[Theme] Beyond the ocean

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Hi Katsuru - I just had a look into your very nice theme, but since it was relatively slow, I looked into some of your apks, especially the framework. What is obvious, that your framework-res is very large with 6.25MB compared to the 2.1 default 3.87MB or my Blacksun, which only has 3.47MB. Since TechBlue I realized, that especially the size of the framework has a very large impact on the general speed of the phone, since the framework is involved in most app processes in Android. I quickly eliminated a few obsolete pngs, which brought the size down by 500kb (which already helps), but why do you have all these semc png``s in your framework-res? They usually don``t belong in a framework-res, but maybe you have a reason for that. They certainly are also part of the reason, why the file is so large. Another seems the fairly average compression rate, so I trust you did not use the default 2.1 as a starting point, but another theme, which already had these compression issues.

Would be great to get some feedback, since we always can learn from each other. Following your shrinked framework-res (minus 0.5MB).

  • Danke
Reaktionen: katsuru
thank you for the reply, i noticed the large size of my Framework, and was about to compress the PNGs in order to get a smaller file, by the time i had this planned, my milestone died and i had to send it to warranty, so i had nothing that pulled to work on the theme =). This framework is the default one from Ocean3 theme, the first theme released here with Xperia x10 looks, i only worked on pngs and 9.pngs, i have no idea where all those other pngs come from, maybe from Xperia system?, i dont know ;).

I will include your Framework on a soon release of a newer version of my theme. Thank you
Ok - that`s what I thought, so I now really removed everything, that does not belong to the Milestone - et voila - the framework now came down from 6.25 MB to 4.32MB. This is still not a "slim waist", but something completely different compared to the previous version ;)

Now the performance significantly improved - I will now finally check it on my MS, since you can`t at the moment. The only XML that was changed as I can see it, was the statusbar. In any case I would contact the original dev, was it ireality or DroidDoes, so maybe they had a reason for all these extra pngs.

EDIT: Test so far is fine, the system now is more responsive and also XML`s are correct for the these. This is the new framework-res - now with 4.32MB - maybe some of your guys can do a longer "stress test", so in any case there can`t be any serious issues. Good luck with your new MS ;)

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Hier auf dem Bild ist der Market Blau aber bei mir ist der Grün??
Weiß jemand wieso?

Und hier auf dem Bild ist das Lautlos Symbol rötlich bei mir ist es aber wie normal
okanx2 schrieb:
Hier auf dem Bild ist der Market Blau aber bei mir ist der Grün??
Weiß jemand wieso?

Und hier auf dem Bild ist das Lautlos Symbol rötlich bei mir ist es aber wie normal


Market hat ein neu update bekommen vor 3 oder 4 wochen, Android market benuzt jetzt ein andere apk und nicht mehr "Vending.apk" von System/app, deswegen hat market default farben :)

Bei anschalten von Lautlos muss das Icon rot werden, wenn du nicht anschaltest dann ist das icon grau.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: okanx2
katsuru schrieb:
Market hat ein neu update bekommen vor 3 oder 4 wochen, Android market benuzt jetzt ein andere apk und nicht mehr "Vending.apk" von System/app, deswegen hat market default farben :)

Gibts eine möglichkeit das wieder in Blau zu bekommen?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: okanx2
Does this beautiful theme work on 02.36??
Po0yAn schrieb:
Does this beautiful theme work on 02.36??

Hello mate,

I am affraid not, i droped the theme while back, i am working at the moment on a Desire Blue.

If any1 wants to port the theme to .36, i have nothing against it ;)

Just at the moment i have no time to go back to work on this one.

Best regards
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Po0yAn
ich kann mich nicht anmelden. :s
ich gebe meinen pin ein & denn ernscheint ein pop-up "muster vergessen ?"
er laedt & laedt & laedt.
aber passiert nix. :s

edit: fehler entdeckt. geht nur mit .34. hab' aber .36. muss ich halt nochmal downgraden.
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