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PapayaMobile releases Social Splash toolkit, ports HTML5/Flash games to Android
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More news for developers today as PapayaMobile has launched a new toolkit that will allow anyone who makes HTML5/Flash games to port them over into a fully featured Android game. This is all done without having to deal with any new coding languages.
This means if you develop games for Facebook or Google+, as an example, you can use this new toolkit called Social Splash to port it right over to Android as a fully featured game without really having to do a whole lot. Everything is done via the Cloud as well and developers will also be able to add in all the extra features PapayaMobile's social platform comes with including leaderboard, notifications, news feeds, and all the other extra good stuff on a network of 50 million users.
The conversion, or porting of the HTML5/Flash games, is done with Social Splash which is a wrapper for HTML5 and Flash games which uses the Android Flash plugin and the latest web kit engine to render the game. The compilation is done entirely in the cloud and developers will not need to install anything on their machine or know anything about Android to use it. If you are interested in testing this out, you can download Social Splash from the developers section over on PapayaMobile's website, linked below.
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