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Modifizierte Kamera des LG G2 mit einigen Änderungen gegenüber der Standard-Applikation (1080P @20MB/s und 720P @12MB/s).
Version 1:
1) Modified Camera.msm8970 for the Bettery Video Quality.
2) The Camera Now Shoots up faster than compared to Stock.
3) Increased the Image quality to 99 from 95 in Camera.msm8970
4) Increase The Video Bitrate of the Videos.
1080P Videos are now shot @ 30MB/s.
720P Videos are now shot @ 20MB/s.
5) Better Focusing as changes made in camera.msm8970.
Camera Mod V1
Version 2:
- Decreased the Max ISO to 1200 from 1600 (The More the ISO the more the noise in the pic)
- Decreased the ISO levels as such-
Note: It may show the Values of the ISO n settings as Such
ISO in Settings - ISO In Actual
1600 - 1200
800 - 650
400 - 310
200 - 200
100 - 100
Auto - Max in Auto (1200)
- Increased the sharpness from 90 to 95.
- Increased the JPEG Preview Quality to 99 from 90.
- Adjusted ISO to Max 200 For face Detection.
- Increased the Minimum FPS of the 1080P Video to 25 & Max to 40 FPS.
- Increased the Minimum FPS for60 FPS Video to 25.
- Many More Adjustments.
Camera Mod V2
Version 2.5:
- AntiBanding default set to]50Hz
- Exposure Compensation Decresed to -1
- Exposure Compensation Step Decresed to 0.1 from 1.24
- Focus Range adjusted.
- Tried to Fix Video FPS at night to atleast 25FPS. Failed
- Picture Sharpness Decreased to 85
Camera Mod V2
Version 2.5.1:
- Set FPS at 30 to 60 FPS Range.
- Set Exif Info details.
- Changed the YUV420 formats to YUV422. YUV420 are old formats.
- Decreased Maximum Exposure compensation to 15.
- Increased Minimum Exposure compensation to -15.
- Enhanced Smooth zoom.
Camera Mod V2.5.1
Version 2.5.2:
- Turned Edge Enhancement On.
- Turned Edge Enhance off. (Makes the night pics blurry)
- Changed Pic Decoder quality to 99.
- Changed Pic Encoder quality to 99.
- Decreased the Bit rates of the Videos as Follows:
1080@60 FPS : 20MB/s
1080@30 FPS : 15MB/s
720@30 FPS : 10MB/s
- Reason, No use of Increasing Bit Rate to Max because of -
1) Increased Size of the Video.
2) Cache Will Fill up so fast that Video wont be able to write on the Memory.
- Fixed the Low Light Video Lag.
- Changed the Default FPS to 30.
Camera Mod V2.5.2
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Original-Thread von Jishnu Sur auf XDA-Developers.com
Version 1:
1) Modified Camera.msm8970 for the Bettery Video Quality.
2) The Camera Now Shoots up faster than compared to Stock.
3) Increased the Image quality to 99 from 95 in Camera.msm8970
4) Increase The Video Bitrate of the Videos.
1080P Videos are now shot @ 30MB/s.
720P Videos are now shot @ 20MB/s.
5) Better Focusing as changes made in camera.msm8970.
Camera Mod V1
Version 2:
- Decreased the Max ISO to 1200 from 1600 (The More the ISO the more the noise in the pic)
- Decreased the ISO levels as such-
Note: It may show the Values of the ISO n settings as Such
ISO in Settings - ISO In Actual
1600 - 1200
800 - 650
400 - 310
200 - 200
100 - 100
Auto - Max in Auto (1200)
- Increased the sharpness from 90 to 95.
- Increased the JPEG Preview Quality to 99 from 90.
- Adjusted ISO to Max 200 For face Detection.
- Increased the Minimum FPS of the 1080P Video to 25 & Max to 40 FPS.
- Increased the Minimum FPS for60 FPS Video to 25.
- Many More Adjustments.
Camera Mod V2
Version 2.5:
- AntiBanding default set to]50Hz
- Exposure Compensation Decresed to -1
- Exposure Compensation Step Decresed to 0.1 from 1.24
- Focus Range adjusted.
- Tried to Fix Video FPS at night to atleast 25FPS. Failed
- Picture Sharpness Decreased to 85
Camera Mod V2
Version 2.5.1:
- Set FPS at 30 to 60 FPS Range.
- Set Exif Info details.
- Changed the YUV420 formats to YUV422. YUV420 are old formats.
- Decreased Maximum Exposure compensation to 15.
- Increased Minimum Exposure compensation to -15.
- Enhanced Smooth zoom.
Camera Mod V2.5.1
Version 2.5.2:
- Turned Edge Enhancement On.
- Turned Edge Enhance off. (Makes the night pics blurry)
- Changed Pic Decoder quality to 99.
- Changed Pic Encoder quality to 99.
- Decreased the Bit rates of the Videos as Follows:
1080@60 FPS : 20MB/s
1080@30 FPS : 15MB/s
720@30 FPS : 10MB/s
- Reason, No use of Increasing Bit Rate to Max because of -
1) Increased Size of the Video.
2) Cache Will Fill up so fast that Video wont be able to write on the Memory.
- Fixed the Low Light Video Lag.
- Changed the Default FPS to 30.
Camera Mod V2.5.2
Zurück zur Stock-Kamera:
Für Notfälle oder falls ihr keine Verbesserung feststellen könnt, einfach wieder die Stock-Kamera via Recovery flashen.
Download Stock
Original-Thread von Jishnu Sur auf XDA-Developers.com
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