Surftab Ventos 7.0 (nicht HD) hängt beim Bootlogo

  • 16 Antworten
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Guten Abend,

gestern Abend war mein Surftab fast leer, habe es ans Ladegerät gesteckt, aber wohl nicht ganz :-( - Heute Morgen war es dann aus, habe es nochmal angesteckt und bin zur Arbeit - als ich heimkomme zeigt das Surftab das Trekstore Logo - Powerknopf schaltet es aus - dann wieder an - Trekstore Logo - sonst nichts (bei Anschluss Ladegerät zeigt es kurz Ladelogo, dann Akku-voll Logo)

Hat jemand ne Ahnung was passiert sein könnte und was ich tun kann - habe das Surftab seit einer Woche, habe es nur wenig benutzt - das war jetzt die zweite Akkuaufladung - Gestern hat es einwandfrei funktioniert :-(

Habe grad wie blöd den Kassenbeleg gesucht - bisher ohne Erfolg - fürchte ich könnte nun nen teuren Briefbeschwerer haben ...

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar!
Der trekstor support soll dir die original Firmware zuschicken, dann kannst du es zurücksetzen..

Oder du versuchst es über einen factory reset über die Recovery..Tab ausschalten, taste minus gedrückt halten und so lange power halten bis die Bildschirmbeleuchtung an geht. Danach Power loslassen und minus noch so 5 Sekunden gedrückt halten bis der liegende Roboter hoffentlich zu sehen ist..Da kannst du dann einen factory reset machen
Tja, leider hat das Ventos 7.0 keine Lautstärketasten - es gibt einen Powerbutton und einen Homebutton ... - hab aber gerade die Quittung wiedergefunden - da ich das Teil aber nicht zurücksetzen kann scheue ich ein wenig einen Umtausch wegen meiner Daten ...
Bei deinem Modell kommt man durch folgende Tastenkombi ins Recovermenü:

Taste Home + Powertaste gedrückt halten, bis das Recovery Menü erscheint.
Mit der Home-taste kann man dann durchs Menü blättern und mit Power bestätigen.

EDIT: Lustigerweise steht im Recoverymenu auch, dass man mit den Vol+/vol- Tasten navigiert. Trololol, es funktioniert aber mit der Hometaste.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich habe exakt das gleiche Problem mit meinem SurfTap ventos 7.0, jedoch komme ich auch mit den Tasten Start und Home lediglich bis zum TrekStore Logo. Scheint eine Krankheit von TrekStore zu sein, das die Geräte binnen kürzester Zeit den geist aufgeben. Hat jemand vielleicht eine Lösung für mich, wie ich das Tablet wieder hoch bekomme?

Ich habe die Tablette in ihrer Obhut und sie das Produkt ersetzt.
Aber auch das ist schlecht! :confused2:
Ich frage, ob jemand das Original-Firmware gefunden.
Trekstor Italien hat nicht die Original-ROM!

Entschuldigen Sie mein Deutsch. Ich bin mit dem Übersetzer von Chrome.
Meiner hat übrigends nun auch den Geist aufgegeben. Hängt ebenfalls beim Trekstor-Logo und in die Recovery komme ich auch nicht mehr. Scheint echt bei diesen Teilen üblich zu sein.
Aber ich gebe nicht so einfach auf!
Ich habe mein Gerät geöffnet, indem ich mit einem Spitzen Gegenstand die Rückseite des Alugehäuses von der Front löste, was leider auch das Alu etwas verbog.
Mein Instinkt sagte mir, dass sich auf der Platine ein Anschluss für eine Serielle Konsole befinden musste.
Der Serielle Anschluss ist mittig unter dem Display-Anschlusskabel und ist schön beschriftet :)
Ich lötete ein Flachbandkabel an diesen Anschluss , sodass ich mit einem ausrangierten ARM-Netbook die Bootzeilen lesen kann, die Terminaleinstellungen hierfür sind 115200n7 , die Spannung ist 3 Volt.
Es läuft als Bootloader U-boot, und es liest beim Starten eine Datei "aml_autoscript" , welches mittels dem Uboot-Tool "mkimage" erzeugt wird:
mkimage -A arm -O linux -C none -T script -n "script image" -d ./script ./aml_autoscript

in der Datei "script" stehen reguläre Uboot Kommandos drin.

Hier mal der Bootvorgang meines Tablets. Ich hatte die SDkarte drin mit einem Script, welches die verfügbaren Kommandos und das Environment ausgibt.

EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303;77500EEEE I400000004294_M6_BL1_3431>2534313aj

wait pll-0x03 target is 0204 now it is 0x00000203
set ddr clock ok!

Stage 00 Result 00000000
Stage 01 Result 00000000
Stage 02 Result 00000000
Stage 03 Result 0000000077fff380
ucl decompress
decompress true
Boot from internal device 1st NAND RB

System Started
env_init env_init 38
NAND BOOT, env_init 40 

U-boot-00000-g571572e-dirty(m6_onda_g12m704a6_v1@ics-amlogic-mxdevelop) (Aug 16 2013 - 15:25:59)

aml rtc init first time!
DRAM:  512 MiB
relocation Offset is: 1060c000
NAND:  Amlogic nand flash uboot driver, Version U1.06.017 (c) 2010 Amlogic Inc.
NAND BOOT : nand_init 1038 
No NAND device found!!!
NAND device id: ad de 94 eb 74 44 
aml_chip->hynix_new_nand_type =: 4 
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xad (Hynix B revision 20nm NAND 8GiB H27UCG8T2B)
aml_nand_init auto detect RB pin here and por_cfg:3fe
aml_nand_init detect with RB pin here
#####aml_nand_init, with RB pins and chip->chip_delay:20
bus_cycle=5, bus_timing=6, start_cycle=6, end_cycle=7,system=5.0ns
m3:###aml_chip->boot_oob_fill_cnt =768
oob size is not enough for selected bch mode: NAND_BCH60_1K_MODE force bch to mode: NAND_BCH40_1K_MODE
aml_chip->oob_fill_cnt =128,aml_chip->oob_size =1280,bch_bytes =70
Creating 1 MTD partitions on "nandboot":
0x000000000000-0x000001000000 : "nandboot"
nandboot initialized ok
detect mx chiprevD :1 and nand_type: 4
NAND BOOT : nand_init 1038 
No NAND device found!!!
NAND device id: ad de 94 eb 74 44 
aml_chip->hynix_new_nand_type =: 4 
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xad (Hynix B revision 20nm NAND 8GiB H27UCG8T2B)
1 NAND chips detected
aml_nand_init auto detect RB pin here and por_cfg:3fe
aml_nand_init detect with RB pin here
#####aml_nand_init, with RB pins and chip->chip_delay:20
bus_cycle=5, bus_timing=6, start_cycle=6, end_cycle=7,system=5.0ns
oob size is not enough for selected bch mode: NAND_BCH60_1K_MODE force bch to mode: NAND_BCH40_1K_MODE
aml_chip->oob_fill_cnt =128,aml_chip->oob_size =1280,bch_bytes =70
aml_nand_init:oobmul =1,chip->ecc.layout->oobfree[0].length=32,aml_chip->oob_size=1280
aml_nand_get_read_default_value_hynix 980 get default reg value at blk:4, page:1031
########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 3056 read ecc failed here at at page:1794, blk:7 chip[0]
blk check good but read failed: 1c08000, -74
########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 3056 read ecc failed here at at page:1795, blk:7 chip[0]
blk check good but read failed: 1c0c000, -74
########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 3056 read ecc failed here at at page:1800, blk:7 chip[0]
blk check good but read failed: 1c20000, -74
########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 3056 read ecc failed here at at page:1801, blk:7 chip[0]
blk check good but read failed: 1c24000, -74
aml nand env valid addr: 1c18000 
Creating 8 MTD partitions on "nandnormal":
0x000002000000-0x000002800000 : "logo"
0x000002800000-0x000003000000 : "aml_logo"
0x000003000000-0x000003800000 : "recovery"
0x000003800000-0x000004000000 : "boot"
0x000004000000-0x000044000000 : "system"
0x000044000000-0x000054000000 : "cache"
0x000054000000-0x00009e000000 : "userdata"
0x00009e000000-0x000200000000 : "NFTL_Part"
 NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1cc800000 
 NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1ccc00000 
 NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1f2800000 
 NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1f2c00000 
nandnormal initialized ok
detect mx chiprevD :1 and nand_type: 4
MMC:   SDIO Port B: 0
 env_relocate_spec 57
NAND BOOT,nand_env_relocate_spec : env_relocate_spec 59 
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
register usb cfg[0] = 9fe8e9bc
register usb cfg[2] = 9fe8e9bc
LCD Initialize:   

Custome clock parameters.
pll_ctrl=0x1023c, div_ctrl=0x18813, clk_ctrl=0x1111.
lcd_clk=51.428MHz, frame_rate=60.3Hz.

Init LCD type: LVDS, resolution: 1024x600
lcd_clk=51.428MHz, frame_rate=60.3Hz.
ss_level=0, pll_sel=1, pll_div_sel=1, vclk_sel=1, pll_reg=0x1023c, div_reg=0x1e913, xd=1.
video pl1 clk = 0
video pll2 clk = 51
cts_enct clk = 0
cts_encl clk = 51
lvds fifo clk = 51
LCD:	1024x600 16bbp
init suspend firmware done. (ret:0)

NAND read: logo offset 0x0, size 0x4000000
Skipping bad block 0x00800000
 67108864 bytes read: ERROR
USB (0) peri reg base: c1108400
USB (0) use clock source: XTAL input
USB (0) PHY Clock not detected!
detect usb battery charger mode: UNKNOWN
usbcur not limit--------board_usb_stop cfg: 2
Check all regulator
Use constant PWM for DC-DC2 & DC-DC3. But the register is 0xe4 before
Successed for parse battery parameter
[AXP] ocv is 3809, Battery CAP: 36%
SARADC open channel(4).
[axp] send power-off command!
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303;77500EEEE I400000004294_M6_BL1_3431>2534313aj

wait pll-0x03 target is 0204 now it is 0x00000203
set ddr clock ok!

