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Dieser Kamera-Mod ist nur für das stock-rom oder auf stock-basierende roms geeignet.
Vorab sei gesagt, dass ich kein Experte auf diesem Gebiet bin. Die Kritik im xda-thread ist aber durchweg positiv und anscheinend stellt dieser mod eine erhebliche Verbesserung im Vergleich zur Stock Kamera dar. Ich persönlich kann nach ein paar Aufnahmen bisher sagen, dass die Focus-Geschwindigkeit bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen enorm verbessert wurde und der Auto-Focus bei Video-Aufnahmen besser fokussiert. Hoffe ihr macht ähnlich gute Erfahrungen.
Original xda-thread:[MOD] [CAMERA] [STOCK] Xdabbeb's Camera v1.3.1 CTE - xda-developers
2. FLASH BACKUP FILES (alle Dateien, die durch den Mod ersetzt werden,
werden auf der SD-Karte unter /sdcard/xdabbeb_camera_backup/
als Sicherung gespeichert.
Falls ihr den Mod rückgängig machen wollt, einfach RESTORE FILES aus dem oben genannten Ordner flashen.
Am besten mit TWRP flashen, da es unter CWM nicht getestet wurde...
Für jede Version gibt auch eine "quiete"-Variante, in der "Start/Stop" im Videomodus als auch "Focus-lock-sounds" lautlos sind.
Vorab sei gesagt, dass ich kein Experte auf diesem Gebiet bin. Die Kritik im xda-thread ist aber durchweg positiv und anscheinend stellt dieser mod eine erhebliche Verbesserung im Vergleich zur Stock Kamera dar. Ich persönlich kann nach ein paar Aufnahmen bisher sagen, dass die Focus-Geschwindigkeit bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen enorm verbessert wurde und der Auto-Focus bei Video-Aufnahmen besser fokussiert. Hoffe ihr macht ähnlich gute Erfahrungen.
Original xda-thread:[MOD] [CAMERA] [STOCK] Xdabbeb's Camera v1.3.1 CTE - xda-developers
Version 1.0.0:
Based on Stock LG 4.3.1 Camera apk and stock libraries
Will not interfere with other Camera apps performance
Improved low-light photo performance/flexibility
Night mode slowest shutter speed of 1/6
Normal mode slowest shutter speed of 1/10
IA mode slowest shutter speed of 1/15
Improved low-light photo focus speed
Increased low-light video framerates
lowest rate of 24fps (movie quality) when 30fps target rate is selected
lowest rate of 15fps when 60fps target rate is selected so user still has option of capturing video in very low-light
Disabled regional checks so shutter sound "off" option is available to everyone.
JPEG compression/quality at 97
Version 1.1.0:
NEW HDR Video Mode
Select it from the MODE menu while in video recorder
Doesn't do the over-saturated thing the HDR photo mode does, but does increase micro contrast in uneven lighting environments.
Will only work in 30fps target mode. If you are in 60fps mode it will kick you down when you select HDR Recording.
NEW 1600 ISO Mode
Now you can set an ISO of 1600 manually, giving the Normal mode even more flexibility
Combining these settings with the brightness slider you can achieve even more variety, and the shutter speed still won't drop below 1/10.
I may bump the shutter speed of Normal mode further in the next version due to the expanded range it now has to take photos in low-light.
NEW 60fps 720p Mode
Just select it from the size dropdown list in Video Recorder
You still have the option of 720p @ 24-30fps as well.
File names should now be the date stamp for everyone.
I'm still looking into IA mode saving on exit. The other method posted in this thread doesn't work.
There may have been some other things, but those are the big ones for now
There's also an alternate version available that silences the record start/stop and focus sounds
Version 1.1.1:
Normal mode photos taken at lowest shutter speed (1/10) slightly improved quality due to bypassed (and unnecessary) processing
EXIF info now present on Normal photos taken in all environments
Version 1.2.0:
If your stock ROM has a codebase of 10 (i.e. D80210B), use the CB10 version
CAF pumping/breathing significantly reduced for stable frames.
Minor image quality improvements across the board.
Version 1.3.0:
NEW Anti-shaking Video setting
Turn it on/off from the settings menu while in video recorder
This is just EIS that can be added to the existing OIS
I'm not sure how effective it is as I haven't played with it much yet, but it's there if you want to
Videos have been brightened up across the board, and the minimum fps went to 30 from 24...including 60fps target mode.
Noise reduction has been toned down for videos and in normal photo mode. Less blur, more noise. It's a tradeoff.
Other minor things I have forgotten about
Version 1.3.1:
Fix for graphics glitches in v1.3.0
New version of Gallery app included (nothing much new that I can see though)
Sprint users should now be able to use the volume key to take a photo. LG had yet another weird check.
Version 1.4.0:
Make sure you are starting from your rom's stock files before installing this one.
If you didn't make a backup, you'll have to find your rom's source files on your own.
Back to xxhdpi apk base
New version of Gallery app included
Should be no more instances of media scanning error
Should be more compatible across variants, but if you are having an issue with yours, please see the section below for steps to follow if you have a problem.
There is no "alt" version for this release.
Version 1.5.0:
NEW Camera will save last photo/video mode you were in (IA, HDR, Night, etc.)
See the section below for steps to follow if you have a problem before posting in the thread.
Version 1.6.0:
Slight bump in sharpness (most noticeable in low-light fine detail)
For those that have been asking for larger photo file sizes, I succumbed and put jpeg comp at its lowest level. Not sure how much of a difference it makes in image quality, however.
Further reduced post-proc in Normal photo mode
NR limited to chroma channel only now. This obviously means you will notice more luma noise at higher iso.
