[AKKU] [HOW-TO] Better Battery Stats [Support]

  • 3.433 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Hi ich habe auf meinem s7 kein root hatte bis jetzt bei allen galaxys root drauf und hab die app bbs drauf gehabt.
Jetzt sagte mir ein User das würde auch ohne root laufen und zwar über adb? Könnte mir das jemand erklären wie man da vor geht? Mein Englisch ist auch echt nicht gut sodas ich das auf xda auch nicht verstehe.

Vielen Dank schonmal für eure Hilfe
Hab deinen Post hier reingeschoben, kannst dich ja schonmal etwas einlesen ;).
Gruß von hagex
  • Danke
Reaktionen: nominator2204
ich war schon einmal hier...
inzwischen nutze ich einen anderen Kernel.

Der Log ist zugegeben nicht lang, zeigt aber das generelle Problem was im Dayli-use auftritt:

General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2016-10-12 12:35:32
Statistic Type: Unplugged to Current
Since 1 h 54 m 49 s
BRAND: samsung
DEVICE: kccat6
OS.VERSION: 3.10.89-Lonas-KL-1.3
FINGERPRINT: samsung/kccat6xx/kccat6:5.0.2/LRX22G/G901FXXU1BOH4:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: dpi
PRODUCT: kccat6xx
Rooted: true
SELinux Policy: Permissive
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
XPosed BATTERY_STATS module enabled: false
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -9%(100% to 91%) [4,7%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4283-4150) [69,6%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 1 h 46 m 46 s 93,0%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 7 m 19 s 6,4%
Screen On (): 43 s 0,6%
Good Signal (): 32 m 30 s 28,3%
Screen dark (): 0,0%
Screen dimmed (): 12 s 0,2%
Screen light (): 29 s 0,4%
Wakelocks (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
*net_scheduler* (Google-Dienste): 3 m 18 s Count:50 2,9%
*alarm* (Android-System): 6 s Count:32 0,1%
wake:com.whatsapp/.AlarmService (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 4 s Count:4 0,1%
RILJ0 (Telefon): 1 s Count:221 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks !!! wakeup_sources !!!
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (): 3 m 45 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)248/19/0 3,3%
radio-interface (): 1 m 33 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)85/17/0 1,4%
PowerManagerService.Display (): 43 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,6%
msm_hsic_host (): 24 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)25/0/0 0,3%
alarm (): 19 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)53/3/0 0,3%
resume_wakelock (): 13 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)143/0/143 0,2%
sec-battery-vbus (): 9 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)0/0/1 0,1%
ssp_sensorhub_wake_lock (): 8 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/2 0,1%
nfc_wake_lock (): 6 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/3 0,1%
alarmtimer (): 3 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/2/2 0,1%
LightsService (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10/1/0 0,0%
kickstart (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)12/0/0 0,0%
PowerManagerService.Broadcasts (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
sec-battery-monitor (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)168/3/0 0,0%
muic wake lock (): 1 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)0/0/1 0,0%
NETLINK (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)675/159/0 0,0%
mhi_wakeup_source (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1637/173/0 0,0%
qmuxd_port_wl_57 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)288/21/0 0,0%
KeyEvents (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)703/5/0 0,0%
charger-chgin (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)0/0/0 0,0%
gpio_keys.80 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
qpnp-rtc-f6f44000 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)21/0/0 0,0%
eventpoll (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)674/158/0 0,0%
battery (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)15/0/0 0,0%
client-interface (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/5/0 0,0%
Processes (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 38 s Us: 13 s Starts: 0
org.zooper.zwpro (org.zooper.zwpro.Zooper Widget Pro): Uid: 10177 Sys: 2 s Us: 15 s Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10009 Sys: 13 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
ksmd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10165 Sys: 1 s Us: 3 s Starts: 1
mpdecision (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10230 Sys: 2 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.Oberfläche): Uid: 10053 Sys: 1 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/u9:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
cfbarry_allen (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
servicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): Uid: 10204 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10009 Sys: 1 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
kworker/u9:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.imsservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 0
migration/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10009 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
sh (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
mdss_fb0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
rcu_preempt (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:3H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
MHI_STATE_THREA (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
rild (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:3H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
spi32766 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.spp.push (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): Uid: 10032 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.fmm.dm (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10039 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.daemonapp (com.sec.android.daemonapp.Unified Daemon): Uid: 10154 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.jim2 (com.jim2.Widgetsoid): Uid: 10196 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.systemui.recentsactivity (com.android.systemui.Oberfläche): Uid: 10053 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
boost_sync/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:36 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
net.dinglisch.android.taskerm (net.dinglisch.android.taskerm.Tasker): Uid: 10173 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
boost_sync/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
edmaudit (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/253-msm_sdc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
irq/441-synapti (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p27 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
qmuxd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:17 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
boost_sync/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.quicinc.cne.CNEService (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
qrngd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.nfc (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10009 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.teslacoilsw.notifier (com.teslacoilsw.notifier.TeslaUnread): Uid: 10178 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
boost_sync/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
keystore (1017): Uid: 1017 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
logcat (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10174 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ks (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder:tagService (com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder.S Finder): Uid: 10029 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
MHI_EV_THREAD (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:70 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
ddexe_real (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:16 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:50 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.app.SecSetupWizard (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
com.qualcomm.qti.services.secureui:sui_service (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.vending (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10025 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10174 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:27 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:48 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.inputmethod (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
eu.chainfire.supersu (eu.chainfire.supersu.SuperSU): Uid: 10161 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
system (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:25 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth): Uid: 1002 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
daemonsu:master (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:13 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.app.mt (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
thermal-engine (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
rcu_sched (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
sh (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10165 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.cubihead.tools.telekomdatenvolumen (com.cubihead.tools.telekomdatenvolumen.Telekom Datenvolumen): Uid: 10167 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
kworker/u8:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:23 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.settings (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.defcontainer (com.android.defcontainer.Package Access Helper): Uid: 10005 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:19 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.server.telecom (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.sec.android.provider.badge (com.sec.android.provider.badge.BadgeProvider): Uid: 10072 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
sk.mildev84.noteswidgetreminder (sk.mildev84.noteswidgetreminder.Notizen Widget): Uid: 10207 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
Alarms (requires BATTERY_STATS permissions)
com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 20 (10,5 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.UPDATE_NTP
Alarms: 15, Intent: com.whatsapp.messaging.j.CLIENT_PINGER_ACTION
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.DAILY_CRON
Alarms: 5, Intent: com.whatsapp.messaging.j.LOGOUT_ACTION
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_TIMEOUT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.action.BACKUP_MESSAGES
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.whatsapp.alarm.AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT

android (): Wakeups: 18 (9,5 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 16, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.net.ConnectivityService.action.PKT_CNT_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_ELAPSED
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.content.jobscheduler.JOB_DELAY_EXPIRED
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.LightsService.action.UPDATE_SVC_LED
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.NetworkTimeUpdateService.action.POLL
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.server.task.controllers.IdleController.ACTION_TRIGGER_IDLE
Alarms: 1, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.app.backup.intent.RUN
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.task.controllers.BatteryController.ACTION_CHARGING_STABLE

com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 12 (6,3 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT
Alarms: 3, Intent: com.google.android.gms/.checkin.EventLogServiceReceiver
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.reminders.REFRESH_NOTIFICATION
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE
Alarms: 3, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.SEND_IDLE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.receiver.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.analytics.ANALYTICS_DISPATCH
Alarms: 0, Intent: null.INACTIVITY_TRIGGERED
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.libraries.social.mediamonitor.MediaMonitorIntentService
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.download.START

com.sec.spp.push (): Wakeups: 2 (1,1 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.ACTION_CONNECTION_STATE_CHECK
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.receiver.PROVISIONING_ACTION
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.ACTION_SEND_PING_MESSAGE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.sec.spp.push/.notisvc.alarm.AlarmEventManager
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.ALARM_TIMER_ACTION
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.REQUEST_TIME_OUT_ACTION