Stage 00 Result 00000000
Stage 01 Result 00000000
Stage 02 Result 00000000
Stage 03 Result 0000000077fff380
ucl decompress
decompress true
Boot from internal device 1st NAND RB

System Started
env_init env_init 38
NAND BOOT, env_init 40 

U-boot-00000-g571572e-dirty(m6_onda_g12m704a6_v1@ics-amlogic-mxdevelop) (Aug 16 2013 - 15:25:59)

aml rtc init first time!
DRAM:  512 MiB
relocation Offset is: 1060c000
NAND:  Amlogic nand flash uboot driver, Version U1.06.017 (c) 2010 Amlogic Inc.
NAND BOOT : nand_init 1038 
No NAND device found!!!
NAND device id: ad de 94 eb 74 44 
aml_chip->hynix_new_nand_type =: 4 
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xad (Hynix B revision 20nm NAND 8GiB H27UCG8T2B)
aml_nand_init auto detect RB pin here and por_cfg:3fe
aml_nand_init detect with RB pin here
#####aml_nand_init, with RB pins and chip->chip_delay:20
bus_cycle=5, bus_timing=6, start_cycle=6, end_cycle=7,system=5.0ns
m3:###aml_chip->boot_oob_fill_cnt =768
oob size is not enough for selected bch mode: NAND_BCH60_1K_MODE force bch to mode: NAND_BCH40_1K_MODE
aml_chip->oob_fill_cnt =128,aml_chip->oob_size =1280,bch_bytes =70
Creating 1 MTD partitions on "nandboot":
0x000000000000-0x000001000000 : "nandboot"
nandboot initialized ok
detect mx chiprevD :1 and nand_type: 4
NAND BOOT : nand_init 1038 
No NAND device found!!!
NAND device id: ad de 94 eb 74 44 
aml_chip->hynix_new_nand_type =: 4 
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xad (Hynix B revision 20nm NAND 8GiB H27UCG8T2B)
1 NAND chips detected
aml_nand_init auto detect RB pin here and por_cfg:3fe
aml_nand_init detect with RB pin here
#####aml_nand_init, with RB pins and chip->chip_delay:20
bus_cycle=5, bus_timing=6, start_cycle=6, end_cycle=7,system=5.0ns
oob size is not enough for selected bch mode: NAND_BCH60_1K_MODE force bch to mode: NAND_BCH40_1K_MODE
aml_chip->oob_fill_cnt =128,aml_chip->oob_size =1280,bch_bytes =70
aml_nand_init:oobmul =1,chip->ecc.layout->oobfree[0].length=32,aml_chip->oob_size=1280
aml_nand_get_read_default_value_hynix 980 get default reg value at blk:4, page:1031
########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 3056 read ecc failed here at at page:1794, blk:7 chip[0]
blk check good but read failed: 1c08000, -74
########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 3056 read ecc failed here at at page:1795, blk:7 chip[0]
blk check good but read failed: 1c0c000, -74
########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 3056 read ecc failed here at at page:1800, blk:7 chip[0]
blk check good but read failed: 1c20000, -74
########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 3056 read ecc failed here at at page:1801, blk:7 chip[0]
blk check good but read failed: 1c24000, -74
aml nand env valid addr: 1c18000 
Creating 8 MTD partitions on "nandnormal":
0x000002000000-0x000002800000 : "logo"
0x000002800000-0x000003000000 : "aml_logo"
0x000003000000-0x000003800000 : "recovery"
0x000003800000-0x000004000000 : "boot"
0x000004000000-0x000044000000 : "system"
0x000044000000-0x000054000000 : "cache"
0x000054000000-0x00009e000000 : "userdata"
0x00009e000000-0x000200000000 : "NFTL_Part"
 NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1cc800000 
 NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1ccc00000 
 NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1f2800000 
 NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1f2c00000 
nandnormal initialized ok
detect mx chiprevD :1 and nand_type: 4
MMC:   SDIO Port B: 0
 env_relocate_spec 57
NAND BOOT,nand_env_relocate_spec : env_relocate_spec 59 
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
register usb cfg[0] = 9fe8e9bc
register usb cfg[2] = 9fe8e9bc
LCD Initialize:   

Custome clock parameters.
pll_ctrl=0x1023c, div_ctrl=0x18813, clk_ctrl=0x1111.
lcd_clk=51.428MHz, frame_rate=60.3Hz.

Init LCD type: LVDS, resolution: 1024x600
lcd_clk=51.428MHz, frame_rate=60.3Hz.
ss_level=0, pll_sel=1, pll_div_sel=1, vclk_sel=1, pll_reg=0x1023c, div_reg=0x1e913, xd=1.
video pl1 clk = 0
video pll2 clk = 51
cts_enct clk = 0
cts_encl clk = 51
lvds fifo clk = 51
LCD:	1024x600 16bbp
init suspend firmware done. (ret:0)

NAND read: logo offset 0x0, size 0x4000000
Skipping bad block 0x00800000
 67108864 bytes read: ERROR
USB (0) peri reg base: c1108400
USB (0) use clock source: XTAL input
USB (0) PHY Clock not detected!
detect usb battery charger mode: UNKNOWN
usbcur not limit--------board_usb_stop cfg: 2
Check all regulator
Use constant PWM for DC-DC2 & DC-DC3. But the register is 0xe4 before
Successed for parse battery parameter
[AXP] ocv is 3807, Battery CAP: 35%
SARADC open channel(4).
Enter USB burning.

NAND read: logo offset 0x0, size 0x4000000
Skipping bad block 0x00800000
 67108864 bytes read: ERROR
Video initializing...
frame buffer address is 0x85100000
video size is 1024 X 600
video bbp is 16
LCD screen clear!
 sdio_detect return 1
Device: SDIO Port B
Manufacturer ID: 0
OEM: 0
Name: ran Speed: 40000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 2.0
High Capacity: No
Capacity: 1966080000
Boot Part Size: 0
Bus Width: 4-bit
reading aml_autoscript

87 bytes read
## Executing script at 82000000
aconline_or_not=if ac_online; then; else poweroff; fi
batlow_or_not=if ac_online; then; else get_batcap; if itest ${battery_cap} < ${batlow_threshold}; then run prepare; run batlow_warning; poweroff; fi; fi
batlow_warning=bmp display ${batterylow_offset}; msleep 500; bmp display ${batterylow_offset}; msleep 500; bmp display ${batterylow_offset}; msleep 500; bmp display ${batterylow_offset}; msleep 500; bmp display ${batterylow_offset}; msleep 1000
bootargs=init=/init console=ttyS0,115200n8 hlt no_console_suspend mem=512m logo=osd1,loaded,panel,debug hdmitx=vdacoff,powermode1,unplug_powerdown
bootcmd=bmp display ${bootup_offset}; nand read boot ${loadaddr} 0 600000; setenv bootargs ${bootargs} a9_clk_max=1512000000; bootm
charging=video clear; run display_loop
charging_or_not=if ac_online; then run prepare; run charging; else if getkey; then run prepare; bmp display ${poweron_offset}; run bootcmd; else poweroff; fi; fi
custom_delay=setenv msleep_count 0; while itest ${msleep_count} < 800; do run aconline_or_not; run updatekey_or_not; run usb_burning_or_not; run powerkey_or_not; msleep 1; calc ${msleep_count} + 1 msleep_count; done; run sleep_or_not
display_loop=while itest 1 == 1; do get_batcap; if itest ${battery_cap} >= ${batfull_threshold}; then bmp display ${batteryfull_offset}; run custom_delay; else bmp display ${battery0_offset}; run custom_delay; bmp display ${battery1_offset}; run custom_delay; bmp display ${battery2_offset}; run custom_delay; bmp display ${battery3_offset}; run custom_delay; fi; done
into_sleep=suspend; while itest ${sleep_enable} == 1; do run sleep_get_key; done; video dev enable; video dev bl_on
mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} boardname=m6_g12m704a6
powerkey_or_not=if getkey; then msleep 500; if getkey; then run bootcmd; fi; fi
preboot=if itest ${upgrade_step} == 1; then defenv; setenv upgrade_step 2; save; fi;nand read logo ${loadaddr_misc} 0 4000000; unpackimg ${loadaddr_misc};usbbc; chk_all_regulators; get_rebootmode; clear_rebootmode; echo reboot_mode=${reboot_mode}; if test ${reboot_mode} = usb_burning; then run usb_burning; fi; run upgrade_check; run batlow_or_not; setenv sleep_count 0; saradc open 4; run updatekey_or_not; run usb_burning_or_not; run switch_bootmode
prepare=nand read logo ${loadaddr_misc} 0 4000000; unpackimg ${loadaddr_misc}; video open; video clear; video dev bl_on
recovery=run prepare; bmp display ${bootup_offset}; if nand read recovery ${loadaddr} 0 600000; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} a9_clk_max=800000000; bootm; else echo no uImage_recovery in NAND; fi
sleep_get_key=run aconline_or_not;if getkey; then msleep 100; if getkey; then setenv sleep_enable 0; fi; fi; if saradc get_in_range 0x0 0x380; then msleep 100; if saradc get_in_range 0x0 0x380; then setenv sleep_enable 0; fi; fi
sleep_or_not=if itest ${sleep_count} > ${sleep_threshold}; then run into_sleep; setenv sleep_count 0; else calc ${sleep_count} + 1 sleep_count; fi
switch_bootmode=if test ${reboot_mode} = normal; then run prepare; bmp display ${poweron_offset}; else if test ${reboot_mode} = factory_reset; then run recovery; else if test ${reboot_mode} = update; then run update; else run charging_or_not; fi; fi; fi
update=run prepare; bmp display ${bootup_offset}; if mmcinfo; then if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi; if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} uImage_recovery; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} a9_clk_max=800000000; bootm; fi; if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} recovery.img; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} a9_clk_max=800000000; bootm; fi; fi; nand read recovery ${loadaddr} 0 600000; setenv bootargs ${bootargs} a9_clk_max=800000000; bootm
updatekey_or_not=if getkey;then if getgpiokey; then msleep 500; if getkey; then if getgpiokey; then tiny_usbtool 1000;run update; fi; fi; fi;fi
upgrade_check=if itest ${upgrade_step} == 0; then defenv; save; run update; fi
usb_burning=tiny_usbtool 20000
usb_burning_or_not=if getkey;then if getgpiokey ; then msleep 500; if getgpiokey; then tiny_usbtool 1000;run usb_burning; fi; fi;fi; 

Environment size: 5146/32764 bytes
?       - alias for 'help'
ac_online- get ac adapter online
aeschk  - aeschk AES algorithm check sub-system
autoscr - run script from memory
base    - print or set address offset
bdinfo  - print Board Info structure
bmp     - manipulate BMP image data
bootm   - boot application image from memory
calc    - command for calculate
chk_all_regulators- check all regulators
chpart  - change active partition
clear_rebootmode- clear rebootmode
cmp     - memory compare
coninfo - print console devices and information
cp      - memory copy
crc32   - checksum calculation
dcache  - enable or disable data cache
defenv  - default environment
defenv_without- defenv without environment variables
dummy   - Customer defined command!
echo    - echo args to console
editenv - edit environment variable
efuse   - efuse version/licence/mac/hdcp/usid read/write or dump raw efuse data commands
env     - environment handling commands
exit    - exit script
ext2load- load binary file from a Ext2 filesystem
ext2ls  - list files in a directory (default /)
false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fatexist- find the file from a dos filesystem
fatinfo - print information about filesystem
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
get_batcap- get battery capability
get_img_size- get img size and save the result as a environment variable
get_rebootmode- get reboot mode
getgpiokey- get GPIO Home key
getkey  - get POWER key
go      - start application at address 'addr'
help    - print command description/usage
icache  - enable or disable instruction cache
imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image
itest   - return true/false on integer compare
kgdb    - enter gdb remote debug mode
loadb   - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loadenv - load environment at address 'addr'
loads   - load S-Record file over serial line
loadx   - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
loady   - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
loop    - infinite loop on address range
md      - memory display
mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
mmc     - MMC sub system
mmcinfo - display MMC info
msleep  - delay execution for some time
mtdparts- define flash/nand partitions
mtest   - simple RAM read/write test
mw      - memory write (fill)
nand    - NAND sub-system
nboot   - boot from NAND device
nm      - memory modify (constant address)
poweroff- system power off
printenv- print environment variables
reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
run     - run commands in an environment variable
saradc  - saradc sub-system
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
set_axp_debug- set axp debug
set_chgcur- set battery charging current
set_usbcur_limit- set pmu usb limit current
setenv  - set environment variables
sf      - SPI flash sub-system
showvar - print local hushshell variables
sleep   - delay execution for some time
source  - run script from memory
suspend - suspend
test    - minimal test like /bin/sh
tiny_usbtool- start tiny USB tool for PC burner
true    - do nothing, successfully
unpackimg- unpack imgpack to single
usb     - USB sub-system
usbbc   - test usb bc
usbboot - boot from USB device
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
video   - video sub-system
reading uImage_recovery

** Unable to read "uImage_recovery" from mmc 0:1 **
reading recovery.img

** Unable to read "recovery.img" from mmc 0:1 **

NAND read: recovery offset 0x0, size 0x600000
 6291456 bytes read: OK
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 82000000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux-3.0.8-g814480d-dirty
   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed)
   Data Size:    3014060 Bytes = 2.9 MiB
   Load Address: 80008000
   Entry Point:  80008000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
	Ramdisk start addr = 0x822e0800, len = 0x12dee7
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
machid from environment: 0x4e29 
EFUSE machid is not set.
Using machid 0x4e29 from environment

