:0 com.facebook.orca (com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService) Active since: 10 m 25 s Last activity: 35 m 42 s Crash count:0 org.withouthat.acalendarplus (org.withouthat.acalendar.ACalendarService) Active since: 34 s Last activity: 54 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.measurement.service.MeasurementBrokerService) Active since: 27 s Last activity: 31 m 19 s Crash count:0 org.kman.AquaMail (org.kman.AquaMail.core.KeepAliveService) Active since: 32 m Last activity: 35 m 51 s Crash count:0 org.kman.AquaMail (org.kman.AquaMail.core.CommandService) Active since: 35 m 52 s Last activity: 35 m 40 s Crash count:0 me.twrp.twrpapp (com.p3group.insight.service.ConnectivityService) Active since: 52 s Last activity: 35 m 40 s Crash count:0 com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper) Active since: 23 s Last activity: 23 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geocode.GeocodeService) Active since: 1 m 9 s Last activity: 1 m 9 s Crash count:0 com.android.vending (com.google.android.finsky.services.ContentFiltersService) Active since: 41 s Last activity: 43 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService) Active since: 40 s Last activity: 40 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService) Active since: 30 s Last activity: 35 m 51 s Crash count:0 com.eset.ems2.gp (com.eset.commoncore.core.accessibility.CoreAccessibilityService) Active since: 27 s Last activity: 27 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.apps.maps (com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.cache.glide.GlideDiskCacheExpirationService) Active since: 3 h 4 m 52 s Last activity: 18 m 48 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.location.nearby.direct.service.NearbyDirectService) Active since: 42 s Last activity: 43 s Crash count:0 com.cyanogenmod.settings.device (com.cyanogenmod.settings.device.SamsungDozeService) Active since: 36 s Last activity: 36 s Crash count:0 com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.services.EventWatcherService) Active since: 12 m 12 s Last activity: 35 m 47 s Crash count:0 com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile (com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile.audioprompts.AudioPromptsService) Active since: 28 s Last activity: 28 s Crash count:0 com.spotify.music (com.spotify.mobile.android.service.SpotifyService) Active since: 33 s Last activity: 10 m 36 s Crash count:0 com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.hdp.HealthService) Active since: 52 s Last activity: 52 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.fused.service.FusedProviderService) Active since: 1 m 9 s Last activity: 1 m 9 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.pseudonymous.service.PseudonymousIdService) Active since: 59 s Last activity: 27 m 15 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.ext.services (android.ext.services.notification.Ranker) Active since: 19 s Last activity: 26 s Crash count:0 com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.pbap.BluetoothPbapService) Active since: 23 s Last activity: 23 s Crash count:0 com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile (com.garmin.android.deviceinterface.GdiService) Active since: 28 s Last activity: 29 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService) Active since: 1 m 9 s Last activity: 1 m 9 s Crash count:0 com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile (com.garmin.android.lib.connectdevicesync.DeviceSyncService) Active since: 28 s Last activity: 28 s Crash count:0 com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService) Active since: 22 s Last activity: 22 s Crash count:0 com.dvtonder.chronus (com.dvtonder.chronus.weather.CMWeatherService) Active since: 27 s Last activity: 27 s Crash count:0 org.cyanogenmod.profiles (org.cyanogenmod.profiles.ProfilesTrustAgent) Active since: 45 s Last activity: 45 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService) Active since: 1 m 9 s Last activity: 1 m 9 s Crash count:0 com.eset.ems2.gp (com.eset.commoncore.core.CoreService) Active since: 30 s Last activity: 31 s Crash count:0 com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.SystemUIService) Active since: 22 s Last activity: 22 s Crash count:0 com.sec.ricky310711.samsungtool (net.dinglisch.android.tasker.MonitorService) Active since: 1 m 39 s Last activity: 35 m 46 s Crash count:0 system (android.hardware.location.GeofenceHardwareService) Active since: 23 s Last activity: 23 s Crash count:0 org.telegram.messenger (org.telegram.messenger.NotificationsService) Active since: 53 s Last activity: 53 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.trustagent.GoogleTrustAgent) Active since: 45 s Last activity: 45 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.PendingIntentCallbackService) Active since: 2 h 16 m 49 s Last activity: 29 m 8 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ReportingAndroidService) Active since: 1 m 4 s Last activity: 27 m 15 s Crash count:0 com.touchtype.swiftkey (com.touchtype.KeyboardService) Active since: 22 s Last activity: 22 s Crash count:0 com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.service.NearbyMessagesService) Active since: 42 s Last activity: 44 s Crash count:0 system (com.android.server.telecom.components.BluetoothPhoneService) Active since: 24 s Last activity: 24 s Crash count:0 org.kman.AquaMail (org.kman.AquaMail.core.StartSyncService) Active since: 32 m Last activity: 31 m 8 s Crash count:0 ================== Reference overview ================== ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 52 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 44elements; NetS: 14 elements; Alrm: 1 elements; Proc: 35 elements; Oth: 8 elements; Sensors: 3 elements; 3 elements) ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 13 m 5 s (Wl: 3 elements; KWl: 58elements; NetS: 23 elements; Alrm: 10 elements; Proc: 129 elements; Oth: 10 elements; Sensors: 3 elements; 3 elements) ref_current: Reference ref_current created 8 h 3 m 51 s (Wl: 19 elements; KWl: 62elements; NetS: 27 elements; Alrm: 15 elements; Proc: 171 elements; Oth: 10 elements; Sensors: 4 elements; 4 elements) ------ human readable part end here */ { "alarmStats": [ { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 0, "intent": "android.intent.action.TIME_TICK" }, { "number": 82, "intent": "*job.delay*" }, { "number": 0, "intent": "com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL" }, { "number": 18, "intent": "DeviceIdleController.light" }, { "number": 10, "intent": "DeviceIdleController.deep" }, { "number": 2, "intent": "android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" }, { "number": 9, "intent": "*job.deadline*" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE" }, { "number": 0, "intent": "android/org.cyanogenmod.platform.internal.display.TwilightTracker" }, { "number": 6, "intent": "WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Periodic Scan Timer" }, { "number": 2, "intent": "WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Watchdog Timer" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "com.android.server.ACTION_TRIGGER_IDLE" }, { "number": 0, "intent": "com.android.server.NetworkTimeUpdateService.action.POLL" } ], "total_count": 272, "wakeups": 131, "package_name": "android", "time_runing_ms": 28972451, "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": null }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 10, "intent": "com.google.android.gms/.checkin.EventLogServiceReceiver" }, { "number": 21, "intent": "com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM" }, { "number": 0, "intent": "com.google.android.gms.common.receiver.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS" }, { "number": 7, "intent": "CONTEXT_MANAGER_ALARM_WAKEUP_63181" }, { "number": 3, "intent": "com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE" }, { "number": 4, "intent": "com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_ACTIVITY_DETECTION" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "null.INACTIVITY_TRIGGERED" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "com.google.android.gms.measurement.UPLOAD" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT" }, { "number": 2, "intent": "com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.libraries.social.mediamonitor.MediaMonitorIntentService" }, { "number": 4, "intent": "com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action" } ], "total_count": 275, "wakeups": 55, "package_name": "com.google.android.gms", "time_runing_ms": 29025190, "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": null }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 0, "intent": "com.facebook.messaging.app.init.DexWarmup.ACTION_DEX_WARMUP" }, { "number": 19, "intent": "X.05R.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.orca" }, { "number": 5, "intent": "X.1Eq.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca" }, { "number": 3, "intent": "X.1Eq.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca.Mqtt_Wakeup" }, { "number": 2, "intent": "X.05m.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.orca" }, { "number": 2, "intent": "X.05m.ACTION_BACKUP_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.orca" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "X.1Oh.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca" }, { "number": 2, "intent": "X.1Oh.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.orca.Mqtt_Wakeup" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "X.05R.ACTION_BACKUP_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.orca" } ], "total_count": 275, "wakeups": 35, "package_name": "com.facebook.orca", "time_runing_ms": 29025190, "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": null }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 5, "intent": "X.33B.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.katana" }, { "number": 4, "intent": "X.08u.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.katana" }, { "number": 5, "intent": "X.33B.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.katana.Mqtt_Wakeup" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "X.08u.ACTION_BACKUP_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.katana" } ], "total_count": 275, "wakeups": 15, "package_name": "com.facebook.katana", "time_runing_ms": 29025190, "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": null }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 3, "intent": "com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.FlushLogsReceiver" }, { "number": 5, "intent": "com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.ContentSyncService" }, { "number": 1, "intent": "com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.dailyhygiene.DailyHygiene$DailyHygieneService" } ], "total_count": 275, "wakeups": 9, "package_name": "com.android.vending", "time_runing_ms": 29025190, "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": null }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 0, "intent": "org.kman.AquaMail.ACTION_KEEP_ALIVE" }, { "number": 8, "intent": "org.kman.AquaMail.ACTION_START_SYNC" } ], "total_count": 275, "wakeups": 8, "package_name": "org.kman.AquaMail", "time_runing_ms": 29025190, "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": null }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 4, "intent": "com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.tasks.VelvetBackgroundTasksIntentService" } ], "total_count": 275, "wakeups": 4, "package_name": "com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox", "time_runing_ms": 29025190, "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": null }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 3, "intent": "com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2" } ], "total_count": 275, "wakeups": 3, "package_name": "com.android.providers.calendar", "time_runing_ms": 29025190, "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": null }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "number": 3, "intent": "ch.threema.app/.receivers.AlarmManagerBroadcastReceiver" } ], "total_count": 275, "wakeups": 3, "package_name": "ch.threema.app", "time_runing_ms": 29025190, 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"com.google.android.partnersetup", "starts": 3, "system_time": 1100, "user_time": 400, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10037, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10037, "m_uidName": "Google Partner Setup", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.google.android.partnersetup", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "flush-7:0", "starts": 0, "system_time": 1300, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "com.android.providers.calendar", "starts": 1, "system_time": 300, "user_time": 1000, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10006, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10006, "m_uidName": "Kalenderspeicher", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.providers.calendar", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "debuggerd", "starts": 0, "system_time": 1000, "user_time": 200, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "audiod", "starts": 0, "system_time": 800, "user_time": 400, "total": 12303560, "uid": 1000, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1000, "m_uidName": "LineageOS-System", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "com.android.gallery3d", "starts": 1, "system_time": 1000, "user_time": 200, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10019, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10019, "m_uidName": "Galerie", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.gallery3d", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "com.android.keychain", "starts": 2, "system_time": 900, "user_time": 200, "total": 12303560, "uid": 1000, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1000, "m_uidName": "LineageOS-System", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "daemonsu:10088", "starts": 0, "system_time": 1000, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "tunein.player", "starts": 1, "system_time": 600, "user_time": 400, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10100, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10100, "m_uidName": "TuneIn Radio", "m_uidNamePackage": "tunein.player", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "rfs_access", "starts": 0, "system_time": 900, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 1000, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1000, "m_uidName": "LineageOS-System", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver", "starts": 3, "system_time": 900, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10007, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10007, "m_uidName": "Cell Broadcast", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "com.svox.pico", "starts": 1, "system_time": 800, "user_time": 100, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10065, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10065, "m_uidName": "Pico TTS", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.svox.pico", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "com.google.android.calendar", "starts": 2, "system_time": 600, "user_time": 300, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10083, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10083, "m_uidName": "Kalender", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.google.android.calendar", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "keystore", "starts": 0, "system_time": 400, "user_time": 400, "total": 12303560, "uid": 1017, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1017, "m_uidName": "1017", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "drmserver", "starts": 0, "system_time": 600, "user_time": 200, "total": 12303560, "uid": 1019, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1019, "m_uidName": "1019", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "adsprpcd", "starts": 0, "system_time": 500, "user_time": 200, "total": 12303560, "uid": 1013, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1013, "m_uidName": "1013", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "com.google.android.gms:car", "starts": 1, "system_time": 400, "user_time": 300, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10035, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10035, "m_uidName": "Google Play-Dienste", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "ping", "starts": 0, "system_time": 400, "user_time": 300, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10051, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10051, "m_uidName": "Official TWRP App", "m_uidNamePackage": "me.twrp.twrpapp", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "kauditd", "starts": 0, "system_time": 600, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "daemonsu:mount:master", "starts": 0, "system_time": 600, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "com.qualcomm.timeservice", "starts": 1, "system_time": 300, "user_time": 300, "total": 12303560, "uid": 1000, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1000, "m_uidName": "LineageOS-System", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "khubd", "starts": 0, "system_time": 0, "user_time": 500, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "perfprofd", "starts": 0, "system_time": 400, "user_time": 100, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "fingerprintd", "starts": 0, "system_time": 400, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 1000, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1000, "m_uidName": "LineageOS-System", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "debuggerd:signaller", "starts": 0, "system_time": 400, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "org.wikipedia", "starts": 2, "system_time": 200, "user_time": 200, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10095, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10095, "m_uidName": "Wikipedia", "m_uidNamePackage": "org.wikipedia", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "sync_supers", "starts": 0, "system_time": 300, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "jbd2/mmcblk0p23", "starts": 0, "system_time": 300, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "kworker/3:3", "starts": 0, "system_time": 300, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "com.cyanogenmod.lockclock", "starts": 2, "system_time": 200, "user_time": 100, "total": 12303560, "uid": 10064, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10064, "m_uidName": "cLock", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.cyanogenmod.lockclock", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "name": "file-storage", "starts": 0, "system_time": 200, "user_time": 0, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "name": "ecryptfs-kthrea", "starts": 0, "system_time": 100, "user_time": 100, "total": 12303560, "uid": 0, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 0, "m_uidName": "0", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } } ], "rootPermissions": true, "seLinuxPolicy": "Enforcing", "sensorUsage": [ { "details": "", "items": [ { "handle": 0, "time": -18853, "sensor": "MPU6500 Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup\u003dfalse" }, { "handle": 6, "time": 333273, "sensor": "TMG399X RGB Sensor(6), wakeup\u003dfalse" }, { "handle": 13, "time": 5377383, "sensor": "SAMSUNG Significant Motion Sensor(13), wakeup\u003dtrue" } ], "total_time": 5309283, "package_name": "", "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 1000, "m_uidName": "LineageOS-System", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "handle": 5, "time": 33792, "sensor": "TMG399X Proximity Sensor(5), wakeup\u003dtrue" } ], "total_time": -8658259, "package_name": "", "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10030, "m_uidName": "System-UI", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.systemui", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "handle": 0, "time": -27937, "sensor": "MPU6500 Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup\u003dfalse" } ], "total_time": -9045575, "package_name": "", "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10092, "m_uidName": "YouTube", "m_uidNamePackage": "com.google.android.youtube", "m_uidUniqueName": true } }, { "details": "", "items": [ { "handle": 0, "time": -45615, "sensor": "MPU6500 Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup\u003dfalse" }, { "handle": 10, "time": 4370, "sensor": "MPL Rotation Vector(10), wakeup\u003dfalse" } ], "total_time": -9058883, "package_name": "", "total": 0, "uid": -1, "uid_info": { "m_uid": 10035, "m_uidName": "Google Play-Dienste", "m_uidNamePackage": "", "m_uidUniqueName": false } } ], "statType": "Boot to Current", "totalTime": 28972444, "xposedBatteryStatsEnabled": false }
Keine Ahnung was du hören willst? Ja ist doch in Ordnung, aber was ist dein Ziel? Wenn du noch mehr Batterie sparen willst musst du APPS zum Schweigen bringen also Hindergrund Aktivitäten abstellen.