Network (requires root)
10230 (Mobile) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 73.0 KBytes 38,3%
10177 (Mobile) (org.zooper.zwpro.Zooper Widget Pro): 59.0 KBytes 30,9%
10009 (Mobile) (Google-Dienste): 36.0 KBytes 19,0%
10167 (Mobile) (com.cubihead.tools.telekomdatenvolumen.Telekom Datenvolumen): 14.0 KBytes 7,6%
0 (Mobile) (0): 7.0 KBytes 3,7%
10032 (Mobile) (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 1.0 KBytes 0,6%
CPU States
2,65 GHz (): 21 s 0,3%
2,57 GHz (): 0,0%
2,5 GHz (): 1 s 0,0%
2,46 GHz (): 1 s 0,0%
2,27 GHz (): 27 s 0,4%
1,96 GHz (): 10 s 0,2%
1,73 GHz (): 1 m 29 s 1,3%
1,57 GHz (): 0,0%
1,5 GHz (): 1 s 0,0%
1,27 GHz (): 4 s 0,1%
1,19 GHz (): 10 s 0,2%
1,04 GHz (): 1 s 0,0%
960 MHz (): 3 s 0,1%
883,2 MHz (): 3 s 0,1%
729,6 MHz (): 1 s 0,0%
652,8 MHz (): 2 s 0,0%
422,4 MHz (): 3 s 0,0%
345,6 MHz (): 6 s 0,1%
300 MHz (): 4 m 50 s 4,2%
Deep Sleep (): 1 h 46 m 46 s 93,0%
Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo.html
com.android.phone (com.sec.android.app.bluetoothtest.BluetoothBDTestService)
Active since: 38 s
Last activity: 38 s
Crash count:0
com.android.settings (com.android.settings.wifi.hs20.Hs20UtilityService)
Active since: 34 s
Last activity: 4 h 54 m 56 s
Crash count:0
org.alarmapp (org.alarmapp.services.MqttPushService)
Active since: 1 m 11 s
Last activity: 4 h 52 m 34 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.android.inputmethod (com.sec.android.inputmethod.SamsungKeypad)
Active since: 5 m 8 s
Last activity: 4 h 39 m 27 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.bcservice (com.sec.bcservice.BroadcastService)
Active since: 37 s
Last activity: 4 h 51 m 14 s
Crash count:0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.NovaAccessibilityService)
Active since: 16 s
Last activity: 16 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.android.daemonapp (com.sec.android.daemonapp.ap.accuweather.WeatherClockService)
Active since: 34 s
Last activity: 4 h 50 m 31 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardService)
Active since: 14 s
Last activity: 5 m 40 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.measurement.service.MeasurementBrokerService)
Active since: 15 s
Last activity: 15 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService)
Active since: 32 s
Last activity: 1 m 39 s
Crash count:0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService)
Active since: 17 h 3 s
Last activity: 5 h 2 m 12 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui.imagewallpaper (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper)
Active since: 14 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geocode.GeocodeService)
Active since: 1 m 29 s
Last activity: 1 m 29 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.nearby.discovery.service.ScreenOnListenerService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 42 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.ims.ImsTelephonyService)
Active since: 16 s
Last activity: 16 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService)
Active since: 40 s
Last activity: 40 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService)
Active since: 40 s
Last activity: 4 h 49 m 59 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.enterprise.mdm.services.simpin.EnterpriseSimPin)
Active since: 17 s
Last activity: 17 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.PresenceService)
Active since: 18 s
Last activity: 18 s
Crash count:0
org.zooper.zwpro (org.zooper.zwlib.UpdateService)
Active since: 22 s
Last activity: 5 h 3 m 2 s
Crash count:0
system (com.dsi.ant.server.AntService)
Active since: 37 s
Last activity: 37 s
Crash count:0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.AccessibilityDispatcher)
Active since: 16 s
Last activity: 16 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.CapabilityService)
Active since: 18 s
Last activity: 48 s
Crash count:0
com.android.email (com.android.email.service.EmailDebugService)
Active since: 41 s
Last activity: 4 h 52 m 25 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService)
Active since: 1 m 40 s
Last activity: 1 m 40 s
Crash count:0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.services.EventWatcherService)
Active since: 2 h 44 m 7 s
Last activity: 5 h 3 m 1 s
Crash count:0
net.dinglisch.android.taskerm (net.dinglisch.android.taskerm.MonitorService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 5 h 3 m 30 s
Crash count:0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.engine.WakeupMonitor)
Active since: 43 s
Last activity: 4 h 58 m 33 s
Crash count:0
org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service:remote (org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service.SmartcardService)
Active since: 16 s
Last activity: 1 m 47 s
Crash count:0
system (com.qualcomm.location.GeoFenceService)
Active since: 15 s
Last activity: 15 s
Crash count:0
system (com.qualcomm.location.nlp.NlpProxyService)
Active since: 48 s
Last activity: 48 s
Crash count:0
com.jim2 (com.jim2.UpdateService)
Active since: 24 s
Last activity: 4 h 55 m 16 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService)
Active since: 1 m 29 s
Last activity: 1 m 29 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.internal.ims.imsservice.ImsService)
Active since: 17 s
Last activity: 23 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService)
Active since: 14 s
Last activity: 14 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService)
Active since: 1 m 29 s
Last activity: 1 m 29 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.samsung.sec.android.application.csc.CscUpdateService)
Active since: 34 s
Last activity: 2 h 9 m 54 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.spp.push (com.sec.spp.push.PushClientService)
Active since: 10 h 20 m
Last activity: 5 h 2 m 11 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.SystemUIService)
Active since: 14 s
Last activity: 14 s
Crash count:0
system (android.hardware.location.GeofenceHardwareService)
Active since: 15 s
Last activity: 15 s
Crash count:0
com.sec.android.pagebuddynotisvc (com.sec.android.pagebuddynotisvc.PageBuddyNotiSvc)
Active since: 38 s
Last activity: 4 h 51 m 4 s
Crash count:0
com.fmm.dm (com.fmm.dm.XDMService)
Active since: 36 s
Last activity: 4 h 55 m 26 s
Crash count:0
com.android.server.telecom (com.android.server.telecom.BluetoothVoIPService)
Active since: 15 s
Last activity: 15 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.trustagent.GoogleTrustAgent)
Active since: 15 h 29 s
Last activity: 4 h 48 m 27 s
Crash count:0
com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder:tagService (com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder.tag.TagReadyService)
Active since: 1 m 7 s
Last activity: 1 h 53 m 37 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ReportingAndroidService)
Active since: 1 m 19 s
Last activity: 4 h 21 m 9 s
Crash count:0
com.android.server.telecom (com.android.server.telecom.BluetoothPhoneService)
Active since: 15 s
Last activity: 15 s
Crash count:0
net.dinglisch.android.taskerm (net.dinglisch.android.taskerm.MyAccessibilityService)
Active since: 16 s
Last activity: 16 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService)
Active since: 23 s
Last activity: 1 h 22 m 3 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService)
Active since: 1 m 19 s
Last activity: 3 m 15 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 37 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 46elements; NetS: 2 elements; Alrm: 0 elements; Proc: 41 elements; Oth: 7 elements; CPU: 5 elements)
ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 15 h 14 m 32 s (Wl: 16 elements; KWl: 63elements; NetS: 44 elements; Alrm: 10 elements; Proc: 224 elements; Oth: 12 elements; CPU: 20 elements)
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 15 h 14 m 37 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 63elements; NetS: 44 elements; Alrm: 10 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 3 elements; CPU: 20 elements)
ref_charged: Reference ref_charged created 15 h 14 m 38 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 63elements; NetS: 44 elements; Alrm: 10 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 3 elements; CPU: 20 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 17 h 9 m 27 s (Wl: 4 elements; KWl: 63elements; NetS: 44 elements; Alrm: 10 elements; Proc: 108 elements; Oth: 7 elements; CPU: 20 elements)

