3Minit Framework 0.1 TW 4.4.2 [09/07/14][MODS][THEME][MORE]

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1. Für Jellybean 4.4.2 DEODEXED Roms.
2. Um Probleme zu vermeiden wird dringend empfohlen,vor dem aktualisieren Cache/Daten der vorherigen App Version zu löschen und anschliessend die App zu deinstallieren.

Derzeitige Einstellungsmöglichkeiten:
Wird aktualisiert wenn Infos dazu verfügbar sind.
Download des Frameworks

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VORHER:Falls nicht vorhanden ein Backup anlegen!
1. Telefon mit PC verbinden u. das Framework auf den internen/externen Speicher kopieren,
2. ins Custom recovery booten,
3. das Framework flashen,
Dann nur noch die App installieren um alles einstellen zu können.

0.5 (02/02/2014)
Show and hide unused toggles
Transparent brightness slider background
Force statusbar transparency
Any color brightness slider rail
Any color brightness icon
Choose form 5 different brightness icons
Any color brightness slider button
Choose from 6 different brightness slider buttons
Any color brightness checkbox color
Choose from 13 brightness checkbox types
Any color brightness texts
Show/hide alarm icon
Show/hide bluetooth icon
Show/hide sound icon
Statusbar now turns black when using apps not Samsung grey

0.4 (05/01/2014)
Choose between 5 different battery charging animations
Battery icons can now be loaded from a created folder (3MinitBatteryIcons) on your internal sdcard
Choose from 6 different signal icons
Choose signal icons level 4,5 or 6 bars.
Press clock to lock device now has an on/off toggle.
Choose addon button for dropdown header (None, Recents, Clear, Lock, Launch app)
Set Samsung battery text size, color
Set drop down header buttons image color
Set dropdown date color
Hide ongoing items
Hide No notification title
Hide ongoing items title
Fixed some quicksetting button not showing in lanscape mode
Fixed incorrect text after screenshot
Other bug fixes.
Next alarm on dragbar

0.3 (24/12/2013)
Any color Wifi/data type icons
Any color Signal icon
Any color statusbar icons
Set Statusbar color/image (Solid color, Gradient colors, any image 1mb or smaller)
Set Dropdown color/image (Solid color, Gradient colors, any image 1mb or smaller)
Set quick toggles background color/image (Solid color, Gradient colors, any image 1mb or smaller)
Set quick toggles image (on ,dim, off) to any color
Set quick toggles text to any color
Set quick toggles indicator bar (on ,dim, off) to any color
Hide quick toggles text
Hide quick toggles indicator
Hide space between quick toggles
Set number of quick toggles shown
Added 6 new toggles
Reboot (long press to reboot without confirmation dialog)
Recovery (long press to reboot to recovery without confirmation dialog)
Download (long press to reboot to download without confirmation dialog)
Torch (linked througout framework)
Screen timeout toggle through(10 secs, 15 secs, 30 secs, 1 min, 2 mins, 5 mins, 10, mins) also long press to switch between 2 user settable defaults
Show lockscreen button on statusbar
Press clock on statusbar to lock screen
Show next alarm on dragbar
Set any color dragbar background
Set any color dragbar image
Set no notification title background to any color
Set no notification title text to any color
Set ongoing title background to any color
Set ongoing title text to any color
Set notification title background to any color
Set notification title text to any color
Set no notification, ongoing, notification title text position (Left, Center, Right)
Set ongoing, latest notifications background color

0.2 (08/12/13)
Moved to 4.3 See current settings above

Auto profile restore so you set the framework to automatically restore any of your saved profiles at anytime and set it to repeat if you want.
Whitelist apps.
Set any image to No/Ongoing title backgrounds.
Clock can be left aligned
Fixed double clear button when using clear addon button.
MH8 compatible

Added Header addon button launch any app (with app icon unlocks lockscreen(not secure))
Long press volume buttons skip tracks now works with Spotify
added 3 more actions to all buttons:
Skip next track (Menu and Back buttons works on lockscreen)
Skip to previous track (Menu and Back buttons works on lockscreen)
Toogle play/pause music (You can now instantly start music too even if music app is not loaded (works with spotify double press needed sometimes)
Custom lockscreen carrier text
Auto music shutoff just set your time and relax (Works with spotify)
Varoius app improvements