Wieso ist in der Messperiode Google Store mit 200 MB aktiv. Aquamail , Maps auch sehr aktiv. Facebook Apps wo als Akku Vernichter bekannt ist installiert?

Ich würde mal eine Messung mit ausgeschaltetem wlan oder datenoption machen und dann gezielt Alarms und Wakeups anschauen. Hier mit Amplify und greenify zu Leibe Rücken.

Danach mit Internet Verbindung nochmals und alle APPS zum Schweigen bringen die nur aktiv sein sollen wenn du sie aktiv aufrufst.

Dann bist du wohl zwischen 0.1 und 0.7 %/h.

Aber wie gesagt ein Spiel zwischen Energie saving und Bequemlichkeit.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallihallo, mal ein Log von Nougat auf meinem S3. Ist eins ohne aktiviertes WLAN, im WLAN ist der Verbrauch wegen dem noch schlecht optimierten Kernel horrend. Gibt es noch etwas, was ich tun kann?

General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2017-04-16 10:00:59
Statistic Type: Custom to Current
Since 7 h 12 s
BRAND: samsung
OS.VERSION: 3.0.101-lineage-ge31c37f
HARDWARE: smdk4x12
FINGERPRINT: samsung/m3xx/m3:4.4.4/KTU84P/I9305XXUFPB1:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: jenkins
Root perms: false
SELinux Policy: Enforcing
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
XPosed BATTERY_STATS module enabled: false
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -9%(76% to 67%) [1,3%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (3978-3904) [10,6%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 6 h 35 m 18 s 94,1%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 22 m 59 s 5,5%
Screen On (): 1 m 54 s 0,5%
Doze Interactive Time (): 1 m 52 s 0,4%
Sync (): 43 s 0,2%
Screen dark (): 8 s 0,0%
Screen medium (): 1 m 45 s 0,4%
Wakelocks (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
*net_scheduler* (Google Play-Dienste): 5 m 11 s Count:685 1,2%
*job*/com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.apps.gmm.offline.OfflineAutoUpdateJobService (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): 4 m 34 s Count:1 1,1%
deviceidle_maint (Android-System): 1 m 51 s Count:408 0,4%
wake:com.google.android.gms/.measurement.PackageMeasurementService (Google Play-Dienste): 1 m 24 s Count:296 0,3%
*alarm* (Android-System): 24 s Count:561 0,1%
StartingAlertService (com.android.calendar.Kalender): 6 s Count:2 0,0%
UlrDispSvcFastWL (Google Play-Dienste): 4 s Count:217 0,0%
SyncLoopWakeLock (Android-System): 4 s Count:410 0,0%
GmailProviderProviderChangedBroadcastWakeLock (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 3 s Count:11 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google Play-Dienste): 3 s Count:272 0,0%
*job*/gmail-ls/com.google/ed3eac43012f112862a88a3bbda0a4b5@gmail.com:android (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 2 s Count:15 0,0%
*sync*/gmail-ls/com.google/ed3eac43012f112862a88a3bbda0a4b5@gmail.com (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 2 s Count:1 0,0%
*sync*/gmail-ls/com.google/f5e6bf974aac9a1aa3b2f2fd0f4631f1@gmail.com (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 2 s Count:14 0,0%
*job*/gmail-ls/com.google/f5e6bf974aac9a1aa3b2f2fd0f4631f1@gmail.com:android (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 2 s Count:18 0,0%
wake:com.whatsapp/.AlarmService (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 2 s Count:34 0,0%
CMWakeLock (Google Play-Dienste): 2 s Count:258 0,0%
NetworkStats (Android-System): 1 s Count:466 0,0%
Icing (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 1 s Count:8 0,0%
*job*/com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google/ed3eac43012f112862a88a3bbda0a4b5@gmail.com:android (com.google.android.apps.magazines.Google Play Kiosk): 1 s Count:40 0,0%
GCM_READ (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:395 0,0%
*sync*/com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google/ed3eac43012f112862a88a3bbda0a4b5@gmail.com (com.google.android.apps.magazines.Google Play Kiosk): 1 s Count:23 0,0%
GnssLocationProvider (Android-System): 1 s Count:444 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"PowerManagerService.WakeLocks" (): 14 m 26 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)247/0/0 3,4%
"mdm_hsic_pm0" (): 5 m 51 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)435/135/0 1,4%
"battery-monitor" (): 5 m 17 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)313/0/313 1,3%
"alarm_rtc" (): 1 m 37 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)265/44/12 0,4%
"alarm" (): 1 m 22 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)311/2/0 0,3%
"hsicctl0" (): 3 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)63/0/62 0,0%
"power-supply" (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)377/117/0 0,0%
"radio-interface" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
"PowerManagerService.Broadcasts" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
"PowerManagerService.Display" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
"sync_system" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
"mmc1_detect" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)336/0/0 0,0%
"KeyEvents" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)628/0/0 0,0%
"mmc0_detect" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)336/0/0 0,0%
"qmuxd_port_wl_29" (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)152/0/0 0,0%
Processes (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 m 40 s Us: 7 m 25 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10032 Sys: 1 m 29 s Us: 4 m 11 s Starts: 0
logd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 34 s Us: 4 m 38 s Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10032 Sys: 1 m 45 s Us: 2 m 7 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 44 s Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 43 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Uid: 10034 Sys: 31 s Us: 2 m 6 s Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 18 s Us: 58 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10032 Sys: 36 s Us: 1 m 13 s Starts: 0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10085 Sys: 28 s Us: 1 m 9 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 24 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 12 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 8 s Us: Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 52 s Us: 6 s Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Uid: 10104 Sys: 29 s Us: 25 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 45 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.magazines (com.google.android.apps.magazines.Google Play Kiosk): Uid: 10099 Sys: 12 s Us: 32 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): Uid: 10042 Sys: 14 s Us: 29 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.maps (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Uid: 10104 Sys: 8 s Us: 35 s Starts: 2
healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 33 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gm (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): Uid: 10096 Sys: 7 s Us: 26 s Starts: 2
eu.smartpatient.mytherapy (eu.smartpatient.mytherapy.MyTherapy): Uid: 10108 Sys: 6 s Us: 24 s Starts: 0
s3c-fb-vsync (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 23 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): Uid: 10042 Sys: 12 s Us: 10 s Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 9 s Us: 12 s Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 19 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.deskclock (com.android.deskclock.Uhr): Uid: 10053 Sys: 7 s Us: 12 s Starts: 0
com.xda.labs.play (com.xda.labs.play.XDA): Uid: 10119 Sys: 9 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.youtube (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Uid: 10120 Sys: 9 s Us: 6 s Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0
ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10032 Sys: 5 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
de.myaudi.mobile.assistant (de.myaudi.mobile.assistant.myAudi): Uid: 10140 Sys: 6 s Us: 7 s Starts: 0
lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
com.android.chrome (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10084 Sys: 6 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:38 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
com.snapchat.android (com.snapchat.android.Snapchat): Uid: 10114 Sys: 5 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:19 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:20 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:21 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:18 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:28 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:23 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:12 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:39 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:40 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
com.yopeso.lieferando (com.yopeso.lieferando.Lieferando): Uid: 10143 Sys: 6 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
de.payback.client.android (de.payback.client.android.PAYBACK): Uid: 10139 Sys: 6 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:37 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:17 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:27 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:34 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
com.bvalosek.cpuspy.realgpp (com.bvalosek.cpuspy.realgpp.CPU Spy Plus - Free): Uid: 10087 Sys: 3 s Us: 3 s Starts: 2
kworker/u:30 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
com.instagram.android:mqtt (com.instagram.android.Instagram): Uid: 10102 Sys: 3 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
android.process.acore (Android Core Apps): Uid: 10001 Sys: 3 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:36 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.vending (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10038 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:13 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:11 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:43 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
servicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 3 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
com.instagram.android (com.instagram.android.Instagram): Uid: 10102 Sys: 4 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:22 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:25 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:33 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:44 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:32 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:41 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:29 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10004 Sys: 1 s Us: 3 s Starts: 1
kworker/u:31 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome:privileged_process0 (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10084 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
flush-179:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:26 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:24 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:14 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.nfc (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:45 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:35 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.ext.services (com.google.android.ext.services.Android Services Library): Uid: 10037 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:9 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
rild (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:10 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10083 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 2
media.codec (1046): Uid: 1046 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
com.android.calendar (com.android.calendar.Kalender): Uid: 10049 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 1
com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar (com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar.Google Kalender-Synchronisierung): Uid: 10074 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 1
audioserver (1041): Uid: 1041 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
com.android.inputmethod.latin (com.android.inputmethod.latin.Android-Tastatur (AOSP)): Uid: 10073 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.settings (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
bdi-default (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/u:15 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.cLock): Uid: 10060 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
android.process.media (Medien): Uid: 10010 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u:42 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.email (com.android.email.E-Mail): Uid: 10059 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.systemui:screenshot (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Uid: 10034 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
org.cyanogenmod.audiofx (org.cyanogenmod.audiofx.AudioFX): Uid: 10003 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.smspush (com.android.smspush.com.android.smspush): Uid: 10068 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): Uid: 10042 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
qmuxd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.exchange (com.android.exchange.Exchange-Dienste): Uid: 10055 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice (org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice.Wetterdienst): Uid: 10030 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
eu.chainfire.supersu (eu.chainfire.supersu.SuperSU): Uid: 10138 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
org.cyanogenmod.cmparts (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.Cell Broadcast): Uid: 10008 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 1
org.cyanogenmod.cmaudio.service (org.cyanogenmod.cmaudio.service.CM-Audiodienst): Uid: 10000 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.partnersetup (com.google.android.partnersetup.Google Partner Setup): Uid: 10035 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
vold (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
khubd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.feedback (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10032 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
de.scheisstool.roehrichsoundboardwerner (de.scheisstool.roehrichsoundboardwerner.Röhrich Werner Sounds): Uid: 10144 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
sdcard (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.ui (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10032 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
media.extractor (1040): Uid: 1040 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/359-max7768 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts.Google-Kontakte synchronisieren): Uid: 10071 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
ks (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
dhd_dpc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/387-melfas- (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
cameraserver (1047): Uid: 1047 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
sync_supers (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
flush-0:16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
debuggerd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
qcks (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
flush-0:19 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
flush-0:20 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
flush-0:17 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
flush-0:21 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ecryptfs-kthrea (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.android.email.E-Mail): Uid: 10059 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
installd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
mediadrmserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
flush-179:16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
flush-0:18 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
drmserver (1019): Uid: 1019 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kthreadd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
efsks (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
debuggerd:signaller (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
gatekeeperd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
keystore (1017): Uid: 1017 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
Alarms (requires BATTERY_STATS permissions)
com.android.phone (*api*): Wakeups: 54 (7,7 / h)

com.instagram.android (*api*): Wakeups: 13

com.whatsapp (*api*): Wakeups: 12

com.xda.labs.play (*api*): Wakeups: 5 (1,1 / h)

com.android.deskclock (*api*): Wakeups: 4 (0,4 / h)

com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,4 / h)

com.android.email (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,3 / h)

com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.android.providers.calendar (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)

com.android.systemui (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)

com.android.deskclock (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)

com.google.android.apps.maps (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)

eu.smartpatient.mytherapy (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)

eu.smartpatient.mytherapy (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)

Network (requires root)
10099 (Mobile) (com.google.android.apps.magazines.Google Play Kiosk): 536.0 KBytes 46,4%
10032 (Mobile) (Google Play-Dienste): 223.0 KBytes 19,4%
10096 (Mobile) (com.google.android.gm.Gmail): 129.0 KBytes 11,2%
10042 (Mobile) (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): 95.0 KBytes 8,2%
10085 (Mobile) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 35.0 KBytes 3,1%
10108 (Mobile) (eu.smartpatient.mytherapy.MyTherapy): 34.0 KBytes 3,0%
0 (Mobile) (0): 28.0 KBytes 2,5%
10084 (Mobile) (com.android.chrome.Chrome): 15.0 KBytes 1,3%
10102 (Mobile) (com.instagram.android.Instagram): 14.0 KBytes 1,3%
10074 (Mobile) (com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar.Google Kalender-Synchronisierung): 12.0 KBytes 1,1%
10071 (Mobile) (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts.Google-Kontakte synchronisieren): 9.0 KBytes 0,8%
10104 (Mobile) (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): 8.0 KBytes 0,7%
1000 (Mobile) (Android-System): 6.0 KBytes 0,6%
10119 (Mobile) (com.xda.labs.play.XDA): 3.0 KBytes 0,3%
CPU States
1,4 GHz (): 1 m 37 s 0,4%
1,3 GHz (): 8 s 0,0%
1,2 GHz (): 5 s 0,0%
1,1 GHz (): 31 s 0,1%
1 GHz (): 2 m 8 s 0,5%
900 MHz (): 8 s 0,0%
800 MHz (): 4 m 26 s 1,1%
700 MHz (): 22 s 0,1%
600 MHz (): 18 s 0,1%
500 MHz (): 1 m 56 s 0,5%
200 MHz (): 13 m 8 s 3,1%
Deep Sleep (): 6 h 35 m 18 s 94,1%
(com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Sensor: LSM330DLC Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 6 h 36 m 5 s

(Android-System): Sensor: LSM330DLC Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

(com.android.systemui.System-UI): Sensor: CM36651 Proximity Sensor(4), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s