93% Deepsleep halte ich für ausbaufähig, allerdings nicht "schlimm". Höherer Deepsleep wäre mir allerdings auch recht ;)
Die 4,7% Akkuverlust sind mir zu viel.
Fällt jemanden hier was auf oder liegt das nun am Kernel?
7min DoT bei bei net mal 2h Laufzeit, dafür ist 93% Deepsleep gut...
Irgendne App oder nen Dienst muss ja viel saugen--> Googledienste?
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2016-10-13 06:47:35
Statistic Type: Boot to Current
Since 4 h 58 m 23 s
BRAND: samsung
DEVICE: herolte
OS.VERSION: 3.18.14-9113173
HARDWARE: samsungexynos8890
FINGERPRINT: samsung/heroltexx/herolte:6.0.1/MMB29K/G930FXXU1BPHJ:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: dpi
PRODUCT: heroltexx
Root perms: false
SELinux Policy: Enforcing
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
XPosed BATTERY_STATS module enabled: false
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -4%(100% to 96%) [0,8%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4148-4271) [-24,7%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 4 h 35 m 34 s  92,4%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 22 m 27 s  7,5%
Screen On (): 20 s  0,1%
Wifi On (): 4 h 58 m 21 s  100,0%
Wifi Running (): 4 h 58 m 21 s  100,0%
Doze Interactive Time (): 20 s  0,1%
Doze Idle Mode Time (): 4 h 34 m 35 s  92,0%
Doze Idling Time (): 4 h 54 m 5 s  98,6%
Sync (): 10 s  0,1%
Screen dark (): 20 s  0,1%
Wakelocks (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
*net_scheduler* (Google Play-Dienste): 9 m 30 s  Count:373 3,2%
*job*/com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.apps.gmm.offline.OfflineAutoUpdateJobService (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): 6 m 46 s  Count:1 2,3%
wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService (Google Play-Dienste): 17 s  Count:83 0,1%
wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.frp.FrpUpdateIntentService (Google Play-Dienste): 17 s  Count:280 0,1%
TimaService (Android-System): 8 s  Count:78 0,0%
NlpCollectorWakeLock (Google Play-Dienste): 5 s  Count:51 0,0%
*alarm* (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 5 s  Count:13 0,0%
*alarm* (Android-System): 3 s  Count:74 0,0%
SmartManager Framework Thread (Android-System): 3 s  Count:88 0,0%
HTTPMetricsTransportWakeLock (de.amazon.mShop.android.Amazon): 3 s  Count:5 0,0%
Icing (Google Play-Dienste): 2 s  Count:46 0,0%
ContextManagerWakeLock (Google Play-Dienste): 2 s  Count:241 0,0%
VibratorService (Android-System): 2 s  Count:34 0,0%
MediaScannerService (Medien): 1 s  Count:4 0,0%
AudioMix (1013): 1 s  Count:4 0,0%
*alarm* (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 1 s  Count:50 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks  !!! wakeup_sources !!!
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (*api*): 18 m 4 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)165/0/0 6,1%
rmnet0       (*api*): 2 m 21 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)197/0/0 0,8%
mmc0_detect  (*api*): 1 m 59 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)340/0/0 0,7%
bbd_wake_lock (*api*): 1 m 32 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)187/0/0 0,5%
umts_ipc0    (*api*): 1 m 4 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)127/0/0 0,4%
ssp_wake_lock (*api*): 55 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)18/0/0 0,3%
wlan_scan_wake (*api*): 50 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)28/0/0 0,3%
rtc-sec      (*api*): 34 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)70/0/0 0,2%
NETLINK      (*api*): 33 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1030/0/0 0,2%
BT_bt_wake   (*api*): 33 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)21/0/0 0,2%
BT_host_wake (*api*): 28 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)21/0/0 0,2%
wlan_ctrl_wake (*api*): 24 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)47/0/0 0,1%
PowerManagerService.Display (*api*): 20 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,1%
13960000.decon_f (*api*): 19 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,1%
alarm        (*api*): 16 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)137/0/0 0,1%
alarmtimer   (*api*): 5 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
ssp_sensorhub_wake_lock (*api*): 5 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
sec-battery-monitor (*api*): 4 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)188/0/0 0,0%
PowerManagerService.Broadcasts (*api*): 3 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
vfsspi_wake_lock (*api*): 3 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
14370000.fimc_is (*api*): 1 s  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
LightsService (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%
wlan_wake    (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)57/0/0 0,0%
radio-interface (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
event17      (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
battery      (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)191/0/0 0,0%
s2m-rtc      (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)70/0/0 0,0%
KeyEvents    (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)132/0/0 0,0%
binder       (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)40/0/0 0,0%
wlan_evt_wake (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)53/0/0 0,0%
event1       (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)164/0/0 0,0%
gpio_keys    (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
eventpoll    (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1412/0/0 0,0%
GPSD         (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)12/0/0 0,0%
ApmAudio     (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
ApmOutput    (*api*):  Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
Processes (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 17 m 4 s  Us: 11 m 21 s  Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10019 Sys: 7 m 8 s  Us: 7 m 21 s  Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Uid: 10119 Sys: 3 m 8 s  Us: 2 m 53 s  Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10019 Sys: 1 m 11 s  Us: 2 m 6 s  Starts: 0
mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser (mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser.Dolphin): Uid: 10256 Sys: 52 s  Us: 2 m 12 s  Starts: 0
com.mg.android (com.mg.android.WeatherPro): Uid: 10229 Sys: 48 s  Us: 1 m 29 s  Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10162 Sys: 42 s  Us: 49 s  Starts: 0
mc_fastcall (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 27 s  Us:  Starts: 0
servicemanager (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 49 s  Us: 20 s  Starts: 0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Uid: 10367 Sys: 20 s  Us: 48 s  Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys: 27 s  Us: 35 s  Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10019 Sys: 23 s  Us: 34 s  Starts: 0
android.process.media (Medien): Uid: 10048 Sys: 20 s  Us: 31 s  Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 50 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth-Freigabe): Uid: 1002 Sys: 23 s  Us: 25 s  Starts: 0
cfinteractive (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 46 s  Us:  Starts: 0
*wakelock* (Medien): Uid: 10048 Sys: 19 s  Us: 23 s  Starts: 0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): Uid: 10162 Sys: 12 s  Us: 27 s  Starts: 0
de.amazon.mShop.android (de.amazon.mShop.android.Amazon): Uid: 10296 Sys: 14 s  Us: 24 s  Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 38 s  Us:  Starts: 0
argosd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 19 s  Us: 17 s  Starts: 0
rcu_preempt (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 35 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.gsamlabs.bbm.pro (com.gsamlabs.bbm.pro.GSam Battery Monitor Pro): Uid: 10351 Sys: 14 s  Us: 18 s  Starts: 0
com.sec.spp.push (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): Uid: 10039 Sys: 12 s  Us: 20 s  Starts: 0
com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping (com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping.Amazon Shopping): Uid: 10181 Sys: 9 s  Us: 19 s  Starts: 2
kworker/u16:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 28 s  Us:  Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 13 s  Us: 13 s  Starts: 0
com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): Uid: 10099 Sys: 9 s  Us: 17 s  Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): Uid: 10357 Sys: 5 s  Us: 19 s  Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10019 Sys: 10 s  Us: 14 s  Starts: 0
com.sec.location.nsflp2 (com.sec.location.nsflp2.Samsung Location SDK): Uid: 5013 Sys: 10 s  Us: 12 s  Starts: 0
android.process.acore (Android Core Apps): Uid: 10004 Sys: 5 s  Us: 16 s  Starts: 0
com.twitter.android (com.twitter.android.Twitter): Uid: 10186 Sys: 3 s  Us: 17 s  Starts: 1
kworker/u16:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.facebook.orca (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): Uid: 10193 Sys: 8 s  Us: 11 s  Starts: 0
com.sec.imsservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 9 s  Us: 10 s  Starts: 0
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 9 s  Us: 8 s  Starts: 0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): Uid: 10068 Sys: 7 s  Us: 10 s  Starts: 0
jbd2/dm-1-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/u17:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s  Us:  Starts: 0
zygote64 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s  Us: 3 s  Starts: 0
spi1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/u16:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s  Us:  Starts: 0
migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/u16:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s  Us:  Starts: 0
lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s  Us: 2 s  Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition (com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10366 Sys: 7 s  Us: 6 s  Starts: 1
tee_scheduler (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.cmh:CMH (UID): Uid: 5004 Sys: 3 s  Us: 9 s  Starts: 1
factory.widgets.bubbledigitalweatherclock (factory.widgets.bubbledigitalweatherclock.Rings Digital Weather Clock): Uid: 10281 Sys: 4 s  Us: 8 s  Starts: 0
dhd_rpm_state_t (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s  Us:  Starts: 0
migration/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 12 s  Us:  Starts: 0
migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s  Us:  Starts: 0
migration/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/0:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.maps (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): Uid: 10119 Sys: 2 s  Us: 8 s  Starts: 2
com.enhance.gameservice (com.enhance.gameservice.GameMode): Uid: 10105 Sys: 2 s  Us: 7 s  Starts: 4
com.android.calendar (com.android.calendar.S Planner): Uid: 10137 Sys: 4 s  Us: 5 s  Starts: 0
kworker/u16:9 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s  Us:  Starts: 0
migration/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.sec.android.gallery3d (com.sec.android.gallery3d.Galerie): Uid: 10050 Sys: 2 s  Us: 6 s  Starts: 0
edmaudit (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s  Us: 3 s  Starts: 0
kworker/u16:8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/1:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s  Us:  Starts: 0
healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/u16:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/u16:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/u16:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/u17:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s  Us:  Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  Us: 4 s  Starts: 0
de.greenrobot.tvguide (de.greenrobot.tvguide.Prime Guide): Uid: 10267 Sys: 1 s  Us: 5 s  Starts: 1
com.android.vending (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): Uid: 10032 Sys: 1 s  Us: 5 s  Starts: 2
com.microsoft.skydrive (com.microsoft.skydrive.OneDrive): Uid: 10124 Sys: 2 s  Us: 4 s  Starts: 0
com.android.nfc (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: 3 s  Us: 2 s  Starts: 0
com.google.android.talk (com.google.android.talk.Hangouts): Uid: 10111 Sys: 1 s  Us: 4 s  Starts: 1
lhd (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 3 s  Us: 2 s  Starts: 0
com.sec.android.daemonapp (com.sec.android.daemonapp.Wetter): Uid: 10159 Sys: 1 s  Us: 4 s  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.email.provider:service (com.samsung.android.email.provider.E-Mail): Uid: 10049 Sys: 1 s  Us: 3 s  Starts: 0
com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity (com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity.Tapatalk): Uid: 10178 Sys: 1 s  Us: 3 s  Starts: 1
migration/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.smartface (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 s  Us: 4 s  Starts: 0
ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
wpa_supplicant (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.sec.spp.push:RemoteDlcProcess (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): Uid: 10039 Sys: 1 s  Us: 2 s  Starts: 2
kworker/3:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.translate:copydrop (com.google.android.apps.translate.Übersetzer): Uid: 10252 Sys:  Us: 3 s  Starts: 1
spi0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s  Us:  Starts: 0
ch.threema.app (ch.threema.app.Threema): Uid: 10279 Sys: 1 s  Us: 3 s  Starts: 3
com.samsung.android.coreapps (UID): Uid: 5011 Sys: 1 s  Us: 2 s  Starts: 0
smdexe (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
