- 4.348
Und hier noch der komplette Changelog:
New in 4.3.1
- Switch to choose to show numpad on the left or right on secondary layout - you can access this under Settings - Theme & Layout.
- Fixed loss of personal language when you upgrade - if your personal language has previously been lost the best thing to do to restore personalized predictions is to go to Settings - SwiftKey Cloud, sign in and personalize from your SMS and Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter.
- Restored missing dollar sign - you can find a range of currency symbols by pressing and holding on the letter X, or by going to the numbers layout (accessed via the 123 key) or the symbols layout (accessed via the 123 key then the {&= key) and looking in the top left.
- When keypress sounds are turned on, the spacebar sounds different to the other keys - you can turn keypress sounds on and off under Settings - Sound & Vibration
- Extended layout on tablets now works properly - doesnt just show predictions with no keyboard underneath
- Restored missing bottom row in Russian and Thai layouts
- Restored predictions in right-to-left languages (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic)
- Backspacing on a flowed word at the beginning of a message now works
- Pitch theme no longer shows white background when flowing
- Fixed problems with entering names in Google +
- Fixed problem with entering money amounts on Google Drive
- Flowing long words sometimes got stuck - now fixed
- Fixed a bunch of force closes