Ambitioniertes Mitglied
- 25
Auf Basis von graffixnyc and labbe-´s MOD
Ich habe ein universelles Paket für jedes Galaxy S3 (INT, D2ATT, D2TMO, D2VZW and D2SPR)
erstellt welches ursprünglich für CM10 war, nun sollte dieser MOD auf jedem AOSP basierten Android 4.x
Rom laufen, es werden nur Keybinding Änderungen und ein Eintrag in der build.prop gemacht.
Bei Fragen oder Problem bitte im Original Thread auf XDA melden
Please don´t forget, when you use this mod that it can (should not but can) change how your system works so before you report rom related bugs in the rom developer thread, you should use the remove package to make sure the issue is not caused by the mod!
Confirmed to work on:
NAV_Only: none of the hardware keys are enabled (except Volume and Power)
NAV_HomeWake: Home button wakes device but has no other function
NAV_HomeCamera: Long press Home button opens Camera and takes Pictures but has no other function
NAV_StockKeys: Functions as normal but with on Screen Navbar
NAV_Remove: Removes the mod
Install Instructions:
- Boot into recovery
- make a Backup
- flash with CWM
- reboot
This should work on any device with the same keybindings:
In the this files:
Ich habe ein universelles Paket für jedes Galaxy S3 (INT, D2ATT, D2TMO, D2VZW and D2SPR)
erstellt welches ursprünglich für CM10 war, nun sollte dieser MOD auf jedem AOSP basierten Android 4.x
Rom laufen, es werden nur Keybinding Änderungen und ein Eintrag in der build.prop gemacht.
Bei Fragen oder Problem bitte im Original Thread auf XDA melden
Please don´t forget, when you use this mod that it can (should not but can) change how your system works so before you report rom related bugs in the rom developer thread, you should use the remove package to make sure the issue is not caused by the mod!
Confirmed to work on:
- CyanogenMod 10 Preview
- SlimICS
- Stock (with some glitches)
NAV_Only: none of the hardware keys are enabled (except Volume and Power)
NAV_HomeWake: Home button wakes device but has no other function
NAV_HomeCamera: Long press Home button opens Camera and takes Pictures but has no other function
NAV_StockKeys: Functions as normal but with on Screen Navbar
NAV_Remove: Removes the mod
Install Instructions:
- Boot into recovery
- make a Backup
- flash with CWM
- reboot
This should work on any device with the same keybindings:
key 172 HOME
key 158 BACK
key 139 MENU
In the this files:
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this Mod
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Hard. A lot.
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