[Themes 2.2, 2.3, Wolfbreak ROM Cyanogen Themes NEW ]

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Quelle: XDA

Autor: go3asy

Link: [THEME-CM6.1.3]BitSnacker For Wolfbreak/Rendeiro CM6.1.3 | v1.3 | 29/03/11-ALL FIXED

OK latest 1.3 version should fix all issues with Settings.apk and also the battery % MOD

This version for CyanogenMOD Froyo ROMs by Wolfbreak & Rendeiro. Should also work on other Cyanogen ROMS. Includes battery % MOD [FIXED]​

Make sure you have the latest version of the ROM - The ARC contacts MAY not work otherwise. v053 Wolfbreak and latest Rendero with full camera fix is the latest

1. Download Theme [v1.3] [Xrecovery] - http://www.mediafire.com/?nbq3zurq1wn9tib [Please dont mirror these downloads]
Again be sure you have the latest Firmware [Read Above]

1.1 Download Extras Pack [See Screenshots] - http://www.mediafire.com/?9cxoonud1xt5pk4 [Please dont mirror these downloads]

2. Extract to SD Card then boot into xRecovery, select Install Custom Zip, Select from SDCard then select the Bitsnacker Honeycomb zip....Enjoy​

3. If you downloaded the Extras pack mess around with the Icons / Dock bars & Wallpapers and have fun!! To set custom icons use ADW/Launcher pro to make custom shortcuts
If you do not have Xrecovery get it here with full instructions [Thanks to zdzihu]

Buy me a cold beer
& Dont forget to hit thanks!!

My Other Projects;
My 2.1 / FreeX10 Theme: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=935187
My 2.1 Themed & Tweaked ROM+Blue XDA App & MUI Music Skinned: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1005636
Tech Site - www.BitSnacker.com

My Portfolio [Work In Progress] www.LabEffect.co.uk
Fixed HW lights issue
New blue popup menu icons [from my 2.1 theme]
Minor tweaks to UI look
Brings abck MIUI Transitions
Ported onto latest Framework-res from CM so any other bugs from that should now be fixed

V1.0, changes in future

Check out my Tech Site for the latest news - WWW.BITSNACKER.COM


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Quelle: XDA

Autor: kevjef420

Link: THEME] Updated for 720P MattedBlues for CM 6 wolfbreak rom V05 with battery % mod

*** I have updated this to work with the new 720p camcorder that has been added to wolfs rom in the latest update. The earlier version of this theme would install a themed camera. This camera does not have option for 720p in custom menu, so i have removed the custom camera apk that way the original camera will not be changed. ***


Please note I am not the creator of this theme. I only edited it a bit to make it more compatible with the x10. Jabbawalkee is the original creator. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=768848 If anything is Warez please let my know and I will remove it ASAP.

I thought I would share the theme that I have been using with everyone.

This theme was not originally made for this rom but it just happens to work with our beloved X10 and wolfbreaks rom. I have been using it for 2 weeks and it works with all versions of wolfs ROM so far. This theme may work on other 2.2 Roms with CM6 on it. If anyone tries it and find it works then please PM me and I will add it to this post.

I am sharing it with a new dialer and without if you like the arc dialer that comes on the new version of this rom. Personally i like the theme one.

Please note this theme will stop the white HW LEDs from working on your handset. Not a big deal for me but some people will be upset.

I hope this helps out some people as I have enjoyed it myself.

Install with xRecovery as custom zip

I changed my home screen and now am using the included status bar, the other pictures are using the stock status bar from the ROM, this can be changed in CM settings

here is the links.....

http://www.mediafire.com/?34dxy031rrf6xj1 themed 2.2 dialer
http://www.mediafire.com/?7dh5jfn72pku34z new arc dialer

Big thanks to jabbawalkee for creating this theme.
Thanks to amtzone for discovering that is works on wolfs ROM.
Thanks to wolfbreak for creating the best ROM ever for the X10

Quelle: Handy-faq.de

Autor: krteddy

Link: [THEME] krteddy Blue 1.3.3 für CM 6.1.3 V05 inkl. NewMarket

[THEME] krteddy Blue 1.3.3 für CM 6.1.3 V05 inkl. NewMarket für Wolfbreaks Rom

Damit mein Market funktioniert muss die NewMarket.zip schon mit der CM 6.1.3 ROM Installiert worden sein. Wenn diese noch nicht Installiert ist einfach die NewMarket.zip unten laden und Installieren dann mein Theme und mein Market sollte gehen.


