[ROM][5.1.1_r26][UB][Sirius] RESURRECTION REMIX v5.5.9

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dkionline schrieb:
..., bei Sony ist momentan aus meiner Sicht ein wenig Stillstand, ...
wie sagt zbs niaboc79 (eXistenZ-ROM) dazu
Xposed killed nearly all old school developers who are doing mods directly inside the code.

Why do you think that there are nearly no Sony developers, why spend time to find new mods when an Xposed module can do it easily.

Und damit hat er auch garnicht so Unrecht. Mit Xposed ist halt schnell nachinstalliert/gelöscht ohne groß rumzuflashen.
Wenigstens was deodexed bereitstellen.
Ok, twrp manager ist ein Argument, aber Momentan ist da wieder was faul. Nach dem flashen der Gapps ist 1. Immer irgendwo ein FC und 2. Bockt dann sonst was rumm. Keine Ahnung was CM wieder bastelt, erst der Soundbug und nun SystemUI crash. Das einzige was momentan sauber läuft ist AOSP von freexperia.
wwallace1979 schrieb:
Na das es beim Gespräch ein Echo gibt und das es erst laut und dann leiser wird.

Mir ist eben aufgefallen, dass, wenn ich mit Lautsprecher telefoniere das erst gut laut ist und paar Sekunden später nicht mehr. Dann ist fast so leise als wäre der Lautsprecher aus.

Ist das dieser Bug oder hab ich da jetzt ein anderes Problem?
Ist der Bug
Wie ist die Akkulaufzeit der Rom?
Hällt locker bis zum abend durch, und dann lädt man eh neu auf.
Klingt gut, also besser als CM12? Und auch für den täglichen Gebrauch geeignet?
Der Chancelog für 5.4.5 ist schon raus. Da steht aber glaub ich nichts drin wegen dem Sound-Bug oder?

The Changelog

# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.1 - v5.4.5

- allow overlaying default quick settings tiles
- base: Fix notification sounds for wifi only devices …
- Improve SeekBarVolumizer behavior with unlinked streams
- policy: fix device sleeping with lid with incoming call
- policy: respect FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON flag with device flip covers
- PowerManagerService: Honor config_dreamsActivatedOnSleepByDefault
- Change lock gesture correct color
- Themes: Make parse() method in FontListParser public
- frameworks: fix setting up linked notification stream on boot
- Keyguard: reinflate security views after user change
- Adding additional Nova theme identifier to legacy icon support.
- Improve Recents-View
- Telephony: Convert subscription ID to int from long
- framework/base: add dock sd card string
- QS: fix filtering additional tiles
- SystemUI: Use smaller battery padding
- Update lock weather widget layout
- dozeui: Broadcast an intent when beginning a doze pulse
- textclock: Update the time when performing a doze pulse
- Remove resources.apk from ZipSet when removing overlay
- TorchService: close all opened cameras
- SystemUI: Fix EL translation
- Fix setting hotspot bounds in a drawable container
- Fix PackageManager crashes w/ queryIntent using callerUID of 0
- SystemUI: Speed up and clean tests (squash)
- FWB: Battery light: 100% charged level
- SystemServer: Allow starting of overlaid external services.
- SystemUI: Squash custom tile commits
- base: Nat464: unregister network observer when we stop!
- [ActivityManager] Avoid unnecessary restart provider process
- SystemUI: Point to correct permission for BIND_CUSTOM_TILE_LISTENER
- Notification drawer: Custom clear all icon color
- SystemUI: Squash custom tile commits
- SystemUI: Point to correct permission for BIND_CUSTOM_TILE_LISTENER
- Improve QSPanel.java
- fixup volume stream linking
- Clean up keyguard carrier text handling.
- Remove some useless debug spam.
- Revert "ConnectivityService: add persist.radio.noril"
- SystemBars: Allow the StatusBarComponent be externally defined
- KeyGuard: Fix the wrong Plmn/SPN display.
- [ActivityManager] Move UI operation to UI handler
- [ActivityManager] Fix activity always visible.
- [ActivityManager] Finish the failed-to-pause activity
- Profiles: make Default profile change ring mode back on
- Fix navbar NPE
- improve navbar switch
- Improve PreviewsColumns Implementation
- Don't dismiss keyguard if recreating status bar
- Re-add missing ellipsis string
- Fix LiveDisplay QS icon size.
- Frameworks/base: Fix old code in MediaPlayer
- Fix context leak
- Sometimes the application context is null
- Prevent windows from freezing screen while timeout
- fix return value scale of notifyANR()
- Check caller status precisely when registering receiver.
- Also restart provider if there is external handle.
- Fix lost singleton provider after force-stopping user or package.
- Adjust display inversion matrix to account for luminance
- Use the correct parent size to initialize animations
- Don't apply animation clip to dialog activities
- Settings : Update blacklist strings
- Settings: update About screen device model fields
- Custom clear all icon color remove dependency
- Updated RU translation
- Show Toast if usb not connected in Storage Settings
- Settings: fix BT switch enabling discoverable mode
- Used fixed size for app icon width in default sms dialog
- Change Usb not connected string to capital letters.
- Fix mobile network switch for CDMA phones
- Do not allow privacy guard for core system apps.
- msm8974-common: Use RIL version 10
- msm8974: sepolicy: vold gets persist
- bacon: Add more options For Ambient Display
- g2: Add more options For Ambient Display
- bacon: FIX Ghost touch issues
- d855: Fix apps2sd to usb storage
- g3:fix memory leak after return battery save mode
- g3: Add the ability for call recording
- g3:wcnss: update configs and firmware from V23C
- g3:Fix cpu heating
So, hab das Update nun geflasht. Der Bug scheint behoben zu sein. Lautsprecher bleibt zumindest auf der eingestellten Lautstärke!
- fixup volume stream linking ...des isses doch.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Black_Focus
Hab doch gesagt mein Englisch is nich so gut. Deswegen bei einigen Sachen keine Ahnubg was es bedeutet
Super Rom, ich bin froh das ich es getestet habe.:thumbup:
Neue Version seit ein paar Tagen raus:


The Changelog
Android 5.1.1_r2 -> 5.1.1_r3
New Bootanimation for XXXHDPI anx XXHPI devices (XHDPI AND HDPI will come soon)
CryptKeeper: layout whole screen in bounds
Settings: add marquee to Device administrators screen
CryptKeeper improvements
apps2sd: Enable apps2sd for apps with unspecified install location
Exclude themes from being moved to external storage
Keep the content when change the orientation
apps2sd: Only allow move to _ if the media is mounted
Status bar expanded header: Custom background color
Settings: Add some more entries into 'SMS message limit' menu
Kill off a few MSIM tab hosts.
WakeLock: Layout Improvements
Add option to set default custom function to button recents
Add CAF Task Manager switch
PackageManager: don't attempt to get theme on core boot
Implement better legacy support for themes
AudioService: persist volume of ring stream when ringer mode changed
BaseStatusBar: Inform StatusBarService if a notification is flagged spam
Make default overlay for "spell checker"
Return original value if icon info is null
Make ACCESS_THEME_MANAGER permission system|signature
Measure absolute value of pointer motion distance
Fix racing condition of mTouchExcludeRegion
Only one task within the stack should moveToBack
Don't relayout based on a window that isn't visible
Remove the window whose client process has died or become zombie
Fix bug of unnecessary wakeups after completed syncs.
Fix for infinite loop in RemoteViewsAdapter
Fix bugs regarding delay the dispatching of non-wakeup alarms
SystemUI: improve dpad arrow key state logic
DreamManager: be aware of device lid
Recognized multiple wallpapers in theme
VolumePanel: Properly update expanded volume panel sliders
Fix tiles with custom colors toggle issues
Fix clock seconds display with am/pm
SystemUI: Move custom tile listener service registration to phonestatusbar
Fix another off-by-one error in computeEllipsis
Fix array bounds exception in getSecondaryStorageState …
Add alternate WebView provider package
SystemServer: Skip TorchService construction if no flash feature detected
Revert to previous battery padding
PackageManagerService: Create means of installing prebundled applications
Allow sending vendor- or device-specific commands to the camera HAL
Revert display: Added automatic brightness configs
Increase brightness faster if ambient light is brightening quickly.
systemui: notify everyone that lockscreen is not going to be shown
Profiles: re-enable data toggling
Remove unnecessary videos
Theme reboot menu
Themes: Fix Reboot Background
SystemUI: Add task manager
Fix ForceClose due to TaskManger.
Expose task manager values for themers
Materialize task kill button & Improve Task manager UI
Modify GC Delay to include subsequent launches. (fix)
Determine default 12/24 hour time format setting from locale.
Allow changing status/navigation bars when styles selected
ThemeChooser: add uninstall shortcut to ChooserDetailFragment
Libcore: FIX google Play Services Crash
translation Imports
msm8974: Disable BLE peripheral mode
msm8974: Update WCN configuration
msm8974-common: Use RIL version 10
g3: Fix cpu heating
g2: Fix missing usbdisk0 in symlink and export
g2 :fix usb-otg
g2: FIX Double Tap to Wake For GOOD
g2 :Fix 4k recording profile
g2: gps: Update HALs from oppo msm8974
sprout: Set DPI to 182
smdk4412:audio: enable noise suppression by default
hammerhead: Update build fingerprint and description to LMY48B
hammerhead: Give unpriviledged users write perms to USB storage
Moto : Add Moto Doze Mode
Falcon/Titan : Add More options For Doze
bacon: Add Linaro Optimizations to Fix google Play Services FC
All Bug Fixes And performance Improvements From CM
Update 29.05.2015

#ResurrectionRemix #Lollipop 5.1.1_r3 - v5.4.6 -optimized#

BUILDs now compiled with Sabermod 4.9 Toolchain along with O3 optimizations! Enjoy RR on sirius With Blazing Fast speed like never before

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kann mal jemand bitte testen, ob er / sie noch ins Service Menü kommt mit *#*#7378423#*#* ? Bei mir passiert einfach gar nichts wenn ich das eingebe. Oder gibt es das generell nicht bei dieser (und / oder ähnlichen Roms) Rom?
Meine freundin beschwert sich darüber dass wenn wir telefonieren dass sie sich immer selbst hört wenn ich Lautsprecher an habe. Hat jemand eine idee dazu oder so?
Kann keiner was zu einem der punkte sagen?
@wwallace1979: version 5.4.7 ist raus! ;-)
Neue gapps gibt es auch
  • Danke
Reaktionen: wwallace1979

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  • wwallace1979
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