3.3 (27/08/2013)
Wifi/signal icons now have their own color setting
Clicking on dropdown date and time can launch any app
Added home button double click actions
Added 4 new actions to all buttons:
Toggle sound/mute
Toggle bluetooth on/off
Toggle wifi on/off
Lock device
You can now set any color for all toggle states: (Fully stock toggle colors are now acheived)
Toggles image on any color
Toggles image dim any color
Toggles image off any color
Toggles indicator on any color
Toggles indicator dim any color
Toggles indicator off any color
Any Battery text size
Fixed ime icon
Fixed dissapearing toggles when using certain languages.
Updated some languages

Fixed Blocking mode icon
Fixed Smart eye icon
Fix header am-pm size fc
Other tweaks and improvements
Added 3 languages:

3.2 (13/08/13)
Completely new app
Any image/color/transparency clear button in dropdown
Dragbar background ang color/transparency
Smart eye icon on/off
Loud volume warnings on/off
3 Screen off effects {none, crt, fade}
Resizable navigation bar
Notifications background any color/transparency
On going notifications background any color/transparency

Completely re-written
Ime switcher on/off
Added date style (01/01/13)
space before am/pm
Header clock size
Header clock am/pm size
Header clock show and hide am/pm
Any image toggle buttons background (5kb <) tested with image size(H92 W50 pixels)
Any color dragbar image
5 new battery types
Starts as stock look now
All new toggle control
Any color navigation bar back color
Any color navigation button colors
Fixed statusbar color when opening apps/recents etc
Fixed presitent smart pause
Added disable action to lockscreen long press
New look app
Many other thing I cant think off.

2.6 (17/07/2013)
android.policy has been re-written all codes streamlined
Added (so far many more to come) button actions
Menu long press {Default, Kill app, Multiwindow, Launch any app, Torch, Disable, Screenshot, Recent apps}
Back long press {Default, Kill app, Launch any app, Torch, Disable, Screenshot, Recent apps}
Home long press {Default, Kill app, Multiwindow, Launch any app, Torch, Disable, Screenshot}
Home long press on lockscreen {Torch, Press and release torch}

2.5 (11/07/2013)
Quick pin unlock
Multi widgets on secure lockscreen
Camera on secure lockscreen
Hide lockscreen carrier text
Stock look setting (one click revert)
No notification title background color
On going title background color
Latest items title background color
Fixed backup + restore
Toggle control now keeps your current toggle arrangment after changing the settings

Set S View screen time out
Any color S View time
Any color S View day
Any color S View date
Any color S View ap/pm
Any color S View missed call text
Any color S View sms notification text
Any color S View playing track title
Statusbar turns black when cover is closed

2.3 (28/06/2013)
Lockscreen torch can now be set to long press on home to toggle on/off
You can now set data/wifi data arrows to stock
Choose between 5 different 4g images
Any no notification title text color
Any On going title text color
Any notification title text color
Any clear button text color
Fixed orange in data arrow when using coloured data arrows

2.2 (16/06/2013)
Pressing home on lockscreen toggles torch (with on/off toggle in settings)
Option to have 5 or 6 quicksetting toggles displayed
Any color battery can now be turn off for those who want to use there own custom battery.
Rearrange toggles shortcut added.
Setting toggle ,toggle text, toggle indicator colors and settings no longer requires SysytemUI resart.
Volume adjusting whilst in call fix included.

