[Theme] Beyond the ocean

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Ok i am working now on the Launcher.apk, noticed yesterday that the landscape items still need to be worked, also will fix the red trashcan stripes issue.

I will make some more custom items, and release the v2 today :)
Released Beta v2


- New app drawer bars and icon
- New app drawer background to match the theme
- New delete bar with fog effect and new red Trashcan
- New status bar close on with "Beyond the Ocean" written in transparent
- New icons: Gmail/Gallery
- New Turn sound OFF bar, on the lock screen ( still need to be worked on )
- Changed some colors on the UI of certain apps

- Gallery 2.1

Download Here
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hi katsuru,

nice update - but I noticed you did not change the homescreen index icons for the launcher? how come? these are usually the first ones i change as they are not visually pleasing :)
Thyrus schrieb:
hi katsuru,

nice update - but I noticed you did not change the homescreen index icons for the launcher? how come? these are usually the first ones i change as they are not visually pleasing :)

Which ones do you mean?
Hi Katsuru,

very well done. Since I like your theme, but still have some kind of a love affair with my Helix, I adapted it to your theme. See screenshots and apk - I use the Helix as the original launcher replacement.

I also changed the settings.apk, since I never really liked the icons from ireality (but loved the background). They are too washed out and I also replaced the sync icon completely, since the resolution was really bad. I hope this helps for your theme too. I changed the gradients on all ON icons and reduced colour on all OFF icons (since the strong white was too much). Regarding icon size I`m not so sure, whether we should not go back to original size in the energy widget - anyway this is your theme ;)

Since so many here use Beautiful widgets I also adapted my latest Carbon Skin to your theme.








EDIT: smaller icon on settings (whatever someone prefers)

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he_stheone64 schrieb:
Hi Katsuru,

very well done. Since I like your theme, but still have some kind of a love affair with my Helix, I adapted it to your theme. See screenshots and apk - I use the Helix as the original launcher replacement.

I also changed the settings.apk, since I never really liked the icons from ireality (but loved the background). They are too washed out and I also replaced the sync icon completely, since the resolution was really bad. I hope this helps for your theme too. I changed the gradients on all ON icons and reduced colour on all OFF icons (since the strong white was too much). Regarding icon size I`m not so sure, whether we should not go back to original size in the energy widget - anyway this is your theme ;)

Since so many here use Beautiful widgets I also adapted my latest Carbon Skin to your theme.



http://dl.dropbox.com/u/348210/Beautiful Ocean.zip


Nice to see so many people making improvements on my theme :) really means something!

Yeah i know what you mean about the sync icon and the colors of the icons, the "Standby light" on the power management will also be modded to "whiteish" along with all the icons color ( some color that i didn't decide yet ), and also change the Icons maybe all maybe just a few!

About Helix, it is already on my Lists of what to do, but since this is my first adventure with android, i kinda need A LOT of time to do the things right, and photoshop ain't light as well at the moment, i am totally rusty with photoshop.

I will keep working on the theme "Heute nach Mittag" ;)

Some updates of what might be coming:

- New App drawer bars.. the ones i have now with Home++ arrow, do not look that good, i want something glassy and transparent i guess. Maybe some color changes on the theme.

Please some1 give me some help with Metamorph, i want to make this theme more accessible for everyone, and if someone has or knows how to get white color on the Notifications at the notification bar, please contact me ( Ex: New email shows black color, Preparing SD card also shows black, etc... )
kasturu - i would like to help regarding the "fonts", as this is exactly the problem i am now facing.

now, I am not sure I am 100% correct, but metamorph etc does not work with classex.dex based settings (and what you are trying to do, is in the services.jar).

That is a whole different ballgame than replacing pics in apps I have learned that the hard way :(

However, you can feel free to use any of the services.jar from the extisting themes

I have attached my services.jar for your convenience. (just -unzip as we cannot attache .jar files)


  • services.jar.zip
    516,6 KB · Aufrufe: 83
Thyrus schrieb:
kasturu - i would like to help regarding the "fonts", as this is exactly the problem i am now facing.

now, I am not sure I am 100% correct, but metamorph etc does not work with classex.dex based settings (and what you are trying to do, is in the services.jar).