rcu_sched (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.translate (com.google.android.apps.translate.Übersetzer): Uid: 10252 Sys:  Us: 3 s  Starts: 1
kworker/u17:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
rild (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
com.microsoft.office.word (Office): Uid: 10010 Sys:  Us: 3 s  Starts: 2
kworker/2:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
diagexe (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/1:3H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  Us:  Starts: 0
vold (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
com.android.contacts (Android Core Apps): Uid: 10004 Sys: 1 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.sm.provider (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us: 2 s  Starts: 2
*wakelock* (com.android.bluetooth.Bluetooth-Freigabe): Uid: 1002 Sys: 1 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): Uid: 10068 Sys: 1 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): Uid: 10099 Sys: 1 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10062 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  Us:  Starts: 0
*wakelock* (com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10366 Sys: 1 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
kworker/3:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.feedback (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10019 Sys:  Us: 2 s  Starts: 3
com.google.android.youtube (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): Uid: 10163 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 1
com.samsung.android.providers.context (com.samsung.android.providers.context.Context Service): Uid: 10007 Sys: 2 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10047 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 2
com.sec.android.app.shealth:remote (com.sec.android.app.shealth.S Health): Uid: 10036 Sys:  Us: 2 s  Starts: 3
kworker/2:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.voicewakeup (UID): Uid: 10040 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 1
ksoftirqd/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.facebook.katana:notification (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): Uid: 10099 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.android.mms (com.android.mms.Nachrichten): Uid: 10052 Sys: 1 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.notifier (com.teslacoilsw.notifier.TeslaUnread): Uid: 10358 Sys: 1 s  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
kworker/2:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/0:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/1:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.facebook.appmanager (com.facebook.appmanager.Facebook App Manager): Uid: 10097 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 0
tee_irq_bh (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/1:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.email.provider (com.samsung.android.email.provider.E-Mail): Uid: 10049 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 3
ksoftirqd/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
exynos_hp (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.google.android.apps.photos (com.google.android.apps.photos.Fotos): Uid: 10129 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 2
kworker/1:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/5:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.sm (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.google.android.gms.unstable (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10019 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 1
decon0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/4:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.storyservice (UID): Uid: 5004 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 2
com.sec.android.provider.badge (com.sec.android.provider.badge.BadgeProvider): Uid: 10003 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/3:3H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.faceservice (UID): Uid: 5004 Sys:  Us: 1 s  Starts: 2
kworker/4:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.touchtype.swiftkey (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey Tastatur): Uid: 10177 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.sec.android.app.shealth (com.sec.android.app.shealth.S Health): Uid: 10036 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.sec.android.omc (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
ksoftirqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/2:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
com.alarmclock.xtreme (com.alarmclock.xtreme.Wecker Xtreme): Uid: 10194 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/5:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  Us:  Starts: 0
keystore (1017): Uid: 1017 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
gpsd (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.communicationservice (com.samsung.android.communicationservice.Nachrichtendienst): Uid: 5002 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
kworker/1:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
sdp_cryptod (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.dcmservice (UID): Uid: 5004 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
kworker/1:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.supercell.clashofclans (com.supercell.clashofclans.Clash of Clans): Uid: 10171 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.sec.android.app.music:service (com.sec.android.app.music.Musik): Uid: 10285 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
de.lotto24.app (de.lotto24.app.Lotto24.de): Uid: 10254 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
ksoftirqd/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
secure_storage_daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
ddexe (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kthreadd (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/1:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/3:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
mcDriverDaemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.microsoft.office.BootBroadCastReceiver (Office): Uid: 10010 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.samsung.ipservice (UID): Uid: 5004 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.osp.app.signin (com.osp.app.signin.Samsung Konto): Uid: 10041 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.samsung.enhanceservice (UID): Uid: 5004 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
kworker/6:8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/1:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.firmware.nfc (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 3
com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity (com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity.com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity): Uid: 5012 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 3
com.android.settings (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.sec.android.Kies (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
jbd2/sda3-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
watchdog/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
logd (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
hwrng (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
jbd2/sda15-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/5:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/2:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.app.FileShareServer (UID): Uid: 5005 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 4
fingerprintd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.wssyncmldm (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
kworker/7:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.klmsagent (com.samsung.klmsagent.KLMS Agent): Uid: 10026 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
migration/6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
migration/7 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.trustonic.tuiservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
watchdog/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
watchdog/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
watchdog/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
watchdog/4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
jbd2/sda13-8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/2:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/4:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.mobeam.barcodeService (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.sec.android.app.popupuireceiver (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.samsung.android.securitylogagent (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 3
sensorhubservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.policydm (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.sec.android.app.samsungapps (com.sec.android.app.samsungapps.Galaxy Apps): Uid: 10014 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.samsung.android.game.gamehome (com.samsung.android.game.gamehome.Game Launcher): Uid: 10016 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.oasisfeng.greenify (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10062 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.samsung.android.themestore (com.samsung.android.themestore.Theme Store): Uid: 10064 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 2
com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub (com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub.com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub): Uid: 10106 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 3
com.google.android.apps.wallpaper (com.google.android.apps.wallpaper.Hintergründe): Uid: 10365 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.samsung.android.sm.policy (com.samsung.android.sm.policy.SCPM Client): Uid: 10135 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.sec.android.app.mt (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
irq/594-sec_ts (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.wssnps (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
auditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
watchdog/5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
adbd (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/5:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/6:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/7:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
npsmobex (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
ss_conn_daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
cs (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.beaconmanager (com.samsung.android.beaconmanager.BeaconManager): Uid: 5006 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.sec.android.service.health (com.sec.android.service.health.Health Service): Uid: 10024 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 4
*wakelock* (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.android.systemui.recents (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Uid: 10367 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.fresco.logging (com.samsung.fresco.logging.LoggingService): Uid: 5015 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.sec.modem.settings (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
s3c-fb-vsync (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.sec.phone (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.intelligenceservice2 (com.samsung.android.intelligenceservice2.IntelligenceService2): Uid: 5010 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
at_distributor (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.sec.knox.switcher (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
file-storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
wl_event_handle (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
debuggerd64 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kauditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
connfwexe (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
max77854_haptic (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
watchdogd (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
debuggerd (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
rpmbd (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/4:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/5:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
ss_kbservice_daemon (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
tlc_server (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.sec.android.app.servicemodeapp (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.samsung.aasaservice (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 3
gatekeeperd (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
IPSecService (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
drmserver (1019): Uid: 1019 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
cellgeofenced (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
com.samsung.android.app.memo (com.samsung.android.app.memo.Memo): Uid: 10145 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 1
com.samsung.android.fmm (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
ion_noncontig_h (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/7:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
kworker/7:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  Us:  Starts: 0
Alarms (requires BATTERY_STATS permissions)
com.android.bluetooth (*api*): Wakeups: 19 (3,8 / h)

