
- 718
DoggyStyle Theme für Samsung Roms

DoggyStyle Theme for JB 4.1.1 (POST 1-3)
DoggyStyle Theme for JB 4.1.2 (POST 4-8)
Getestet auf:
*** OMEGA*** (by dogg)
***FoxHound Essential 0.2*** (by FireS24208) ---> BUG! (siehe unten)
***dragons*** (by BTK12)
***Turkbey*** (by billyboy1)
***Checkrom*** (by FireS24208)
***RGUI*** (by metalmaxx)
***Psycho Rom*** (by Alechandro)
***Viking*** (by DerNaggi)
***MS Team HD*** (by Roughnecks)

(kleines Intro)
Ich arbeite nun schon seit längerem an einem Theme und habe x-stunden darin investiert. Meine Absicht war es eigentlich nicht das Theme public zu machen. Anfangs wollte ich es einfach für mich nutzen und dabei noch was lernen
Mittlerweile habe ich aber soviele Stunden damit verbracht, dass ich es euch nicht vorenthalten möchte.
:: Hinweis ::
Ich werde EIN Theme zur Verfügung stellen an dem ich laufend arbeite und immer wieder was verändere/verbessere.
Ich werde !NICHT! 10 verschiedene Themes/Mods/Varianten zur Verfügung stellen, da ich dafür schlicht und einfach keine Zeit habe.
Es gibt ein Grundtheme welches ich selber auch verwende.
Ich kann auf Wunsch von euch (wenn dies auch mir zusagt) im theme was verändern.
Für kleinere Dinge (zum Beispiel Background Wallpapers oä) kann ich auch separate files machen welche ihr nachflashen könnt.
aber eben, nur wenn es um kleinere dinge geht.
wenn ihr andere bats wollt, andere status bar expanded oä, dann schaut mal HIER vorbei.
Müsste eigentlich (fast) alles kompatibel sein.
Also nochmals -> Es gibt ein Theme und auf Wunsch von euch div. Anpassungen welche separat nachgeflasht werden können!
Seit JB raus ist, habe ich immer wieder Probleme gehabt mit dem Recovery.
Mit dem CF-Root 6.4 hatte ich stets Reboots während dem Flashvorgang. Ich weiss nciht woran das liegt, aber alle etwas grösseren Themes lassen sich bei mir damit nicth flashen!
Meine dringende Empfehlung @ ALLE
Flasht euch über ODIN/MobileODIN das Touch Recovery. Dieses könnt ihr euch hier herunterladen --> ClockworkMod Touch Recovery
Es hat absolut keine Nachteile gegenüber dem "normalen". Es läuft alles einwandfrei und mMn sogar einen tick schneller.
Eigentlich sollte es mit jeder Rom funktionieren welche Auf JELLY BEAN/Samsung basiert.
AUF AOSP/AOKP Roms sollte man es auf keinen Fall flashen, da die Roms von Grundauf völlig anders aufgebaut sind!
Ich habe es bisher nur auf OMEGA ROM getestet. Wenn ihr andere Roms verwendet und die Kompatibilität bestätigen könnt, dann bitte um kurzes Feedback!
Getestet auf:
OMEGA v18, v18.1, v19, v19.1, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v26.1, v27, v27.1, v27.2, v28, v29, v30, v31, v31,1, v32, V32.1 -----> OK
dragons v2.2, v2.3, v2.4, v3, v4 ----> OK
Turkbey v13, v14, v17 ----> OK
CheckRom v5.5, v6 ----> OK
RGUI JB V9, V10 ----> OK
Psycho Rom v.0.0.1 ----> OK
Viking V9, v10 ---> OK
MS Team HD v5 ---> OK
FoxHound Essential 0.2 --> Gibt ein Bug in der gmail app, da sie gethemed ist. entweder stock backgrounds (siehe addons) nachflashen, oder ungethemede gmail apk verwenden.
:: Installation ::
Unbedingt ein Backup auf dem Gerät haben! Entweder ein CWM Backup oder wenigstens die Rom als Zip File!!!
Es kann immer mal vorkommen, dass etwas schiefläuft und ihr drüber flashen müsst!
Ich persönlich habe stets Die aktuellste ROM Zip auf dem Gerät. Wenn was nicht läuft, einfach drüber und dann ist es in 99% der Fälle wieder ok. Ansonsten das CWM Backup wiederherstellen, das funzt zu 100%!!!
Wenn ihr diese Punkte erfüllt habt, dann kanns losgehen.
1. Backup anlegen/ROM Zip auf dem Gerät speichern
2. Das Theme downloaden und am besten auf die interne SdCard legen
3. In den Recovery Mode booten
4. Install Zip from SdCard (je nachdem wo ihr es gesaved habt)
5. Theme flashen (Achtung! Es kann bis zu 5 Minuten dauern, nicht ausschalten!)
6. Gerät neustarten
7. Fertig
>>>>Um es Rückgängig zu machen, einfach eure Rom drüber flashen <<<<
ADDED SOME ADDONS: Take a look at it...
