Togari Rom Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - 20.01.2014

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So neues Update is da

Resurrection Remix v5.5.2 [2015/07/23] Android [5.1.1_r6] Is UP!
Device specific Changes :

SlimKernel v1.6 :
- Updated kernel with latest changes from CM including:

RR V5.5.2 Original Changelog :

- Add Dock Battery
- Improve navbar layout
- livedisplay: Fix issue where settings weren't applied
- livedisplay: Round values up
- MediaPlayer: Add multi SIM ringtone support
- Revert CAF's default system sound settings
- MediaScanner: Add support for default ringtones per sim
- Fix mounting of non-FAT formatted SD cards
- Track current user id in ThemeService
- Authenticate When Keyguard Resumes From Camera
- Fingerprint: Add break after MSG_REMOVED
- Status bar expanded header: Custom background color
- Fix some issues with themes and notif bg color
- Add Screenrecorder To Power Menu and Quick Settings
- SettingsProvider: Update action for Profile picker.
- Powermenu: screenshot delay
- SystemUI: update notification clipping when reset
- PhoneNumberUtils: Add rewrite rule for CDMA networks in Ukraine
- GA = Fix size of close button drawables
- SystemUI: SlimDim
- SlimDim: listen for touches in navbar empty areas also
- SystemUI: SlimDim - pref to listen on entire screen for touches
- SystemUI: fix battery icon jump on qs expand
- Fix GPS for old GPS HALs
- CYNGNOS-489: Fingerprint: Fix concurrent mod exception when getting Fingerprint list
- Add fingerprint enrollment stats
- Settings: Hide carrier on lock screen
- OOBE: Set next label when fingerprint enrollment done
- Add battery saver settings to power usage summary
- Light settings: reduce tone if preview image color is very light
- Remove manage fingerprints from enrollment setup
- Use theme_accent for manage_fingerptins_primary_color
- Fingerprint: Cancel timeout if user leaves enrollment
- Settings: hide light pulse settings if not available
- Fingerprint: Match Enrollment UI with SetupWizard
- Fix navigating fallback security via setup wizard
- Fix aliasing in FingerprintProgressBar
- Fingerprint: Include "Fingerprint" in the unlock title
- Settings: fix setting light FC
- Protected Apps: Monitor unlock status
- Keep screen on during fingerprint enrollment
- Fix protected apps orientation
- Add protected apps configChanges orientation
- Fix config_proximityCheckOnWake setting handling
- Remove hardcoded textAppearance for better theme support
- Settings:add japanese translation
- Setup: Call setUseFingerprint() when enrollment finished
- Settings: Make sure we're getting the instance of ProfileManager.
- Settings: add Kiev time zones to picker
- Fix Battery % display in saver threshold
- Settings: Hide radio band selection based on config
- vendor/cm: Introduce update-cm-prebuilts-latest-public-api.
- vendor/cm: Clean up paths to known files.
- Fix Rogers APN
- APN fine tuning
- rendang: Remove unwanted APNs
- Hack in support for the old version of Maven
- Themes:Update iconography.
- Inlcludes All bug fixes and performanced updates from cyanogenmod
- For More Information Track github activities

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Rom und Gapps auswählen und Flashen danach Wipe Cache und Fertig.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
So neues Update ist da.

Resurrection Remix v5.5.3 [2015/08/05] Android [5.1.1_r6] Is UP!
RR V5.5.3 Original Changelog :

- Anti-Piracy Support (Will be removed on next version)
- Display headset when plug
- Themes tile
- Add options - edit PIE control second layer
- Weather Temprature Status Bar Icon
- Statusbar weather color
- statusbar weather font size
- Fix left weather temp padding
- Fix for rare recents npe
- SlimDim: don't dim navbar on lockscreen
- SlimDim: Use semaphore to cancel ontouch callback
- GA = Fix size of close button drawables P2
- Add data connection toggle for MSIM
- Settings: Long Term Orbits (LTO)
- Don't include all resource densities
- Settings: Add TR Translations
- Automatic translation import
- Remove Duplicate Alarms
- Fix NPE with WeatherStatus on KeyguardStatusView
- SystemUI: Crash fix from bad camera values.
- CellularTile: Long-click triggers detail view instead
- CellularTile: Fix secondary button doesn't work and change single click behavior
- WifiTile: Fix wifi toggle state in detail view
- Only clear icon cache when theme/icon pack applied
- CaptivePortal : Ensure uri is not null
- SystemUI: Add support for external bitmap icons.
- systemui: Support remote expanded style.
- systemui: Fix various issues with transparent bars
- camera: Unbreak the extended face detection code
- ActivityManagerService: Don't export 'system' process in running app list
- systemui: move dock battery level views outside systemicons layout
- qs: initialize day temperature in livedisplay tile
- SystemUi: Respect shouldCollapsePanel when handling onClick.
- Fix statusbar dead spaces
- autobrightness: Fix the brightness dialog is not work when first enable auto-backlight
- Update APN List
- Inlcludes All bug fixes and performanced updates from cyanogenmod
- For More Information Track github activities


