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Black Exodus Theme von Nitroz
Hello Everyone!
My name is Nitroz, or Kurt if you want to call me by my real name. Some people may know me from back in the SGS2 days when I ported the Black Android Theme by Pele or other may know me from the Galaxy Nexus when I created a bunch of themes and one of them was and still is the most popular theme for the Galaxy Nexus. Yes, I'm talking about Black Exodus! Now I have an SGS3 I want to make it as dark and as minimalistic as possible for you guys to save some juice with this gorgeous super AMOLED HD display.
What You Need
-OMEGA ROM Installed (V3 is preferred)
-Knowledge of CWM
-Room on your SD Card (or external)
Downloads Section
Black Exodus Build 1 - BlackExodusSGS3B1.zip
Installation Instructions
-Download the ZIP File from above
-Put the ZIP file on your External or Internal SD Card
-Boot into CWM
-Flash the ZIP
Whats Themed So Far?
-Inverted Gmail
-Inverted Google Talk
-Fully darkened Framework-res/twframework-res
-Themed Sammy Keyboard
-Changed system icons
-Much More!
Srceenshot von Nitroz
Screenshot von mir
Black Exodus Theme von Nitroz
Hello Everyone!
My name is Nitroz, or Kurt if you want to call me by my real name. Some people may know me from back in the SGS2 days when I ported the Black Android Theme by Pele or other may know me from the Galaxy Nexus when I created a bunch of themes and one of them was and still is the most popular theme for the Galaxy Nexus. Yes, I'm talking about Black Exodus! Now I have an SGS3 I want to make it as dark and as minimalistic as possible for you guys to save some juice with this gorgeous super AMOLED HD display.
What You Need
-OMEGA ROM Installed (V3 is preferred)
-Knowledge of CWM
-Room on your SD Card (or external)
Downloads Section
Black Exodus Build 1 - BlackExodusSGS3B1.zip
Installation Instructions
-Download the ZIP File from above
-Put the ZIP file on your External or Internal SD Card
-Boot into CWM
-Flash the ZIP
Whats Themed So Far?
-Inverted Gmail
-Inverted Google Talk
-Fully darkened Framework-res/twframework-res
-Themed Sammy Keyboard
-Changed system icons
-Much More!
Srceenshot von Nitroz
Screenshot von mir
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