Enabling TouchWiz Launcher Rotation.
Statbar mods
transparent statbar in homescreen. its just a pleasure to have it
* changed wanam's title in extended power menu with my own one. (is it copyrighted? i think not
* Modded TW Launcher (Landscape Mode enabled!) Added as Addon to flash it
* changed a bg in secphone to blue.
* changed some buttons in secphone/seccontacts to blue
* fixed some btn's in framework
* changed and themed some more backgrounds in framework
* changed backgrounds in framework for settings bottom bar
* themed lockscreen completley in blue. time, help text, date, weather, location, etc.
* homepage bug was fixed by me before to "Home". now i changed it from "Home" to "Privat". (german string issue)
* made some changes in secbrowser. themed bg's and icons blue
* changed some dividers in framework, settings, contacts, etc.
Whatsapp isn't updated to latest version. This theme isn's mine, and the other themer don't published updated version yet.
i'll include it in next version
Important note from this version:
You can't update Youtube, Whatsapp and Playstore through Store, because i included themed apk's with other signatures.
If an update will be available for this commented apps, i'll included it themed again in the next version of my theme ! ! !
* added a donation button
* Fixed screenshot bug. i resized the bg png. now it should be possible to make screen captures without any issues and graphical bugs.
* added fix for secMMS. more text in message until converting in mms.(thx to dr.no)
* added fix for more receivers in secmms (thx to dr.no)
* added some statusbar mods as addons (nonclock + CLOCK RIGHT ICS Blue + backgrounds)
* added some background mods
* Themed Whatsapp 2.8.5732 added as apk. (neon blue theme)(credits to cybermessiah) DELETE BEFORE FLASHING THEME IN DATA/APP OLD WHATSAPP. OTHERWISE YOU WILL HAVE FC'S! If you still have FC, then go to system/app and install whatsapp again. this way it works 100%
* google widget themed blue
* some more widgets themed blue.
* Velvet.apk (google now) themed mostly blue
* changed icons in secemail. i'll theme it full blue. it's in my ToDo List.
* changed some icons in GMaps
* Fixed in whatsapp notify icon. it was too small! (not my own theme, see above)
* youtube.apk themed. added as apk. no vrtheme.
* changed again a lot of small things in framework. only to complete details.
* changed icon from calculator to blue style
* changed icon from secmms to blue style and resized it!
* changed a lot of stat notify icons in secmms. now it looks much better.
* some minor changes in secmms. details ...
* changed some backgrounds/buttons/margins in framework. mostly blue!
* 15 Toggle Mod included as default. It isn't necessary to flash the mod before !!!
* added a lot of AddOns and fixed/adapt it for my theme
- 15 toogle's
- expanded bg's
- PopUp Browser (Note 2) (included in theme)
- Status Bar Mods (3D Look) and color themed
* Android ASOP KeyBoard Themed blue (apk included as default (no vrtheme))
* made some changes in secmms.apk
* Samsung Camera is now themed fully
* Samsung Camera HX Mod is now compatible with my theme. so, you got also a themed hx mod! (Install first hx mod, then flash my theme.
* some changes in secphone
* some changes in seccontacts
* some small changes in framework
* fixed again some issues in framework for .9 btn's (size/colour) --> Finally the .9 png's looks great! no known issues for this.
* fixed some missing/wrong icons in phonesky (playstore), now all my icons are included !
Screenshot's aren't updated. There are some optical changes in newer versions. most of them are bg changes.
* themed Playstore updated (3.9.16) -> now as apk and not as vr theme
* included in new playstore a lot of my own icons (bluestyle)
* secmms.apk themed (many icons and bg's changed)
* made in jobmanager.apk some changes (some bg's and buttons)
* fixed some issues in secsettings.apk
* changed some icons/bg's to blue style in secsettings.apk
* themed some widgets blue
Sieht auktuell anders aus als in den Screenshots oben! wurde einiges verändert. Habe im moment aber ein Problem bei dem erstellen eines Screenshots. Hab immer Pixelfehler, weiss noch nicht woran es liegt.
* For other Backgrounds (settings & Expanded) take a look down by AddOns. There are a lot of bg's.
* CRT-OFF Effect added as default (Now BugFree. Big thanks to Masta for fix this issue)
* wallpapers changed
* settings background changed (thx to BTK for inspiration
* a lot of tabs changed in framework, music player, contacts
* changed some bg's in dialer
* changed some bg's in music player
* videoplayer themed (+ widget)
* backgrounds changed/themed in contacts, phone, clockpackage, etc)
* For other Backgrounds (settings & Expanded) take a look down by AddOns. There are a lot of bg's.