Ladet die "krteddyBlueTheme1.3.3.zip" auf euere SD-Karte.

Anschließend Startet Ihr das X10 neu, sobald das Sony Ericsson Logo erscheint drückt Ihr mehrmals hintereinander die "Zurück"-Taste.

Im xRecovery wählt Ihr "Install custom zip" dann "Choose custom zip from sdcard" dann die "krteddyBlueTheme1.3.3.zip" aus.

Navigiert wird mit den Hardware-Tasten:
Home-Taste => Auswählen/Bestätigen
Zurück-Taste => Zurück
Lautstärke-Tasten => Hoch/Runter scrollen

Bei nächsten Neustart sollte nun das Theme geladen sein.

krteddy Blue Theme 1.3.3
  • Danke
Reaktionen: quercus und Fire123
Hallo zusammen,

ich nutze seit einigen Wochen das HC-Theme für Wolfbreaks Rom und mir ist dabei folgendes aufgefallen:

Im Menü befindet sich unter dem blauen Balken oben ein graues Etwas. Was ist das und wie kriege ich das weg?

Danke und Gruß

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App

Schalt mal das unter dem blauen Balken liegende Energiesteuerungs - Widget
aus - du findest es im Cyanogenmod.
Irgendwie sieht es wie das Grau des Widgets aus.

Alternativ kannst/solltest bei XDA den Entwickler des Themes fragen!
Also an dem Widget liegt es nicht. Liegt das also definitiv am Theme oder am ROM (aber dann müsstet ihr das ja auch bei euch haben)?
Eigenartig, hab ich auch noch nie gesehen - leg das Theme nochmal drüber - nur das Theme!
Okay - es liegt an der Theme selbst - schlampig gemacht wie man auch hier sehen kann.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: kaolick
Danke, werde mir gleich mal die neueste Version flashen und dann mal schauen. ggf. wende ich mich mal an den Erbauer ;-)
Also, ich hab jetzt mal die neueste Version des Themes geflasht, aber dieses hässlich graue Etwas ist immer noch da. :-( Hab's mal im xda-Thread gepostet und bin gespannt auf die Antwort.

Quelle: XDA

Autor(en): versch.

Link:Themes for TripNRaVeR's [ROM] [REL 29-03] TripNMiUI 0.3.0

Just found this site for themes for trips new rom


1. Download your theme. It will either be a ZIP or MTZ file. The MTZ type is the newer format of theme

2. Connect your phone to your computer via USB

3. On your computer navigate to MIUI > theme

4. Copy your theme to this folder. If your theme is in ZIP format don’t extract it, copy it as a ZIP file

5. On your phone go to Settings > Personal > Theme Manager > Choose Theme

6. Find your theme and tap it, then tap Apply. A window will pop up explaining what will be changed

7. After clicking OK MIUI will reboot

8. Then you’re done
@quercus: Er hat's direkt gefixt. Jetzt sieht's super aus. :)
Quelle: XDA

Autor: petrifyre

Link: [Theme][CM6.1.X]Modified Wolfbreak's CM6.1.3-V4.5 stock theme with % Mod SC battery

This is Wolfbreak CM6.1.3 stock GBread theme which i have modified with SuperCircle % battery mod found from this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=724778

I've also included the SysMonitor.apk from this post - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...54&postcount=2

I have changed the lockscreen to Gbread default cause I like it better..

Download the .zip file from attachment below and install with xRecovery

X10i_Wolfbreak CM6.1.3 V4.5.7 Froyo Custom ROM


CM6.1.3_theme_modified_signed.zip (5.48 MB, 1212 views)



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Quelle:XDA-Developers Forum

Autor: Shiwantha

Link: xda-developers - View Single Post - [THEME] Honeycomb SJ CM 6.X for X10 OS 2.2 based & Z stock 2.2-Update V4.5 10.04.2011

Hi All,

This theme is designed for CyanogenMod 6.1.X descendants of 2.2 OS based X10 phones inculding Z`s stock 2.2 ROM

Pls Read Instuctions clearly..... There are separate versions for each ROM. Pick the correct version And start Download based on your Existing CM6.xx ROM.

Im not responsible for any thing that happens to your phone or you feel like a blue bee...