com.sec.spp.push (*api*): Wakeups: 10 (2,0 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 9 (1,8 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 8 (1,6 / h)

com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity (*api*): Wakeups: 8 (1,6 / h)

com.samsung.android.email.provider (*api*): Wakeups: 6 (1,2 / h)

android (*api*): Wakeups: 4 (0,8 / h)

android (*api*): Wakeups: 4 (0,8 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 4 (0,8 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,6 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,6 / h)

com.facebook.katana (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,6 / h)

com.facebook.katana (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,6 / h)

com.facebook.katana (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,6 / h)

com.microsoft.skydrive (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,6 / h)

com.facebook.orca (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,6 / h)

com.facebook.orca (*api*): Wakeups: 3 (0,6 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)

com.sec.spp.push (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)

com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)

com.facebook.katana (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)

com.whatsapp (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)

com.facebook.orca (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)

com.facebook.orca (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)

ch.threema.app (*api*): Wakeups: 2 (0,4 / h)

android (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

android (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.samsung.android.sm (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.google.android.gms (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.android.vending (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.android.vending (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.android.vending (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.whatsapp (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

com.whatsapp (*api*): Wakeups: 1 (0,2 / h)

Network (requires root)
10019 (Mobile) (Google Play-Dienste): 325.0 KBytes 36,4%
10252 (Mobile) (com.google.android.apps.translate.Übersetzer): 99.0 KBytes 11,2%
10032 (Mobile) (com.android.vending.Google Play Store): 87.0 KBytes 9,7%
10099 (Mobile) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 75.0 KBytes 8,4%
10193 (Mobile) (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 50.0 KBytes 5,6%
10296 (Mobile) (de.amazon.mShop.android.Amazon): 42.0 KBytes 4,8%
10177 (Mobile) (com.touchtype.swiftkey.SwiftKey Tastatur): 35.0 KBytes 3,9%
10267 (Mobile) (de.greenrobot.tvguide.Prime Guide): 24.0 KBytes 2,8%
10163 (Mobile) (com.google.android.youtube.YouTube): 24.0 KBytes 2,7%
0 (Mobile) (0): 22.0 KBytes 2,6%
10039 (Mobile) (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 15.0 KBytes 1,7%
10124 (Mobile) (com.microsoft.skydrive.OneDrive): 14.0 KBytes 1,6%
10181 (Mobile) (com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping.Amazon Shopping): 12.0 KBytes 1,4%
10162 (Mobile) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 9.0 KBytes 1,1%
10050 (Mobile) (com.sec.android.gallery3d.Galerie): 8.0 KBytes 1,0%
10010 (Mobile) (Office): 8.0 KBytes 1,0%
10178 (Mobile) (com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity.Tapatalk): 7.0 KBytes 0,9%
10186 (Mobile) (com.twitter.android.Twitter): 7.0 KBytes 0,9%
10119 (Mobile) (com.google.android.apps.maps.Maps): 7.0 KBytes 0,8%
10111 (Mobile) (com.google.android.talk.Hangouts): 5.0 KBytes 0,6%
10229 (Mobile) (com.mg.android.WeatherPro): 2.0 KBytes 0,3%
10105 (Mobile) (com.enhance.gameservice.GameMode): 2.0 KBytes 0,3%
10279 (Mobile) (ch.threema.app.Threema): 1.0 KBytes 0,2%
10256 (Mobile) (mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser.Dolphin): 855.0 Bytes 0,1%
10254 (Mobile) (de.lotto24.app.Lotto24.de): 672.0 Bytes 0,1%
CPU States
1,59 GHz (): 18 s  0,1%
1,48 GHz (): 4 s  0,0%
1,38 GHz (): 13 s  0,1%
1,27 GHz (): 22 s  0,1%
1,17 GHz (): 37 s  0,2%
1,07 GHz (): 1 m 22 s  0,5%
962 MHz (): 8 s  0,0%
858 MHz (): 30 s  0,2%
754 MHz (): 15 s  0,1%
650 MHz (): 6 s  0,0%
546 MHz (): 18 s  0,1%
442 MHz (): 18 m 28 s  6,2%
Deep Sleep (): 4 h 35 m 34 s  92,4%
 (Google Play-Dienste):   Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 19 s
  Sensor: SAMSUNG Significant Motion Sensor(11), wakeup=true, Time: 4 h 6 m 30 s
  Sensor: Samsung Rotation Vector(14), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s

 (1013):   Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
  Sensor: K6DS3TR Gyroscope Sensor(3), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
  Sensor: Unknown, Time: 0 s

 (Android-System):   Sensor: K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor(0), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
  Sensor: TMD4093 RGB Sensor(6), wakeup=false, Time: 0 s
  Sensor: SAMSUNG Significant Motion Sensor(11), wakeup=true, Time: 0 s

Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See [URL]http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo.html[/URL]
com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot (com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot.BootAgentService)
  Active since: 21 s
  Last activity: 21 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.android.app.bluetoothtest.BluetoothBDTestService)
  Active since: 36 s
  Last activity: 36 s
  Crash count:0
com.facebook.katana:videoplayer (com.facebook.video.vps.VideoPlayerService)
  Active since: 31 s
  Last activity: 31 s
  Crash count:0
com.microsoft.skydrive (com.microsoft.odsp.task.TaskService)
  Active since: 30 s
  Last activity: 23 m 24 s
  Crash count:0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.NovaAccessibilityService)
  Active since: 23 s
  Last activity: 23 s
  Crash count:0
com.samsung.faceservice (com.samsung.faceservice.FaceService)
  Active since: 1 m 14 s
  Last activity: 15 m 8 s
  Crash count:0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.ExternalMediaManager)
  Active since: 29 s
  Last activity: 32 s
  Crash count:0
com.gsamlabs.bbm.pro (com.gsamlabs.bbm.lib.NotifyingService)
  Active since: 55 s
  Last activity: 11 m 34 s
  Crash count:0
com.microsoft.skydrive (com.microsoft.skydrive.upload.AutoUploadService)
  Active since: 1 m 12 s
  Last activity: 1 m 12 s
  Crash count:0
mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser (com.ticlock.AnalyticsService)
  Active since: 54 s
  Last activity: 54 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardService)
  Active since: 22 s
  Last activity: 22 s
  Crash count:0
com.facebook.orca (com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService)
  Active since: 33 s
  Last activity: 23 m 23 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.measurement.service.MeasurementBrokerService)
  Active since: 20 s
  Last activity: 2 m 18 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.vending (com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.InAppBillingService)
  Active since: 1 m 19 s
  Last activity: 1 m 19 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService)
  Active since: 18 s
  Last activity: 22 s
  Crash count:0
com.microsoft.skydrive (com.microsoft.skydrive.updateuserinfo.UpdateUserInfoService)
  Active since: 30 s
  Last activity: 30 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.calendar (com.android.calendar.widget.MonthWidgetService)
  Active since: 26 s
  Last activity: 1 m 49 s
  Crash count:0
com.sec.imsservice (com.sec.imsservice.service.CapabilityService)
  Active since: 21 s
  Last activity: 49 s
  Crash count:0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService)
  Active since: 4 h 47 m 33 s
  Last activity: 23 m 11 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper)
  Active since: 20 s
  Last activity: 20 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geocode.GeocodeService)
  Active since: 57 s
  Last activity: 57 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.nearby.discovery.service.ScreenOnListenerService)
  Active since: 50 s
  Last activity: 50 s
  Crash count:0
com.samsung.enhanceservice (com.samsung.enhanceservice.EnhanceService)
  Active since: 1 m 11 s
  Last activity: 1 m 11 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.ims.ImsTelephonyService)
  Active since: 23 s
  Last activity: 23 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService)
  Active since: 45 s
  Last activity: 45 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService)
  Active since: 47 s
  Last activity: 1 m 21 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.sec.enterprise.mdm.services.simpin.EnterpriseSimPin)
  Active since: 25 s
  Last activity: 25 s
  Crash count:0
system (com.dsi.ant.server.AntService)
  Active since: 35 s
  Last activity: 35 s
  Crash count:0
com.samsung.ipservice (com.samsung.ipservice.IPService)
  Active since: 1 m 14 s
  Last activity: 1 m 14 s
  Crash count:0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.AccessibilityDispatcher)
  Active since: 23 s
  Last activity: 23 s
  Crash count:0
com.sec.location.nsflp2 (com.sec.location.nsflp2.nsmonitor.NSMonitorService)
  Active since: 21 s
  Last activity: 21 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService)
  Active since: 24 s
  Last activity: 25 s
  Crash count:0
com.samsung.android.voicewakeup (com.samsung.android.voicewakeup.alwaysmicon.AlwaysMicOnService)
  Active since: 52 s
  Last activity: 52 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.feedback (com.google.android.gms.feedback.FeedbackService)
  Active since: 2 h 39 m 3 s
  Last activity: 11 m 36 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.sap.SapService)
  Active since: 20 s
  Last activity: 20 s
  Crash count:0
org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service:remote (org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service.SmartcardService)
  Active since: 22 s
  Last activity: 22 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.PhenotypeService)
  Active since: 2 h 39 m 1 s
  Last activity: 23 m 25 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService)
  Active since: 57 s
  Last activity: 57 s
  Crash count:0
org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service:remote (org.simalliance.openmobileapi.uiccterminal.UiccTerminal)
  Active since: 22 s
  Last activity: 22 s
  Crash count:0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.notification.NotificationListenerDelegate)
