[Mod][Source]Do it yourself - SystemUI - Quicksetting - Background

  • 1.865 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Bis zum recompilen klappt alles wunderbar. Dann spuckt er ziemlich viel aus.

c:\apktool>java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Christian\apktool\framework\1.apk

c:\apktool>java -jar apktool.jar d SystemUI.apk
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Christian\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values*/* XMLs...
I: Done.
I: Copying assets and libs...

c:\apktool>java -jar apktool.jar b SystemUI
W: Could not find sources
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
aapt: warning: string 'abbrev_wday_abbrev_month_day_no_year' has no default tran
slation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'abbrev_wday_day_abbrev_month_no_year' has no default tran
slation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'abbrev_wday_month_day_no_year' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'abbrev_wday_month_day_year' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'am' has no default translation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res
; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_friday' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_monday' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_saturday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_sunday' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_thursday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_tuesday' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_wednesday' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_friday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_monday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_saturday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_sunday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_thursday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_tuesday' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_wednesday' has no default translation
in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_friday' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_monday' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_saturday' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_sunday' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_thursday' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_tuesday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_wednesday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_friday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_monday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_saturday' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_sunday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_thursday' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_tuesday' has no default translation
in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_wednesday' has no default translatio
n in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'full_wday_month_day_no_year' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_april' has no default translation in c:\apktoo
l\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_august' has no default translation in c:\apkto
ol\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_december' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_february' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_january' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_july' has no default translation in c:\apktool
\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_june' has no default translation in c:\apktool
\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_march' has no default translation in c:\apktoo
l\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_may' has no default translation in c:\apktool\
SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_november' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_october' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_september' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_april' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_august' has no default translation
in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_december' has no default translatio
n in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_february' has no default translatio
n in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_january' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_july' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_june' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_march' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_may' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_november' has no default translatio
n in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_october' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_september' has no default translati
on in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_april' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_august' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_december' has no default translation in c:\a
pktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_february' has no default translation in c:\a
pktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_january' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_july' has no default translation in c:\apkto
ol\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_june' has no default translation in c:\apkto
ol\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_march' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_may' has no default translation in c:\apktoo
l\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_november' has no default translation in c:\a
pktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_october' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_september' has no default translation in c:\
apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_april' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_august' has no default translation in c:\a
pktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_december' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_february' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_january' has no default translation in c:\
apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_july' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_june' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_march' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_may' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_november' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_october' has no default translation in c:\
apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_september' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'pm' has no default translation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res
; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'today' has no default translation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\
res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'tomorrow' has no default translation in c:\apktool\System
UI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'twelve_hour_time_format' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'yesterday' has no default translation in c:\apktool\Syste
mUI\res; found: mk
I: Building apk file...


Die SystemUI.apk ist anschließend 1,3MB groß. Habe alles nach dieser Anleitung gemacht!
Die translation fehler kannst getrost ignorieren.

EDIT: Was mir noch einfällt... Hast du ne ODEX oder DEODEX Rom drauf ? Wenn ODEX ist das alles etwas anders und schwieriger. Da weiß ich leider nicht was du da machen musst.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
@pimppanse, das sind alles nur translations.
Die kannste getrost ignorieren!

Edit: Sorry zu spät!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
Stimmt... Zu wissen ob deine Rom odexed ist wäre wichtig zu wissen ;)

Aber die normalen resources sind doch auch bei odexed ganz normal da? Betrifft das nicht nur den smali Kram?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
Glaube ODEX. Buildnummer ist JZ054K.I9300XXEMR2. Das Gerät wurde nur gerootet und mit dem Boeffla Kernel versehen.
Wie gesagt wie das bei ODEX ist weiß nicht. Aber den Fehler das es nur schwarz ist lese ich immer wieder bei den Leuten die ODEX haben.
Eventuell wäre es noch gut zu wissen wie er die systemui wieder einbindet ?
Macht er es mit rootexplorer und setzt die rechte neu und starte neu ?
Oder durch eine flashable Zip die eventuell von einer DEODEX kommt und eventuell stören dort die classes.dex ? Aber will jetzt nicht zuviel sagen, nicht das alles falsch ist ^^
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
Darktrooper schrieb:
Macht er es mit rootexplorer und setzt die rechte neu und starte neu ?

So hab ich es gemacht. Wie gesagt, nach dem Neustart ist der Hintergrund im Homescreen schwarz.
Gerade gemacht. Habe auch diesmal eine identisch große UnsignedSystemUI.apk vom AppManager ausgespuckt bekommen. Diese umbenannt in SystemUI.apk, dann die alte auf dem Handy ersetzt und neugestartet. Leider das gleiche Problem. Statusleiste ist zwar transparent, nur im Homebildschirm bleibt der Hintergrund schwarz (und das System läuft auch sehr unflüssig).
Kannst du denn dein Hintergrund Bild mal neu auswählen und schauen ob es dann erscheint? Berechtigungen auch angepasst?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
orangerot. schrieb:
Kannst du denn dein Hintergrund Bild mal neu auswählen und schauen ob es dann erscheint?
Habe ich gemacht, passiert nichts. Was meinst du mit Berechtigungen? Da habe ich nichts geändert.
Die Müssen Geändert werden damit es klappt.. Und zwar in - r-w-r--r--
Normalerweise einfach lang auf die SystemUi.apk drücken (im root explorer) und dann auf permissions und die wie oben beschrieben einstellen ;)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
Besten Dank für eure Hilfe, die Rechte der SystemUI.apk habe ich nun wie die anderen Apps dort auch mit rw-r--r-- versehen, aber selbst das hat nicht funktioniert. Hintergrund im Homebildschirm bleibt schwarz. :sad:
Schau mal hier... Da ist der Unterschied bei DEODEX und ODEX gut beschrieben.
Am einfachsten wird es wohl sein das du eine DEODEX installierst.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
Also als erstes ist es mal egal ob odexed oder deodexed ist da nur xmls betroffen sind und die Änderung nichts mit den smalis zu tun haben.