Photo pixel format changed to YUV422. In theory this means better quality photos, but I don't think it makes a huge difference. Can't hurt though!
Forced storage menu in settings
Based on Stock LG 4.3.1 Camera apk and stock libraries
Will not interfere with other Camera apps performance
Improved low-light photo performance/flexibility
Night mode slowest shutter speed of 1/6
Normal mode slowest shutter speed of 1/10
IA mode slowest shutter speed of 1/15
Improved low-light photo focus speed
Increased low-light video framerates
lowest rate of 24fps (movie quality) when 30fps target rate is selected
lowest rate of 15fps when 60fps target rate is selected so user still has option of capturing video in very low-light
Disabled regional checks so shutter sound "off" option is available to everyone.
JPEG compression/quality at 97
Version 1.1.0:
NEW HDR Video Mode
Select it from the MODE menu while in video recorder
Doesn't do the over-saturated thing the HDR photo mode does, but does increase micro contrast in uneven lighting environments.
Will only work in 30fps target mode. If you are in 60fps mode it will kick you down when you select HDR Recording.
NEW 1600 ISO Mode
Now you can set an ISO of 1600 manually, giving the Normal mode even more flexibility
Combining these settings with the brightness slider you can achieve even more variety, and the shutter speed still won't drop below 1/10.
I may bump the shutter speed of Normal mode further in the next version due to the expanded range it now has to take photos in low-light.
NEW 60fps 720p Mode
Just select it from the size dropdown list in Video Recorder
You still have the option of 720p @ 24-30fps as well.
File names should now be the date stamp for everyone.
I'm still looking into IA mode saving on exit. The other method posted in this thread doesn't work.
There may have been some other things, but those are the big ones for now
There's also an alternate version available that silences the record start/stop and focus sounds
Version 1.1.1:
Normal mode photos taken at lowest shutter speed (1/10) slightly improved quality due to bypassed (and unnecessary) processing
EXIF info now present on Normal photos taken in all environments
Version 1.2.0:
If your stock ROM has a codebase of 10 (i.e. D80210B), use the CB10 version
CAF pumping/breathing significantly reduced for stable frames.
Minor image quality improvements across the board.
Version 1.3.0:
NEW Anti-shaking Video setting
Turn it on/off from the settings menu while in video recorder
This is just EIS that can be added to the existing OIS
I'm not sure how effective it is as I haven't played with it much yet, but it's there if you want to
Videos have been brightened up across the board, and the minimum fps went to 30 from 24...including 60fps target mode.
Noise reduction has been toned down for videos and in normal photo mode. Less blur, more noise. It's a tradeoff.
Other minor things I have forgotten about
Version 1.3.1:
Fix for graphics glitches in v1.3.0
New version of Gallery app included (nothing much new that I can see though)
Sprint users should now be able to use the volume key to take a photo. LG had yet another weird check.
Version 1.4.0:
Make sure you are starting from your rom's stock files before installing this one.
If you didn't make a backup, you'll have to find your rom's source files on your own.
Back to xxhdpi apk base
New version of Gallery app included
Should be no more instances of media scanning error
Should be more compatible across variants, but if you are having an issue with yours, please see the section below for steps to follow if you have a problem.
There is no "alt" version for this release.
Version 1.5.0:
NEW Camera will save last photo/video mode you were in (IA, HDR, Night, etc.)
See the section below for steps to follow if you have a problem before posting in the thread.
Version 1.6.0:
Slight bump in sharpness (most noticeable in low-light fine detail)
For those that have been asking for larger photo file sizes, I succumbed and put jpeg comp at its lowest level. Not sure how much of a difference it makes in image quality, however.
Further reduced post-proc in Normal photo mode
NR limited to chroma channel only now. This obviously means you will notice more luma noise at higher iso.
Photo pixel format changed to YUV422. In theory this means better quality photos, but I don't think it makes a huge difference. Can't hurt though!
Forced storage menu in settings
2. FLASH BACKUP FILES (alle Dateien, die durch den Mod ersetzt werden,
werden auf der SD-Karte unter /sdcard/xdabbeb_camera_backup/
als Sicherung gespeichert.
Falls ihr den Mod rückgängig machen wollt, einfach RESTORE FILES aus dem oben genannten Ordner flashen.
Am besten mit TWRP flashen, da es unter CWM nicht getestet wurde...
Für jede Version gibt auch eine "quiete"-Variante, in der "Start/Stop" im Videomodus als auch "Focus-lock-sounds" lautlos sind.
xdabbeb's camera v1.0.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.1.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.1.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.1.1
xdabbeb's camera v1.1.1 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.2.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.2.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.2.0 - Codebase 10 test
xdabbeb's camera v1.2.0 - Codebase 10 test - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.0 - alt
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.0 - alt - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.1
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.1 - alt
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.1 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.4.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.6.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.6.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.4.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.5.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.5.0 - quiet
backup files
restore files
xdabbeb's camera v1.1.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.1.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.1.1
xdabbeb's camera v1.1.1 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.2.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.2.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.2.0 - Codebase 10 test
xdabbeb's camera v1.2.0 - Codebase 10 test - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.0 - alt
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.0 - alt - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.1
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.1 - alt
xdabbeb's camera v1.3.1 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.4.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.6.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.6.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.4.0 - quiet
xdabbeb's camera v1.5.0
xdabbeb's camera v1.5.0 - quiet
backup files
restore files
Übernehme natürlich keine Garantie für den Fall, dass irgendetwas
schief läuft. Also immer schön brav die Backups machen!!!
Viel Spass...
Credits natürlich an den xda-user: xdabbeb
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