- 952
[MOD] Moto Style - Transparent Navbar + Modified Launcher [CM10 20121024 / AOKP b5]
Für alle die die auf der Suche nach dem Motorola M oder i Feeling sind...
Quelle xda Developers:
[MOD] Moto Style - Transparent Navbar + Modified Launcher [JZO54K / CM10 20121010+] - xda-developers
Den passenden Launcher und die Ring.widgets gibt es hier:
Updated to v1.1
- add Tablet UI support : Preview
- very minor fixes


It's been quite a while since I've posted here..

Like most of my other mods, this is some kind of imitation lol

Yon can find Atrix HD's home launcher in here but it looks like doesn't work properly on jellybean.. (many FC's)
So I modified JB stock launcher's dock to similar to that.
and made motorola style semi-transparent navbar too..

This mod include SystemUI.apk, android.policy.jar and Launcher2.apk. So use at your own risk. (maybe it will revert your current theme or mod)
Download for GSM Stock Deodexed JZO54K
Include modified stock launcher : download
Transparent Navbar and StatusBar only : download
*for AOKP users : NOVA Launcher has wallpaper offset problem. use stock or other launchers like Holo Launcher HD please*
Download for GSM AOKP build 5 : download
*CM10 versions include transparent navbar+statusbar only.*
Download for GSM CM10 Nightly 2012-10-24+ : download
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