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000@0] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[    0.000000@0] Linux version 3.0.8-g814480d-dirty ( (gcc version 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #5 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 22 20:25:52 CST 2013
[    0.000000@0] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [413fc090] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=10c53c7f
[    0.000000@0] CPU: VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
[    0.000000@0] Machine: Amlogic Meson6 g12 customer platform
[    0.000000@0] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0x00000000
[    0.000000@0] Battery parameters got from uboot
[    0.000000@0] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writealloc
[    0.000000@0] PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @c0d5a000 s6272 r8192 d14208 u32768
[    0.000000@0] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 113154
[    0.000000@0] Kernel command line: init=/init console=ttyS0,115200n8 hlt no_console_suspend mem=512m logo=osd1,loaded,panel,debug hdmitx=vdacoff,powermode1,unplug_powerdown a9_clk_max=800000000
[    0.000000@0] osd1:1
[    0.000000@0] loaded:268435459
[    0.000000@0] logo has been loaded
[    0.000000@0] panel:17
[    0.000000@0] HDMI DEBUG: hdmitx_boot_para_setup [1810]
[    0.000000@0] HDMI aml_read_reg32(P_AO_DEBUG_REG0):0x0
[    0.000000@0] HDMI hdmi_cec_func_config:0x0
[    0.000000@0] hdmi: set init powermode 1
[    0.000000@0] HDMI aml_read_reg32(P_AO_DEBUG_REG0):0x0
[    0.000000@0] HDMI hdmi_cec_func_config:0x0
[    0.000000@0] HDMI aml_read_reg32(P_AO_DEBUG_REG0):0x0
[    0.000000@0] HDMI hdmi_cec_func_config:0x0
[    0.000000@0] PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    0.000000@0] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.000000@0] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[    0.000000@0] Memory: 64MB 382MB = 446MB total
[    0.000000@0] Memory: 441860k/441860k available, 14844k reserved, 0K highmem
[    0.000000@0] Virtual kernel memory layout:
[    0.000000@0]     vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
[    0.000000@0]     fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
[    0.000000@0]     DMA     : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000   (   2 MB)
[    0.000000@0]     vmalloc : 0xe0000000 - 0xf0000000   ( 256 MB)
[    0.000000@0]     lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xdff00000   ( 511 MB)
[    0.000000@0]     pkmap   : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000   (   2 MB)
[    0.000000@0]     modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000   (  14 MB)
[    0.000000@0]       .init : 0xc0008000 - 0xc0039000   ( 196 kB)
[    0.000000@0]       .text : 0xc0039000 - 0xc07628e4   (7335 kB)
[    0.000000@0]       .data : 0xc0764000 - 0xc07b8a20   ( 339 kB)
[    0.000000@0]        .bss : 0xc07b8a44 - 0xc0954ac0   (1649 kB)
[    0.000000@0] SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1
[    0.000000@0] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000@0] 	RCU debugfs-based tracing is enabled.
[    0.000000@0] NR_IRQS:256
[    0.000000@0] gic_init: irq_offset=0
[    0.000000@0] sched_clock: 32 bits at 1000kHz, resolution 1000ns, wraps every 4294967ms
[    0.000000@0] MESON TIMER-A c0777e40
[    0.000000@0] Disable timerA
[    0.000000@0] Console: colour dummy device 80x30
[    0.000000@0] console [ttyS0] enabled
[    0.279734@0] Calibrating delay loop... 1594.16 BogoMIPS (lpj=7970816)
[    0.320069@0] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.322215@0] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
[    0.327594@0] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[    0.331347@0] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
[    0.335925@0] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
[    0.341144@0] MESON TIMER-B c0777f00
[    0.344457@0] Disable timerA
[    0.347311@0] Disable timerB
[    0.350182@0] Disable timerA
[    0.353200@0] L310 cache controller enabled
[    0.357209@0] l2x0: 8 ways, CACHE_ID 0x4100a0c8, AUX_CTRL 0x3e462c00, Cache size: 524288 B
[    0.365511@0]  prefetch=0x70000006
[    0.461491@1] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
[    0.501144@1] MESON TIMER-D c0778080
[    0.501174@0] Brought up 2 CPUs
[    0.501185@0] SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (3188.32 BogoMIPS).
[    0.513145@1] Disable timerD
[    0.516226@0] devtmpfs: initialized
[    0.525523@0] clkrate [ xtal ] : 24000000
[    0.525626@0] clkrate [ pll_sys ] : 801000000
[    0.528239@0] clkrate [ pll_fixed ] : 2000000000
[    0.532863@0] clkrate [ pll_vid2 ] : 720000000
[    0.537264@0] clkrate [ pll_hpll ] : 378000000
[    0.541768@0] clkrate [ pll_ddr ] : 516000000
[    0.546098@0] clkrate [ a9_clk ] : 801000000
[    0.550349@0] clkrate [ clk81 ] : 200000000
[    0.554527@0] clkrate [ usb0 ] : 12000000
[    0.558541@0] clkrate [ usb1 ] : 0
[    0.562214@0] hdmin amhdmi_tx_device_init[12]
[    0.567188@0] print_constraints: dummy: 
[    0.570259@0] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.576119@0] register lm device 0
[    0.578194@0] register lm device 1
[    0.581598@0] [wifi_dev_init] in
[    0.584656@0] [wifi_clock_enable] in
[    0.588434@0] ***vcck: vcck_pwm_init
[    0.595486@0] usb_wifi_power On
[    0.595973@0] chip version=ffffffff
[    0.598376@0] tv_init_module
[    0.601263@0] major number 254 for disp
[    0.605141@0] vout_register_server
[    0.608525@0] register tv module server ok 
[    0.612943@0] major number 0 for disp
[    0.616512@0] register tv module server ok 
[    0.620887@0] /mnt/nfsroot/ : aml_i2c_init
[    0.629401@0] /mnt/nfsroot/ : aml_i2c_probe
[    0.638056@0] master_no = 0, resource = c07aece4, maseter_regs=f1108500
[    0.645107@0] aml-i2c aml-i2c.0: add adapter aml_i2c_adap0(df808428)
[    0.650973@0] aml-i2c aml-i2c.0: aml i2c bus driver.
[    0.656071@0] /mnt/nfsroot/ : aml_i2c_probe
[    0.664616@0] master_no = 1, resource = c07aed3c, maseter_regs=f11087c0
[    0.671606@0] aml-i2c aml-i2c.1: add adapter aml_i2c_adap1(df808828)
[    0.677533@0] aml-i2c aml-i2c.1: aml i2c bus driver.
[    0.682624@0] /mnt/nfsroot/ : aml_i2c_probe
[    0.691177@0] master_no = 2, resource = c07aed94, maseter_regs=f3100500
[    0.698027@0] aml-i2c aml-i2c.2: add adapter aml_i2c_adap2(df808c28)
[    0.704107@0] aml-i2c aml-i2c.2: aml i2c bus driver.
[    0.711712@0] axp_mfd 2-0034: AXP (CHIP ID: 0x41) detected
[    0.762630@0] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[    0.763886@0] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    0.765402@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[    0.771006@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[    0.776411@0] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[    0.782507@0] LCD driver init
[    0.784420@0] LCD probe ok
[    0.787040@0] 
[    0.787043@0] Custome clock parameters.
[    0.792530@0] pll_ctrl=0x1023c, div_ctrl=0x18813, clk_ctrl=0x1111.
[    0.798673@0] lcd_clk=51.428MHz, frame_rate=60.3Hz.
[    0.798678@0] 
[    0.805199@0] lcd actual active area size: 0 0 (mm).
[    0.810129@0] vout_register_server
[    0.817245@0] [AXP]call axp_battery_probe, in
[    0.818151@0] input: axp20-supplyer as /devices/i2c-2/2-0034/axp20-supplyer.28/input/input0
[    0.826210@0] [AXP]Battery parameters has got from uboot
[    1.504522@0] [AXP] rtc_mem:00414d4c, 0ec212a2, 00000000, 00000008
[    1.505060@0] [AXP] saved battery status, rest_vol:4770, ocv:3778, c_c:       0, d_c:       8
[    1.513580@0] [AXP] current boot status,   ocv_vol:  47, ocv:3798, c_c:       0, d_c:      12
[    1.522082@0] [AXP] energy_diff:-15152, tmp_energy:4, percent:14
[    1.528065@0] [AXP] set battery capacity to 47, percent diff:14, battery energy:4954411, hr_rest_vol:56
[    1.540471@0] [AXP]call axp_battery_init, ret = 0
[    1.542379@0] ***vcck: get_voltage 
[    1.545598@0] print_constraints: vcck: 1010 <--> 1380 mV at 1380 mV 
[    1.552739@0] boot_monitor: device successfully initialized.
[    1.557582@0] sandy test  boot_monitor 
[    1.561431@0] ** enable watchdog
[    1.564761@0] boot_monitor: driver successfully loaded.
[    1.569970@0] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.24.
[    1.578470@1] Switching to clocksource Timer-E
[    1.580795@1] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[    1.591179@0] Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #0
[    1.591189@1] Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #1
[    1.606771@0] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    1.606935@0] IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    1.613189@0] TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[    1.620402@0] TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 196608 bytes)
[    1.627262@0] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
[    1.633632@0] TCP reno registered
[    1.636917@0] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    1.642942@0] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    1.649627@0] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    1.654054@0] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[    1.727475@0] Freeing initrd memory: 1208K
[    1.733662@0] ashmem: initialized
[    1.749365@0] NTFS driver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/O].
[    1.749974@0] fuse init (API version 7.16)
[    1.753185@0] msgmni has been set to 865
[    1.757271@0] io scheduler noop registered
[    1.760235@0] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
[    2.000460@0] brd: module loaded
[    2.005153@0] loop: module loaded
[    2.006732@0] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[    2.008085@0] PPP Deflate Compression module registered
[    2.012486@0] PPP BSD Compression module registered
[    2.017872@0] PPP MPPE Compression module registered
[    2.022301@0] NET: Registered protocol family 24
[    2.026880@0] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
[    2.032133@0] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <>
[    2.039051@0] rtl8150: v0.6.2 (2004/08/27):rtl8150 based usb-ethernet driver
[    2.045682@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8150
[    2.051469@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver asix
[    2.056970@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
[    2.062984@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_subset
[    2.069032@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver zaurus
[    2.074781@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver MOSCHIP usb-ethernet driver
[    2.082196@0] cdc_ncm: 04-Aug-2011
[    2.085703@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
[    2.091533@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver qf9700
[    2.097250@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver sr9600
[    2.103386@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
[    2.108646@0] cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
[    2.116816@0] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[    2.122012@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[    2.127996@0] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[    2.133120@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
[    2.138765@0] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
[    2.143428@0] USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port)
[    2.149588@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver option
[    2.155183@0] option: v0.7.2:USB Driver for GSM modems
[    2.161413@0] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[    2.167522@0] i2c /dev entries driver
[    2.171411@0] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 251 
[    2.176259@0] IR NEC protocol handler initialized
[    2.180962@0] IR RC5(x) protocol handler initialized
[    2.185892@0] IR RC6 protocol handler initialized
[    2.190583@0] IR JVC protocol handler initialized
[    2.195281@0] IR Sony protocol handler initialized
[    2.200041@0] IR RC5 (streamzap) protocol handler initialized
[    2.205784@0] IR LIRC bridge handler initialized
[    2.210370@0] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[    2.216407@0] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[    2.220827@0] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.20.0-ioctl (2011-02-02) initialised:
[    2.228921@0] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[    2.232789@0] cpuidle: using governor menu
[    2.237492@0] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[    2.242592@0] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[    2.247666@0] logger: created 256K log 'log_main'
[    2.251682@0] logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
[    2.256496@0] logger: created 256K log 'log_radio'
[    2.261274@0] logger: created 256K log 'log_system'
[    2.265908@0] vout_init_module
[    2.268837@0] start init vout module 
[    2.272696@0] create  vout attribute ok 
[    2.276683@0] ge2d_init
[    2.278950@0] ge2d_dev major:250
[    2.282913@0] ge2d start monitor
[    2.285617@0] osd_init
[    2.285624@1] ge2d workqueue monitor start
[    2.292125@0] [osd0] 0x84100000-0x845fffff
[    2.296246@0] Frame buffer memory assigned at phy:0x84100000, vir:0xe0800000, size=5120K
[    2.304224@0] ---------------clear framebuffer0 memory  
[    2.314968@0] [osd1] 0x84600000-0x846fffff
[    2.315039@0] Frame buffer memory assigned at phy:0x84600000, vir:0xe0200000, size=1024K
[    2.321758@0] init fbdev bpp is :16
[    2.325845@0] osd probe ok  
[    2.328428@0] osd_ext_init
[    2.331049@0] [osd2] 0x84700000-0x84bfffff
[    2.335129@0] Frame buffer memory assigned at phy:0x84700000, vir:0xe1000000, size=5120K
[    2.353043@0] [osd3] 0x84c00000-0x84cfffff
[    2.353114@0] Frame buffer memory assigned at phy:0x84c00000, vir:0xe0400000, size=1024K
[    2.369629@0] osd-ext probe ok  
[    2.370217@0] vout2_init_module enter
[    2.371012@0] start init vout2 module 
[    2.374944@0] create  vout2 attribute ok 
[    2.380347@0] amlvideo-000: V4L2 device registered as video10
[    2.384671@0]  set pinmux c07af0b0
[    2.420825@0] UART_ttyS0:(irq = 122)
[    2.421062@0] Amlogic nand flash Kernel driver, Version K1.06.014 (c) 2010 Amlogic Inc.
[    2.426746@0] ####Version of Uboot must be newer than U1.06.011!!!!! 
[    2.433241@0] 2
[    2.434911@0] NAND BOOT : m3_nand_probe 1220 
[    2.439253@0] chip->controller=c092f7f0
[    2.443079@0] checking ChiprevD :0
[    2.446450@0] aml_nand_probe checked chiprev:0
[    2.450903@0] init bus_cycle=17, bus_timing=10, start_cycle=10, end_cycle=10,system=5.0ns
[    2.459469@0] No NAND device found.
