[Theme] Beyond the ocean

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Kann das an der com.android.vending.apk liegen, die unter data/apps liegt? Mein Markt ist seit gestern auch wieder grün (hab eigentlich tech blue drauf).
scheichuwe schrieb:
Kann das an der com.android.vending.apk liegen, die unter data/apps liegt? Mein Markt ist seit gestern auch wieder grün (hab eigentlich tech blue drauf).

hum gute frage, jetzt habe ich das updated weg gemacht, kann nicht mehr sagen wo es liegt :(

Ist wieder grün! und ich habe auch das gleiche .apk da, ich werde es gucken und versuchen zum ändern
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Beyond the Ocean Official release v1


- Fixed a Default wallpaper bug.
- All popups are transparent blue
- Swapping between screens now shows a Blue/Gray dot instead of the red one
- Alarmclock popup when snoozing or dismissing alarm changed to transparent blue
- MAJOR fixes to some 9.png´s where i made a few mistakes in the past.
* Popup 9.png are now closer to the borders, avoiding cuts on the content
* Google Search widget when pressed doesn't scale "pixalized"! anymore
- White color on the Notifications for the notification bar.
- Home++ Removed from the theme ( will be available as a Optional download )
- On going bar with shine effect
- Activity bar with shine effect

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If you like my work, a simple "thank you" will be enough to keep it alive!
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: okanx2, Canök und Scorpio75
Es liegt am Market Update, da die com.android.vending.apk auch noch in der data/app liegt - eigenartigerweise haben noch nicht alle das market update erhalten.
Canök;292580 schrieb:

You want me to change the icons to match the vibrate function or to release a version of my theme with that mod? if it is just the icons, i will release a modified framework-res to fit your needs... shouldn't take long to do it, as i have time today.

Do you have any special wish regarding the icons?
new screeshots on the first post.

coming soon, helixlauncher2 modded:D:D:D:D


  • snap20100502_212724.png
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Ok Thx :)
I will wait.
Ok, done it.

unzip the file into your sdcard, with rootexplorer set permissions ( becarful, if you do not set permissions your phone will semi-brick, means it will not boot! ), then copy to /system/framework ( apply Read/write )


Unzip the file, copy/paste into the beyondtheocean script folder system/framework. Copy the new files into your sdcard. Run the script as usual.

Please post a screenshot if you dont mind, i just wan't to see how it looks

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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Burny
Hey will do a screenshot after school.
Here it is :)
Looks nice.


  • snap20100503_164057.png
    69 KB · Aufrufe: 187
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Burny
You like it mate?? I used another icon for the vibration, and adjusted a little the color of the lock bar icon, if you don't like something, please tell me and I will try to adjust it to your likings ;)
No i like it :)
What are you planing to do in future with your themes?
Maybe the same theme in red would be nice?
Canök;293952 schrieb:
No i like it :)
What are you planing to do in future with your themes?
Maybe the same theme in red would be nice?

Awesome! if you wanna request any other changes on the theme, i will be pleased to work with you on it! ;)

My next theme will be a port from another theme, it consists in GOLD colors only, i will call it GoldenEye :o
wenn the slider is open, the unlockmenu is going in to the landscape modus and there is still the old "mute" icon not the new"vibrate" icon.
can you fix this?
Ouch, really forgot to change the landscape icons. Let me get home and I will fix it

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