2.1 (13/06/2013)
3 New toggles added:
Power Off
Reboot menu with (Reboot, Recovery, Download modes)
2 new BIG battery types added
Look for the new setting to activate them(They can be orderd in device settings)

Fixed notification and center clock overlap bug
Fixed Launcher fc when setting a wallpaper
Fixed semi transparent status bar Samsung brought in on MEA
Fixed Gps/Download icons now display correctly
Other fixes improvemants

Long press volume skips track(with on off toggle)
Drop down clock has its own color
Drop down date has its own color
Some small app changes
Batterys have been resized
Wallpaper scrolling on/off

Set any mid battery value
Set any low battery value
Set any mid battery color
Set any low battery color
Show/Hide battery
Show/Hide blocking mode icon
Airplane mode icon is now colored
Ongoing items, Ongoing title, No notification title codes have been fully re-work and now have instant effect(without SystemUI restart)
When you have clear add-on button set clear button from dropdown is hidden(as it is not needed)
Ugly clear notification button has gone.
Navigation bar mod has been reworked and now works without SystemUI restart

Fast Shutdown
Fast Reboot
Fast auto boot into recovery
Long press back kills app(multiwindow moved to menu key) or
Long press menu kilss app

Select from 13 different battery types
Select Time and date size
Option to size dropdown clock too
Select brightness slider text color
Hex color picker fixes.

Set statusbar any image
Set dropdown any image
Hex color setter

Show next alarm on dragbar
Add on button to dropdown header choose None/Recents/Clear/Lockscreen
Toggles text on/off
Toggles indicator on/off
Any color toggles text

Alarm icon on/off
Bluetooth icon on/off
Vibrate/Mute icons on/off
Lock screen button on statusbar on/off
Carrier text on/off
Custom carrier text
Any color carrier text
Any color battery text
Any color/transparency dropdown header
Any color Header buttons

Any color battery
Any color wifi/data icons
Any color statusbar icons
Any color toggle icons
Any color toggle button background
Transparent notification items
Fixed know bug

Full battery notification on/off
Low battery notification on/off
Usb connection sounds on/off
Show/hide No notification title
Show/hide ongoing title
show/hide ongoing items
Set statusbar to any color and transparency
Set dropdown to any color and transparency

Any color clock and date
Center/right aligned clock
Transparent dropdown panel

Credits to pas2001 und aki-saar @xda

Please do not make mirror links

Devs please do not port or use this framework in your rom

If you find an bug or something doesn't work as it should please notify me so I can correct it.

Special thanks to:
My wife and kids for giving up there time with me so I can do this

Das flashen geschieht wie immer auf eigene Gefahr, weder der Developer, noch Androidhilfe oder ich übernehmen Verantwortung falls Schäden dadurch entstehen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mack75, Kumo, zodiac80 und 10 andere
1.2 ist nun da. Post 1 angepasst.
File wurde gelöscht.

Gesendet von meinem Dummy GT-I9505 via Tapatalk 1
Link sollte wieder funktionieren.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk 2
nette sache !

Könnte mir einer das Originalen Framework uppen , falls ich damit Probleme bekomme ?
Gibt keine. Anderseits kannst die rom neu flashen.

Gesendet von meinem Dummy GT-I9505 via Tapatalk 1
Neue Version hinzugefügt.
Version 1.4 hinzugefügt.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: HaPe1968
Download stimmt wieder nicht. Wurde gelöscht.

Gesendet von meinem Dummy GT-I9505 via Tapatalk 1
Hmm ka warum der ständig denn Download ändert. Nervt etwas. Wenn der das immer macht dann werde ich das nicht mehr aktualisieren da ich keine Zeit habe ständig denn Download anzupassen. Link sollte wieder gehen.
Läuft das mit der I9505XXUAME3 ?!
For Jellybean 4.2.2. DEODEXED roms only
wenn es eine custom rom ist und diese deodexed ist dann ja..
1.5 ist da.
Sorry wenn OT, aber ist die originale Odexed?
Jep odexed

Gesendet von meinem Dummy GT-I9505 via Tapatalk 1
Woher weiß man denn ob man eine odexed oder eine deodexed rom hat?
Die originale rom ist immer odex,
custom rom dagegen ist in der regel deodexed.

Gesendet von meinem Dummy GT-I9505 via Tapatalk 1
Post 1 aktualisiert.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: JasonMason
nobrain schrieb:
Die originale rom ist immer odex,
custom rom dagegen ist in der regel deodexed.

Gesendet von meinem Dummy GT-I9505 via Tapatalk 1

Ok danke. Von djembey gibt's auch ne deodexed ME2,dann flash ich die mal drüber und dann kann ich den mod auch nutzen ^^

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk 2

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