  Active since: 20 s
  Last activity: 20 s
  Crash count:0
com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese (com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese.EseServiceAgent)
  Active since: 21 s
  Last activity: 21 s
  Crash count:0
com.microsoft.skydrive (com.microsoft.skydrive.upload.ManualUploadService)
  Active since: 1 m 12 s
  Last activity: 1 m 12 s
  Crash count:0
com.samsung.android.email.provider:service (com.samsung.android.email.sync.service.EmailService)
  Active since: 29 s
  Last activity: 7 m 10 s
  Crash count:0
com.sec.android.daemonapp (com.sec.android.daemonapp.appservice.WeatherService)
  Active since: 1 m 1 s
  Last activity: 23 m 25 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService)
  Active since: 20 s
  Last activity: 20 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.herrevad.services.LightweightNetworkQualityAndroidService)
  Active since: 2 h 39 m 5 s
  Last activity: 23 m 26 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.cast.media.CastMediaRouteProviderService)
  Active since: 30 s
  Last activity: 15 m 7 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService)
  Active since: 57 s
  Last activity: 57 s
  Crash count:0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (com.google.android.hotword.service.HotwordService)
  Active since: 4 h 59 m 7 s
  Last activity: 23 m 33 s
  Crash count:0
com.android.phone (com.samsung.sec.android.application.csc.CscUpdateService)
  Active since: 33 s
  Last activity: 1 m 2 s
  Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 60 s  (Wl: 4 elements; KWl: 44elements; NetS: 15 elements; Alrm: 2 elements; Proc: 198 elements; Oth: 11 elements; Sensors: 1 elements; 1 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 4 h 59 m 24 s  (Wl: 20 elements; KWl: 52elements; NetS: 29 elements; Alrm: 38 elements; Proc: 305 elements; Oth: 14 elements; Sensors: 3 elements; 3 elements)
------ human readable part end here
  "alarmStats": [
      "details": "*api*",
      "items": [],
      "total_count": 0,
      "wakeups": 19,
      "package_name": "com.android.bluetooth",
      "time_runing_ms": 17902709,
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      "name": "com.sec.android.omc",
      "starts": 1,
      "system_time": 300,
      "user_time": 800,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 1000,
      "uid_info": {
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      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 1100,
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      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
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      "uid_info": {
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      "total": 5513600,
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      "uid_info": {
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      "uid_info": {
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      "uid_info": {
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      "total": 5513600,
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      "starts": 1,
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      "total": 5513600,
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      "uid_info": {
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        "m_uidName": "UID",
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      "name": "kworker/1:4",
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      "system_time": 800,
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      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
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      "starts": 1,
      "system_time": 100,
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      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 10171,
      "uid_info": {
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        "m_uidNamePackage": "com.supercell.clashofclans",
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      "name": "com.sec.android.app.music:service",
      "starts": 2,
      "system_time": 300,
      "user_time": 500,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 10285,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 10285,
        "m_uidName": "Musik",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "com.sec.android.app.music",
        "m_uidUniqueName": true
      "name": "mmcqd/0",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 700,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 0,
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        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
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      "name": "de.lotto24.app",
      "starts": 1,
      "system_time": 0,
      "user_time": 700,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 10254,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 10254,
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        "m_uidNamePackage": "de.lotto24.app",
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      "name": "ksoftirqd/7",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 700,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
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        "m_uidName": "0",
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        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "secure_storage_daemon",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 600,
      "user_time": 100,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 1000,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 1000,
        "m_uidName": "Android-System",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "ddexe",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 700,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 0,
        "m_uidName": "0",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "kthreadd",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 700,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 0,
        "m_uidName": "0",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
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      "name": "kworker/1:0",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 700,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 0,
        "m_uidName": "0",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "kworker/3:0H",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 700,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 0,
        "m_uidName": "0",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "mcDriverDaemon",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 600,
      "user_time": 100,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 1000,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 1000,
        "m_uidName": "Android-System",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "com.microsoft.office.BootBroadCastReceiver",
      "starts": 2,
      "system_time": 300,
      "user_time": 400,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 10010,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 10010,
        "m_uidName": "Office",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "com.samsung.ipservice",
      "starts": 1,
      "system_time": 0,
      "user_time": 600,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 5004,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 5004,
        "m_uidName": "UID",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver",
      "starts": 1,
      "system_time": 300,
      "user_time": 300,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 1000,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 1000,
        "m_uidName": "Android-System",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "com.osp.app.signin",
      "starts": 2,
      "system_time": 200,
      "user_time": 400,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 10041,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 10041,
        "m_uidName": "Samsung Konto",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "com.osp.app.signin",
        "m_uidUniqueName": true
      "name": "com.samsung.enhanceservice",
      "starts": 1,
      "system_time": 200,
      "user_time": 400,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 5004,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 5004,
        "m_uidName": "UID",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "kworker/6:8",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 600,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 0,
        "m_uidName": "0",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "kworker/1:1H",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 600,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 0,
        "m_uidName": "0",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "com.samsung.firmware.nfc",
      "starts": 3,
      "system_time": 0,
      "user_time": 600,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 1000,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 1000,
        "m_uidName": "Android-System",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity",
      "starts": 3,
      "system_time": 100,
      "user_time": 500,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 5012,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 5012,
        "m_uidName": "com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity",
        "m_uidUniqueName": true
      "name": "com.android.settings",
      "starts": 2,
      "system_time": 100,
      "user_time": 400,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 1000,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 1000,
        "m_uidName": "Android-System",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "com.sec.android.Kies",
      "starts": 1,
      "system_time": 0,
      "user_time": 500,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 1000,
      "uid_info": {
        "m_uid": 1000,
        "m_uidName": "Android-System",
        "m_uidNamePackage": "",
        "m_uidUniqueName": false
      "name": "jbd2/sda3-8",
      "starts": 0,
      "system_time": 500,
      "user_time": 0,
      "total": 5513600,
      "uid": 0,
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: derstein98 - Grund: Bearbeitet durch @derstein98
Bin mit den 0,8 pro Std eigentlich zufrieden aber mit dem deep sleep nicht. Die Google Dienste machen Probleme
Dein Ernst? Erst die Doppelpost und dann diesen elendig langen Code....:scared:

Ja dann aktualisiere die Playdienste und/oder nutze Greenify noch dazu...
Greenify benutz ich werde gleich die play Dienste updaten
@nominator2204 Vorsicht, manche App´s wollen das nicht und meinen dann du hast sie nicht bezahlt, denn für Proversionen wird meist ständig abgefragt ;)
hatte das Problem mal mit Amplify ;)
Meinst du vorsichtig beim Updaten der play Dienste?
nö Vorsicht beim Begrenzen ;) wegen Greenify etc ;)
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2016-10-14 10:31:13
Statistic Type: Custom to Current
Since 9 h 3 m 43 s
BRAND: nubia
OS.VERSION: 3.18.20-perf-g7e52700-00152-g182fa4b
FINGERPRINT: nubia/NX531J/NX531J:6.0.1/MMB29M/nubia07271842:user/release-keys
TAGS: test-keys
Root perms: true
SELinux Policy: Permissive
BATTERY_STATS permission granted: true
XPosed BATTERY_STATS module enabled: false
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -7%(92% to 85%) [0,8%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4397-4187) [23,2%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 6 h 30 m 4 s 71,7%
Awake (Screen Off) (): 2 h 33 m 16 s 28,2%
Screen On (): 23 s 0,1%
Wifi On (): 9 h 3 m 43 s 100,0%
Wifi Running (): 9 h 3 m 43 s 100,0%
Doze Interactive Time (): 23 s 0,1%
Doze Idle Mode Time (): 7 h 24 m 8 s 81,7%
Doze Idling Time (): 7 h 49 m 46 s 86,4%
Sync (): 5 s 0,0%
Sensors (): 57 s 0,2%
No Data Connection (): 9 h 3 m 43 s 100,0%
No or Unknown Signal (): 9 h 3 m 43 s 100,0%
Screen dark (): 16 s 0,1%
Screen dimmed (): 6 s 0,0%
Wakelocks (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
ConnectivityService (CyanogenMod-System): 22 s Count:38 0,1%
wake:com.google.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertService (com.google.android.calendar.Kalender): 8 s Count:2 0,0%
*job*/com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadService (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 8 s Count:8 0,0%
*alarm* (CyanogenMod-System): 8 s Count:172 0,0%
AnyMotionDetector (CyanogenMod-System): 4 s Count:40 0,0%
RILJ (Telefondienste): 3 s Count:498 0,0%
*sync*/com.android.calendar/com.google/8a03cc467fa65b427f9756e37a8e345f@googlemail.com (com.google.android.calendar.Kalender): 2 s Count:6 0,0%
*job*/com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.fbreact.autoupdater.fbhttp.Fb4aHttpUpdateLollipopService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 1 s Count:13 0,0%
*sync*/com.google.android.gms.fitness/com.google/8a03cc467fa65b427f9756e37a8e345f@googlemail.com (Google Play-Dienste): 1 s Count:4 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks !!! wakeup_sources !!!
wlan_wow_wl (): 2 h 9 m 43 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5440/8145/5440 23,9%
qcom_rx_wakelock (): 4 m 39 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5720/4776/5720 0,9%
NETLINK (): 2 m 27 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)18369/10316/0 0,5%
NETLINK (): 2 m 7 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)18552/10352/0 0,4%
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks (): 1 m 28 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)623/284/0 0,3%
HVDCPD_WL (): 49 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10854/5780/0 0,2%
alarmtimer (): 39 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)20/20/20 0,1%
alarm (): 30 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)252/57/0 0,1%
PowerManagerService.Display (): 23 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/1/0 0,1%
wlan_pno_wl (): 20 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10/8/5 0,1%
battery (): 6 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5430/2978/0 0,0%
wlan (): 5 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/2/1 0,0%
qpnp_fg_memaccess (): 4 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3691/1773/0 0,0%
usb (): 3 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5421/2999/0 0,0%
ztemt_chg_wlock (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)0/0/0 0,0%
qpnp-smbcharger-16 (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5432/2979/0 0,0%
qpnp_fg_update_sram (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)306/154/0 0,0%
qpnp_fg_update_temp (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)920/485/0 0,0%
PowerManagerService.Broadcasts (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/0 0,0%
fpc_ttw_wl (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/1/2 0,0%
PowerManagerService.Dreams (): 2 s Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
radio-interface (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/2/0 0,0%
eventpoll (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-5628/10243/0 0,0%
ipc000000ea_sensors.qcom (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)570/272/0 0,0%
KeyEvents (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)448/189/0 0,0%
ipc00000079_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)35/19/0 0,0%
ipc0000008a_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/2/0 0,0%
ipc00000089_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000061_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
ipc00000082_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
event2 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)278/84/0 0,0%
qcril (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)9/5/0 0,0%
dsps_IPCRTR (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)623/301/0 0,0%
event0 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
eventpoll (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-5783/10215/0 0,0%
ipc000000c1_sensors.qcom (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)49/29/0 0,0%
qpnp-rtc-8 (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)76/1/0 0,0%
bms (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)9/1/0 0,0%
tasha-slim-pgd (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
RC0 pcie_wakeup_source (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1824/38/0 0,0%
ipc0000007a_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/2/0 0,0%
mpss_IPCRTR (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)133/84/0 0,0%
ipc000000d9_cnss-daemon (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10/8/0 0,0%
ipc00000020_sensors.qcom (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,0%
ipc000000d8_sensors.qcom (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)11/3/0 0,0%
ipc0000007c_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10/10/0 0,0%
ipc00000022_sensors.qcom (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/1/0 0,0%
ipc00000058_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)20/14/0 0,0%
ipc000000de_FLP Service Cal (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)17/16/0 0,0%
lpass_IPCRTR (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)19/14/0 0,0%
ipc00000068_rild (): Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/2/0 0,0%
Processes (requires root / system app on Android 4.4+)
system (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 h 13 m 39 s Us: 16 m 33 s Starts: 0
smem_native_rpm (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 29 m 57 s Us: Starts: 0
logd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 3 s Us: 11 m 25 s Starts: 0
VosMCThread (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 m 29 s Us: Starts: 0
rild (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 9 m 12 s Us: 18 s Starts: 0
kworker/u8:12 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 m 42 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:8 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 m 27 s Us: Starts: 0
healthd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 m 53 s Us: 50 s Starts: 0
kworker/u8:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 34 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 33 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 31 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 19 s Us: Starts: 0
cfinteractive (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 6 m 9 s Us: Starts: 0
sensors.qcom (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 m 45 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
hvdcp_opti (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 58 s Us: 26 s Starts: 0
thermal-engine (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 50 s Us: 18 s Starts: 0
netmgrd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 41 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
migration/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 15 s Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 8 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 1 m 17 s Us: 2 m 48 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 m 4 s Us: Starts: 0
rcu_preempt (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 39 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 39 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:6 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 m 21 s Us: Starts: 0
com.facebook.orca (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): Uid: 10129 Sys: 43 s Us: 2 m 32 s Starts: 6
vold (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 3 s Us: 28 s Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 m 26 s Us: 1 m 2 s Starts: 0
migration/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 27 s Us: Starts: 0
netd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 58 s Us: 24 s Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 19 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 13 s Us: Starts: 0
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 1 m 38 s Us: 23 s Starts: 0
irq/263-cpr3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 m 1 s Us: Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 59 s Us: 1 m 1 s Starts: 0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.System-UI): Uid: 10023 Sys: 26 s Us: 1 m 29 s Starts: 0
irq/31-74a4900. (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 54 s Us: Starts: 0
migration/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 52 s Us: Starts: 0
ueventd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 3 s Us: 46 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 49 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:5 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 43 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 36 s Us: Starts: 0
cnss-daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 30 s Us: 5 s Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 26 s Us: 1 m 3 s Starts: 0
com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): Uid: 10145 Sys: 20 s Us: 1 m 7 s Starts: 5
wlan_logging_th (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 23 s Us: Starts: 0
imsdatadaemon (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 m 20 s Us: Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 20 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 20 s Us: Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition (com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10168 Sys: 38 s Us: 37 s Starts: 0
com.touchtype.swiftkey.beta (com.touchtype.swiftkey.beta.SwiftKey Beta Tastatur): Uid: 10102 Sys: 28 s Us: 46 s Starts: 0
ksoftirqd/3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 14 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:10 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 11 s Us: Starts: 0
com.qti.dpmserviceapp (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 37 s Us: 29 s Starts: 1
ipacm (3005): Uid: 3005 Sys: 46 s Us: 20 s Starts: 0
irq/21-408000.q (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 m 6 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.unstable (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 14 s Us: 45 s Starts: 0
kworker/2:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 59 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 58 s Us: Starts: 0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10137 Sys: 32 s Us: 23 s Starts: 0
adbd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 54 s Us: Starts: 0
su (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 54 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): Uid: 10037 Sys: 15 s Us: 37 s Starts: 0
slim_daemon (1021): Uid: 1021 Sys: 49 s Us: Starts: 0
wpa_supplicant (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 32 s Us: 15 s Starts: 0
com.android.phone (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 18 s Us: 28 s Starts: 0
irq/29-7464900. (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 42 s Us: Starts: 0
time_daemon (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 37 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 37 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:9 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 36 s Us: Starts: 0
ims_rtp_daemon (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 35 s Us: Starts: 0
qti (Telefondienste): Uid: 1001 Sys: 32 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 30 s Us: Starts: 0
imsqmidaemon (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 30 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p47 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 29 s Us: Starts: 0
cnd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: 3 s Starts: 0
ipacm-diag (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 25 s Us: 2 s Starts: 0
kworker/1:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 27 s Us: Starts: 0
sdcard (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 26 s Us: Starts: 0
com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 24 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
qmuxd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 25 s Us: Starts: 0
logcat (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 20 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
kauditd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 24 s Us: Starts: 0
adsprpcd (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys: 23 s Us: Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.Nova Launcher): Uid: 10122 Sys: 6 s Us: 16 s Starts: 0
qseecomd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/u8:11 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p25 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
kswapd0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 21 s Us: Starts: 0
dpmd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 18 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
fingerprintd (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 19 s Us: Starts: 0
debuggerd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 17 s Us: Starts: 0
lmkd (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
mm-qcamera-daemon (1006): Uid: 1006 Sys: 16 s Us: Starts: 0
loc_launcher (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0
rmt_storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0
debuggerd64 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 15 s Us: Starts: 0
rcu_sched (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 14 s Us: Starts: 0
sh (com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10168 Sys: 12 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
sh (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 13 s Us: Starts: 0
xposed_service_app (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 7 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
sh (com.android.shell.Shell): Uid: 2000 Sys: 11 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p41 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 11 s Us: Starts: 0
audiod (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
com.quicinc.cne.CNEService (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 3 s Us: 7 s Starts: 0
zygote (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: 1 s Starts: 0
tftp_server (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
su (com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10168 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
servicemanager (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 6 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
xposed_logcat (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
logcat (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10137 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p40 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 10 s Us: Starts: 0
sh (com.oasisfeng.greenify.Greenify): Uid: 10137 Sys: 9 s Us: Starts: 0
zygote64 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
pm-service (CyanogenMod-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
com.vipercn.viper4android_v2 (com.vipercn.viper4android_v2.ViPER4Android FX): Uid: 10096 Sys: 4 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
VosTlshimRxThre (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
jbd2/mmcblk0p17 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 8 s Us: Starts: 0
file-storage (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 5 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.process.gapps (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: 1 s Us: 4 s Starts: 0
kworker/3:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
msm_thermal:hot (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 4 s Us: Starts: 0
irq/508-nubia_s (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:2H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
msm-core:sampli (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
hwrng (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
mdss_fb0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.calendar (com.google.android.calendar.Kalender): Uid: 10084 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
com.android.providers.calendar (com.android.providers.calendar.Kalenderspeicher): Uid: 10004 Sys: Us: 1 s Starts: 1
kworker/1:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
msm_watchdog (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/0:1H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
com.android.chrome (com.android.chrome.Chrome): Uid: 10166 Sys: Us: Starts: 2
com.android.nfc (com.android.nfc.NFC-Dienst): Uid: 1027 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
mmcqd/0rpmb (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
android.process.media (Medien): Uid: 10010 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/2:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.dialer (com.android.dialer.Telefon): Uid: 10019 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
system (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/3:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:0H (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.email (com.android.email.E-Mail): Uid: 10054 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.teslacoilsw.notifier (com.teslacoilsw.notifier.TeslaUnread): Uid: 10100 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
kworker/1:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.Cell Broadcast): Uid: 10005 Sys: Us: Starts: 1
android.process.acore (Android Core Apps): Uid: 10006 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
com.google.android.gms.ui (Google Play-Dienste): Uid: 10013 Sys: Us: Starts: 0
Alarms (requires BATTERY_STATS permissions)
com.google.android.gms (): Wakeups: 105 (11,6 / h)
Alarms: 55, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms/.lockbox.LockboxAlarmReceiver
Alarms: 28, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.tron.ALARM
Alarms: 11, Intent: CONTEXT_MANAGER_ALARM_WAKEUP_63841
Alarms: 6, Intent: com.google.android.gms/.checkin.EventLogServiceReceiver
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.receiver.LOG_CORE_ANALYTICS
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_ACTIVITY_DETECTION
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.intent.action.SEND_IDLE
Alarms: 1, Intent: null.INACTIVITY_TRIGGERED
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.google.android.gms.analytics.ANALYTICS_DISPATCH
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.common.download.START
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.libraries.social.mediamonitor.MediaMonitorIntentService
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.google.android.gms.drive.ApiService.RESET_AFTER_BOOT