Dann würde ich nicht sagen das die Übersetzung Fehler zu ignorieren sind denn Fakt ist es muss nur ein Bild vergessen sein und man bekommt auch schon Übersetzung Fehler. Und wenn alles richtig gemacht wäre würde es keine Fehler geben. Also alles kontrollieren.

Falsche framework-res.apk könnte der Grund auch sein

Ach genau was die rechte angeht die sind total egal bei dem Problem wenn der BG schwarz bleibt hat damit definitiv nichts zu tun

Greetz Dr.No von unterwegs
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
Besten Dank. Muss ich denn noch irgendwas mit der framework-res.apk machen ? Dachte die benötigt man nur um die SystemUI zu decompilieren. Mit der habe ich sonst nichts gemacht.

Habe auch mal zum anschauen meine decompilierte SystemUI hochgeladen (transparente Statusleiste noch nicht eingestellt).


  • SystemUI.apk.zip
    1,4 MB · Aufrufe: 73
pimppanse schrieb:
Habe das ganze mit apktool gemacht. Die framework-res.apk war auch im Ordner, daran lag es nicht).

pimppanse schrieb:
Besten Dank. Muss ich denn noch irgendwas mit der framework-res.apk machen ? Dachte die benötigt man nur um die SystemUI zu decompilieren. Mit der habe ich sonst nichts gemacht.
im selben ordner zu sein ist zu wenig (+auch nicht nötig).

nötig ist allerdings eine verweis, welche framework bzw. twframework verwendet werden soll.

nimm also die framework-res.apk + twframework-res.apk deiner firmware und kopier sie in den ordner, in welchem apktool.jar liegt.

dann startest du eine kommandozeile (cmd.exe) genau dort, wo deine files jetzt liegen und gibst folgendes ein:

java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk
enter drücken

dann noch
java -jar apktool.jar if twframework-res.apk
wieder enter

jetzt sollte es klappen
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pimppanse
Habe es gerade mal versucht. Hat leider auch nichts gebracht, Hintergrund im Home Bildschirm kann nicht geändert werden und bleibt schwarz. System läuft auch sehr unstabil, als ob was fehlen würde. Hier der cmd Log:

c:\apktool>java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Christian\apktool\framework\1.apk

c:\apktool>java -jar apktool.jar if twframework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Christian\apktool\framework\2.apk

c:\apktool>java -jar apktool.jar d SystemUI.apk
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Christian\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values*/* XMLs...
I: Done.
I: Copying assets and libs...

c:\apktool>java -jar apktool.jar b SystemUI
W: Could not find sources
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
aapt: warning: string 'abbrev_wday_abbrev_month_day_no_year' has no default tran
slation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'abbrev_wday_day_abbrev_month_no_year' has no default tran
slation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'abbrev_wday_month_day_no_year' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'abbrev_wday_month_day_year' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'am' has no default translation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res
; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_friday' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_monday' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_saturday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_sunday' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_thursday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_tuesday' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_wednesday' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_friday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_monday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_saturday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_sunday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_thursday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_tuesday' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_medium_wednesday' has no default translation
in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_friday' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_monday' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_saturday' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_sunday' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_thursday' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_tuesday' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_short_wednesday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_friday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_monday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_saturday' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_sunday' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_thursday' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_tuesday' has no default translation
in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_shortest_wednesday' has no default translatio
n in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'full_wday_month_day_no_year' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_april' has no default translation in c:\apktoo
l\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_august' has no default translation in c:\apkto
ol\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_december' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_february' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_january' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_july' has no default translation in c:\apktool
\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_june' has no default translation in c:\apktool
\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_march' has no default translation in c:\apktoo
l\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_may' has no default translation in c:\apktool\
SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_november' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_october' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_september' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_april' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_august' has no default translation
in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_december' has no default translatio
n in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_february' has no default translatio
n in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_january' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_july' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_june' has no default translation in
 c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_march' has no default translation i
n c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_may' has no default translation in
c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_november' has no default translatio
n in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_october' has no default translation
 in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_long_standalone_september' has no default translati
on in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_april' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_august' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_december' has no default translation in c:\a
pktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_february' has no default translation in c:\a
pktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_january' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_july' has no default translation in c:\apkto
ol\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_june' has no default translation in c:\apkto
ol\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_march' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_may' has no default translation in c:\apktoo
l\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_november' has no default translation in c:\a
pktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_october' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_medium_september' has no default translation in c:\
apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_april' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_august' has no default translation in c:\a
pktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_december' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_february' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_january' has no default translation in c:\
apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_july' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_june' has no default translation in c:\apk
tool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_march' has no default translation in c:\ap
ktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_may' has no default translation in c:\apkt
ool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_november' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_october' has no default translation in c:\
apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'month_shortest_september' has no default translation in c
:\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'pm' has no default translation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\res
; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'today' has no default translation in c:\apktool\SystemUI\
res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'tomorrow' has no default translation in c:\apktool\System
UI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'twelve_hour_time_format' has no default translation in c:
\apktool\SystemUI\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'yesterday' has no default translation in c:\apktool\Syste
mUI\res; found: mk
I: Building apk file...

Für mich sieht das aus wie eine komplette Grafik fehlt hatte ich auch Schon mal und bekam selbe Fehler angezeigt

Greetz Dr.No von unterwegs

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