(com.yopeso.lieferando.Lieferando): Sensor: Unknown, Time: 0 s

(com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Sensor: LSM330DLC Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo | Android Developers
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidService)
Active since: 45 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
de.payback.client.android (de.payback.core.proximity.offers.ProximityOfferReceiver)
Active since: 1 m 20 s
Last activity: 1 m 20 s
Crash count:0
com.android.email (com.android.email.service.LegacyImapSyncAdapterService)
Active since: 1 m 3 s
Last activity: 1 m 3 s
Crash count:0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.ExternalMediaManager)
Active since: 58 s
Last activity: 58 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.deviceconnection.service.DeviceConnectionWatcherService)
Active since: 1 m 8 s
Last activity: 1 m 8 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.places.service.PlaceDetectionAsyncService)
Active since: 6 h 6 m 26 s
Last activity: 1 h 16 m 36 s
Crash count:0
com.snapchat.android (com.snapchat.laguna.service.LagunaService)
Active since: 1 m 29 s
Last activity: 1 m 29 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.measurement.service.MeasurementBrokerService)
Active since: 1 m 9 s
Last activity: 1 h 2 m 30 s
Crash count:0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService)
Active since: 9 h 18 m 57 s
Last activity: 1 h 26 m 29 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper)
Active since: 43 s
Last activity: 43 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geocode.GeocodeService)
Active since: 1 m 35 s
Last activity: 1 m 35 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService)
Active since: 1 m 7 s
Last activity: 1 m 7 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService)
Active since: 1 m 8 s
Last activity: 1 h 13 m 38 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.AnalyticsService)
Active since: 8 h 9 m 36 s
Last activity: 1 h 22 m 58 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.location.nearby.direct.service.NearbyDirectService)
Active since: 1 m 14 s
Last activity: 1 m 14 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService)
Active since: 1 m 50 s
Last activity: 1 m 50 s
Crash count:0
com.android.inputmethod.latin (com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 55 m 14 s
Crash count:0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.services.EventWatcherService)
Active since: 2 h 26 m 42 s
Last activity: 1 h 26 m 52 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.usagereporting.service.UsageReportingService)
Active since: 3 h 35 m 27 s
Last activity: 1 h 24 m 37 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.pseudonymous.service.PseudonymousIdService)
Active since: 1 m 25 s
Last activity: 1 h 23 m 45 s
Crash count:0
com.instagram.android:mqtt (com.facebook.rti.push.service.FbnsService)
Active since: 1 m 18 s
Last activity: 1 h 14 m 55 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.PhenotypeService)
Active since: 1 m 6 s
Last activity: 1 h 26 m 43 s
Crash count:0
com.android.exchange (com.android.exchange.service.EasService)
Active since: 1 m 3 s
Last activity: 1 m 3 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.ext.services (android.ext.services.notification.Ranker)
Active since: 41 s
Last activity: 54 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.pbap.BluetoothPbapService)
Active since: 45 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService)
Active since: 1 m 35 s
Last activity: 1 m 35 s
Crash count:0
com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.DeviceStatusService)
Active since: 59 s
Last activity: 60 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 42 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.herrevad.services.LightweightNetworkQualityAndroidService)
Active since: 3 h 35 m 28 s
Last activity: 1 h 22 m 56 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService)
Active since: 1 m 35 s
Last activity: 1 m 35 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.SystemUIService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 42 s
Crash count:0
com.android.chrome:privileged_process0 (org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0)
Active since: 3 m 39 s
Last activity: 3 m 39 s
Crash count:0
system (android.hardware.location.GeofenceHardwareService)
Active since: 43 s
Last activity: 43 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ReportingAndroidService)
Active since: 1 m 12 s
Last activity: 1 h 24 m 37 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.service.NearbyMessagesService)
Active since: 1 m 13 s
Last activity: 1 m 16 s
Crash count:0
com.xda.labs.play (com.xda.labs.services.PushService)
Active since: 1 m 19 s
Last activity: 1 h 13 m 8 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.server.telecom.components.BluetoothPhoneService)
Active since: 45 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice (org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice.WeatherManagerService)
Active since: 55 s
Last activity: 55 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService)
Active since: 60 s
Last activity: 42 m 10 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService)
Active since: 1 m 7 s
Last activity: 1 h 27 m 14 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.network.NetworkLocationService)
Active since: 1 m 35 s
Last activity: 1 m 35 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.android.stk.StkAppService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 1 m 4 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService)
Active since: 59 s
Last activity: 1 h 16 m 36 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 42 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor (com.google.android.voiceinteraction.GsaVoiceInteractionService)
Active since: 54 s
Last activity: 55 s
Crash count:0
com.android.smspush (com.android.smspush.WapPushManager)
Active since: 55 s
Last activity: 55 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService)
Active since: 54 s
Last activity: 54 s
Crash count:0
com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.weather.WeatherSourceListenerService)
Active since: 59 s
Last activity: 59 s
Crash count:0
org.cyanogenmod.cmaudio.service (org.cyanogenmod.cmaudio.service.CMAudioService)
Active since: 43 s
Last activity: 43 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 1 m 13 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 0elements; NetS: 0 elements; Alrm: 5 elements; Proc: 37 elements; Oth: 7 elements; Sensors: 2 elements; 2 elements)
ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 2 h 26 m 51 s (Wl: 13 elements; KWl: 20elements; NetS: 12 elements; Alrm: 42 elements; Proc: 180 elements; Oth: 10 elements; Sensors: 5 elements; 5 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 9 h 27 m 3 s (Wl: 27 elements; KWl: 20elements; NetS: 18 elements; Alrm: 60 elements; Proc: 192 elements; Oth: 10 elements; Sensors: 5 elements; 5 elements)
------ human readable part end here
"alarmStats": [
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 54,
"package_name": "com.android.phone",
"time_runing_ms": 25212314,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 13,
"package_name": "com.instagram.android",
"time_runing_ms": -1221418,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 12,
"package_name": "com.whatsapp",
"time_runing_ms": -1221418,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 5,
"package_name": "com.xda.labs.play",
"time_runing_ms": 16401070,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 4,
"package_name": "com.android.deskclock",
"time_runing_ms": 34023558,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 3,
"package_name": "com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox",
"time_runing_ms": 25212314,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 2,
"package_name": "com.android.email",
"time_runing_ms": 25212314,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "com.cyanogenmod.lockclock",
"time_runing_ms": 16401070,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "com.android.providers.calendar",
"time_runing_ms": 25212314,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "com.android.systemui",
"time_runing_ms": 34023558,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "com.android.deskclock",
"time_runing_ms": 34023558,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "com.google.android.apps.maps",
"time_runing_ms": 34023558,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "eu.smartpatient.mytherapy",
"time_runing_ms": 34023558,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"details": "*api*",
"items": [],
"total_count": 0,
"wakeups": 1,
"package_name": "eu.smartpatient.mytherapy",
"time_runing_ms": 34023558,
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": null
"batteryLevelLost": -9,
"batteryLevelLostText": "Bat.: -9%(76% to 67%) [1,3%/h]",
"batteryStatsPermGranted": true,
"batteryVoltageLost": -74,
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"name": "debuggerd:signaller",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 100,
"user_time": 0,
"total": 4073920,
"uid": 0,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 0,
"m_uidName": "0",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "gatekeeperd",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 100,
"user_time": 0,
"total": 4073920,
"uid": 1000,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 1000,
"m_uidName": "Android-System",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"name": "keystore",
"starts": 0,
"system_time": 0,
"user_time": 100,
"total": 4073920,
"uid": 1017,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 1017,
"m_uidName": "1017",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"rootPermissions": false,
"seLinuxPolicy": "Enforcing",
"sensorUsage": [
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": 0,
"time": 23765830,
"sensor": "LSM330DLC Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"total_time": 23679254,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10085,
"m_uidName": "WhatsApp",
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.whatsapp",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": 0,
"time": -65734,
"sensor": "LSM330DLC Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"total_time": -152310,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 1000,
"m_uidName": "Android-System",
"m_uidNamePackage": "",
"m_uidUniqueName": false
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": 4,
"time": 0,
"sensor": "CM36651 Proximity Sensor(4), wakeup\u003dtrue"
"total_time": -1523859,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10034,
"m_uidName": "System-UI",
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.android.systemui",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": -10000,
"time": 0,
"sensor": "Unknown"
"total_time": -1552253,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10143,
"m_uidName": "Lieferando",
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.yopeso.lieferando",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"details": "",
"items": [
"handle": 0,
"time": -1477671,
"sensor": "LSM330DLC Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup\u003dfalse"
"total_time": -1564247,
"package_name": "",
"total": 0,
"uid": -1,
"uid_info": {
"m_uid": 10120,
"m_uidName": "YouTube",
"m_uidNamePackage": "com.google.android.youtube",
"m_uidUniqueName": true
"statType": "Custom to Current",
"totalTime": 25212275,
"xposedBatteryStatsEnabled": false
Sieht sehr gut aus. Handy mit Daten Option fast nicht gebraucht. Somit 1.3%/h,somit läuft dein Handy 3 Tage locker durch.

Aufgefallen ist Google Play Kiosk, Instagram, Gmail, googlequicksearchbox und XDA.labs.

Die zum Schweigen bringen, sprich Push Nachrichten reduzieren und du schaffst 4 Tage.

Wenn du aber mit deinen Handy doch noch was machen willst, wird wohl auch deines am Abend leer sein :) egal wie sparsam der leerlaufstrom sein wird.
wie kann man von GMAIL die Push Zeiten verringern? Hab in der GMAIL App bisher noch nie solch eine Einstellung gefunden. Lediglich in alternativen E-Mail Clienten.
Für Push gibt es kein intervall, hier horcht das Telefon ob der Server was meldet. Sobald intervall gegeben ist wird aktiv vom Telefon der Posteingang abgefragt und mindestens der Header vom Mail abgeholt.

In diesem Tread würde ich sagen die Synchronisation generell abzuschalten und Mails durch manuellen Abruf zu lesen. Spart Strom und ich werde nicht durch jedes Werbemail gestört.
Ich würde sagen, dass bei Push der Server zum Client pusht und nicht das Telefon da was abhorcht;)
Sonst wäre es ja das klassische Pull-Verfahren
korrekt. Bei Push wird die sowieso IMMER offene GCM Verbindung genutzt.
Verbindung ist offen, vom Google Push Server wird dann vom Server auf Telefon der Nachrichtern Header ans Telefon geschickt. Erst beim Anklicken oder öffnen der betroffenen App wird eine separate Serververbindung von Telefon auf ServerXYZ aufgebaut.
Besser als jeder Pull/Sync
Wie war die Ausgangsfrage? Wie kann man von GMAIL die Push Zeiten verringern?
Wie man aus euren Antworten entnehmt gar nicht. Neuigkeitswert? Nada.

Wie wir nun gelernt haben hat das Handy dauernd eine Verbindung offen. Erzeugt somit das Push Verfahren Wakelock oder Alarms? Was passiert bei Datenoption und das Handy sich bei Bewegung dauernd somit bei den Funkmasten neu einwählen muss? Oder noch schlimmer mit eingeschaltetem WLAN?
Ab wann ist Pull-Verfahren Energie sparender? Ab 4h oder 12h Intervall oder noch höher?

