- 22
Von monx einem der TOP Developer - full 290 root lb/ub
Anleitung von Xi-bit -Danke!
1. 532er geflasht
2. mit dieser software software gerootet (KLICK Methode 0 gewählt.)
3. XZUDualRecovery geflasht via windows (ZU-lockeddualrecovery2.7.74-BETA.installer)
4. In TWRP booten
- Wipe -> advanced Wipe->
- Dalvik-Cache
- System
- Cache
- Data
- Internal Storage
5. C6833 14.2.A.0.290.jackie099.flashable.tip flashen via TWRP
6. Im Hauptmenü von TWRP reboot --> power off gewählt
7. 6802 14.2.A.290 Stripped.ftf mit Flashtool geflasht.
8. monx rom via recovery flashen ohne wipe wer auf nummer sicher gehen will macht halt ein, ist aber nicht nötig!
Full SONY Cyber-shot™ Smart Social Camera ported by RIZAL LOVINS
Bitte über Recovery flashen mit Cache & Dalvik Cache wipe.
neustes update ist die komplette Rom
[monXdifedZ-Togari-290_v01.00-04] (-03 SKIPPED)
Update ohne wipe über Recovery hinzufügen wenn man schon auf monx ist.
[+] APK(s) auto-installer on 1st clean boot
(i) Apk must be in /sdcard/!auto-install
(i) Apk name cannot contains any space
[+] Minor script refinement
--- Installer & restore scripts refinement
--- Auto restore xposed framework if exists
[+] Advanced Xperia Framework refinement
--- FC on certain 3rd party apps fixed (eg:QQ app)
[+] TWRP recovery v2.6.3.0 changes/fix :
--- Minor cosmetic fixes (mount point names)
--- /external_sd mount point to /ext_card
[+] Phone tweaks
--- Answering machine & call recording disabled (not working atm)
--- 3G mode only mode option enabled
--- Mic noice supression option enabled
[+] Added performance tweaks on start-up
--- Auto zipaligning all user apks
--- Auto optimizing sqlite databases
[+] Added apps
--- Background defocus v1.1.6
UPDATE [monXdifedZ-Togari-290_v01.00-02]
Update ohne wipe über Recovery hinzufügen.
UPDATE download
[+] TWRP recovery v2.6.3.0 changes/fix :
--- Minor cosmetic fixes
--- Current date & time fixed
[+] Minor script fixes
[+] Bugs reporting fixed
[+] Advanced Xperia Framework (by @BDFreak) : thread
--- Sony framework on 3rd party apps
[+] Updated apps
--- Google Play services v4.1.32 (978161-36)
--- TalkBack v3.5.1
--- YouTube v5.3.32
--- Total Commander v2.04b5
--- SuperSU v1.91
C68XX ★ monxDIFIED ★ ZUltra™ Rom
[+] Initial ver based on C6833:4.3/14.2.A.0.290
[+] TWRP recovery v2.6.3.0
[+] Deodexed,rooted,busybox,sqlite,adb,etc
--- SuperSU v1.89
--- BusyBox v1.21.1
[+] Added init.d support
[+] Package Installer app name alignment fix
[+] Huge APN list
--- No need download settings on 1st start
[+] Adb notification disabled
[+] Force enabled Developer options
[+] Screen all rotation enabled
[+] AOSP Browser (with Incognito) + flash
[+] Clean Home interface on first clean boot
[+] App drawer sorted alphabetically by default
[+] Neat modded stock boot animation
[+] Disabled startup wizard & all annoyance
[+] 48px Navigation Bar as default (stock size)
[+] Debloated most useless apps
[+] Call recording feature
[+] Speed dial enabled
[+] Answering Machine enabled
[+] Mobile data off notification disabled
[+] Latest Google & Sony common apps
[+] Pre-configured Total Commander & SuperSU
[+] Movies & WALKMAN alignment fix
--- Multi-dpi navigation bar compatibility
[+] More mobile network options
--- Use only 2G option
--- More preferred network mode
[+] Framework refinements for 3rd-party apps
[+] Cosmetic fixes/enchancements (on DARK)
--- Embossed black titlebar
--- Dark inverted buttonbar
[+] Multilingual (Arabic,etc)
[+] Camera lockscreen launch sound disabled
[+] Integrated white balance control panel
[+] Common & advanced tweaks
[+] Added 'Silent' ringtone & notification
[+] Added apps
--- GooManager v2.1.3
--- AdAway v2.8
--- OnAndroid script v9.20
--- Rescan SD v1.3
rescan media db for new added pic/movie/sound
[+] Updated apps
--- Album v5.3.A.0.22
--- Facebook v4.
--- Gmail v4.7.2 (967015)
--- Google Play services v4.0.34 (924341-36)
--- Google Play Store v4.5.10
--- Google Search v3.1.24.941712.arm
--- Google Text-to-speech Engine v2.4.3.864779
--- Maps v7.5.0
--- Smart Connect v5.6.8.111
--- TalkBack v3.5.1
--- Total Commander v2.04b4
--- WALKMAN v8.1.A.0.3
--- YouTube v5.3.28
--- more to come
Durch einfaches Benutzen von Xposed Installer kann man auch den Stock Launcher bzw den Homescreen so gestallten so das eine komplett transparente Softkey wie Navigationsleiste entsteht - OHNE third Launcher App! Für Leute mit Launcher - SystemUI Patcher - für transparents benutzen!