[    2.462762@0] NAND device id: ad de 94 eb 74 44 
[    2.467110@0] aml_chip->hynix_new_nand_type =: 4 
[    2.471817@0] NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xad (Hynix B revision 20nm NAND 8GiB H27UCG8T2B)
[    2.481732@0] aml_nand_init auto detect RB pin here and por_cfg:3fe
[    2.487857@0] aml_nand_init detect with RB pin here
[    2.492727@0] #####aml_nand_init, with RB pins and chip->chip_delay:20
[    2.499228@0] bus_cycle=4, bus_timing=5, start_cycle=5, end_cycle=6,system=5.0ns
[    2.506621@0] oob size is not enough for selected bch mode: NAND_BCH60_1K_MODE force bch to mode: NAND_BCH40_1K_MODE
[    2.517118@0] aml_chip->oob_fill_cnt =128,aml_chip->oob_size =1280,bch_bytes =70
[    2.524778@0] Creating 1 MTD partitions on "B revision 20nm NAND 8GiB H27UCG8T2B":
[    2.532067@0] 0x000000000000-0x000001000000 : "bootloader"
[    2.539454@0] NAND BOOT : m3_nand_probe 1220 
[    2.541864@0] chip->controller=c092f7f0
[    2.545662@0] checking ChiprevD :0
[    2.549047@0] aml_nand_probe checked chiprev:0
[    2.553509@0] init bus_cycle=17, bus_timing=10, start_cycle=10, end_cycle=10,system=5.0ns
[    2.562075@0] No NAND device found.
[    2.565349@0] NAND device id: ad de 94 eb 74 44 
[    2.569713@0] aml_chip->hynix_new_nand_type =: 4 
[    2.574410@0] NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xad (Hynix B revision 20nm NAND 8GiB H27UCG8T2B)
[    2.603108@0] 1 NAND chips detected
[    2.603144@0] aml_nand_init auto detect RB pin here and por_cfg:3fe
[    2.607203@0] aml_nand_init detect with RB pin here
[    2.612078@0] #####aml_nand_init, with RB pins and chip->chip_delay:20
[    2.618583@0] bus_cycle=4, bus_timing=5, start_cycle=5, end_cycle=6,system=5.0ns
[    2.625966@0] oob size is not enough for selected bch mode: NAND_BCH60_1K_MODE force bch to mode: NAND_BCH40_1K_MODE
[    2.636475@0] aml_chip->oob_fill_cnt =128,aml_chip->oob_size =1280,bch_bytes =70
[    2.643848@0]  oob layout use nand base oob layout oobsize = 32,oobmul =1,mtd->oobsize =1280,aml_chip->oob_size =1280
[    2.656531@0] aml_nand_get_read_default_value_hynix 768 get default reg value at blk:4, page:1031
[    2.697059@0] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:1794, blk:7 chip[0]
[    2.700874@0] blk check good but read failed: 1c08000, -74
[    2.735295@0] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:1795, blk:7 chip[0]
[    2.739095@0] blk check good but read failed: 1c0c000, -74
[    2.777488@0] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:1800, blk:7 chip[0]
[    2.781302@0] blk check good but read failed: 1c20000, -74
[    2.817238@0] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:1801, blk:7 chip[0]
[    2.821060@0] blk check good but read failed: 1c24000, -74
[    2.827073@0] aml nand env valid addr: 1c18000 
[    2.878274@0] nand env: nand_env_probe. 
[    2.879187@0] nand key: nand_key_probe. 
[    2.880484@0] key start_blk=2040,end_blk=2047,aml_nand_key_init:595
[    2.910096@0] aml nand key valid addr: 1fe010000 
[    2.910132@0] aml nand key valid addr: 1fe410000 
[    2.913855@0] aml nand key valid addr: 1fe810000 
[    2.918533@0] aml nand key valid addr: 1fec10000 
[    2.923274@0] i=0,register --- nand_keyamlkeys=0
[    2.928104@0] Creating 8 MTD partitions on "B revision 20nm NAND 8GiB H27UCG8T2B":
[    2.935409@0] 0x000002000000-0x000002800000 : "logo"
[    2.942205@1] 0x000002800000-0x000003000000 : "aml_logo"
[    2.947246@1] 0x000003000000-0x000003800000 : "recovery"
[    2.952597@1] 0x000003800000-0x000004000000 : "boot"
[    2.957531@1] 0x000004000000-0x000044000000 : "system"
[    2.962802@1] 0x000044000000-0x000054000000 : "cache"
[    2.967643@1] 0x000054000000-0x00009e000000 : "userdata"
[    2.973047@1] 0x00009e000000-0x0001fe000000 : "NFTL_Part"
[    2.976802@1]  NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1cc800000 
[    2.982534@1]  NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1ccc00000 
[    2.988331@1]  NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1f2800000 
[    2.994149@1]  NAND bbt detect factory Bad block at 1f2c00000 
[    3.002028@1] init_aml_nftl start
[    3.003253@1] mtd->name: system
[    3.006386@1] nftl version 130502a
[    3.009830@1] nftl start:256,32
[    3.013655@1] first
[    3.088780@1] second 256,224
[    3.266001@1] nftl ok!
[    3.266657@1] aml_nftl_blk-> =system
[    3.268135@1] aml_nftl_init_bounce_buf, use cache here
[    3.273066@1]  system: unknown partition table
[    3.277144@1] _nftl_init_bounce_buf already init 1000
[    3.281865@1] aml_nftl_add_mtd ok
[    3.285116@1] mtd->name: cache
[    3.288157@1] nftl version 130502a
[    3.291575@1] nftl start:64,12
[    3.294726@1] first
[    3.315587@1] second 64,52
[    3.409944@1] nftl ok!
[    3.410551@1] aml_nftl_blk-> =cache
[    3.411950@1] aml_nftl_init_bounce_buf, use cache here
[    3.416897@1]  cache: unknown partition table
[    3.420945@1] _nftl_init_bounce_buf already init 1000
[    3.425581@1] aml_nftl_add_mtd ok
[    3.428882@1] mtd->name: userdata
[    3.432214@1] nftl version 130502a
[    3.435650@1] nftl start:296,37
[    3.439499@1] first
[    3.522157@1] second 296,259
[    3.837889@1] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:106630, blk:416 chip[0]
[    3.842066@1] aml_ops_read_page failed: 14218000 80 134
[    3.877541@1] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:106631, blk:416 chip[0]
[    3.881703@1] aml_ops_read_page failed: 1421c000 80 135
[    3.917048@1] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:106634, blk:416 chip[0]
[    3.921217@1] aml_ops_read_page failed: 14228000 80 138
[    3.956885@1] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:106635, blk:416 chip[0]
[    3.961048@1] aml_ops_read_page failed: 1422c000 80 139
[    3.996714@1] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:106636, blk:416 chip[0]
[    4.000879@1] aml_ops_read_page failed: 14230000 80 140
[    4.036547@1] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:106637, blk:416 chip[0]
[    4.040699@1] aml_ops_read_page failed: 14234000 80 141
[    4.080080@1] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:106641, blk:416 chip[0]
[    4.084242@1] aml_ops_read_page failed: 14244000 80 145
[    4.420481@1] ########aml_nand_read_page_hwecc 2781 read ecc failed here at at page:106630, blk:416 chip[0]
[    4.424649@1] aml_ops_read_page failed: 14218000 80 134
[    4.433007@1] aml nand write failed at 1800 
[    4.434047@1] blk check good but write failed: 1c20000, -5
[    4.439512@1] update nand env FAILED!
[    4.443181@1] kernel BUG at /mnt/nfsroot/!
[    4.450460@1] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000
[    4.458709@1] pgd = c0004000
[    4.461570@1] [00000000] *pgd=00000000
[    4.465295@1] Internal error: Oops: 805 [#1] PREEMPT SMP
[    4.470586@1] Modules linked in:
[    4.473801@1] CPU: 1    Not tainted  (3.0.8-g814480d-dirty #5)
[    4.479623@1] PC is at __bug+0x1c/0x28
[    4.483346@1] LR is at __bug+0x18/0x28
[    4.487081@1] pc : [<c00429f4>]    lr : [<c00429f0>]    psr: 60000013
[    4.487086@1] sp : df847d10  ip : 00000000  fp : 00007fff
[    4.498883@1] r10: c00d7134  r9 : 00000008  r8 : df847d68
[    4.504264@1] r7 : dfbfc000  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000001  r4 : 00000001
[    4.510948@1] r3 : 00000000  r2 : c07799f0  r1 : 80000093  r0 : 00000059
[    4.517634@1] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  ISA ARM  Segment kernel
[    4.525097@1] Control: 10c53c7d  Table: 8000404a  DAC: 00000017
[    4.530999@1] 
[    4.531001@1] PC: 0xc0042974:
[    4.535597@1] 2974  e1a04000 e24dd010 e590003c eb01442c e3500000 0594003c 0a00000d e2841034
[    4.543930@1] 2994  e594002c e891000e e88d000f ea000003 e59d000c eb014422 e3500000 0a000006
[    4.552263@1] 29b4  e1a0000d eb000b35 e3500000 aafffff7 e3a00000 e28dd010 e8bd8010 e59d000c
[    4.560596@1] 29d4  eafffffb e92d4008 e1a03000 e1a02001 e59f0010 e1a01003 eb140181 e3a03000
[    4.568929@1] 29f4  e5833000 eafffffe c06998d4 e30908f0 e30012e1 e92d4008 e34c0069 ebfffff0
[    4.577261@1] 2a14  e1a01000 e309092c e92d4008 e34c0069 eb140173 e30908f0 e30012c5 e34c0069
[    4.585594@1] 2a34  ebffffe7 e92d4008 e1a02000 e1a03001 e309094c e1a0100e e34c0069 eb140168
[    4.593927@1] 2a54  e30908f0 e3001299 e34c0069 ebffffdc e92d4ff0 e24dd06c e1a06002 e1a05003
[    4.602261@1] 
[    4.602263@1] LR: 0xc0042970:
[    4.606860@1] 2970  e92d4010 e1a04000 e24dd010 e590003c eb01442c e3500000 0594003c 0a00000d
[    4.615193@1] 2990  e2841034 e594002c e891000e e88d000f ea000003 e59d000c eb014422 e3500000
[    4.623526@1] 29b0  0a000006 e1a0000d eb000b35 e3500000 aafffff7 e3a00000 e28dd010 e8bd8010
[    4.631859@1] 29d0  e59d000c eafffffb e92d4008 e1a03000 e1a02001 e59f0010 e1a01003 eb140181
[    4.640191@1] 29f0  e3a03000 e5833000 eafffffe c06998d4 e30908f0 e30012e1 e92d4008 e34c0069
[    4.648524@1] 2a10  ebfffff0 e1a01000 e309092c e92d4008 e34c0069 eb140173 e30908f0 e30012c5
[    4.656857@1] 2a30  e34c0069 ebffffe7 e92d4008 e1a02000 e1a03001 e309094c e1a0100e e34c0069
[    4.665190@1] 2a50  eb140168 e30908f0 e3001299 e34c0069 ebffffdc e92d4ff0 e24dd06c e1a06002
[    4.673524@1] 
[    4.673526@1] SP: 0xdf847c90:
[    4.678123@1] 7c90  00000002 205b6aa8 34202020 3334342e 40313831 00205d31 089d93c0 00000001
[    4.686456@1] 7cb0  df847cce ffffffff df847cfc 00000000 dfbfc000 c003ea2c 00000059 80000093
[    4.694788@1] 7cd0  c07799f0 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008
[    4.703121@1] 7cf0  c00d7134 00007fff 00000000 df847d10 c00429f0 c00429f4 60000013 ffffffff
[    4.711454@1] 7d10  00000400 c00d6b48 00000008 c0344d1c 00007fff 00000001 00000001 00000000
[    4.719787@1] 7d30  dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134 00007fff c0344d1c fffffffb 00000000
[    4.728120@1] 7d50  01c20000 00000000 df170000 df170000 df8ecec0 c00d7134 78766e65 8002ffff
[    4.736452@1] 7d70  df8260b0 df888020 df8260b0 df826278 00000000 63800000 00400000 0000018e
[    4.744787@1] 
[    4.744789@1] R2: 0xc0779970:
[    4.749386@1] 9970  00000018 00000019 0000001a 0000001b 0000001c 0000001d 0000001e 0000001f
[    4.757718@1] 9990  00000000 00020000 c0779998 c0779998 00000000 00000000 000001f4 0000000a
[    4.766051@1] 99b0  00000000 00000000 00000000 c07bb044 00000000 00000000 00000001 c07799cc
[    4.774384@1] 99d0  c07799cc 0000000f 00000004 00000001 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    4.782717@1] 99f0  c07799f0 c07799f0 ffffffff 00000004 ffffffff 00000000 00000001 00000000
[    4.791050@1] 9a10  00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 c0779a20 c0779a20 00000000 00000000
[    4.799382@1] 9a30  00000001 00000000 00000000 c0779a3c c0779a3c 00000000 00000001 c069ed80
[    4.807715@1] 9a50  c06f1368 c069ed84 c069ed8c c069ed94 c069ed9c c069edac c069edb4 c069edbc
[    4.816049@1] 
[    4.816052@1] R7: 0xdfbfbf80:
[    4.820649@1] bf80  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    4.828981@1] bfa0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    4.837314@1] bfc0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    4.845647@1] bfe0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    4.853980@1] c000  1a5c1cba 6e6f6361 656e696c 5f726f5f 3d746f6e 61206669 6e6f5f63 656e696c
[    4.862313@1] c020  6874203b 203b6e65 65736c65 776f7020 666f7265 66203b66 61620069 6c756674
[    4.870645@1] c040  68745f6c 68736572 3d646c6f 00303031 6c746162 6f5f776f 6f6e5f72 66693d74
[    4.878978@1] c060  5f636120 696c6e6f 203b656e 6e656874 6c65203b 67206573 625f7465 61637461
[    4.887312@1] 
[    4.887315@1] R8: 0xdf847ce8:
[    4.891912@1] 7ce8  df847d68 00000008 c00d7134 00007fff 00000000 df847d10 c00429f0 c00429f4
[    4.900244@1] 7d08  60000013 ffffffff 00000400 c00d6b48 00000008 c0344d1c 00007fff 00000001
[    4.908577@1] 7d28  00000001 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134 00007fff c0344d1c
[    4.916910@1] 7d48  fffffffb 00000000 01c20000 00000000 df170000 df170000 df8ecec0 c00d7134
[    4.925243@1] 7d68  78766e65 8002ffff df8260b0 df888020 df8260b0 df826278 00000000 63800000
[    4.933575@1] 7d88  00400000 0000018e df170000 c0348180 00000000 00000000 00000007 df8260b0
[    4.941908@1] 7da8  00000006 00004000 000000ff 63800000 00000000 df8260b0 df826278 00000091
[    4.950241@1] 7dc8  000000ff 0000ffff df8ecd40 c027e7d4 00000000 df1c4200 df129000 0f800000
[    4.958575@1] 
[    4.958578@1] R10: 0xc00d70b4:
[    4.963261@1] 70b4  e081c000 e59cb004 e7916000 e3560000 0a00002a e10f0000 f10c0080 e5931014
[    4.971594@1] 70d4  e3a0c000 e5948000 e79a7101 e1a01008 e7919007 e1560009 0a000011 e121f000
[    4.979927@1] 70f4  e35c0000 0affffea e7e057d5 e3560000 03a05000 12055001 e3550000 0a000002
[    4.988260@1] 7114  e5941010 e3510000 1a000002 e1a00006 e28dd00c e8bd8ff0 e1a00006 eb04ee2a
[    4.996593@1] 7134  eafffff9 e2888004 e7988007 e15b0008 1affffe9 e5948014 e28bb002 e3a0c001
[    5.004926@1] 7154  e7968008 e7818007 e5937014 e5941000 e79a7107 e2811004 e781b007 eaffffde
[    5.013259@1] 7174  e1a00004 e1a01005 e59d2004 eb11b3e0 e1a06000 eaffffdb c076ecc0 e92d4070
[    5.021591@1] 7194  e1a06000 e59f4078 e1a05001 e5943054 e3530003 0a00000f e594002c e3500000
[    5.029927@1] Process swapper (pid: 1, stack limit = 0xdf8462f8)
[    5.035916@1] Stack: (0xdf847d10 to 0xdf848000)
[    5.040432@1] 7d00:                                     00000400 c00d6b48 00000008 c0344d1c
[    5.048766@1] 7d20: 00007fff 00000001 00000001 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134
[    5.057099@1] 7d40: 00007fff c0344d1c fffffffb 00000000 01c20000 00000000 df170000 df170000
[    5.065431@1] 7d60: df8ecec0 c00d7134 78766e65 8002ffff df8260b0 df888020 df8260b0 df826278
[    5.073764@1] 7d80: 00000000 63800000 00400000 0000018e df170000 c0348180 00000000 00000000
[    5.082097@1] 7da0: 00000007 df8260b0 00000006 00004000 000000ff 63800000 00000000 df8260b0
[    5.090429@1] 7dc0: df826278 00000091 000000ff 0000ffff df8ecd40 c027e7d4 00000000 df1c4200
[    5.098762@1] 7de0: df129000 0f800000 00000000 c0278fe0 df847e10 df2007c0 df200a00 c0351994
[    5.107095@1] 7e00: 00000087 c0354e44 00006c03 000000d1 003e0000 0020ffff df084000 df847de8
[    5.115428@1] 7e20: ffffffff 003e0086 00204000 df084000 df847de8 df129000 df129000 00010300
[    5.123761@1] 7e40: 00000000 df847e6c ffffffff c0355608 000080d0 00000000 0004a000 df2007c0
[    5.132094@1] 7e60: df200a00 df847e7c 00000009 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 003e00ff
[    5.140427@1] 7e80: 00200000 df084000 df847e6c 00000000 00000020 df129000 df959774 00000128
[    5.148759@1] 7ea0: 00000000 df9597d0 00000020 df8ecd40 00000020 c0356038 4a000000 00000000
[    5.157092@1] 7ec0: df802200 00000002 df889000 df959700 df1c4200 4a000000 00000000 00000000