Currently Tested and Working on:
  1. CM 6.1.3 [Tweaked+Theme+Extras] By Wolfbreak Use special ROM only Designed for Wolfs ROM
  2. CyanogenMod_6.1.2-Xtremes By Hawkysoft Use General Version
  3. Gingerbread ROM By: rendeiro2005 Use General Version
  4. FreeX10 Froyo 2.2.1 ROMBy zdzihu (new) Use Froyo Version

Any other OS 2.2 based CM 6.1.xxx based roms are free to try the General Version Pls comment so I will list other roms that in similar platforms here.

All mods are optimized to use minimum resources as much as possible.

Many thanks for resources on XDA.HTC forums and rest mods are by me.

Version 1.
Framework mod- most are in honeycomb or dark blue and animated GPS, Sync, download, upload are added, battery mod and cycle icons added, signal. Wifi cycle mod added. Black menu and almost everything moded. Hope you liked my special volume mod.
Clock- Honeycomb widget and icon.
Lock screen- Honeycomb font and lock. Well that’s the best so far at stock level application, If you want more, use widgetlocker.
Fonts- smooth round fonts
Bootanimation- sweet blue honey bee animation.

Version2 -see details LINK

Version3 -see details LINK

Version3.a -see details LINK

Version4 -see details LINK

Version4.5 -see details LINK

This theme is incomplete and more need to added to the package to get all around honeycomb look. Tune in to this I will add as I'm getting free time to work on packages.

Still to come.......
New concept Lock screen.
Dialer one HC theme- Market Free app
Any other application that uses more……

Well do you like to have honeycomb look on your Windows 7 PC........? wait a while I will post that too............ LOL

Bugs/Known Issues
  • Keypad LED dosent respond always on Wolfbreak`s ROM -Fixed in -V3
  • InfiniteView.apk buttons and text are same colour. need to rewrite xml files - Fixed in -V4

Installation for Wolfbreak`s CM6.1 ROM

  1. Make a Back up via Xrecovery
  2. Download the CM_honeycomb_theme_SJ_W_ROM.rar and extract 2 packages to you computer.
  3. Copy CM_honey_6.1.x_theme.zip to SD card
  4. Copy SJ_Honeycomb.xml to sdcard\CMTheme (only XML not the zip file)
  5. Reboot into recovery, and install custom zip and select “CM_honey_6.1.x_theme.zip”
  6. Once reboot go to settings/CM settings/User Interface/Tweaks Extra/Select a theme and select "SJ_Honeycomb" and reboot to apply.
  7. This will not wipe any of you data, but in cases that your battery percentage dosent show properly. You may need to wipe battery status and cache
  8. For best view on messages - go to messages/settings/ select Black Background

Installation for Other CM 6.1.xx General Version
  1. Make a Back up via Xrecovery
  2. Download the CM_honeycomb_theme_SJ (GEN).rar and extract 2 packages to you computer.
  3. Copy CM_honey_6.1.x_theme.zip to SD card
  4. Copy SJ_Honeycomb.xml to sdcard\CMTheme (only XML not the zip file)
  5. Reboot into recovery, and install custom zip and select “CM_honey_6.1.x_theme.zip”
  6. Once reboot go to settings/CM settings/User Interface/Tweaks Extra/Select a theme and select "SJ_Honeycomb" and reboot to apply.
  7. This will not wipe any of you data, but in cases that your battery percentage dosent show properly. You may need to wipe battery status and cache

Installation- Z`s Stock 2.2 ROM
  1. Make a Back up via Xrecovery
  2. Download the CM_honeycomb_theme_SJ (Froyo).rar and extract 3 packages to you computer.
  3. Copy CM_honey_6.1.x_theme.zip to SD card
  4. Copy SJ_Honeycomb.xml to sdcard\CMTheme (only XML not the zip file)
  5. Reboot into recovery, and install custom zip and select “CM_honey_6.1.x_theme.zip”
  6. Once reboot go to settings/CM settings/User Interface/Tweaks Extra/Select a theme and select "SJ_Honeycomb" and reboot to apply.
  7. This will not wipe any of you data, but in cases that your battery percentage dosent show properly. You may need to wipe battery status and cache
  8. ***Read the attached readme file on instructions for restoring back to stock version.using "SJ_HC_2.2_Remove_theme.zip"
See previews and Download links on 2nd post

3rd party applications on the preview and Extra items.