Konzentration auf die Frage oder zum Threadthema :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Anonym6x6
Wie auch immer. Push oder Intervall. Es ist also nicht möglich PUSH bei GMAIL zu deaktiveren, ausser man schränkt es über Sync komplett ein? Sozusagen kann ich über die GMAIL App nicht einstellen, dass z.B. nur alle 4 Stunden synchronisert wird? Oder dass der Ordner "Werbung" nur einmal am Tag automatisch abgerufen wird? Klar kann man es wohl eingrenzen, dass man z.B. alle Nachrichten (wie z.B. Werbung) der letzten 30 Tage abrufen kann, aber darum solls ja nicht gehen :) Das ist ja wieder ein anderes Kapitel ;) soweit ich den Einstellungen vernehmen konnte, kann man Sync für einzelne Ordner entweder an oder ausschalten, aber nicht genauer einstellen, wann diese synchronisert werden. Und manuell prüfen ist auch so eine Sache für sich, weil so kann man (evtl. wichtige) Nachrichten schnell mal verpassen, wenn man nicht manuell prüft.

Bloß bin ich von dem Satz "Push Nachrichten reduzieren" von @buda ausgegangen und daher habe ich diese Frage anfangs gestellt. Klar war sie falsch gestellt, aber man weiß, was ich damit meine. Gibt es da evtl. Zusatzapps, die diese Einstellungen mit Sync-Intervallen zulassen oder muss man hier tatsächlich auf einen alternativen Clienten ausweichen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gmail kann nur Push.
Andere Clients können Gmail mit Push und Pull verarbeiten. Ab welchem Zeitintervall Pull weniger Strom braucht weiss ich nicht.
Wenn du bereits andere APPS mit Push einsetzt, relativiert sich der Stromverbrauch, da Push somit bereits aktiv.
Meine Empfehlung ist noch immer Email nur bei Bedarf manuell abzufragen, somit Sync Gmail abschalten.

Wie bereits erwähnt geht hier um Stromeinsparung vs. Komfort.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Anonym6x6
Die Frage nach sparsamer stellt sich nur, wenn du systemweit alle SyncDienste deaktivierst.
Sobald die GoogleCloud aktiv ist (für Whatsapp, Facebook, Kalender, Kontakte Sync, Nachrichten App, ...) ist es besser diesen für alle zu verwenden.

Sollte man auf alle Sync Dienste verzichten schätze ich, dass man ab einen Pull von ca. 15h günstiger fährt.
GCM nutzt einen Heartbeat von 15min im WLAN und 28min im Mobilfunknetz (wenn meine Infos noch korrekt sind).

Allerdings dürfte der Heartbeat weitaus kürzer sein als ein gesamter Pull. Aber das ist nur eine Vermutung.

Jetzt kommt das große ABER:
Habt ihr mehrere Pulldienste, ich sag jetzt einfach mal 15Stk, könnte es passieren, dass ihr jeden Minute einen Pull auslöst (weil die sich ja nicht "absprechen"). Das wäre dann sehr schlecht.
Gibt zwar ein paar Mechanismen die das verhindern sollen, Timer Colescaling heißt das, aber das funktioniert nur über kleinere Zeiträume, nicht 15min Slot
Könnte da mal wer drüber schauen bitte? ist mein altes S3 64GB Handy ROM lt. SIG ;)

ich hoffe ich habe das mit dem Logfile so richtig gemacht?


  • BetterBatteryStats-2017-05-03_175003642.txt
    120,2 KB · Aufrufe: 463
Deine Ortungsfunktion flippt vollkommen aus, keine Ahnung was du da aktiviert hast und wetteronline fragt wohl auch in viel zu kurzen Abständen nach.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: funkenwerner
derzeit keine SIM inside ;) hmmm Ortung, vom Wetterapp eventuell? habe den Standort auf Energiesparen an,

aber sonst alles OK ? war nur Wlan an , das Log sollte über 12Std Darstellen, von 100% Akku habe ich jetzt 71%, klingt gut für mich ;)
Die Ortungsfunktion lässt kein besseres Ergebnis zu. Aber ja, sonst Tiptop so hält dein Telefon 3 Tage durch.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: funkenwerner
Hallo zusammen,

kann mir hier evtl. jemand zu meiner Frage im XDA Forum noch etwas sagen?
[APP][2.1+][7 jan. - V2.2.2] BetterBatteryStats

Falls ein Idle Log aussagekräftiger ist wer der/die Übeltäter ist/sind werde ich das über Nacht mal erstellen.
Muss der Akku da unbedingt bei 100% sein?

Danke & Gruß
@j1gga84 hast du eine App um Wakelocks einzuschränken? das Google .gms kann man etwas einschränken

Dein WLAN wird dauernd gescannt.
Die Batterie sollte nie 100% haben, 80% bei messtart ist optimal.
Mach mal eine Messung mit costumstartpunkt über Nacht mit Flugmodus.
Dann bitte ganzes logfile nicht Screenshot.
Danach können wir auch mal ein Tag anschauen ohne viele Aktivitäten welche von dir ausgelöst werden.
Mein A3 2017 sollte eigentlich einen guten Akku verbaut haben.
Zumindest sagen das viele Leute und die Medien, aber mein Gefühl sagt mir - irgendwie verbraucht mein Handy zu viel.
Könnte mal jemand drüber schauen !?
Vielleicht doch ein ein Problem ? :)

