Datenbank MIUI GB & V4 (ICS) - Themes - Bootanimation - Lookscreens - Fonts

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meizu-mx-revamped lockscreen

Iphone HD icons


Note: This file dont contains a .mtz installable. Are just .pngs icons with file name e.x: (cn.kuwo.player.png)
COLORFILL v1.0 Lockscreen

More info and download - HERE
Your Phone Your Way

MIUI allows you to customise your phone to your liking, from icons, to boot animation, you can modify it all. This is what make MIUI stand out from any other Android based rom on the internet, and it’s all done in real time, meaning you don’t have to mess around in recovery or reboot your phone.
Each month we will provide 2 themes we think your like, however their are loads more available within the theme application. To use these themes simple download them on your mobile phone, or copy them across and import via the theme manager application. Please ignore the Chinese text in some themes, as this will be automatically translated to English when installed on your handset.
New MIUI Official Lockscreen (Translated to English)

New MIUI Lockscreen with English Translation and Date improvement.
Download Now

Metal Wire by 1235


Download for Motorola resolutions – 854x
Download for LG, Samsung, HTC Models – 800x
ZK-BUUF Theme -2.3 by ZK3210


Download for All Devices
How to use the new lockscreen mtz:

1. Download the .mtz package (See attachment at bottom of news article)

2. Copy the theme .mtz file to your SD card in the following directory: MIUI/theme - then open the Theme management app and select to change the lockscreen style.

3. In the list of available themes select the lockscreen package and choose to apply it.

Take a look at the screenshots below for more detail of the lockscreen v4 theme. Good news is Pele our resident staff themer has also checked the compatibility of the theme on GB 2.3 devices and it seems to work well and is fully functional!

Dont take our word for it, give it a try and let us know what you think!

Download here at the bottom of the post (Updated to English, Includes Animation Bug Fix thanks to Pele Roberts our staff theme developer).

Just a note if you did download earlier and have the animation issue please get the one in the attached thread now
thanks. Attached Files:

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MIUI 2.3 Black Android Updated

This weeks update brings a major update to the lockscreen.

Taken from the newly preview of MIUI V4 Lockscreen, everything has been adjusted to fit Black Android whilst keeping intact the key features of the lockscreen.

Ability to preview calls and sms messages
New Music function and layout – Double tap lock icon to display music controls
Ability to unlock to homescreen, phone, sms and camera app directly from lockscreen

[MIUI V4 THEME] ICS Rob2 Minislim [BETA 0.965] [Changelog] [NEXT Update 12. April]

▼▼Theme für Miui v4▼▼

kleine Vorschau 28.März

Hier geht zur Vorschau

Die Statusbar bekomme ich langsam hin (wie in meinen vorigen Theme (muss mich bissel reinfucksen, erste test sehen vielversprechend aus)
BETA 0.8

Wenn bei euch die themes nicht komplett oder gar nicht gehen dann geht bitte wie folgt vor:

create a folder on "/data/system" called "theme" with full permissions

[Wenn das nicht hilft habt ihr leider ein port erwischt was nicht von offiziellen Geräten auf euer Handy geportet wurde. (denn es ist möglich)
Schade weil alle sich hier mühe geben und es sogar besser machen als andere ports, aber langsam bekommt es ein Muster das alle
Köche umspringen werden. Habe so ziemlich alle roms mal heruntergeladen und es mir angeschaut (was für ein traffic) (auch sehr viele von anderen Geräten
Paar Kumpels/Arbeitskollegen/Freunde damit genervt paar auszuprobieren) Da Miui v4 sich weiter entwickelt freut es mich dabei zuzuschauen das es langsam vorangeht .
An alle Köche der Rom's/Ports ihr macht das Klasse. Werde an meinem Theme weiter basteln mit jeder neuen miuiv4 Version gehen immer mehr Sachen (global für alle)

siehe hier Juppie
Noch nicht alles geändert bis Jetzt 933 Bildchen/symbole
doch jetzt etwas mehr geschafft

Phone 80%
Info Frame
Kontakt 95%
Settings 80%
bissel Framework 85%
popup's geändert
holo dark und holo light transparenter gestalltet (nicht ganz fertisch)
Cursor (blink blink tipp dingens) geändert sowie text Inhalt Frame
Datenverbrauchs dingens (lol wie schreib ich denn) die Auswahl na halt dingens (geht nicht anders Name entfallen) geändert
nja seht selbst viel geändert, man jedes teil zu erwähnen ist ja (hm Buch schreiben) zuviel

Da ich mein Handy (HTC HD2) auf 192 Dpi fahre, würde ich gern von euch hören ob es irgendwo Probleme gibt.
PS habt Bitte Nachsicht mit mir, es ist noch eine BETA

Wer das Samsung S II Hat sollte folgendes beachten…45192#post45192



▼▼28. MÄRZ▼▼
ICS Rob2 Minislim Privat 0.965: HABEN WOLLEN BUTTON Mirror ◄◄ Schrift Farben noch nicht optimal werde sie aber jetzt (29. März 14:43) ändern, drückt die daumen

Ältere Versionen


My Boot: DOWNLOAD MIRROR NEU (überarbeitet)◄◄

Mein Theme
3 Themes auf einen Streich!