Download Links

Gapps: euroskank

Rom: | | by OmarEinea for Xperia Z Ultra


Rom Download und auf SD Scard Kopieren
dann in den Recovery Modus starten und install von sdcard machen
Rom und Gapps auswählen und Flashen danach Wipe Cache und Fertig.
So neues Update ist da.

Resurrection Remix v5.5.4 [2015/08/05] Android [5.1.1_r6] Is UP!
RR V5.5.3 Original Changelog :

- Proximity Speaker
- Add three-fingers-swipe to screenshot
- Restore default rr wallpaper
- Themes: don't recreateDefaults on typeface when locale changes
- Revert "Barrier only messages shouldn't prevent the idle handlers from running
- base: don't refresh visualizer tile once the tile is destroyed
- SignalStrength: Allow for custom signal buckets in LTE
- Disable PIN entry after successful quick unlock
- Fix forcing media stream control on tablet
- Removed Anti-Piracy Support
- systemui: Provide empty view for empty lists published in QSTile
- audio: Playback over USB DAC connected before boot
- [ActivityManager] Bring up Service if not schedule to restart
- PBD: Apply the same emmc discard logic as ext4_utils
- SystemUI: fix empty notification space in shade_locked
- Keyguard: Don't show keyguard if CryptKeeper enabled
- SystemUI: add missed super window calls
- Buttons: Allow setting default long-press app switch behavior
- Lockdown AM.getRunningAppProcesses API with permission.REAL_GET_TASKS
- Fix telephony property access for CDMA rewrite rules in PhoneNumberUtils
- National roaming info for new Tuenti MNC in Spain
- Fix intent resolution of default preferred apps
- PhoneWinowManager: resolve home car intent
- Themes: Theme power off and reboot dialog
- Expose color values for battery saver icons
- Fix DT2S on navbar after SlimDim - Battery saver enhancements (update)
- Keyguard: Stop fingerprint auth when not showing
- Fix StrictMode violation during getDefaultApn()
- AppOps: fix delete ops wrongly matched issue
- frameworks/base: synchronize surface control object access.
- frameworks/base: Fix ContentService JNI leaks
- Fix memory leak in AAPT
- Make MANAGE_DOCUMENTS permission signature|system
- LockPatternUtils: add a static way to retreive pattern from string
- Keyguard: Fix scramblepin logic
- Revert "AdBlock
- Fix NPE with WeatherStatus on KeyguardStatusView
- SystemUI: update to use new Profiles LockSettings obj
- systemui: Support remote expanded style.
- SystemUI: Add support for external bitmap icons.
- CaptivePortal : Ensure uri is not null
- TorchService: add sysfs handling
- autobrightness: Fix the brightness dialog is not work when first enabled
- policy: Remove references of Profiles in android.policy
- Settings: Disable Headsup floating by default
- Settings: add a way to not localize zone selections
- settings: add IMEI information to msim device status page
- Device info: Remove IMEI info from SIM status
- Use correct icons for sound settings
- Show "Lock screen & fingerprint" when supported
- Expose values for themes.
- Cleanup SoundSettings
- cmsdk: Dual SIM support on CM SDK
- vendor/cm: Provide means of uploading an artifact to maven.
- vendor/cm: Always use gpg sign-and-deploy for deployments.
- APN: Update configurations for Philippine networks
- Add new Tuenti MNC SPN override name
- vendor/cm: Expose internal revision for platform.
- apns: zero-length items are evil and break auto-selection
- sepolicy: Allow recovery to set system properties
- Add SettingsManagerService from cmsdk as a system service.
-sf: Restrict GPU tile render feature to MAX_LAYER_COUNT
- SF: Enable context priority
- stagefright: Add libhwc to exynos include paths
- stagefright: Add support for Exynos hardware audio decoding
- stagefright: Don't crash on invalid / null AVCC atoms in MKV
- MPEG4Extractor.cpp: handle chunk_size > SIZE_MAX - video: Disable resync markers
- Includes All updates And Performance Updates From Cyanogenmod
- For More Details Track Github Activity

[ROM][5.1.1_r6][OFFICIAL] Resurrection Remix… | Sony Xperia Z Ultra | XDA Forums




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Rom und Gapps auswählen und Flashen danach Wipe Cache und Fertig.

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