General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2017-07-09 13:08:56
Statistic Type: Unplugged to Current
Since 12 h 31 m 11 s
BRAND: samsung
DEVICE: a3y17lte
OS.VERSION: 3.18.14-10121246
HARDWARE: samsungexynos7870
FINGERPRINT: samsung/a3y17ltexc/a3y17lte:6.0.1/MMB29K/A320FLXXU1AQA6:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: dpi
PRODUCT: a3y17ltexc
Root perms: true
SELinux Policy: Enforcing
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
XPosed BATTERY_STATS module enabled: false
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -27%(77% to 50%) [2,2%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4015-3833) [14,5%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 8 h 18 m 23 s 66,3%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 2 h 43 m 16 s 21,7%
Screen On (): 1 h 29 m 29 s 11,9%
Wifi On (): 1 h 18 m 27 s 10,4%
Wifi Running (): 56 m 53 s 7,6%
Doze Interactive Time (): 1 h 29 m 25 s 11,9%
Doze Powersave Time (): 27 m 56 s 3,7%
Sync (): 15 s 0,0%
No Data Connection (): 51 m 39 s 6,9%
No or Unknown Signal (): 51 m 39 s 6,9%
Screen dark (): 5 m 45 s 0,8%
Screen dimmed (): 16 m 59 s 2,3%
Screen medium (): 1 h 2 m 43 s 8,3%
Screen bright (): 4 m 1 s 0,5%
Wakelocks (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
kpt (com.spotify.music.Spotify): 27 m 17 s Count:2 3,6%
AudioMix (1013): 17 m 45 s Count:9 2,4%
AudioMix (com.spotify.music.Spotify): 9 m 33 s Count:4 1,3%
wake:com.google.android.gms/.measurement.PackageMeasurementService (Google-Dienste): 3 m 53 s Count:75 0,5%
RILJ0 (Telefon): 3 m 42 s Count:8964 0,5%
ImsService (Android-System): 2 m 30 s Count:257 0,3%
PKMService (Android-System): 1 m 31 s Count:167 0,2%
ConnectivityService (Android-System): 1 m 13 s Count:86 0,2%
*net_scheduler* (Google-Dienste): 17 s Count:270 0,0%
sendinactive (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 15 s Count:9 0,0%
SmartManager Framework Thread (Android-System): 13 s Count:582 0,0%
wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService (Google-Dienste): 13 s Count:151 0,0%
com.commonsware.cwac.wakeful.WakefulIntentService (com.droid27.transparentclockweather.Transparent clock & weather): 9 s Count:142 0,0%
*alarm* (Android-System): 7 s Count:448 0,0%
E (net.dinglisch.android.taskerm.Tasker): 5 s Count:2 0,0%
AudioMix (UID): 4 s Count:35 0,0%
show keyguard (UID): 4 s Count:31 0,0%
HeartBeatTransaction (UID): 4 s Count:2 0,0%
HeartBeatTransaction (com.sec.android.gallery3d.Galerie): 4 s Count:1 0,0%
Checkin Service (Google-Dienste): 3 s Count:179 0,0%
SmartManager Framework Message (Android-System): 3 s Count:531 0,0%
Icing (com.spotify.music.Spotify): 1 s Count:2 0,0%
bluedroid_timer (UID): 1 s Count:1 0,0%
Icing (Google-Dienste): 1 s Count:68 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks !!! wakeup_sources !!!
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (): 1 h 44 m 18 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)9749/386/0 13,9%
PowerManagerService.Display (): 1 h 29 m 40 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)44/1/0 11,9%
14830000.decon_fb (): 1 h 29 m 39 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)44/1/0 11,9%
umts_ipc0 (): 1 h 23 m 56 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10151/197/10151 11,2%
radio-interface (): 27 m 56 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8288/108/0 3,7%
ssp_wake_lock (): 23 m 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)449/152/449 3,1%
NETLINK (): 15 m 41 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)37854/871/0 2,1%
sec-battery-monitor (): 12 m 39 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8414/94/0 1,7%
etspi_wake_lock (): 9 m 49 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4046/6/0 1,3%
alarmtimer (): 1 m 45 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)53/53/53 0,2%
alarm (): 1 m 40 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)776/106/0 0,2%
PowerManagerService.Broadcasts (): 1 m 20 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)87/16/0 0,2%
rtc-sec (): 1 m 18 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)159/49/159 0,2%
14400000.fimc_is (): 1 m 9 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)46/1/0 0,2%
event0 (): 41 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2615/209/0 0,1%
BT_bt_wake (): 16 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/378/8 0,0%
BT_host_wake (): 13 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/9/8 0,0%
KeyEvents (): 10 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)32419/5559/0 0,0%
event1 (): 8 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)60694/10866/0 0,0%
event3 (): 8 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)454/8/0 0,0%
SensorService_wakelock (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)516/108/0 0,0%
battery (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8420/94/0 0,0%
gpio_keys (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)229/8/0 0,0%
touchkey wake lock (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1310/169/0 0,0%
ril-rfs (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)16/1/0 0,0%
s2m-rtc (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)159/49/0 0,0%
ApmAudio (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1348/429/0 0,0%
client-interface (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3060/265/0 0,0%
eventpoll (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)63756/11032/0 0,0%
eventpoll (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)37755/869/0 0,0%
sec-battery-siop_level (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)103/2/0 0,0%
ApmOutput (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)128/41/0 0,0%
sec-battery-siop (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)103/2/0 0,0%
Processes (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 h 48 m 47 s Us: 1 h 43 m 59 s Starts: 0
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 5 m 16 s Us: 2 h 13 m 17 s Starts: 0
mc_fastcall (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 h 25 m 12 s Us: Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 31 m 40 s Us: 35 m 23 s Starts: 0
com.tumblr (com.tumblr.Tumblr): Uid: 10176 Sys: 5 m 1 s Us: 39 m 18 s Starts: 1
*wakelock* (com.spotify.music.Spotify): Uid: 10182 Sys: 33 m 50 s Us: 4 m 32 s Starts: 0
com.spotify.music (com.spotify.music.Spotify): Uid: 10182 Sys: 3 m 5 s Us: 33 m 7 s Starts: 2
eax-mixer (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 33 m 54 s Us: Starts: 0
com.touchtype.swiftkey (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey Tastatur): Uid: 10177 Sys: 6 m 39 s Us: 23 m Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: 8 m 38 s Us: 20 m 19 s Starts: 0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10213 Sys: 4 m 3 s Us: 23 m 16 s Starts: 2
*wakelock* (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 25 m 5 s Us: 2 m 10 s Starts: 0
net.dinglisch.android.taskerm (net.dinglisch.android.taskerm.Tasker): Uid: 10214 Sys: 4 m 36 s Us: 18 m 17 s Starts: 1
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10012 Sys: 6 m 16 s Us: 15 m 11 s Starts: 6
com.android.systemui (UID): Uid: 10001 Sys: 4 m 3 s Us: 16 m 35 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 19 m 23 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 m 28 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 m 13 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 m 5 s Us: Starts: 0
rild (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 14 s Us: 10 m 3 s Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 28 s Us: 14 m 27 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 m Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u16:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 m 53 s Us: Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): Uid: 10180 Sys: 1 m 51 s Us: 13 m 1 s Starts: 0
servicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 6 m 47 s Us: 4 m 58 s Starts: 0
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 m 57 s Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.imsservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 m 11 s Us: 6 m 29 s Starts: 0
kworker/u16:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 m 6 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10021 Sys: 1 m 23 s Us: 5 m 1 s Starts: 2
com.droid27.transparentclockweather (com.droid27.transparentclockweather.Transparent clock & weather): Uid: 10198 Sys: 1 m 7 s Us: 5 m 10 s Starts: 2
AR6K Async (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 m 35 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 m 24 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 m 20 s Us: Starts: 0
argosd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 m 18 s Us: 3 m 59 s Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 3 s Us: 3 m 4 s Starts: 0
s3c-fb-vsync (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 29 s Us: Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 22 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10080 Sys: 43 s Us: 3 m 23 s Starts: 3
com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10021 Sys: 1 m 5 s Us: 3 m Starts: 1
spi2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 58 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.sm (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 46 s Us: 3 m 8 s Starts: 2
migration/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 40 s Us: Starts: 0
decon0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 40 s Us: Starts: 0
rcu_preempt (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 33 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.settings (Telefon): Uid: 1000 Sys: 31 s Us: 2 m 39 s Starts: 4
com.android.vending (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10034 Sys: 41 s Us: 2 m 28 s Starts: 3
cfinteractive0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 5 s Us: Starts: 0
healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 30 s Us: 31 s Starts: 0
kworker/u17:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 46 s Us: Starts: 0
iod (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 58 s Us: 1 m 46 s Starts: 0
fingerprintd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 m 48 s Us: 56 s Starts: 0
android.process.acore (com.google.android.apps.maps.com.google.android.apps.maps): Uid: 10006 Sys: 43 s Us: 1 m 51 s Starts: 1
kworker/u17:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 31 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.smartface (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 12 s Us: 2 m 17 s Starts: 4
irq/569-SSP_Int (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 27 s Us: Starts: 0
com.fsck.k9 (com.fsck.k9.K-9 Mail): Uid: 10197 Sys: 32 s Us: 1 m 44 s Starts: 10
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 8 s Us: Starts: 0
flar2.homebutton (flar2.homebutton.Button Mapper): Uid: 10166 Sys: 47 s Us: 1 m 20 s Starts: 0
irq/12-s2mu004- (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 7 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 6 s Us: Starts: 0
VosTlshimRxThre (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.greatbytes.activenotifications (com.greatbytes.activenotifications.DynamicNotifications): Uid: 10193 Sys: 23 s Us: 1 m 36 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 56 s Us: Starts: 0
logcat (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10002 Sys: 1 m 18 s Us: 38 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 55 s Us: Starts: 0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10002 Sys: 46 s Us: 1 m 5 s Starts: 0
koobirqd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 48 s Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.spp.push (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): Uid: 10041 Sys: 39 s Us: 1 m 2 s Starts: 1
su (flar2.homebutton.Button Mapper): Uid: 10166 Sys: 1 m 21 s Us: 11 s Starts: 0
daemonsu:10166 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 21 s Us: 10 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 29 s Us: Starts: 0
daemonsu:10012 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 18 s Us: 10 s Starts: 0
kworker/u17:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 25 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.systemui.recents (UID): Uid: 10001 Sys: 22 s Us: 60 s Starts: 0
tee_scheduler (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 21 s Us: Starts: 0
lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 7 s Us: 11 s Starts: 0
sush (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 59 s Us: 19 s Starts: 0
su (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10012 Sys: 1 m 5 s Us: 10 s Starts: 0
com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.Titanium Backup): Uid: 10159 Sys: 16 s Us: 58 s Starts: 5
vold (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 53 s Us: 21 s Starts: 0
irq/8-ist30xx_t (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 13 s Us: Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.notifier (com.teslacoilsw.notifier.TeslaUnread): Uid: 10179 Sys: 14 s Us: 55 s Starts: 1
jbd2/dm-0-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 8 s Us: Starts: 0
android.process.media (Medien): Uid: 10050 Sys: 22 s Us: 40 s Starts: 1
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 52 s Us: 8 s Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: 50 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
com.googlecode.droidwall.free (com.googlecode.droidwall.free.DroidWall): Uid: 10194 Sys: 8 s Us: 46 s Starts: 4
jbd2/mmcblk0p3- (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 52 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 50 s Us: Starts: 0
com.opera.browser:sandboxed_process6 (com.opera.browser.Opera): Uid: 10188 Sys: 5 s Us: 45 s Starts: 1
eu.chainfire.supersu (eu.chainfire.supersu.SuperSU): Uid: 10151 Sys: 22 s Us: 27 s Starts: 5
com.opera.browser (com.opera.browser.Opera): Uid: 10188 Sys: 5 s Us: 43 s Starts: 1
*wakelock* (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10021 Sys: 24 s Us: 23 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 44 s Us: Starts: 0
diagexe (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 42 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10021 Sys: 10 s Us: 31 s Starts: 2
kworker/1:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 39 s Us: Starts: 0
daemonsu:master (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 36 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.app.aodservice (UID): Uid: 10001 Sys: 8 s Us: 28 s Starts: 0
ion_noncontig_h (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 35 s Us: Starts: 0
kthreadd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 34 s Us: Starts: 0
imsd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 22 s Us: 11 s Starts: 0
eris (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 30 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 32 s Us: Starts: 0
rcu_sched (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 31 s Us: Starts: 0
edmaudit (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: 11 s Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.providers.context (com.samsung.android.providers.context.Context Service): Uid: 10009 Sys: 15 s Us: 15 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 29 s Us: Starts: 0
ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s Us: 13 s Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.sm.provider (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 7 s Us: 20 s Starts: 4
com.android.bluetooth (UID): Uid: 1002 Sys: 21 s Us: 5 s Starts: 4
com.samsung.android.coreapps (UID): Uid: 5011 Sys: 6 s Us: 19 s Starts: 2
com.google.android.gms.unstable (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10021 Sys: 8 s Us: 17 s Starts: 1
AR6K TxCompleti (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 25 s Us: Starts: 0
ddexe (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: Starts: 0
gpsd (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 20 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
com.samsung.cmh:CMH (UID): Uid: 5004 Sys: 6 s Us: 17 s Starts: 2
daemonsu:10159 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 22 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
installd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 19 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
logd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 22 s Us: Starts: 0
exynos_hp (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 22 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 19 s Us: Starts: 0
ss_conn_daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 18 s Us: Starts: 0
app_process (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: 16 s Starts: 0
kworker/3:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 s Us: Starts: 0
su (com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.Titanium Backup): Uid: 10159 Sys: 15 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
VosMCThread (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s Us: Starts: 0
wcnss_filter (UID): Uid: 1002 Sys: 16 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
mcDriverDaemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0
loop0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 16 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.voiceserviceplatform (UID): Uid: 10042 Sys: 4 s Us: 11 s Starts: 2
com.samsung.android.messaging (com.samsung.android.messaging.Nachrichten): Uid: 10031 Sys: 5 s Us: 10 s Starts: 4
com.sec.android.provider.badge (com.sec.android.provider.badge.BadgeProvider): Uid: 10004 Sys: 4 s Us: 11 s Starts: 4
com.policydm (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 4 s Us: 10 s Starts: 5
at_distributor (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
wpa_supplicant (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: 6 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: Starts: 0
npsmobex (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 10 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
*wakelock* (net.dinglisch.android.taskerm.Tasker): Uid: 10214 Sys: 2 s Us: 11 s Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.contacts (Android Core Apps): Uid: 10006 Sys: 6 s Us: 6 s Starts: 1
com.trustonic.tuiservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 10 s Us: 1 s Starts: 6
com.samsung.svoice.sync (UID): Uid: 10042 Sys: 3 s Us: 8 s Starts: 2
smdexe (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
auditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
tee_irq_bh (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
adbd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
irq/4-abov-touc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
sdp_cryptod (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 7 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/2:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
file-storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
sensorhubservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.gallery3d (com.sec.android.gallery3d.Galerie): Uid: 10052 Sys: 1 s Us: 6 s Starts: 4
daemonsu:10151 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
com.painless.pc (com.painless.pc.Power Toggles): Uid: 10187 Sys: 3 s Us: 4 s Starts: 5
jbd2/mmcblk0p20 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.defcontainer (com.android.defcontainer.Package Access Helper): Uid: 10010 Sys: 3 s Us: 4 s Starts: 8
daemonsu:10002 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
vaultkeeperd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
daemonsu:mount:master (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: Starts: 0
secure_storage_daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 6 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
debuggerd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
ss_kbservice_daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.easysetup (com.samsung.android.easysetup.EasySetup): Uid: 10089 Sys: 1 s Us: 5 s Starts: 7
watchdog/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
hwrng (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
daemonsu:10194 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.communicationservice (com.samsung.android.communicationservice.Nachrichtendienst): Uid: 5002 Sys: 2 s Us: 3 s Starts: 4
kworker/4:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
kauditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 s Us: Starts: 0
rpmbd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
IPSecService (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
com.osp.app.signin (com.osp.app.signin.Samsung Konto): Uid: 10043 Sys: 1 s Us: 4 s Starts: 6
migration/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.SMT (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 s Us: 4 s Starts: 2
daemonsu:10192 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
mmcqd/0rpmb (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
sh (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10002 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.spp.push:RemoteDlcProcess (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): Uid: 10041 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 7
com.cda (com.cda.CDA - Cache Defrag Android): Uid: 10200 Sys: Us: 3 s Starts: 1
com.wssyncmldm (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 s Us: 3 s Starts: 6
connfwexe (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
spi1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
irq/386-12c3000 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.themestore (com.samsung.android.themestore.Samsung Themes): Uid: 10018 Sys: Us: 3 s Starts: 6
mmcqd/0boot1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
cbd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.phone (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: 1 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p4- (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.scloud:contentsync (com.samsung.android.scloud.Samsung Cloud): Uid: 5009 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 8
jbd2/loop0-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 2
com.android.externalstorage (com.android.externalstorage.Externer Speicher): Uid: 10013 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 3
migration/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.diagmonagent (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 4
com.samsung.dcmservice (UID): Uid: 5004 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 3
com.samsung.android.sm.policy (com.samsung.android.sm.policy.SCPM Client): Uid: 10124 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 5
com.samsung.android.svcagent (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: 2 s Starts: 5
com.samsung.android.qconnect:QcService (com.samsung.android.qconnect.Quick Connect): Uid: 10119 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 27
keystore (1017): Uid: 1017 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
su (com.isaacparker.dozesettingseditor.Doze Editor): Uid: 10192 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.instantapps.supervisor (com.google.android.instantapps.supervisor.Google Play services for Instant Apps): Uid: 10210 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
com.sec.app.RilErrorNotifier (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 5
gatekeeperd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.opera.browser:privileged_process0 (com.opera.browser.Opera): Uid: 10188 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 1
com.google.android.apps.maps (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Uid: 10111 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
com.samsung.android.qconnect (com.samsung.android.qconnect.Quick Connect): Uid: 10119 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 5
com.samsung.aasaservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 8
com.google.android.packageinstaller (com.google.android.packageinstaller.Paket-Installer): Uid: 10024 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 4
com.sec.spp.push:RemoteNotiProcess (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): Uid: 10041 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
mmcqd/0boot0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.app.simplesharing (UID): Uid: 5011 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 5
com.samsung.android.smartcallprovider (com.samsung.android.smartcallprovider.Smart Caller ID): Uid: 10134 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 2
com.candl.athena (com.candl.athena.CALCU): Uid: 10201 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
daemonsu:10211 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u17:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.ui (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10021 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 3
daemonsu:10167 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
daemonsu:10214 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.app.FileShareClient (UID): Uid: 5005 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 5
com.samsung.android.app.FileShareServer (UID): Uid: 5005 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
kworker/7:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
spi0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
pkgld (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process3 (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10080 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
com.opera.browser:background_services (com.opera.browser.Opera): Uid: 10188 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.samsung.android.securitylogagent (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
ksoftirqd/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.soagent (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
com.samsung.android.scloud (com.samsung.android.scloud.Samsung Cloud): Uid: 5009 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
kworker/7:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.samsung.hs20provider (com.samsung.hs20provider.com.samsung.hs20provider): Uid: 10106 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10049 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
ksoftirqd/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.youtube (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Uid: 10149 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
cfinteractive4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity (com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity.com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity): Uid: 5012 Sys: Us: Starts: 7
watchdog/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/2-s2mpu05 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.sve (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
watchdog/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.app.wfdbroker (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese (com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese.eSE UCS Plugin): Uid: 10088 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.opera.browser:sandboxed_process7 (com.opera.browser.Opera): Uid: 10188 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.opera.browser:sandboxed_process9 (com.opera.browser.Opera): Uid: 10188 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
drmserver (1019): Uid: 1019 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.themecenter (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 5
com.wssnps (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 5
com.oasisfeng.greenify (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10002 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
com.isaacparker.dozesettingseditor (com.isaacparker.dozesettingseditor.Doze Editor): Uid: 10192 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
*wakelock* (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10213 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.partnersetup (com.google.android.partnersetup.Google Partner Setup): Uid: 10025 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.samsung.klmsagent (com.samsung.klmsagent.KLMS Agent): Uid: 10029 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.managedprovisioning (com.android.managedprovisioning.com.android.managedprovisioning): Uid: 10030 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
dhcpcd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
watchdog/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/4:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/5:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/6:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/7:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.app.mirrorlink (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
com.samsung.android.bbc.bbcagent (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
com.sec.android.widgetapp.samsungapps (com.sec.android.widgetapp.samsungapps.Galaxy Essentials Widget): Uid: 10019 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.samsung.android.calendar (com.samsung.android.calendar.Kalender): Uid: 10129 Sys: Us: Starts: 3
com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub (com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub.com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub): Uid: 10099 Sys: Us: Starts: 4
Alarms (requires BATTERY_STATS permissions)
com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 81 (6,5 / h)
Alarms: 21, Intent: com.google.android.gms/.checkin.EventLogServiceReceiver
Alarms: 6, Intent: com.google.android.gms.measurement.UPLOAD
Alarms: 25, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.receiver.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS
Alarms: 12, Intent: CONTEXT_MANAGER_ALARM_WAKEUP_40259
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.google.android.gms.analytics.ANALYTICS_DISPATCH
Alarms: 5, Intent: CONTEXT_MANAGER_ALARM_WAKEUP_29429172
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms/.checkin.CheckinServiceReceiver
Alarms: 1, Intent: null.INACTIVITY_TRIGGERED
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.download.START
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.matchstick.register_intent_action
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT
Alarms: 3, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.icing.proxy.action.SMS_CHANGED
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.libraries.social.mediamonitor.MediaMonitorIntentService