* CRT - OFF added (AddOn. Because is buggy. i'll put it per default, when bug is fixed) Zip file to install and to restore stock services.jar
* themed SamsungCamera.apk blue
* themed MusicPlayer.apk blue
* musicplayer widget themed blue
* fixed some bg's/buttons in expanded (music player)
* removed some unnecessary png's to make theme smaller (to be continued)
* changed again a lot of .9 buttons (color/size) in framework
* changed again a lot of list/tab selctors. now they should be ok
* added some AddOns
* made some changes in clockpackage
* Changed settings/clockpackage/calculator background. the old ones was to bright. added as AddOn if someone want it yet
* Theme is now very small. less than 100 MB
* changes in dialer and contacts
* BugFix included for German translation in contacts. Homepage now ---> Home
* Changed dialer/during call Background to stock JB
* some backgrounds changed in framework
* sweeplist themed blue in contacts/mms
* some png's removed to make the theme smaller.. will be continued
* a lot of selectors and press bg's changed/themed (.9)
* default wallpaper changed
* default keyguard wallpaper changed
* adjusted and fixed some .9 png's in several apk's
(some .9's doesn't fit anyway.. particularly some buttons doesn't fit) will check and try to fix it soon).
* clockpackage.apk -> fixed some backgrounds in landscape. where wrong. also fixed some bugs with .9 btn's
* some settings background added as AddOns
* some Expanded Backgrounds added as Addons
* Settings background changed (mixed black/blue)
* settings divider transparent
* contacts and more dividers transparent
* many icons changed (ported/self created) in settings.apk (credits to motomoto/kalagas for some icons)
* myfiles.apk themed black/blue
* clockpackage.apk themed
* calculator themed (credits to motomoto for some buttons)
* secphone.apk themed
* seccontacts.apk themed
* secmms.apk themed
* secgallery.apk themed
* gmail.apk themed
* secbrowser.apk themed
* mp3player.apk themed
* playstore themed blue (thx to raffaelle88 for blue text and some bg's)
* A lot of icons changed in all apk's
* and many more....
* framework/twframework themed fully
many backgrounds/panels/buttons (credits to motomoto for some bg's)
* a lot of icons changed/themed
* some text is blue themed
* some backgrounds transparent
* some dividers transparent
* selctors themed blue
Status bar expanded/Notification Bar
* transparent 50%
* some text themed blue
* close/open tray themed black/blue
* toggle icons changed and themed blue
15 Toggle Mod with themed/changed icons (credits -> raubkatze/wanam)
* FIX - Notification Bug (german) Benachrichtigung (changed width)
* Audio Application themed blue/transparent
* Clear Button removed (Samsung) . Now JB Style
Status bar expanded header
*Date/Time themed blue and resized
* added clear button (JB place)
Status Bar
* status bar clock themed blue
* center clock
* New stat icons
alarm clock
blue themed bats
flight mode
and many more....
* many stat bar notification icons themed or changed (mostly blue)
* and many more ....



















Bitte habt Verständnis, dass das Theme ziemlich gross ist. Aktuell etwas über 100 MB. Das liegt daran, dass ziemlich viele Backgrounds mit dabei sind, welche halt ihren Platz brauchen.
Ich werde versuchen, die Grösse des Themes etwas zu reduzieren und anzupassen.
* Wenn ihr irgendwo Fehler findet meldet es bitte damit ich es beheben kann.
* Wenn ihr einen Wunsch (Änderung/AddOn) habt, äussert ihn.
Ich kann nicht versprechen, dass ich jedem Wunsch nachkommen kann, aber ich werde es versuchen
Gefällt euch meine Arbeit und ihr wollt mir ein Bier ausgeben?
Dann drückt auf den button und ich werde euch dankbar sein

::indie:: (for your great Rom and support)
kalagas (for your amazing themes, support and icons)
raubkatze (i learned a lot from your work and support, icons/mods systemui)
kiray1982 (you're the best teacher in apktool and modding
motomoto (for some icons and bg's/buttons)
wanam (15 toogle mod for jb. thx)
raffaele88 (blue text and some bg's in playstore)
scheichuwe (support)
Dr. No (it's a pleasure to work with you)
Masta Gee (amazing --> CRT OFF for JB)
BTK12 (for Expanded bg)
Marcel2909 (for some icons in my addons- some users like them)
cybermessiah (themed whatsapp)
xda (best english board for android)
android-hilfe (best german board for android)
all other which i forgot to add in my credits.
kalagas (for your amazing themes, support and icons)
raubkatze (i learned a lot from your work and support, icons/mods systemui)
kiray1982 (you're the best teacher in apktool and modding
motomoto (for some icons and bg's/buttons)
wanam (15 toogle mod for jb. thx)
raffaele88 (blue text and some bg's in playstore)
scheichuwe (support)
Dr. No (it's a pleasure to work with you)
Masta Gee (amazing --> CRT OFF for JB)
BTK12 (for Expanded bg)
Marcel2909 (for some icons in my addons- some users like them)
cybermessiah (themed whatsapp)
xda (best english board for android)
android-hilfe (best german board for android)
all other which i forgot to add in my credits.
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