1. Im running ADW EX with custom HC dock and text icons (icons and docks are in Extra pack in the download section)
2. Wallpaper
3. Fancy Widget Pro with HC clock. Sorry Cant share with you this.....
4. Moded HTC honeycomb keyboard by patti_9000 - Go here
5. Xoom MOTO Honeycomb Bootanimation induced in extras now - Download and install via xrecovery. See Preview

Download Links: Use the specific one based on your ROM


  • Installation for Wolfbreak`s CM6.1 ROM Latest Version -V4.5 Direct Link to Mediafire Link

  • Installation for Other CM 6.1.xx General Version Latest Version -V4.5 Direct Link to Mediafire Link

  • Installation- Z`s Stock 2.2 ROM Froyo Version Latest Version -V4.5 Direct Link to Mediafire Link


  • This is common for any ROM Latest Version V2- Direct Link to Mediafire Link
Archive Files

  • Check my mediafire link on signature for old files... may be it will be useful for you....

Hier noch Bilder


Hier nun der Original Thread... und viel spaß beim testen
xda-developers - View Single Post - [THEME] Honeycomb SJ CM 6.X for X10 OS 2.2 based & Z stock 2.2-Update V4.5 10.04.2011
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Sieht sehr gut aus!
Sorry Freunde - ich verschieb mal das Theme in die richtige Sektion - 2.2

allerdings ist es dort schon vorhanden - etwas weiter vorne - aber - egal - er hat sich solche Mühe gegeben - also, in der 2.2 Sektion zu finden !
  • Danke
Reaktionen: diioGox10 und terra-nova
@quercus: Danke, dann findet man's auch gleich wieder!

Servus, bitte beim nächsten mal folgendermassen - siehe Vorlage - vorgehen:

Der Titel wird vollständig geschrieben - nicht Theme ... 2.2 - da er aussagekräftig ist, umd man daran erkennen kann, ob es schon ein Update gibt!

Diese drei Angaben in Reihenfolge - damit das gesamte ein durchgängiges Bild hat - siehe andere Beiträge.





BITTE - nicht in der falschen Sektion posten - dies ist ein 2.2 Theme, und kein 2.1 Theme!

so genug "geschimpft" :biggrin:

Neeee:), es erspart mir einfach Arbeit alles nachträglich zu verschieben, und zu ergänzen.

Das Thema war schon vorhanden, aber deine Auflistung war wesentlich besser als meine kopierte von XDA! - Somit hab ich die alte Theme gelöscht und mit Deiner ersetzt!

Danke - weiter so :thumbsup:

Jetzt das wichtigste - so du wieder etwas auf Deutsch übersetzen möchtest - wäre es besser tatsächlich Englisch zu können - ansonsten lasst es besser in Englisch - diese Universalübersetzer bringen nichts.

Beispiel von dir:

  1. Once reboot go to settings/CM settings/User Interface/Tweaks Extra/Select a theme and select "SJ_Honeycomb" and reboot to apply.​
  1. Starten Sie in Genesung, und installieren Sie benutzerdefinierte Reißverschluss und wählen Sie "CM_honey_6.1.x_theme.zip"
Bitte korrigier ALLE Sätze nach - oder lass es einfach auf Englisch - ich mein, HUMORVOLL ist es ja zu lesen, aber sowas stiftet eher Verwirrung - Danke Dir!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: UKSheep
Quelle: XDA

Autor: Realorasz

Link: [V0.2-UPDATED][WIP][Theme][2.2] RealBlueOrange

{4/19/2011/8:02 PM PST}Theme has been updated to V0.2!(Screenshots will not be posted for a little while, sorry.) Font coming soon!

DETAILS ON V0.2 UPDATE: New battery icon and volume popup. Also tweaked some .9 data on for example the loading popup on xda app. the blue in theBG of it is now correct(meaning as i had intended it to be.).

Alright. The Title contains WIP because This isnt what I'd call a complete theme yet. This thread is for suggestions, testing, and even installing, should one like it the way it is. Bugs, not workings, those 9 yards, all go here, as usual.

This is a 2.2 FroYo Theme, based on the arc theme default in Wolfbreak's CyanogenMod. Therefore, the HW LED's work. I'd love to have auto brightness instead, so if anyone knows how to do that PLEASE PM me. What I'm talking about is the opposite of say Wolf patching a theme for HW LED's between buttons.

1. Download
2. Backup if needed
3. Flash RealBlueOrange.zip in Xrecovery
4. Reboot
5. Enjoy!

RealBlueOrange V0.2

Sensuous Black X10a running CyanogenMod 6.1.3 V055 Froyo.1 Baseband .52
Complete with Zdzihu's FreeKernel
and carrying a class 4 4GB sd card.
Carried by AT&T in Washington State, U.S.
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