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 69 (5,5 / h)
Alarms: 38, Intent: com.whatsapp.messaging.m.CLIENT_PINGER_ACTION
Alarms: 21, Intent: com.whatsapp.alarm.AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT
Alarms: 9, Intent: com.whatsapp.messaging.m.LOGOUT_ACTION
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.UPDATE_NTP
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_TIMEOUT

android (): Wakeups: 34 (2,7 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.content.jobscheduler.JOB_DELAY_EXPIRED
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.sec.media.action.AUDIOCORE_LOGGING
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.content.jobscheduler.JOB_DEADLINE_EXPIRED
Alarms: 0, Intent: action_batterystats_refresh
Alarms: 26, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM
Alarms: 3, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.android.server.task.controllers.IdleController.ACTION_TRIGGER_IDLE
Alarms: 1, Intent: TwScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.server.WifiManager.action.DEVICE_IDLE
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.server.WifiManager.action.DELAYED_DRIVER_STOP

com.sec.spp.push (): Wakeups: 27 (2,2 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.ACTION_CONNECTION_STATE_CHECK
Alarms: 21, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.ACTION_SEND_PING_MESSAGE
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.sec.spp.push/.notisvc.alarm.AlarmEventManager
Alarms: 5, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.ALARM_TIMER_ACTION

com.sec.imsservice (): Wakeups: 19 (1,5 / h)
Alarms: 19, Intent: com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.alarmmanager

com.android.systemui (): Wakeups: 16 (1,3 / h)
Alarms: 16, Intent: com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.DELAYED_KEYGUARD

com.android.vending (): Wakeups: 13 (1,0 / h)
Alarms: 6, Intent: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.flushlogs.FlushLogsReceiver
Alarms: 5, Intent: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.ContentSyncService
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.DailyHygiene$DailyHygieneService

net.dinglisch.android.taskerm (): Wakeups: 5 (0,4 / h)
Alarms: 5, Intent: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.ALARUM

com.samsung.android.communicationservice (): Wakeups: 4 (0,3 / h)
Alarms: 4, Intent: com.samsung.android.communicationservice.ACTION_RESERVED_DELAY_CHECKING

com.samsung.android.sm (): Wakeups: 3 (0,2 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.samsung.android.sm.ACTION_APPLOCKING_NOTI_BROADCAST
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.samsung.android.sm.ACTION_LOGGING_ABNORMAL_APP_LIST
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.samsung.android.sm.UPDATE_STORAGE_SDB_DB

com.greatbytes.activenotifications (): Wakeups: 3 (0,2 / h)
Alarms: 3, Intent: com.greatbytes.activenotifications.ACTION_BREATHING

com.samsung.android.providers.context (): Wakeups: 1 (0,1 / h)
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.samsung.android.provider.context.action.EXECUTE_TASK

