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I'm working step by step with the framework-res.apk. Using Winrar I was able to change the png files from the original to the black status bar and it worked.
I will mod other things now and will keep you updated.
It seems pretty straight forward, don't know why I had problems. Maybe other files from the theme scripts around.

EDIT: copied many png from the framework-res.apk over my original one using WinRar. This worked fine, but as soon as I copy the Services.jar file all the applications fail at boot, looping until Android crashes and reboot itself.
I don't know if it a defective PNG in the 3.2.2 Black Theme because I didn't copy all PNG. I copied many, but not all.
At this point I have the black statusbar, the green icons. The only thing missing is the white text. How can I mod an original one to get this.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
How do you like the mix ?

Screen Captures attached.
One with white and other with black.


  • BlackStone1.png
    83,5 KB · Aufrufe: 198
  • BRMilestone2.01_LiveWall_Main.png
    93,7 KB · Aufrufe: 150
Hi Marc,

that sounds much better then before. And it works, nice. So u can mod your own style like u want, perfect.
I think you had problems because in the european framework-res.apk /res/ drawable-hdpi folder are about 666 files an in yours there only 663. I don'nt know if it's correct, but maybe thats a cause.

It looks good and it's your own style :). So I don't need to do anything more :D. Make sure, that u have now a black font in the notification bar. U have to take the services.jar from Lukes Mod.

And then there're some xml files in the framework-res.apk that includes the information about white font:


Maybe u have to take this ones. Try it ;)
Good luck & greetz

  • Danke
Reaktionen: mcpdigital
Hallo zusammen.

Mal zwei Dinge, ich konnte nie Maps länger auf dem Milestone Black behalten, nachdem ich es installiert hatte (aus dem Market) wurde es nach einer Weile wieder gelöscht. Das Icon ist dann "verschwunden" (es wurde dann zum Standard-Icon). Gibt es da Abhilfe?

Ich habe auf Version 3.3.0 geskript. Bei "Mache das System sexy..." ist er hängen geblieben. Jetzt bootet es nicht mehr. Ist das schonmal passiert?

Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe
Ja, ein mal bisher. Auf Seite 17, letzter Post...
@Bandit & mcpdigital:
Yes, that was my idea too. I´m curious ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mcpdigital
Sorry, ich bin etwas ratlos, beim Einrichten von Home++ verschwindet oben die Notifikationsleiste....die würde ich natürlich gern sehen!!

Langer Druck auf den NotificationButton im Powerstrip von Home++ und die Statusbar kommt wieder ;)
Alternativ kann ich Dir Quick Start "Menü > Quick Start" empfehlen, das ist ne kleine Gebrauchsanweisung von Home++
Danke.....alles wieder da....!!!
Bandit schrieb:
Hi Marc,

that sounds much better then before. And it works, nice. So u can mod your own style like u want, perfect.
I think you had problems because in the european framework-res.apk /res/ drawable-hdpi folder are about 666 files an in yours there only 663. I don'nt know if it's correct, but maybe thats a cause.

It looks good and it's your own style :). So I don't need to do anything more :D. Make sure, that u have now a black font in the notification bar. U have to take the services.jar from Lukes Mod.

And then there're some xml files in the framework-res.apk that includes the information about white font:


Maybe u have to take this ones. Try it ;)
Good luck & greetz


Hey guys, everything fixed and working fine.
First I modded my own services.jar following another guide and finding the correct strings. The other ones available doesn't work, FC in all applications;
Closk is white now.
Then I went to other xml files and changed the font colors too.
Now its working 100%, no FCs, Delays or else. Its fast even with live walls.

Thank you for all the info and count on me if you need services.jar and framework-res.apk for Brazilian Milestones.
I will put the last screen as sson as I change some font colors from the opened status bar.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Here we go. Final version and the colors I need to change from this Bright green to Silver. It was done this way to make it easier to identify in the Binary. Now I know which one is the code for this font.
The other one is my first screen capture with stock 2.0.

And just to make it clear for Brazilian Milestones guys:
Services.jar alone over original framework crashes with FCs.
Framework-res.apk alone over original framework crashes with FCs.
Services.jar + Framework-res.apk over original crashes with FCs.

The only solution was to edit the original files using the Winrar method and using Hexedit in Windows to change the xml. The services is a bit harder because you need to use the sdk and other tools like smal and baksmali to change the classes.dex

Thanks and sorry for my misunderstandings. I don't speak Deutsche and use google to translate.



  • BlackStoneFinal.png
    61,3 KB · Aufrufe: 172
  • BlackStoneFonts.png
    35,5 KB · Aufrufe: 184
  • mymilestone.png
    57 KB · Aufrufe: 141
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
mcpdigital schrieb:
Hey guys, everything fixed and working fine.
First I modded my own services.jar following another guide and finding the correct strings. The other ones available doesn't work, FC in all applications;
Closk is white now.
Then I went to other xml files and changed the font colors too.
Now its working 100%, no FCs, Delays or else. Its fast even with live walls.

Thank you for all the info and count on me if you need services.jar and framework-res.apk for Brazilian Milestones.
I will put the last screen as sson as I change some font colors from the opened status bar.


Nice work. Which guide did u take to change the font colors?
Bandit schrieb:
Nice work. Which guide did u take to change the font colors?

There we go, Can someone help make Top Bar white text? - Android @ MoDaCo

The hardest part is there, the rest is just putting the pieces together.

Tell me about the notification bar. I thought the date over there came from WeatherWidgets as the temperature and thats why it was black. The other messages in the status bar are ok with the color I choose.


Yes, I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese but not Deutsche and the google translation that I use to understand Deutsche mess with my English posts and end changing it. Sorry to bother you skysat, just doing something to help.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
vieleicht sollte man einen "MILESTONE Black ONLY ENGLISH" Thread eröffnen!
Warum das? Kannste kein Englisch :D?
Find zu viele Threads zum gleichen Thema nicht unbedingt sinnvoll, auch wenn hier nen ein paar Posts in englisch sind.

Könnten ja zweisprachig schreiben, wenn sein muss :D:D
wenn hier ab und zu was in englisch steht stört mich nicht (ich verstehe google english) aber nach 3 Seiten selbes Thema hin und her glaubte ich mich in einem Chat zu befinden. :D
Nix für ungut aber mit dem eigenlichen

hat das ja nur noch am Rande zu tun.

... so wie dieses Post leider auch :(
Ja wurde mehr OT, aber passte schon irgendwie zum Thema, seine Probleme. Egal, ist gelöst, somit auch das OT. Denke damit sollte gut sein und sich nun wieder um schwarze Styles hier drehen ;)
Hallo und danke erstmal für das tolle Theme!

Ich hab es jetzt mit Metamorph installiert. Sonst hab ich auf meinem Stein noch das MCS drauf. Habe aber ein kleines Problem: Die Uhr und das Datum sind leider noch schwarz.

Wie kann ich das ändern?

Hi, vielen Dank :)
Damit die Uhr weiss wird muss noch die services.jar installiert werden. Wie sich das dann auf den MCS-Mod auswirkt, weiss ich nicht...
Einfach nur toll,

danke luke und auch danke für deine Hilfestellungen!


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