[    5.165425@1] 7ee0: 00000000 00000000 df847f54 c0351450 4a000000 00000000 00400000 00004000
[    5.173757@1] 7f00: 00000020 df055ea0 00000002 00000000 c002028c 00000000 00000000 c076ecc0
[    5.182090@1] 7f20: 0000061f c00d76e4 00000000 c03507c8 00000000 df1c4200 c07a5a54 df1c4200
[    5.190423@1] 7f40: 000000c0 df959700 c092f80c 00000000 00000000 c0350888 00000000 00000000
[    5.198756@1] 7f60: 00000000 df1c4200 c07a5a54 c078a3f8 c002028c 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    5.207089@1] 7f80: 00000000 c027b830 df846000 c07b8a60 c0040000 c00202ac df846000 c00396e0
[    5.215422@1] 7fa0: 000000ff c00a67fc 000000ff 00000000 00000000 35321fa0 00000035 00000000
[    5.223755@1] 7fc0: c077bdf0 c002f050 c002f34c c0040000 00000013 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    5.232087@1] 7fe0: 00000000 c0008994 00000000 00000000 c000890c c0040000 00000000 00000000
[    5.240440@1] [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28) from [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144)
[    5.247986@1] [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144) from [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524)
[    5.256747@1] [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524) from [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254)
[    5.266990@1] [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254) from [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c)
[    5.277147@1] [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c) from [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68)
[    5.286778@1] [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68) from [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50)
[    5.296325@1] [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50) from [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194)
[    5.307000@1] [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194) from [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c)
[    5.317761@1] [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c) from [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+0x2cc/0x354)
[    5.327227@1] [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+0x2cc/0x354) from [<c0351450>] (aml_nftl_initialize+0xfc/0x31c)
[    5.336861@1] [<c0351450>] (aml_nftl_initialize+0xfc/0x31c) from [<c0350888>] (aml_nftl_add_mtd+0x120/0x3bc)
[    5.346668@1] [<c0350888>] (aml_nftl_add_mtd+0x120/0x3bc) from [<c027b830>] (register_mtd_blktrans+0xb8/0x12c)
[    5.356651@1] [<c027b830>] (register_mtd_blktrans+0xb8/0x12c) from [<c00202ac>] (init_aml_nftl+0x20/0x44)
[    5.366200@1] [<c00202ac>] (init_aml_nftl+0x20/0x44) from [<c00396e0>] (do_one_initcall+0xfc/0x164)
[    5.375226@1] [<c00396e0>] (do_one_initcall+0xfc/0x164) from [<c0008994>] (kernel_init+0x88/0x128)
[    5.384168@1] [<c0008994>] (kernel_init+0x88/0x128) from [<c0040000>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
[    5.393103@1] Code: e59f0010 e1a01003 eb140181 e3a03000 (e5833000) 
[    5.399448@1] ---[ end trace 8a8d4ece669abd10 ]---
[    5.404168@1] ** enable watchdog
[    5.407334@1] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
[    5.413448@1] [<c0045ac4>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8) from [<c0542ee0>] (panic+0x68/0x180)
[    5.421772@1] [<c0542ee0>] (panic+0x68/0x180) from [<c00692ac>] (do_exit+0x644/0x6f8)
[    5.429562@1] [<c00692ac>] (do_exit+0x644/0x6f8) from [<c0042ebc>] (die+0x23c/0x2b8)
[    5.437299@1] [<c0042ebc>] (die+0x23c/0x2b8) from [<c0542ce0>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.3+0x54/0x74)
[    5.446328@1] [<c0542ce0>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.3+0x54/0x74) from [<c0046f70>] (do_page_fault+0x1e0/0x1e8)
[    5.456224@1] [<c0046f70>] (do_page_fault+0x1e0/0x1e8) from [<c00394b4>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x9c)
[    5.465076@1] [<c00394b4>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x9c) from [<c003ea2c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60)
[    5.473486@1] Exception stack(0xdf847cc8 to 0xdf847d10)
[    5.478686@1] 7cc0:                   00000059 80000093 c07799f0 00000000 00000001 00000001
[    5.487033@1] 7ce0: 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134 00007fff 00000000 df847d10
[    5.495367@1] 7d00: c00429f0 c00429f4 60000013 ffffffff
[    5.500564@1] [<c003ea2c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60) from [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28)
[    5.508389@1] [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28) from [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144)
[    5.515944@1] [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144) from [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524)
[    5.524707@1] [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524) from [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254)
[    5.534950@1] [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254) from [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c)
[    5.545108@1] [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c) from [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68)
[    5.554741@1] [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68) from [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50)
[    5.564288@1] [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50) from [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194)
[    5.574963@1] [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194) from [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c)
[    5.585726@1] [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c) from [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+0x2cc/0x354)
[    5.595195@1] [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+0x2cc/0x354) from [<c0351450>] (aml_nftl_initialize+0xfc/0x31c)
[    5.604826@1] [<c0351450>] (aml_nftl_initialize+0xfc/0x31c) from [<c0350888>] (aml_nftl_add_mtd+0x120/0x3bc)
[    5.614632@1] [<c0350888>] (aml_nftl_add_mtd+0x120/0x3bc) from [<c027b830>] (register_mtd_blktrans+0xb8/0x12c)
[    5.624611@1] [<c027b830>] (register_mtd_blktrans+0xb8/0x12c) from [<c00202ac>] (init_aml_nftl+0x20/0x44)
[    5.634159@1] [<c00202ac>] (init_aml_nftl+0x20/0x44) from [<c00396e0>] (do_one_initcall+0xfc/0x164)
[    5.643188@1] [<c00396e0>] (do_one_initcall+0xfc/0x164) from [<c0008994>] (kernel_init+0x88/0x128)
[    5.652130@1] [<c0008994>] (kernel_init+0x88/0x128) from [<c0040000>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
[    5.661065@0] CPU0: stopping
[    5.663928@0] [<c0045ac4>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8) from [<c003944c>] (do_IPI+0x1cc/0x200)
[    5.672428@0] [<c003944c>] (do_IPI+0x1cc/0x200) from [<c003ea8c>] (__irq_svc+0x4c/0xe4)
[    5.680405@0] Exception stack(0xc0765f68 to 0xc0765fb0)
[    5.685617@0] 5f60:                   00000003 00000001 c0765fb0 00000000 c0764000 c07b8b24
[    5.693950@0] 5f80: c054d014 c077684c 8000406a 413fc090 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0765fb0
[    5.702280@0] 5fa0: c004005c c0040060 60000013 ffffffff
[    5.707495@0] [<c003ea8c>] (__irq_svc+0x4c/0xe4) from [<c0040060>] (default_idle+0x24/0x28)
[    5.715827@0] [<c0040060>] (default_idle+0x24/0x28) from [<c0040520>] (cpu_idle+0xb4/0xf4)
[    5.724073@0] [<c0040520>] (cpu_idle+0xb4/0xf4) from [<c00088b8>] (start_kernel+0x298/0x2ec)
[    5.732492@0] [<c00088b8>] (start_kernel+0x298/0x2ec) from [<80008040>] (0x80008040)
[    5.740216@1] m3_nand_reboot_notifier 1166 
[    5.744388@1] Enter aml_nand_exit_enslc_mode_hynix
[    5.749261@1] BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/1/0x00000002
[    5.755156@1] Modules linked in:
[    5.758366@1] [<c0045ac4>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8) from [<c054701c>] (__schedule+0x5d0/0x69c)
[    5.767231@1] [<c054701c>] (__schedule+0x5d0/0x69c) from [<c054776c>] (schedule_timeout+0x1b0/0x238)
[    5.776341@1] [<c054776c>] (schedule_timeout+0x1b0/0x238) from [<c05467d4>] (wait_for_common+0xac/0x150)
[    5.785805@1] [<c05467d4>] (wait_for_common+0xac/0x150) from [<c007fca4>] (kthread_stop+0x44/0x7c)
[    5.794751@1] [<c007fca4>] (kthread_stop+0x44/0x7c) from [<c03504c4>] (aml_nftl_reboot_notifier+0x94/0xb0)
[    5.804381@1] [<c03504c4>] (aml_nftl_reboot_notifier+0x94/0xb0) from [<c0085150>] (notifier_call_chain+0x44/0x84)
[    5.814620@1] [<c0085150>] (notifier_call_chain+0x44/0x84) from [<c0085414>] (__atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x38/0x4c)
[    5.825208@1] [<c0085414>] (__atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x38/0x4c) from [<c0085440>] (atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x18/0x20)
[    5.836406@1] [<c0085440>] (atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x18/0x20) from [<c0542efc>] (panic+0x84/0x180)
[    5.845694@1] [<c0542efc>] (panic+0x84/0x180) from [<c00692ac>] (do_exit+0x644/0x6f8)
[    5.853503@1] [<c00692ac>] (do_exit+0x644/0x6f8) from [<c0042ebc>] (die+0x23c/0x2b8)
[    5.861230@1] [<c0042ebc>] (die+0x23c/0x2b8) from [<c0542ce0>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.3+0x54/0x74)
[    5.870246@1] [<c0542ce0>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.3+0x54/0x74) from [<c0046f70>] (do_page_fault+0x1e0/0x1e8)
[    5.880153@1] [<c0046f70>] (do_page_fault+0x1e0/0x1e8) from [<c00394b4>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x9c)
[    5.889006@1] [<c00394b4>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x9c) from [<c003ea2c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60)
[    5.897425@1] Exception stack(0xdf847cc8 to 0xdf847d10)
[    5.902630@1] 7cc0:                   00000059 80000093 c07799f0 00000000 00000001 00000001
[    5.910962@1] 7ce0: 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134 00007fff 00000000 df847d10
[    5.919281@1] 7d00: c00429f0 c00429f4 60000013 ffffffff
[    5.924506@1] [<c003ea2c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60) from [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28)
[    5.932320@1] [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28) from [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144)
[    5.939860@1] [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144) from [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524)
[    5.948639@1] [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524) from [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254)
[    5.958882@1] [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254) from [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c)
[    5.969038@1] [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c) from [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68)
[    5.978671@1] [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68) from [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50)
[    5.988219@1] [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50) from [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194)
[    5.998899@1] [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194) from [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c)
[    6.009658@1] [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c) from [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+0x2cc/0x354)
[    6.019121@1] [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+0x2cc/0x354) from [<c0351450>] (aml_nftl_initialize+0xfc/0x31c)
[    6.028756@1] [<c0351450>] (aml_nftl_initialize+0xfc/0x31c) from [<c0350888>] (aml_nftl_add_mtd+0x120/0x3bc)
[    6.038563@1] [<c0350888>] (aml_nftl_add_mtd+0x120/0x3bc) from [<c027b830>] (register_mtd_blktrans+0xb8/0x12c)
[    6.048544@1] [<c027b830>] (register_mtd_blktrans+0xb8/0x12c) from [<c00202ac>] (init_aml_nftl+0x20/0x44)
[    6.058091@1] [<c00202ac>] (init_aml_nftl+0x20/0x44) from [<c00396e0>] (do_one_initcall+0xfc/0x164)
[    6.067119@1] [<c00396e0>] (do_one_initcall+0xfc/0x164) from [<c0008994>] (kernel_init+0x88/0x128)
[    6.076060@1] [<c0008994>] (kernel_init+0x88/0x128) from [<c0040000>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
[    6.085029@1] BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/1/0x00000002
[    6.090983@1] Modules linked in:
[    6.094194@1] [<c0045ac4>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8) from [<c054701c>] (__schedule+0x5d0/0x69c)
[    6.103059@1] [<c054701c>] (__schedule+0x5d0/0x69c) from [<c054776c>] (schedule_timeout+0x1b0/0x238)
[    6.112170@1] [<c054776c>] (schedule_timeout+0x1b0/0x238) from [<c05467d4>] (wait_for_common+0xac/0x150)
[    6.121631@1] [<c05467d4>] (wait_for_common+0xac/0x150) from [<c007fca4>] (kthread_stop+0x44/0x7c)
[    6.130560@1] [<c007fca4>] (kthread_stop+0x44/0x7c) from [<c03504c4>] (aml_nftl_reboot_notifier+0x94/0xb0)
[    6.140208@1] [<c03504c4>] (aml_nftl_reboot_notifier+0x94/0xb0) from [<c0085150>] (notifier_call_chain+0x44/0x84)
[    6.150448@1] [<c0085150>] (notifier_call_chain+0x44/0x84) from [<c0085414>] (__atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x38/0x4c)
[    6.161039@1] [<c0085414>] (__atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x38/0x4c) from [<c0085440>] (atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x18/0x20)
[    6.172234@1] [<c0085440>] (atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x18/0x20) from [<c0542efc>] (panic+0x84/0x180)
[    6.181522@1] [<c0542efc>] (panic+0x84/0x180) from [<c00692ac>] (do_exit+0x644/0x6f8)
[    6.189320@1] [<c00692ac>] (do_exit+0x644/0x6f8) from [<c0042ebc>] (die+0x23c/0x2b8)
[    6.197063@1] [<c0042ebc>] (die+0x23c/0x2b8) from [<c0542ce0>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.3+0x54/0x74)
[    6.206088@1] [<c0542ce0>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.3+0x54/0x74) from [<c0046f70>] (do_page_fault+0x1e0/0x1e8)
[    6.215981@1] [<c0046f70>] (do_page_fault+0x1e0/0x1e8) from [<c00394b4>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x9c)
[    6.224834@1] [<c00394b4>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x9c) from [<c003ea2c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60)
[    6.233247@1] Exception stack(0xdf847cc8 to 0xdf847d10)
[    6.238446@1] 7cc0:                   00000059 80000093 c07799f0 00000000 00000001 00000001
[    6.246792@1] 7ce0: 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134 00007fff 00000000 df847d10
[    6.255121@1] 7d00: c00429f0 c00429f4 60000013 ffffffff
[    6.260324@1] [<c003ea2c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60) from [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28)
[    6.268149@1] [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28) from [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144)