Network (requires root)
10182 (Mobile) (com.spotify.music.Spotify): 56.0 MBytes 10,9%
10034 (Wifi) (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 54.0 MBytes 10,6%
0 (Mobile) (0): 32.0 MBytes 6,4%
10188 (Mobile) (com.opera.browser.Opera): 5.0 MBytes 1,1%
0 (Wifi) (0): 4.0 MBytes 0,9%
10034 (Mobile) (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 2.0 MBytes 0,5%
10213 (Mobile) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 2.0 MBytes 0,4%
10080 (Wifi) (com.android.chrome.Chrome): 1.0 MBytes 0,3%
10021 (Mobile) (Google-Dienste): 1.0 MBytes 0,2%
1000 (Mobile) (Android-System): 636.0 KBytes 0,1%
10197 (Mobile) (com.fsck.k9.K-9 Mail): 550.0 KBytes 0,1%
10213 (Wifi) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 522.0 KBytes 0,1%
10197 (Wifi) (com.fsck.k9.K-9 Mail): 222.0 KBytes 0,0%
10021 (Wifi) (Google-Dienste): 200.0 KBytes 0,0%
10198 (Mobile) (com.droid27.transparentclockweather.Transparent clock & weather): 188.0 KBytes 0,0%
10041 (Mobile) (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 36.0 KBytes 0,0%
1000 (Wifi) (Android-System): 29.0 KBytes 0,0%
10198 (Wifi) (com.droid27.transparentclockweather.Transparent clock & weather): 24.0 KBytes 0,0%
10101 (Mobile) (com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar.Google Kalender-Synchronisierung): 20.0 KBytes 0,0%
10177 (Mobile) (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey Tastatur): 17.0 KBytes 0,0%
10183 (Mobile) (com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer.Root Explorer): 16.0 KBytes 0,0%
10041 (Wifi) (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 14.0 KBytes 0,0%
10052 (Mobile) (com.sec.android.gallery3d.Galerie): 13.0 KBytes 0,0%
5011 (Mobile) (UID): 9.0 KBytes 0,0%
10134 (Mobile) (com.samsung.android.smartcallprovider.Smart Caller ID): 7.0 KBytes 0,0%
10210 (Mobile) (com.google.android.instantapps.supervisor.Google Play services for Instant Apps): 7.0 KBytes 0,0%
10201 (Mobile) (com.candl.athena.CALCU): 6.0 KBytes 0,0%
10168 (Mobile) (devian.tubemate.home.TubeMate): 4.0 KBytes 0,0%
10177 (Wifi) (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey Tastatur): 2.0 KBytes 0,0%
1021 (Mobile) (1021): 2.0 KBytes 0,0%
10080 (Mobile) (com.android.chrome.Chrome): 900.0 Bytes 0,0%
1021 (Wifi) (1021): 760.0 Bytes 0,0%
10167 (Mobile) (eu.thedarken.sdm.SD Maid): 528.0 Bytes 0,0%
10042 (Mobile) (UID): 472.0 Bytes 0,0%
10167 (Wifi) (eu.thedarken.sdm.SD Maid): 360.0 Bytes 0,0%
1014 (Wifi) (1014): 224.0 Bytes 0,0%
5012 (Mobile) (com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity.com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity): 176.0 Bytes 0,0%
5012 (Wifi) (com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity.com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity): 120.0 Bytes 0,0%
10042 (Wifi) (UID): 120.0 Bytes 0,0%
10050 (Wifi) (Medien): 104.0 Bytes 0,0%
10002 (Mobile) (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): 100.0 Bytes 0,0%
CPU States
1,59 GHz (): 29 m 3 s 3,9%
1,48 GHz (): 8 m 59 s 1,2%
1,35 GHz (): 50 s 0,1%
1,25 GHz (): 15 m 9 s 2,0%
1,14 GHz (): 2 m 59 s 0,4%
1,01 GHz (): 7 m 32 s 1,0%
902 MHz (): 5 m 20 s 0,7%
839 MHz (): 1 m 1 s 0,1%
757 MHz (): 36 s 0,1%
676 MHz (): 1 m 58 s 0,3%
546 MHz (): 2 h 59 m 16 s 23,9%
Deep Sleep (): 8 h 18 m 23 s 66,3%
(Android-System): Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: AK09916C Magnetic field Sensor(1), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: K6DS3TR Gyroscope Sensor(3), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: LPS25H Barometer Sensor(4), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: TMD37XX Proximity Sensor(5), wakeup=true, Time: 1 h 55 m 55 s
Sensor: TMD37XX RGB Sensor(6), wakeup=false, Time: 19 m 37 s
Sensor: Screen Orientation Sensor(1600221811), wakeup=false, Time: 27 s
Sensor: Unknown, Time: 0 s

(com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 25 m 22 s

(com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: AK09916C Magnetic field Sensor(1), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Samsung Game Rotation Vector Sensor(1936159343), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: Samsung Rotation Vector Sensor(1936879478), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

(com.greatbytes.activenotifications.DynamicNotifications): Sensor: TMD37XX Proximity Sensor(5), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s

(com.sec.android.app.camera.Kamera): Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

(Google-Dienste): Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

(Telefon): Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: TMD37XX Proximity Sensor(5), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s

(UID): Sensor: Unknown, Time: 0 s

(com.tumblr.Tumblr): Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
Sensor: K6DS3TR Gyroscope Sensor(3), wakeup=false, Time: 1 s

(UID): Sensor: Interrupt Gyroscope Sensor(27), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo | Android Developers
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidService)
Active since: 32 s
Last activity: 32 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.SmsService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot (com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot.BootAgentService)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 28 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.android.app.bluetoothtest.BluetoothBDTestService)
Active since: 38 s
Last activity: 38 s
Crash count:0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.appwidget.WidgetService)
Active since: 8 h 50 m 18 s
Last activity: 1 h 57 m 23 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.SSConfigService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardService)
Active since: 25 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.measurement.service.MeasurementBrokerService)
Active since: 8 h 10 m 46 s
Last activity: 4 h 12 m 51 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService)
Active since: 11 h 25 m 40 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 17 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geocode.GeocodeService)
Active since: 11 h 26 m 29 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 37 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.ims.ImsTelephonyService)
Active since: 22 s
Last activity: 22 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService)
Active since: 8 h 24 m 58 s
Last activity: 1 h 38 m 25 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService)
Active since: 8 h 17 m 30 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 31 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.enterprise.mdm.services.simpin.EnterpriseSimPin)
Active since: 25 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.NovaService)
Active since: 26 s
Last activity: 26 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.PresenceService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 24 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.CapabilityService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 4 h 5 m 56 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.location.nearby.direct.service.NearbyDirectService)
Active since: 8 h 34 m 29 s
Last activity: 1 h 46 m 11 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService)
Active since: 10 h 38 m 55 s
Last activity: 4 h 12 m 50 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService)
Active since: 11 h 25 m 40 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 18 s
Crash count:0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.services.EventWatcherService)
Active since: 2 m 20 s
Last activity: 4 h 15 m 11 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.sap.SapService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 24 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.pseudonymous.service.PseudonymousIdService)
Active since: 11 h 25 m 58 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 27 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService)
Active since: 11 h 26 m 29 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 37 s
Crash count:0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.notification.NotificationListenerDelegate)
Active since: 12 h 29 m 13 s
Last activity: 4 h 12 m 49 s
Crash count:0
com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese (com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese.EseServiceAgent)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 28 s
Crash count:0
com.samsung.android.contacts (com.samsung.dialer.util.StickyService)
Active since: 27 s
Last activity: 4 h 5 m 57 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.ImsService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 26 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService)
Active since: 11 h 26 m 29 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 37 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.samsung.sec.android.application.csc.CscUpdateService)
Active since: 33 s
Last activity: 1 m 31 s
Crash count:0
com.trustonic.tuiservice (com.trustonic.tuiservice.TuiService)
Active since: 33 s
Last activity: 4 h 6 m 7 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.spp.push (com.sec.spp.push.PushClientService)
Active since: 11 h 25 m 48 s
Last activity: 4 h 9 m 16 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.sve (com.sec.sve.service.SecVideoEngineService)
Active since: 25 s
Last activity: 25 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.SystemUIService)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 21 s
Crash count:0
system (android.hardware.location.GeofenceHardwareService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.samsung.android.smartface (com.samsung.android.smartface.SmartFaceServiceStarter)
Active since: 49 s
Last activity: 4 h 5 m 49 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.trustagent.GoogleTrustAgent)
Active since: 10 h 38 m 55 s
Last activity: 3 h 13 m 54 s
Crash count:0
com.touchtype.swiftkey (com.touchtype.KeyboardService)
Active since: 1 m 33 s
Last activity: 4 h 12 m 6 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.service.NearbyMessagesService)
Active since: 8 h 34 m 29 s
Last activity: 1 h 46 m 11 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.server.telecom.components.BluetoothPhoneService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 24 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService)
Active since: 8 h 10 m 28 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 27 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService)
Active since: 8 h 10 m 29 s
Last activity: 1 h 26 m 36 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.network.NetworkLocationService)
Active since: 11 h 26 m 29 s
Last activity: 3 h 52 m 37 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.android.stk.StkAppService)
Active since: 33 s
Last activity: 1 m 31 s
Crash count:0
flar2.homebutton (flar2.homebutton.ButtonAccessibilityService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 24 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService)
Active since: 8 h 10 m 28 s
Last activity: 4 h 9 m 55 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.server.DrmEventService)
Active since: 34 s
Last activity: 34 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService)
Active since: 21 s
Last activity: 21 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 2 m 29 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 31elements; NetS: 19 elements; Alrm: 7 elements; Proc: 188 elements; Oth: 10 elements; Sensors: 9 elements; 9 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 12 h 33 m 46 s (Wl: 24 elements; KWl: 40elements; NetS: 45 elements; Alrm: 14 elements; Proc: 316 elements; Oth: 14 elements; Sensors: null; null)
------ human readable part end here

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