android (): Wakeups: 16 (1,8 / h)
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.content.jobscheduler.JOB_DELAY_EXPIRED
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL
Alarms: 9, Intent: com.android.server.device_idle.STEP_IDLE_STATE
Alarms: 4, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.content.jobscheduler.JOB_DEADLINE_EXPIRED
Alarms: 2, Intent: ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.android.server.action.UPDATE_TWILIGHT_STATE
Alarms: 1, Intent: com.android.server.task.controllers.IdleController.ACTION_TRIGGER_IDLE

com.android.email (): Wakeups: 2 (0,2 / h)
Alarms: 2, Intent: com.android.email.intent.action.RESTART_ALL_IDLE_CONNECTIONS

Network (requires root)
10013 (Wifi) (Google Play-Dienste): 1.0 MBytes 49,6%
0 (Wifi) (0): 756.0 KBytes 36,0%
10037 (Wifi) (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.Google App): 132.0 KBytes 6,3%
10145 (Wifi) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 37.0 KBytes 1,8%
10129 (Wifi) (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 35.0 KBytes 1,7%
10013 (Mobile) (Google Play-Dienste): 33.0 KBytes 1,6%
10084 (Wifi) (com.google.android.calendar.Kalender): 33.0 KBytes 1,6%
0 (Mobile) (0): 28.0 KBytes 1,4%
1000 (Wifi) (CyanogenMod-System): 2.0 KBytes 0,1%
CPU States
1,59 GHz (): 28 s 0,1%
1,48 GHz (): 1 s 0,0%
1,4 GHz (): 4 s 0,0%
1,32 GHz (): 19 s 0,1%
1,23 GHz (): 12 m 9 s 2,2%
1,19 GHz (): 19 s 0,1%
1,11 GHz (): 23 s 0,1%
1,04 GHz (): 21 s 0,1%
960 MHz (): 29 s 0,1%
844,8 MHz (): 27 s 0,1%
729,6 MHz (): 16 s 0,1%
652,8 MHz (): 19 s 0,1%
556,8 MHz (): 14 s 0,0%
480 MHz (): 11 s 0,0%
422,4 MHz (): 38 s 0,1%
307,2 MHz (): 2 h 16 m 53 s 25,2%
Deep Sleep (): 6 h 30 m 4 s 71,7%
Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo.html
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
com.facebook.katana:videoplayer (com.facebook.video.vps.VideoPlayerService)
Active since: 9 h 21 m 45 s
Last activity: 2 h 51 m 41 s
Crash count:0
com.android.phone (org.codeaurora.ims.ImsService)
Active since: 54 s
Last activity: 54 s
Crash count:0
com.android.email (com.android.email.service.LegacyImapSyncAdapterService)
Active since: 59 s
Last activity: 59 s
Crash count:0
system (com.qualcomm.location.LocationService)
Active since: 56 s
Last activity: 58 s
Crash count:0
com.teslacoilsw.launcher (com.teslacoilsw.launcher.NovaAccessibilityService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService)
Active since: 9 h 21 m 45 s
Last activity: 2 h 51 m 40 s
Crash count:0
com.touchtype.swiftkey.beta (com.touchtype_fluency.service.FluencyServiceImpl)
Active since: 12 m 31 s
Last activity: 12 m 36 s
Crash count:0
org.cyanogenmod.themeservice (org.cyanogenmod.themeservice.IconCacheManagerService)
Active since: 44 s
Last activity: 44 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
com.facebook.orca (com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService)
Active since: 9 h 21 m 45 s
Last activity: 2 h 51 m 40 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms (com.google.android.gms.measurement.service.MeasurementBrokerService)
Active since: 45 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
system (com.qualcomm.location.izat.IzatService)
Active since: 56 s
Last activity: 58 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper)
Active since: 45 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geocode.GeocodeService)
Active since: 1 m 11 s
Last activity: 1 m 11 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.nearby.discovery.service.ScreenOnListenerService)
Active since: 57 s
Last activity: 57 s
Crash count:0
com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice (com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice.TetherService)
Active since: 45 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService)
Active since: 57 s
Last activity: 57 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService)
Active since: 57 s
Last activity: 2 h 15 m 23 s
Crash count:0
org.cyanogenmod.themeservice (org.cyanogenmod.themeservice.ThemeManagerService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 44 s
Crash count:0
system (com.dsi.ant.server.AntService)
Active since: 57 s
Last activity: 57 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.location.nearby.direct.service.NearbyDirectService)
Active since: 1 m 10 s
Last activity: 1 m 10 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.fused.service.FusedProviderService)
Active since: 1 m 11 s
Last activity: 1 m 11 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.usagereporting.service.UsageReportingService)
Active since: 9 h 21 m 52 s
Last activity: 2 h 51 m 47 s
Crash count:0
com.oasisfeng.greenify:service (com.oasisfeng.greenify.engine.WakeupMonitor)
Active since: 1 m 4 s
Last activity: 2 h 51 m 34 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.PhenotypeService)
Active since: 9 h 21 m 52 s
Last activity: 2 h 51 m 47 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.pbap.BluetoothPbapService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.beacon.BleService)
Active since: 1 m 10 s
Last activity: 1 m 10 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService)
Active since: 1 m 11 s
Last activity: 1 m 11 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (org.codeaurora.bluetooth.dun.BluetoothDunService)
Active since: 47 s
Last activity: 47 s
Crash count:0
org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser2 (org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser2.NotificationHijackingService)
Active since: 44 s
Last activity: 44 s
Crash count:0
fi.rojekti.clipper (fi.rojekti.clipper.library.service.ClipboardService)
Active since: 1 m 6 s
Last activity: 1 m 6 s
Crash count:0
com.android.bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService)
Active since: 44 s
Last activity: 44 s
Crash count:0
com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel (com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel.QcrilMsgTunnelService)
Active since: 46 s
Last activity: 60 s
Crash count:0
org.cyanogenmod.profiles (org.cyanogenmod.profiles.ProfilesTrustAgent)
Active since: 53 s
Last activity: 53 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService)
Active since: 1 m 11 s
Last activity: 1 m 11 s
Crash count:0
org.cyanogenmod.livelockscreen.service (org.cyanogenmod.livelockscreen.service.LiveLockScreenManagerService)
Active since: 44 s
Last activity: 46 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (com.google.android.hotword.service.HotwordService)
Active since: 12 m 30 s
Last activity: 12 m 30 s
Crash count:0
com.android.systemui (com.android.systemui.SystemUIService)
Active since: 42 s
Last activity: 42 s
Crash count:0
system (android.hardware.location.GeofenceHardwareService)
Active since: 45 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
system (com.qualcomm.location.LBSSystemMonitorService)
Active since: 56 s
Last activity: 58 s
Crash count:0
com.vipercn.viper4android_v2 (com.vipercn.viper4android_v2.service.ViPER4AndroidService)
Active since: 56 s
Last activity: 56 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.auth.trustagent.GoogleTrustAgent)
Active since: 53 s
Last activity: 53 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ReportingAndroidService)
Active since: 1 m 4 s
Last activity: 1 h 29 m 45 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.gms.persistent (com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.service.NearbyMessagesService)
Active since: 1 m 10 s
Last activity: 12 m 40 s
Crash count:0
system (com.android.server.telecom.components.BluetoothPhoneService)
Active since: 46 s
Last activity: 46 s
Crash count:0
com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.SearchService)
Active since: 7 m 55 s
Last activity: 2 h 51 m 35 s
Crash count:0
system (com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.NetworkLocationService)
Active since: 58 s
Last activity: 58 s
Crash count:0
com.qti.dpmserviceapp (com.qti.dpmserviceapp.DpmServiceApp)
Active since: 56 s
Last activity: 40 m 13 s
Crash count:1
org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice (org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice.WeatherManagerService)
Active since: 44 s
Last activity: 45 s
Crash count:0
Reference overview
ref_boot: Reference ref_boot created 1 m 3 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 96elements; NetS: 6 elements; Alrm: 0 elements; Proc: 42 elements; Oth: 13 elements; CPU: 6 elements)
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 17 m 48 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 111elements; NetS: 20 elements; Alrm: 7 elements; Proc: 70 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 16 elements)
ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 18 m 2 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 111elements; NetS: 20 elements; Alrm: 7 elements; Proc: 70 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 16 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 9 h 21 m 46 s (Wl: 9 elements; KWl: 119elements; NetS: 21 elements; Alrm: 6 elements; Proc: 159 elements; Oth: 14 elements; CPU: 17 elements)
könnte bitte mal jemand bei mir einen Blick drauf werfen,
erreiche nur einen deepsleep von 71.7%.
wobei aber "nur" 7% Akku in 9 Stunden verbraucht wurde.

was könnte ich optimieren, zb mit amplify??
ich nutze greenify und power nap.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Irgendnen WLAN Wakelock...
kann man das genauer eingrenzen und den ursacher ausfindig machen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: hagex - Grund: Direktzitat entfernt, Gruß von hagex
googlen ja:biggrin:
könnte mir bitte jemand bei der Auswertung helfen?
Hast schon gegooglet?

Dein Verbrauch liegt unter 1%/h => OK
Dein Deepsleep könnte besser sein. Ursache ist WLAN.
Du hast Facebook installiert und das ist aktiv.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: TimSmet
@j1gga84 wenn du es jetzt event. noch auf deutsch hier schreibst ;)

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