[    6.275701@1] [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144) from [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524)
[    6.284475@1] [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524) from [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254)
[    6.294711@1] [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254) from [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c)
[    6.304868@1] [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c) from [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68)
[    6.314500@1] [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68) from [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50)
[    6.324048@1] [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50) from [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194)
[    6.334724@1] [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194) from [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c)
[    6.345487@1] [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c) from [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+0x2cc/0x354)
[    6.354950@1] [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+0x2cc/0x354) from [<c0351450>] (aml_nftl_initialize+0xfc/0x31c)
[    6.364585@1] [<c0351450>] (aml_nftl_initialize+0xfc/0x31c) from [<c0350888>] (aml_nftl_add_mtd+0x120/0x3bc)
[    6.374392@1] [<c0350888>] (aml_nftl_add_mtd+0x120/0x3bc) from [<c027b830>] (register_mtd_blktrans+0xb8/0x12c)
[    6.384372@1] [<c027b830>] (register_mtd_blktrans+0xb8/0x12c) from [<c00202ac>] (init_aml_nftl+0x20/0x44)
[    6.393925@1] [<c00202ac>] (init_aml_nftl+0x20/0x44) from [<c00396e0>] (do_one_initcall+0xfc/0x164)
[    6.402949@1] [<c00396e0>] (do_one_initcall+0xfc/0x164) from [<c0008994>] (kernel_init+0x88/0x128)
[    6.411890@1] [<c0008994>] (kernel_init+0x88/0x128) from [<c0040000>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
[    6.420861@1] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000
[    6.429056@1] pgd = c0004000
[    6.431937@1] [00000000] *pgd=00000000
[    6.435654@1] Internal error: Oops: 80000005 [#2] PREEMPT SMP
[    6.441381@1] Modules linked in:
[    6.444596@1] CPU: 1    Tainted: G      D      (3.0.8-g814480d-dirty #5)
[    6.451277@1] PC is at 0x0
[    6.453973@1] LR is at aml_nftl_reboot_notifier+0x4c/0xb0
[    6.459352@1] pc : [<00000000>]    lr : [<c035047c>]    psr: 60000113
[    6.459358@1] sp : df847ab0  ip : 00000000  fp : 00000008
[    6.471154@1] r10: 00000000  r9 : c00429f8  r8 : 00000000
[    6.476536@1] r7 : c07ba728  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000000  r4 : df95977c
[    6.483220@1] r3 : 00000000  r2 : 00000000  r1 : 00000000  r0 : df959700
[    6.489905@1] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  ISA ARM  Segment user
[    6.497195@1] Control: 10c53c7d  Table: 8000404a  DAC: 00000015
[    6.503097@1] 
[    6.503100@1] LR: 0xc03503fc:
[    6.507696@1] 03fc  e59f0020 eb07cafc eaffffc6 e59f0018 eb07caf9 eaffffd7 e59f0010 eb07caf6
[    6.516028@1] 041c  eaffffca c0766080 c06e5ed8 c06e5f30 c06e5f08 e92d4038 e1a04000 e5501003
[    6.524361@1] 043c  e5502002 e5503004 e5500001 e1833401 e1833802 e1830c00 eb07df5f e5d4c073
[    6.532694@1] 045c  e5d41074 e244007c e5d43072 e5d42075 e183340c e1833801 e1833c02 e12fff33
[    6.541027@1] 047c  e5541003 e5542002 e5543004 e1833401 e1833802 e1a05000 e5540001 e1830c00
[    6.549360@1] 049c  eb07deda e554100b e554300c e554200a e1833401 e5540009 e1833802 e1930c00
[    6.557692@1] 04bc  0a000005 ebf4bde6 e3a03000 e544300c e544300b e544300a e5443009 e1a00005
[    6.566025@1] 04dc  e8bd8038 e92d4ff8 e1a05001 e5d02061 e1a04000 e5d03060 e5d01062 e1833402
[    6.574359@1] 
[    6.574362@1] SP: 0xdf847a30:
[    6.578958@1] 7a30  00000000 80000113 df847a4c c005b1fc df0a7fd8 00000001 df0a7fd8 df0a7fd4
[    6.587291@1] 7a50  df847a9c ffffffff df847a9c 00000000 c07ba728 c003ebf0 df959700 00000000
[    6.595624@1] 7a70  00000000 00000000 df95977c 00000000 00000000 c07ba728 00000000 c00429f8
[    6.603957@1] 7a90  00000000 00000008 00000000 df847ab0 c035047c 00000000 60000113 ffffffff
[    6.612290@1] 7ab0  c0350430 fffffffb 00000000 c0085150 c07bab28 ffffffff c07ba728 00000000
[    6.620622@1] 7ad0  c00429f6 c0085414 00000000 df847af0 c00442b0 c07ba720 00000000 00000001
[    6.628955@1] 7af0  df848000 c0085440 00000000 c07ba720 00000000 c0542efc df848000 df847b34
[    6.637288@1] 7b10  00000008 df848000 c077ad4c 00000001 df848000 c00429f6 00000000 c00692ac
[    6.645622@1] 
[    6.645625@1] R0: 0xdf959680:
[    6.650221@1] 9680  df95967c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 df95969c
[    6.658554@1] 96a0  df95969c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 df9596b8 df9596b8
[    6.666887@1] 96c0  df833640 df833648 df9593c4 00000001 df82ab00 00000000 c02556cc 00000000
[    6.675220@1] 96e0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.683553@1] 9700  c07a5a54 00000000 00000000 df1c4200 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.691886@1] 9720  00000000 00000000 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.700218@1] 9740  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.708551@1] 9760  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 df129000 df888000 c0350430
[    6.716885@1] 
[    6.716887@1] R4: 0xdf9596fc:
[    6.721484@1] 96fc  00000000 c07a5a54 00000000 00000000 df1c4200 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.729817@1] 971c  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.738150@1] 973c  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.746483@1] 975c  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 df129000 df888000
[    6.754815@1] 977c  c0350430 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.763148@1] 979c  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.771481@1] 97bc  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00060008
[    6.779814@1] 97dc  00020004 00030002 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.788147@1] 
[    6.788150@1] R7: 0xc07ba6a8:
[    6.792747@1] a6a8  00000000 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.801080@1] a6c8  00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.809413@1] a6e8  c079ced4 df803200 df803300 df803400 00001af8 df803480 df803280 00000029
[    6.817745@1] a708  0000052b df803380 df802280 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000000
[    6.826078@1] a728  65747441 6574706d 6f742064 6c696b20 6e69206c 00217469 00000000 00000000
[    6.834411@1] a748  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.842743@1] a768  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.851076@1] a788  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    6.859410@1] 
[    6.859413@1] R9: 0xc0042978:
[    6.864010@1] 2978  e24dd010 e590003c eb01442c e3500000 0594003c 0a00000d e2841034 e594002c
[    6.872342@1] 2998  e891000e e88d000f ea000003 e59d000c eb014422 e3500000 0a000006 e1a0000d
[    6.880675@1] 29b8  eb000b35 e3500000 aafffff7 e3a00000 e28dd010 e8bd8010 e59d000c eafffffb
[    6.889008@1] 29d8  e92d4008 e1a03000 e1a02001 e59f0010 e1a01003 eb140181 e3a03000 e5833000
[    6.897341@1] 29f8  eafffffe c06998d4 e30908f0 e30012e1 e92d4008 e34c0069 ebfffff0 e1a01000
[    6.905674@1] 2a18  e309092c e92d4008 e34c0069 eb140173 e30908f0 e30012c5 e34c0069 ebffffe7
[    6.914006@1] 2a38  e92d4008 e1a02000 e1a03001 e309094c e1a0100e e34c0069 eb140168 e30908f0
[    6.922339@1] 2a58  e3001299 e34c0069 ebffffdc e92d4ff0 e24dd06c e1a06002 e1a05003 e1a0c00d
[    6.930674@1] Process swapper (pid: 1, stack limit = 0xdf8462f8)
[    6.936663@1] Stack: (0xdf847ab0 to 0xdf848000)
[    6.941179@1] 7aa0:                                     c0350430 fffffffb 00000000 c0085150
[    6.949514@1] 7ac0: c07bab28 ffffffff c07ba728 00000000 c00429f6 c0085414 00000000 df847af0
[    6.957846@1] 7ae0: c00442b0 c07ba720 00000000 00000001 df848000 c0085440 00000000 c07ba720
[    6.966179@1] 7b00: 00000000 c0542efc df848000 df847b34 00000008 df848000 c077ad4c 00000001
[    6.974512@1] 7b20: df848000 c00429f6 00000000 c00692ac c069ec4c df847b58 df847b38 c077ad4c
[    6.982845@1] 7b40: 000084c7 df847b58 df846000 00000001 000084c7 df848170 df847b58 df847b58
[    6.991177@1] 7b60: df847bca df846000 00000000 00000001 df847bca c00429f6 c00429f8 00000000
[    6.999510@1] 7b80: 00000008 c0042ebc df8462f8 0000000b 34343331 00000000 65000002 30663935
[    7.007843@1] 7ba0: 20303130 30613165 33303031 31626520 38313034 33652031 30333061 28203030
[    7.016176@1] 7bc0: 33383565 30303033 20002029 00000805 00007fff 00000000 00000000 00000805
[    7.024509@1] 7be0: df847cc8 00000000 20000113 00000805 00007fff c0542ce0 df847cc8 c0046f70
[    7.032841@1] 7c00: c079e540 c07bab78 00000805 c0776ae8 00000000 df847cc8 df847d68 20000113
[    7.041174@1] 7c20: c00d7134 c00394b4 c07bab78 c0548e30 00000001 c00667b0 ffffffff c07bac3e
[    7.049507@1] 7c40: 00000001 df846000 df847c5c c005e1c8 c07bac3e c0779990 00000011 c0066aa8
[    7.057840@1] 7c60: 00000001 c0779990 00000000 8b53a775 08d58fc8 00000001 df847c96 c07bab78
[    7.066173@1] 7c80: 00000001 60000013 c07bac3b 00779990 00000002 205b6aa8 34202020 3334342e
[    7.074505@1] 7ca0: 40313831 00205d31 089d93c0 00000001 df847cce ffffffff df847cfc 00000000
[    7.082838@1] 7cc0: dfbfc000 c003ea2c 00000059 80000093 c07799f0 00000000 00000001 00000001
[    7.091171@1] 7ce0: 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134 00007fff 00000000 df847d10
[    7.099504@1] 7d00: c00429f0 c00429f4 60000013 ffffffff 00000400 c00d6b48 00000008 c0344d1c
[    7.107836@1] 7d20: 00007fff 00000001 00000001 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134
[    7.116169@1] 7d40: 00007fff c0344d1c fffffffb 00000000 01c20000 00000000 df170000 df170000
[    7.124502@1] 7d60: df8ecec0 c00d7134 78766e65 8002ffff df8260b0 df888020 df8260b0 df826278
[    7.132835@1] 7d80: 00000000 63800000 00400000 0000018e df170000 c0348180 00000000 00000000
[    7.141167@1] 7da0: 00000007 df8260b0 00000006 00004000 000000ff 63800000 00000000 df8260b0
[    7.149500@1] 7dc0: df826278 00000091 000000ff 0000ffff df8ecd40 c027e7d4 00000000 df1c4200
[    7.157833@1] 7de0: df129000 0f800000 00000000 c0278fe0 df847e10 df2007c0 df200a00 c0351994
[    7.166166@1] 7e00: 00000087 c0354e44 00006c03 000000d1 003e0000 0020ffff df084000 df847de8
[    7.174499@1] 7e20: ffffffff 003e0086 00204000 df084000 df847de8 df129000 df129000 00010300
[    7.182832@1] 7e40: 00000000 df847e6c ffffffff c0355608 000080d0 00000000 0004a000 df2007c0
[    7.191165@1] 7e60: df200a00 df847e7c 00000009 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 003e00ff
[    7.199498@1] 7e80: 00200000 df084000 df847e6c 00000000 00000020 df129000 df959774 00000128
[    7.207830@1] 7ea0: 00000000 df9597d0 00000020 df8ecd40 00000020 c0356038 4a000000 00000000
[    7.216163@1] 7ec0: df802200 00000002 df889000 df959700 df1c4200 4a000000 00000000 00000000
[    7.224496@1] 7ee0: 00000000 00000000 df847f54 c0351450 4a000000 00000000 00400000 00004000
[    7.232828@1] 7f00: 00000020 df055ea0 00000002 00000000 c002028c 00000000 00000000 c076ecc0
[    7.241161@1] 7f20: 0000061f c00d76e4 00000000 c03507c8 00000000 df1c4200 c07a5a54 df1c4200
[    7.249494@1] 7f40: 000000c0 df959700 c092f80c 00000000 00000000 c0350888 00000000 00000000
[    7.257827@1] 7f60: 00000000 df1c4200 c07a5a54 c078a3f8 c002028c 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    7.266160@1] 7f80: 00000000 c027b830 df846000 c07b8a60 c0040000 c00202ac df846000 c00396e0
[    7.274493@1] 7fa0: 000000ff c00a67fc 000000ff 00000000 00000000 35321fa0 00000035 00000000
[    7.282825@1] 7fc0: c077bdf0 c002f050 c002f34c c0040000 00000013 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    7.291158@1] 7fe0: 00000000 c0008994 00000000 00000000 c000890c c0040000 00000000 00000000
[    7.299503@1] [<c035047c>] (aml_nftl_reboot_notifier+0x4c/0xb0) from [<c0085150>] (notifier_call_chain+0x44/0x84)
[    7.309738@1] [<c0085150>] (notifier_call_chain+0x44/0x84) from [<c0085414>] (__atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x38/0x4c)
[    7.320327@1] [<c0085414>] (__atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x38/0x4c) from [<c0085440>] (atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x18/0x20)
[    7.331525@1] [<c0085440>] (atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x18/0x20) from [<c0542efc>] (panic+0x84/0x180)
[    7.340813@1] [<c0542efc>] (panic+0x84/0x180) from [<c00692ac>] (do_exit+0x644/0x6f8)
[    7.348622@1] [<c00692ac>] (do_exit+0x644/0x6f8) from [<c0042ebc>] (die+0x23c/0x2b8)
[    7.356349@1] [<c0042ebc>] (die+0x23c/0x2b8) from [<c0542ce0>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.3+0x54/0x74)
[    7.365377@1] [<c0542ce0>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.3+0x54/0x74) from [<c0046f70>] (do_page_fault+0x1e0/0x1e8)
[    7.375271@1] [<c0046f70>] (do_page_fault+0x1e0/0x1e8) from [<c00394b4>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x9c)
[    7.384124@1] [<c00394b4>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x9c) from [<c003ea2c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60)
[    7.392537@1] Exception stack(0xdf847cc8 to 0xdf847d10)
[    7.397748@1] 7cc0:                   00000059 80000093 c07799f0 00000000 00000001 00000001
[    7.406082@1] 7ce0: 00000000 dfbfc000 df847d68 00000008 c00d7134 00007fff 00000000 df847d10
[    7.414412@1] 7d00: c00429f0 c00429f4 60000013 ffffffff
[    7.419624@1] [<c003ea2c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60) from [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28)
[    7.427438@1] [<c00429f4>] (__bug+0x1c/0x28) from [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144)
[    7.434991@1] [<c00d6b48>] (kfree+0x138/0x144) from [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524)
[    7.443757@1] [<c0344d1c>] (aml_nand_save_env+0x364/0x524) from [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254)
[    7.453999@1] [<c0348180>] (aml_nand_block_markbad+0x1ac/0x254) from [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c)
[    7.464156@1] [<c027e7d4>] (nand_block_markbad+0x38/0x3c) from [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68)
[    7.473789@1] [<c0278fe0>] (part_block_markbad+0x4c/0x68) from [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50)
[    7.483337@1] [<c0351994>] (nand_mark_bad_blk+0x40/0x50) from [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194)
[    7.494013@1] [<c0354e44>] (do_write_error_in_create_list+0x160/0x194) from [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c)
[    7.504775@1] [<c0355608>] (create_part_list+0x458/0x90c) from [<c0356038>] (aml_nftl_start+