MIUI Theme: Black Parade v0.5

Written by Raakaysh. Posted in Android, Android Themes
‘Black Parade V0.5′ is a colorful theme for MIUI 2.3 ROMs. It has been created by asura2012. The theme has beautiful icons, nice wallpapers base, colorful user interface and a stunning lockscreen that shows weather. Download this colorful theme from the link below. Note that to get weather on lockscreen, you will have to download and install a free app called Google News and Weather‘ from the Google Play Store.

How to Install

  1. Copy the .mtz theme file to SD Card/ MIUI/Themes folder on your device
  2. Then go to Settings> Themes and apply the theme you like.
  3. MIUI gives you the freedom to apply all or selected elements of a theme. For example, you could apply the icons of one theme, lockscreen from another theme, and so on.
  4. To do this go to Settings> Themes> Edit Theme, then select the element you want to change.
  5. If you device has MIUI v4, open the Theme app from the homescreen, and select Customize> and apply.
Download Now

Black Parade V0.5


MIUI Theme: Industrial

‘Industrial’ is a very nice theme by Bmeh for MIUI 2.3 GB ROMs. The theme has a beautiful animated lockscreen and matching icons. The Chinese credentials on the lockcreen have been translated to English. Download this theme from the link below and follow the instructions.
How to Install

  1. Copy the .mtz theme file to SD Card/ MIUI/Themes folder on your device
  2. Then go to Settings> Themes and apply the theme you like.
  3. MIUI gives you the freedom to apply all or selected elements of a theme. For example, you could apply the icons of one theme, lockscreen from another theme, and so on.
  4. To do this go to Settings> Themes> Edit Theme, then select the element you want to change.
  5. If you device has MIUI v4, open the Theme app from the homescreen, and select Customize> and apply.
Download Now


MIUI Theme: Love is in the Air

‘Love is in the Air’ is a romantic theme for MIUI. The theme is originally designed bu a Chinese theme maker. Various texts through out the theme, especially on the lockscreen were in Chinese which has been translated in English by me. The theme is quite beautiful with Heart Bubble icons and animated flying bubbles on the lockscreen. ’Love is in the Air’ is rather a very lite theme, just 2 MB in size, and contains only six components. All credits to the original artist whose name I do not know. If you have a heart full of love, you will certainly like it. Get this theme from the link below.
Download Now


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MIUI v4 Theme: New FeelingsMIUI v4 Theme: Concept ICS.1.4MIUI v4 Theme: Elite Pro HD v3.9MIUI 4.0 Theme (for 2.3 GingerBread ROMs)MIUI v4 Theme: YouEye v9 & v10 by Zorsha Design
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[THEME] [BETA6] MIUI v4 Dark Blue [05/13/12] [MIUI 2.5.11]

Alrighty, I think I'm finally ready for an "open beta" test. This theme is NOT finished, so keep that in mind while using it. It's probably about 90% - there are some issues with dark text on a dark bg and possibly bits of orange here and there.

So, here's the download link, v4darkbluebeta6.mtz and let me know what you think!
My Mirror: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
(qr code? lol:

***You may need to reboot for some things like the power menu and volume slider bg to change.***

These are some screenshots for my older versions, some things have changed.


Last edited by blind; Yesterday (18.05.12) at 10:03 PM.

MIUIv4 Dark Theme

Okay so I have been Contemplating on whether or not to start a Dark Theme for MIUIv4 as I have heard rumours that MIUI were in the midst of developing one themselves but I heard that around mid-January and its now March so I thought I may start development on it as the White theme for MIUIv4 doesn't really suit my needs. As of right now the "Theme_values.xml" aren't applying so I can't change the text to white where necessary. But that doesn't mean I can't start creating all the necessary changes elsewhere to create a dark theme and then once the "Theme_values.xml" are applying it will only be a case of setting those up and applying them.

It will most likely being a Dark and Grey theme so all the Orange will be Grey. I may in the near future do other colours to suit other peoples needs. I will keep you all updated on the Progress. Hopefully I can get this done soon as I have quite a lot of free time. If anyone wants to help on setting all the "Theme_values.xml" to the right codes that would be grateful as I'm not the best at that.

Look forward to working with you all!

MMS - Converted most of the necessary Png's to suit a dark theme, still needs work though.
Framework-Miui - Converted most Png's to suit the theme.
Framwork-Res - Converted most Png's to suit the theme.
Lockscreen - 3/4 done with the Official lockscreen for the theme.
Icons - Custom Icons may be included, but at first Signa icons will be included within release.

As most of the Theme issues have been resolved regarding MIUI I can start work on this again, what am doing it completing each app one step at a time. So today I've been working with the MMS app till it suited what I thought was an appropriate standard.


More to come.

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Falls wer das darkblue theme schon gezogen hat, kann er es bitte nochmal wo anders hochladen, weil bei mir funzt der mediafire link nicht

Send with my Galaxy s running MIUI V4
Auf MIUI V4 Themes Aktualisiert





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