[Theme] Beyond the ocean

  • 153 Antworten
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ah, okay.. it was home++.. dont want to use home++ anymore ;) i will wait for a helix-port ;)
sandimann schrieb:
ah, okay.. it was home++.. dont want to use home++ anymore ;) i will wait for a helix-port ;)

I will start working on Helix tomorrow, now i have not that much time, i am just gona watch a movie with my Frau ( xD ) and go to sleep. :D
Good news for you mate, i made it myself, also changed a couple of stuff, the bar now when pressed shows white stripes instead of the teal strips ( light blue ), the delete is now a Red trashcan, and i am trying to make a white fetter effect for the delete with gray stripes. I am pretty sure this will be done tomorrow by the end of the day, you had luck, i can't sleep, so i am working on the theme ;)

here some screens of what i came up with, the white fether effect is done, still need to fix something with the red trashcan, i hope you enjoy, looks REALLY NICE on the theme, i will upload it tomorrow together with couple more changes on the theme, releasing beta v2 tomorrow :)

Click for bigger Screenshots <- Here


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi all,

the link above to the screenshots is incorrect, this is the correct one :)

ImageShack Album - 4 images

also, in the meantime, I have adapted the launcher to fit my Theme, and tamed down some of the visuals, and also used a new screen selector icon, no box, and blue instead of red with mild transparency. Also adapted tge app launcher baground when opened as the blue was a little too blue :). feel free to use it until you get a new version from katsuru.

PS: I also took all the background pics out to make it slimmer. So you might habe to add it back in (attached in zip)


  • CAP201004131110.jpg
    69,5 KB · Aufrufe: 283
  • CAP201004131111.jpg
    71 KB · Aufrufe: 386
  • Launcher.apk
    530,6 KB · Aufrufe: 162
  • background.zip
    862,5 KB · Aufrufe: 100
I'm sorry but without a credit card i cannot download the rootexplorer so i could not make a video about this theme :( When i installed your theme first time i used android mate to copy the apps and the framework-res, services.jar into the system folder. But after flashing to 2.0.1 it dindt work...

Is there another app i could use?
just use a terminal (like better terminal or connectbot)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: ChrisDroid
or push it with adb and after this connect to your phone via adb shell and change the permissions manually (su, chmod 644 *.apk)
I'm not able to run adb shell, i used the instructions which i found in this forum
([How To] ADBRecovery und ADB shell etc. )

I installed the Android SDK und i copied the adbrecovery files into my sdcard. Then i started cmd and now what to do? The instructions says that i have to open the direction Android-SDK --> Tools but how? As a standart window or in cmd? When i type in cmd "adb shell" it says: Der Befehl "adb" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nich gefunden werden.

I connected my Milestone with my PC, before i started the stone into the bootloader modus und apply the update.zip.
Then the displays is black and i cannot idetify what my stone says.

My english isnt very well :D
Thyrus schrieb:
Hi all,

the link above to the screenshots is incorrect, this is the correct one :)

ImageShack Album - 4 images

also, in the meantime, I have adapted the launcher to fit my Theme, and tamed down some of the visuals, and also used a new screen selector icon, no box, and blue instead of red with mild transparency. Also adapted tge app launcher baground when opened as the blue was a little too blue :). feel free to use it until you get a new version from katsuru.

PS: I also took all the background pics out to make it slimmer. So you might habe to add it back in (attached in zip)

did you try a semi-transparent effect on the apps drawer background?
hi katsuru,

No, my background of the app drawer is "solid dark blue (so blue it is almost black)", I dont like the semi transparency in the app drawer (never did, never will:) only in the notification bar :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
ChrisDroid schrieb:
I'm not able to run adb shell, i used the instructions which i found in this forum
([How To] ADBRecovery und ADB shell etc. )

I installed the Android SDK und i copied the adbrecovery files into my sdcard. Then i started cmd and now what to do? The instructions says that i have to open the direction Android-SDK --> Tools but how? As a standart window or in cmd? When i type in cmd "adb shell" it says: Der Befehl "adb" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nich gefunden werden.

I connected my Milestone with my PC, before i started the stone into the bootloader modus und apply the update.zip.
Then the displays is black and i cannot idetify what my stone says.

My english isnt very well :D

Download android SDK, download the plugins on the SDK, place SDK folder in c:/ to make it easy.

Now open cmd, type "cd c:/sdk/tools" ( SDK is the name of SDK folder, yours can have another one )

After that type "adb devices" and make sure your milestone shows up, if not, you need the USB drivers from motorola, and turn the USB debugging mode in your device "settings -> Applications -> Development"
  • Danke
Reaktionen: ChrisDroid
Thyrus schrieb:
hi katsuru,

No, my background of the app drawer is "solid dark blue", I dont like the semi transparency in the app drawer (never did, never will:) only in the notification bar :)
Ok, i tried with Home++ but seems the XML files are not ready for it, it shows Solid color, didn't try with this launcher yet, i will as well change the apps drawer backgroung color, that blue doesn't fit my theme that good :D
I will try it ;)
Is it necessary to turn the stone into debugging mode?
katsuru, feel free to use some of the pngs from my launcher.apk as a baseline
  • Danke
Reaktionen: katsuru
And the Jedi said, well done young Padawan!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: katsuru
I guess you meant katsuru, but I think this may also be applicable to me.

Aleks - I need your help whenever you have time to fix some white font (or give me pointers) :)
Well I pointed both of you ^^

Sure mate, just hit me with the problem

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