- 5.404

Since there was lot of request regarding the ICS themed dialer with video call icon, I modified the contacts.apk with ICS themed retaining the theme of TURKBEY!
Flash using CMW. Incase if you loose phone or contacts icon, then search in app drawer and it will be available there!
no need for coffee or Beer, Just Thanks

I am working on other dialers...soon will update
Select flashupdate.zip in CWM and apply the file which you downloaded
Modified the ICON set to match with Turkbey Theme
Modified the background colour to blue gradient (looks cool)
Screenshots attached at the bottom of the POST!
Link: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
1. Turkbey Original Stock Dialer (Flashable Using CWM) - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
2. ICS Themed Dialer Flashbale Using CWM - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
3. Black+Blue Flashable Using CMW - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
4. 3D Dialer flashable using CWM - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
5. ICS Theme Dialer with Transparent - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
6.4seasons_Winter_Dialer - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
7. New Dialer and Phone from TURKBEY - Creator of this Dialer & Phone - Turkbeydialpad.zip
8. Modified phone - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (Only bug is , you cant end the call with button, instead to be done with end call text. will be rectified soon. Others things are working)
9. ICS themed dialer with big blue numbers and icon changed along with dropdown menu transparent- Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! _ works on XWKK5 and never tested on others but should work. Please report bugs
10. Sensation Dialer-Creator of dialer is Crysis21(Thanks to Him) and i have just added top bar with turkbey theme, changed icons in the call logs and also made top bar transparent in call logs along with dialer panel with transparency - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
MMS Mod with 5 themes
1. I have just modified the 5 themes of MMS.apk with the turkbey theme. Flash it using CWM. Once installed go to message->settings->message skin and select any option out of the 5 themes. Please make a backup of mms.apk in system/app in case if you want to revert back
Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
FOR ADD MODS, PLEASE VISIT TO "WELCOME TO THE SPACE ALIEN ULTIMATE COLLECTION" AT http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...47711&page=181
[NEW]-BLUE DROID EYE BOOT ANIMATION FOR TURKBEY - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
****TURKBEY**** For making such a beautiful ROM
Thanks to all those who created beautiful icons and i have modded to suit with TURKBEY!
Thanks to 4 seasons ROM developers for making winter & Autumn dialer icons!
Thanks to sileashnair for his Gyan
Thanks to crysis21 for mms.apk with 5 themes along with sensation dialer
Thanks to spacealien for making other mods to TURKBEY ROM!
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