[Theme] Beyond the ocean

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habe grad thyrus ein pn geschrieben, ich glaub er hat es geschafft, Schrift zum ändern, mal gucken was er dazu sagt :D
Katsuru - there is the long way and a shortcut - why don`t you open the framework-res of a current theme (take my techblue) and copy all xml`s from different subfolders in your framework-res... then miracle`s happen.

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he_stheone64 schrieb:
Katsuru - there is the long way and a shortcut - why don`t you open the framework-res of a current theme (take my techblue) and copy all xml`s from different subfolders in your framework-res...
Because i want to keep the color scheme, and only change "notifications" color. For the Preparing SDcard, or New Email, or the SMS text that i just received.

If you tell me which file is the file i am looking for, i will do it gladly :D


Mine looks like that at the moment, the only change i have to make lays on the notifications, nothing else =/
Did you change any font colours so far? I could not see that? The xml`s do not interfere with your colour scheme (pics), in any case you can try this first with a back up copy of your framework-res - it last only a minute and then you test it.
he_stheone64 schrieb:
Did you change any font colours so far? I could not see that? The xml`s do not interfere with your colour scheme (pics), in any case you can try this first with a back up copy of your framework-res - it last only a minute and then you test it.

You mean the XMLs do not change any of my text colors? So why should i copy them? I am getting confused :D
I was talking about pics...so do you want to change the text below ongoing to white, am I correct?

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See the "new mail" is written in black... i tried to edit it with that tutorial you posted, but still ... it is black :(
xml`s are a long trial & error process... I know, tried that before and had succes, but more failures - you really need patience, but the Android PIT TUT generally works. By the way - the text for SMS, mails etc in my xml`s are white... The issue you would have is that your status bar backgound is bright - with my xml`s it should be dark to work correctly. But that could be an option, since a blue gradient would look very nice there.
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he_stheone64 schrieb:
xml`s are a long trial & error process... I know, tried that before and had succes, but more failures - you really need patience, but the Android PIT TUT generally works.

and Ticker should be the right one for that "new mail" text i just showed you right?
I haven`t tried that one yet, since that was white out of the box with my xml`s. I was lucky that I designed my themes in a way, that they worked with the all white xml`s I had. As I said before, I would change the png`s in that area to a dark or light blue.

status_bar_item_app_background_normal.9.png and status_bar_item_background_normal.9.png would do the job. Then use my xml`s and you are fine.
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he_stheone64 schrieb:
I haven`t tried that one yet, since that was white out of the box with my xml`s. I was lucky that I designed my themes in a way, that they worked with the all white xml`s I had. As I said before, I would change the png`s in that area to a dark or light blue.

That will be my LASSSST option :D until then i will fight till i get my white notifications ;)

Had my milestone bricked 2 times tonight, spent the whole night reading and working on .9.pngs... i guess i will release the theme as it is at the moment, and try to fix the color on a v2 + 10 .9.pngs which have a small bug that i discovered during this night as well :rolleyes:.. my life is like a loop at the moment haha :p
I know it, just started on a 3rd theme, but maintenaince of my first 2 is exhausting since there are always minor flaws to fix, some special wishes...
Got it ;D

They are white the notifications :)

Will release the theme later today.
theme ist fertig , v1 kommt bald, habe nur ein kleins problem, mein market icon ist GRÜN!!! aber mein vending.apk ist alles blau..... ich verstehe nicht warum auf einmal mein market grün ist. Muss nur das raus finden, und dann v1 kann released werden ;)
But you changed this "ic_launcher_androidmarket"?
he_stheone64 schrieb:
But you changed this "ic_launcher_androidmarket"?

Jop, ist immer noch das gleiche .apk von vorher! war immer blau, aber seit vorgestern oder so, ist grün geworden... auf einmal, habe nichts gemacht...

Hat android market vielleicht neue update oder so?
jooooop ist wieder blau, habe nur bei app manager das gemacht: " Unistall app updates " und jetzt ist wieder blau, das heißt iwie neue android market liehst .png von ein andere dir??

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