That is a whole different ballgame than replacing pics in apps I have learned that the hard way :(

However, you can feel free to use any of the services.jar from the extisting themes

I have attached my services.jar for your convenience. (just -unzip as we cannot attache .jar files)

About metamorph i meant, i want to make an install so ppl dont need to copy all by hand, not change colors ;)

I know the colors are in service.jar, my thene has one attached with the text color passing good to all the displayed theme colors, but notifications are still black, i will take a look at the services jar myself ;)
Katsuru - if you want transparent app drawer, this makes no sense with the current wallpaper, since the bottom is very dark and unstructured. Transparent drawers only look nice, if there are pics or structure on the wall in that area. In this case the transparent drawer would look like a dark blue drawer.

EDIT: Just updated the app drawer (see above) - I made a northern light icon in Illustrator, which matches the theme quite nice and isn`t as bulky as my first version.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
he_stheone64 schrieb:
Katsuru - if you want transparent app drawer, this makes no sense with the current wallpaper, since the bottom is very dark and unstructured. Transparent drawers only look nice, if there are pics or structure on the wall in that area. In this case the transparent drawer would look like a dark blue drawer.

EDIT: Just updated the app drawer (see above) - I made a northern light icon in Illustrator, which matches the theme quite nice and isn`t as bulky as my first version.

The app drawer us dark blue just the button not, and by transparent i mean glassy semi transparent effect ( check glassStone theme by mattmaso ) ;)
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Beta v3 Released

here, i ended up changing the app drawer bars like i said. I came up with this, looks AWESOME on the device screen, maybe 10x better than in screenshots :rolleyes:

I love the effect i came up with, when pressed, the bar glows white with blur all around, when normal, the bar has semi transparency, the delete bar glows with with blur, and blurs more when the item touches the bar, stunning effect! Plenty of eye candy coming up! :)




- New app drawer bars/ delete bars.
- New icon for SMS.
- New designs/colors on the framework-res.
- New designs/colors for SMS.
- New designs/colors for Phone.
- New designs/colors for Contacts

Download Here
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Burny
So where is it :) :) cause as you say i am sure the pics dont do it justice :)
i will pack it all together on a v3 beta, just looking into the contacts apk ;)
Beta v3 released. Post above edited with download link! :) Have fun!
sorry guys, i wanted to post some more stuff today but unfortunately i couldn't. i just came home and i have to go away again. maybe during the night i will work on something.
Beyond the Ocean Rc Released.



Small color adjustments.
New color for Android Head for unknown contacts when recieving a call.
Some "bugs" with the UI fixed.


Music Player 2.1
Google Maps with Google Navigation Turn by turn v4 ( Google maps is unstable with Fw2.1 on milestone, at least my version, i will look into it in the next couple releases )

Coming next:

New notification bar close on.
Border between app drawer button and app drawer.
Metamorph install.

Download the Beyond the Ocean RC Here
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Burny
Is it possible to install your theme like the GlassStone Script? When i want to install this theme i only have to type "cd c/sdk/tools", after that "sdcard/galssstonescript.sh" and its ready. I think this way is much easier ;)
ChrisDroid schrieb:
Is it possible to install your theme like the GlassStone Script? When i want to install this theme i only have to type "cd c/sdk/tools", after that "sdcard/galssstonescript.sh" and its ready. I think this way is much easier ;)

i still do not know how to make that, but for sure i will talk to mattmaso about metamorph at least, it is also easy ;)
you can take my script from the glassstone theme for 2.1 ;)
you only have to change the files and direktoris for you theme ^^ ist realy easy to do this, just take a look at the script ;)
if any problems, just send me a pn

sorry for my english ;) but i don't trust google translate :D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: katsuru

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