Benutze Module - siehe Anhang! Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken

Anleitung von Xi-bit -Danke!
1. 532er geflasht
2. mit dieser software software gerootet (KLICK Methode 0 gewählt.)
3. XZUDualRecovery geflasht via windows (ZU-lockeddualrecovery2.7.74-BETA.installer)
4. In TWRP booten
- Wipe -> advanced Wipe->
- Dalvik-Cache
- System
- Cache
- Data
- Internal Storage
5. C6833 14.2.A.0.290.jackie099.flashable.tip flashen via TWRP
6. Im Hauptmenü von TWRP reboot --> power off gewählt
7. 6802 14.2.A.290 Stripped.ftf mit Flashtool geflasht.
8. monx rom via recovery flashen ohne wipe wer auf nummer sicher gehen will macht halt ein, ist aber nicht nötig!
Full SONY Cyber-shot™ Smart Social Camera ported by RIZAL LOVINS
Bitte über Recovery flashen mit Cache & Dalvik Cache wipe.
neustes update ist die komplette Rom
[monXdifedZ-Togari-290_v01.00-04] (-03 SKIPPED)
Update ohne wipe über Recovery hinzufügen wenn man schon auf monx ist.
[+] APK(s) auto-installer on 1st clean boot
(i) Apk must be in /sdcard/!auto-install
(i) Apk name cannot contains any space
[+] Minor script refinement
--- Installer & restore scripts refinement
--- Auto restore xposed framework if exists
[+] Advanced Xperia Framework refinement
--- FC on certain 3rd party apps fixed (eg:QQ app)
[+] TWRP recovery v2.6.3.0 changes/fix :
--- Minor cosmetic fixes (mount point names)
--- /external_sd mount point to /ext_card
[+] Phone tweaks
--- Answering machine & call recording disabled (not working atm)
--- 3G mode only mode option enabled
--- Mic noice supression option enabled
[+] Added performance tweaks on start-up
--- Auto zipaligning all user apks
--- Auto optimizing sqlite databases
[+] Added apps
--- Background defocus v1.1.6
UPDATE [monXdifedZ-Togari-290_v01.00-02]
Update ohne wipe über Recovery hinzufügen.
UPDATE download
[+] TWRP recovery v2.6.3.0 changes/fix :
--- Minor cosmetic fixes
--- Current date & time fixed
[+] Minor script fixes
[+] Bugs reporting fixed
[+] Advanced Xperia Framework (by @BDFreak) : thread
--- Sony framework on 3rd party apps
[+] Updated apps
--- Google Play services v4.1.32 (978161-36)
--- TalkBack v3.5.1
--- YouTube v5.3.32
--- Total Commander v2.04b5
--- SuperSU v1.91
C68XX ★ monxDIFIED ★ ZUltra™ Rom
[+] Initial ver based on C6833:4.3/14.2.A.0.290
[+] TWRP recovery v2.6.3.0
[+] Deodexed,rooted,busybox,sqlite,adb,etc
--- SuperSU v1.89
--- BusyBox v1.21.1
[+] Added init.d support
[+] Package Installer app name alignment fix
[+] Huge APN list
--- No need download settings on 1st start
[+] Adb notification disabled
[+] Force enabled Developer options
[+] Screen all rotation enabled
[+] AOSP Browser (with Incognito) + flash
[+] Clean Home interface on first clean boot
[+] App drawer sorted alphabetically by default
[+] Neat modded stock boot animation
[+] Disabled startup wizard & all annoyance
[+] 48px Navigation Bar as default (stock size)
[+] Debloated most useless apps
[+] Call recording feature
[+] Speed dial enabled
[+] Answering Machine enabled
[+] Mobile data off notification disabled
[+] Latest Google & Sony common apps
[+] Pre-configured Total Commander & SuperSU
[+] Movies & WALKMAN alignment fix
--- Multi-dpi navigation bar compatibility
[+] More mobile network options
--- Use only 2G option
--- More preferred network mode
[+] Framework refinements for 3rd-party apps
[+] Cosmetic fixes/enchancements (on DARK)
--- Embossed black titlebar
--- Dark inverted buttonbar
[+] Multilingual (Arabic,etc)
[+] Camera lockscreen launch sound disabled
[+] Integrated white balance control panel
[+] Common & advanced tweaks
[+] Added 'Silent' ringtone & notification
[+] Added apps
--- GooManager v2.1.3
--- AdAway v2.8
--- OnAndroid script v9.20
--- Rescan SD v1.3
rescan media db for new added pic/movie/sound
[+] Updated apps
--- Album v5.3.A.0.22
--- Facebook v4.
--- Gmail v4.7.2 (967015)
--- Google Play services v4.0.34 (924341-36)
--- Google Play Store v4.5.10
--- Google Search v3.1.24.941712.arm
--- Google Text-to-speech Engine v2.4.3.864779
--- Maps v7.5.0
--- Smart Connect v5.6.8.111
--- TalkBack v3.5.1
--- Total Commander v2.04b4
--- WALKMAN v8.1.A.0.3
--- YouTube v5.3.28
--- more to come
Durch einfaches Benutzen von Xposed Installer kann man auch den Stock Launcher bzw den Homescreen so gestallten so das eine komplett transparente Softkey wie Navigationsleiste entsteht - OHNE third Launcher App! Für Leute mit Launcher - SystemUI Patcher - für transparents benutzen!
Benutze Module - siehe Anhang! Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken

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