Im Code sieht man deutlich, dass der Kernel beim Versuch des Lesens vom Flash bzw schreiben auf den Flash abstürzt. Instinktiv würd ich nun sagen, der Flash ist hin und man könnte das Teil höchstens noch von der SD-Karte booten (Oder eine neue Badblocktabelle generieren und Android neuinstallieren, ich bin mir da nur nicht im Klaren, wie man dies tun kann.)
Sie sind zu Experten
Ich kann dir nicht folgen
in einem anderen Thread wir versuchen, eine benutzerdefinierte Wiederherstellung für ST70208-2 machen
und wir müssen eine nandroid baclup oder andere finden
Firmware installiert werden
Ich habe vielleicht ein zu versuchen..

you're too good
I can not follow you
in another thread we are trying to make a custom recovery for ST70208-2
and I need to find a nandroid backup or other
firmware to be installed
Ich habe den Trekstor Support angeschrieben und mein Problem mal geschildert und nach einer Firmware gefragt. Ich hoffe doch inständig , dass die mir was brauchbares zuschicken.
Ich erinnere mich dunkel daran, mal auf meine SD-Karte Images der Flash-Partitionen gezogen zu haben. Ich werde schauen, ob man da was machen könnte. Falls jemand tipps für mich hat, gerne Posten :)

