- 3.898

Wer kennt ihn nicht?
Einer der bekanntesten Themer des Samsung Galaxy S2 und S3 hat es nun auch zum S4 geschafft:
Vertumus mit seinem Jelly Bean Domination Theme!
Sein Theme basiert auf Vanilla Android was er nun auf unser S4 zaubern möchte
- AOSP stock experience
- Original AOSP layouts
- Original AOSP status bar
- Original AOSP animation integrated into theme
- Original AOSP sounds
- Original AOSP popup dialogs
- Original AOSP launcher
- Roboto font
- Google AOSP white status bar icons
- AOSP progress/ slider bars
- Overscroll glow
Was ist themed:
- framework
- systemui
- settings
- dialer
- lockscreen missed notifications
- recommended apps
- mms
- downloadprovider
- calculator
- contacts
- myfiles
21 Jan 2014 - v1.8.1
- Changed one group of icons in notification toggles which weren't correct (thanks @lahceneamine for bringing it to our attention)
18 Jan 2014 - v1.8
- Changed ongoing status bar icons & notification icons to white KitKat style including battery, wifi, signal, etc
- Changed all status bar text to white KitKat style
- Changed Settings icon in notification shade to KitKat style 'gear' icon
- Changed Quick Toggles icons to KitKat style grey when off and white when on
- Fixed position of WiFi indicator arrows
- Fixed MyFiles action bar icon not being themed
- Fixed delete icon not being themed in call log
- Updated AOSP Launcher from JB 4.2 to JB 4.3
- Updated all sounds to KitKat and fixed issue where some sounds weren't being applied (ie camera, unlock, etc)
- Added AOSP Browser
- Removed Google Keyboard (it can be downloaded from Play Store or there are threads which have them available to download)
- Various graphical improvements & changes
16.09.2013. - v1.7
- themed myfiles
- fixed some FCs
- small layout changes
- various graphical changes/improvements
25.08.2013. - v1.6
- theme is updated to MGx version
- themed contacts
- fixed notification AM/PM layout in status bar (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- fixed email FC (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- fixed calendar FC
- various graphical changes/improvements
15.08.2013. - v1.5
- both themes are merged now in the same version name v1.5 (they will be developed and released together)
- themed calculator
- themed downloadprovider (Light version)
- fixed notification panel in settings (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- changed power options dialog in Light version
- H "+" symbol moved to the side (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- reduced gap between wifi and signal icons (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- various graphical changes/improvements
23.07.2013. - v1.4
- whole theme has been build from scratch again
- whole framework has been revised
- themed mms
- themed recommended apps
- themed downloadprovider
- added torchlight (flashlight) settings > display (big thanks to @Stavr0s91i)
- fixed email bug
- clear all button is on top now (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- data and wifi in/out arrows are AOSP now (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- various graphical changes/improvements
13.06.2013. - v1.3
- Original JB lockscreen (big thanks to @_JKay_ , it is his work)
- themed lockscreen notifications
- themed some date and number pickers
- fixed text color in calendar app
- fixed some text color in email app
- fixed fc in contacts when adding/edit events
- fixed black tabs in Holo.Light apps
- changed menu layouts to original JB
06.06.2013. - v1.2
- themed dialer
- fixed tabs in phone app
- fixed tabs in contacts app
- fixed some sounds (thanks to Avetis)
- fixed color of the text in mms app
- fixed tabs in music app
- fixed cutted text in music app
- fixed tab in gallery app
02.06.2013. - v1.1
- fixed music icon
- added original Jelly Bean launcher
- added original Jelly Bean keyboard
- added original Jelly Bean alarm sounds
- added original Jelly Bean notification sounds
- added original Jelly Bean ringtone sounds
01.06.2013. - v1.0
- initial release
- themed myfiles
- fixed some FCs
- small layout changes
- various graphical changes/improvements
25.08.2013. - v1.6
- theme is updated to MGx version
- themed contacts
- fixed notification AM/PM layout in status bar (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- fixed email FC (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- fixed calendar FC
- various graphical changes/improvements
15.08.2013. - v1.5
- both themes are merged now in the same version name v1.5 (they will be developed and released together)
- themed calculator
- themed downloadprovider (Light version)
- fixed notification panel in settings (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- changed power options dialog in Light version
- H "+" symbol moved to the side (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- reduced gap between wifi and signal icons (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- various graphical changes/improvements
23.07.2013. - v1.4
- whole theme has been build from scratch again
- whole framework has been revised
- themed mms
- themed recommended apps
- themed downloadprovider
- added torchlight (flashlight) settings > display (big thanks to @Stavr0s91i)
- fixed email bug
- clear all button is on top now (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- data and wifi in/out arrows are AOSP now (big thanks to @daveyannihilation)
- various graphical changes/improvements
13.06.2013. - v1.3
- Original JB lockscreen (big thanks to @_JKay_ , it is his work)
- themed lockscreen notifications
- themed some date and number pickers
- fixed text color in calendar app
- fixed some text color in email app
- fixed fc in contacts when adding/edit events
- fixed black tabs in Holo.Light apps
- changed menu layouts to original JB
06.06.2013. - v1.2
- themed dialer
- fixed tabs in phone app
- fixed tabs in contacts app
- fixed some sounds (thanks to Avetis)
- fixed color of the text in mms app
- fixed tabs in music app
- fixed cutted text in music app
- fixed tab in gallery app
02.06.2013. - v1.1
- fixed music icon
- added original Jelly Bean launcher
- added original Jelly Bean keyboard
- added original Jelly Bean alarm sounds
- added original Jelly Bean notification sounds
- added original Jelly Bean ringtone sounds
01.06.2013. - v1.0
- initial release
Screenshots :

Domination Dark
Domination v1.8.1 MKF
Domination Dark
16.09.2013. - v1.7
Domination v1.7 MEA_MF3_MF4_MF5_MF8_MG3_MGA_MG7_MH1
Domination Dark
25.08.2013. - v1.6
Domination v1.6 MEA_MF3_MF4_MF5_MF8_MG3_MGA_MG7
12.08.2013. - v1.5
Domination v1.5 MEA_MF3_MF4_MF5_MF8_MG3_MGA_MG7
Domination Light
25.08.2013. - v1.6
Domination Light v1.6 MEA_MF3_MF4_MF5_MF8_MG3_MGA_MG7
12.08.2013. - v1.5
Domination Light v1.5 MEA_MF3_MF4_MF5_MF8_MG3_MGA_MG7
Mods gibt es hier: xda-developers - View Single Post - [THEME][9500/5][16/06]DOMINATION*v1.3*HOLO MASTER*AOSP*JB LOCKSCREEN*DE/ODEX*Mods new
- Du brauchst ein Custom Recovery (TWRP, CWM...)
- Du benötigst eine Rom ohne jegliche Mods und/oder Themes
- Mach ein Backup zur Sicherheit bevor du flashst
- Wenn du irgendwelche anderen Mods bereits installiert hast entferne sie!
Installations Anleitung:
- Lade dir die UNIVERSAL.ZIP Datei runterladen, aber entpacke sie nicht!
- Kopier die UNIVERSAL.ZIP Datei auf Deine INTERNE SD Karte
- Boote in den Recovery Modus (Vol Up, Home Button und Power Button drücken)
- Wipe Cache Partition
- Wipe Dalvik Cache
- flashe nun die heruntergeladene UNIVERSAL.ZIP
- Warten bis euer S4 wieder hochfährt. Fertig&genießen!
Thread @ XDA
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