Erfahrenes Mitglied
- 124
Hey Leute,
ich benötige mal wieder eure Unterstützung
Helft mir beim Beta-Test meines neusten Games: LetterWars.
Es ist ein rundenbasiertes 2-Player Multiplayer Game.
Wäre cool wenn ihr es einfach kurz testen und etwas Feedback da lassen könntet
Dem Thread angehängt sind die APK und ein paar Screenshots.
EDIT: Direct Download: http://goddchen.de/android/letterwars/app-debug-unaligned.apk
v0.2 Changelog:
v0.3 Changelog:
Changelog v0.4:
v0.5 Changelog:
v0.6 Changelog:
v0.7 Changelog:
ich benötige mal wieder eure Unterstützung
Helft mir beim Beta-Test meines neusten Games: LetterWars.
Es ist ein rundenbasiertes 2-Player Multiplayer Game.
Wäre cool wenn ihr es einfach kurz testen und etwas Feedback da lassen könntet
Dem Thread angehängt sind die APK und ein paar Screenshots.
EDIT: Direct Download: http://goddchen.de/android/letterwars/app-debug-unaligned.apk
v0.2 Changelog:
- show profile screen on nickname click
- move first launch help dialog to main fragment
- fix orientation change in main activity
- show toast with last player word on resume
- dummy help dialog
- properly indicate game list item pressed state
- fix blacklisting games
- blacklist finished games
v0.3 Changelog:
- updated word-not-found toast
- save unknown words for review
- leaderboard page loading fixes
- more help
- optimized leaderboard formatting
- added leaderboard
- don't change actionbar title in main screen
- bugfix for moveAlreadyExists()
- added help content
- move help to raw resources for easier localization
- replace blacklisting feature with list navigation mode
- use correct keystore
- add timestamp to game db + add cleanup script
Changelog v0.4:
- new new-game string
- add some output to cleanup script
- new screenshots and market graphics
- move heyzap initialization to MainActivity
- use correct BuildConfig instance
- friend challenge feature
- show your own score on top of the leaderboard
- HeyZap integration
- new, dark, larger clear-move and submit-move images
- also display "waiting for opponent..." games in "active games" screen
- reformat leaderboard list item
- show toast on GCM message
v0.5 Changelog:
- more help
- win/loose/tie sounds
- fix join/create game action
- show dialog when changing theme
- normalize sounds + add clear move sound
- added settings screen and sounds + light/dark theme
- fixed points logic bug
v0.6 Changelog:
- more help text
- update games list on GCM message
- optimized game loading
- auto approve words from wordlist imports
- make server urls a string resource
- send gcm notification when challenging a friend
- award 1 point for using letters that are locked for yourself
- show correct stroke on profile area background
- make help AlertDialog a DialogFragment
- fix list selector on main screen
- change color theme to comply with android design guidelines
v0.7 Changelog:
- accept/deny challenges
- remove whitelist devices from gcm_news.php
- support for pushing news over GCM
- fix a typo in help text
- version increment
- show correct nickname in heyzap tie dialog
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