EDIT: Es scheint Baugleich zu sein mit dem Onda v703 Dual Core tablet.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
TrekStor italien nicht die Firmware haben
meine ST70208-2 ist im Boot-Schleife
Ich habe vor build.props heruntergeladen
Ich habe versucht, andere Firmware installieren, ohne Erfolg
diese Tabletten basierend auf demselben Chip scheint
Tablets with Memory: from 512MB | Skinflint Price Comparison EU ~ 2177_AML8726-MX ~ ~ 2186_0.3 2939_145 # xf_top

aber ich weiß nicht, wie zu installieren
in diesem Thread

TheSSJ ist so freundlich, uns mit einem benutzerdefinierten Genesung zu helfen (Aber er will nicht besitzen eine T70208-2)
Sie erfahren sind, möchten Sie zusammenarbeiten?

Brynnhold Sie haben Recht das ist identisch!
trekstor italy does not have the firmware
my ST70208-2 is in boot loop
I have downloaded build.props before
I have tried to install other firmware without success
those tablets seems based on same chip
Tablets with Pixel density: from 145ppi, CPU type: AML8726-MX, Memory: from 512MB, Webcam resolution: 0.3 megapixels | Skinflint Price Comparison EU

but I does not know how to install
in this thread

TheSSJ is so kind to help us with a custom recovery ( But he does not own a T70208-2)
you are experienced, want you cooperate?

Brynnhold you are right this is identical!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
chinese site with onda 703 firmware

Ich habe V703D_v2.1_v1-0903 heruntergeladen
Kann es funktioniert?
Instruction sind chinesische!

I have downloaded V703D_v2.1_v1-0903
Can it works?
Instruction are chinese!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
PASTAIO schrieb:
chinese site with onda 703 firmware

Ich habe V703D_v2.1_v1-0903 heruntergeladen
Kann es funktioniert?
Instruction sind chinesische!

I have downloaded V703D_v2.1_v1-0903
Can it works?
Instruction are chinese!

Ich glaube, dass das interne Partitionslayout des Surftabs etwas anders ist als das des Onda tablets.
Allgemein scheint das Problem der nicht bootenden Tablets daran zu sein, dass der Kernel beim Markieren von fehlerhaften Blöcken abstürzt.
Ich hatte mein Tablet kurzzeitig Booten in die Recovery bekommen, als ich mit einer Datei "aml_autoscript" mittels dem befehl "nand scrub_detect" nach Badblocks gesucht habe. Leider hat es die Partitionen zurückgesetzt und mein Tablet zeigt nicht einmal mehr das Trekstor Logo.

Danke aber für den Link zur Firmware, Wenn ich damit mein Tablet wieder hin bekomme, dann melde ich mich hier nochmal.

English: I suppose the partition layout used in the Trekstor Surftabs differs from the one used in the Onda tablets.
It seems that corrupted blocks in the flash make the kernel crash on boot and it's maybe a common problem. I've managed to get my tablet to boot into recovery mode by creating an "aml_autoscript" with the command "nand scrub_detect" which should detect bad blocks. Unfortunately it ate my partition table so that my tablet won't even show the Trekstor splash screen.

Thanks anyway for the firmware, Maybe I can get it to work on my tablet, I will report back in when it runs.
Es tut mir leid, das zu hören
Bitte brynnhold
die Firmware, die Sie versucht haben zu installieren?

I am sorry to hear this
Please brynnhold
which firmware have you flashed?

new firmware seems to works!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: brynnhold
PASTAIO schrieb:
Es tut mir leid, das zu hören
Bitte brynnhold
die Firmware, die Sie versucht haben zu installieren?

I am sorry to hear this
Please brynnhold
which firmware have you flashed?

new firmware seems to works!

Ich hatte vorerst Probleme mit dem AMLogic Burning tool, aber es funktioniert nun. Was mich sehr stört ist das fehlende root. Wenn ich einen Weg finde, das alte System image zu mounten (Also das von Trekstor, welches root hat) dann werde ich mit viel Magie versuchen das Tablet zu rooten und posten, wie dies klappte.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: PASTAIO
mein Surftab Ventos 7.0 tut es ebenfalls nicht mehr. Bleibt beim TredStor - Logo hängen und ich komme auch nicht ins Recovermenü...;-(

Wie bekomme das SurfTab wieder zum laufen? Hat jemand die Firmware oder gibt's da auch was Alternatives?

Ganz, ganz lieben DANK für euere Tipps und Anregungen

(automatisch aus Englisch übersetzt)

Trekstor Original-Firmware ist nicht verfügbar.
Sie können, um ONDA installieren kompatible Firmware.
Hier ist der Link. Chrome-Browser verwenden für übersetzen aus Chinesen.
Jetzt habe ich V703 v2.1_v3 Version und scheint gut zu sein.

Schwierigste Teil ist machen die vom PC erkannt Tablette.

Versuchen Sie dies:
Verbinden Sie das USB-PC - Tablet.
Öffnen Sie das Flash-Tool Amlogic.
* Halten Sie die Home-Taste und drücken Sie die Taste POWER 10 - 15 Sekunden.
Das Flash-Tool sollte den Port angeschlossen zu zeigen. Wenn dies nicht gelingt, von *
Versuchen Sie, und versuchen Sie es erneut.
Hoffe, das hilft.

siehe auch

Trekstor original firmware is not available.
You can to install ONDA compatible firmware.
This is the link. Use Chrome browser for translate from chinese.
Now I have V703 v2.1_v3 version and seems to be good.

Difficult part is make the tablet recognized by the pc.

Try this:
Connect USB pc - Tablet.
Open the amlogic flash tool.
* Hold on the HOME button and push the POWER button for 10 - 15 seconds.
The flash tool should show the port connected. If this fails repeat from *
Try and try again.
Hope this helps.

See also
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Paumuel
DANKE für den Tipp. Inzwischen hat sich auch der Suport von Trekstor gemeldet:
"...das genannte Problem kann durch einen defekten Speicher-Controller verursacht werden. Bitte reklamieren Sie das Gerät bei ihrem Händler oder senden Sie das Gerät mit dem kompletten Zubehör, einer Kopie des Kaufbelegs und einer detaillierten Fehlerbeschreibung an:
[FONT=&quot] TrekStor GmbH ..."
Ich habe dann mal das Gerät zurück an den Händler gesandt und Gewährleistungsansprüche geltend gemacht ... mal schauen, was dabei raus kommt. Wenn auch knapp, so ist der Kauf leider schon über 6 Monate her, in denen frau ja auf der sicheren Seite ist...;-(

Wenn Interesse ist, halte ich euch mal auf dem Laufenden...


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