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Xposed mit Android 8?
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Danny_Wilde schrieb:Xposed mit Android 8?
Quelle :"But Xperia Blog has picked up on the fact that the Xperia XZ Premium and Xperia XZsdon’t have the code to enable that feature. And as far as we can tell, the feature is not on the Android Open Source Project gerrit, something to which Sony has prolifically contributed. That means that engineers have to jam in the code every device around.
Sony engineers tend to brag about getting to new Android builds first, so for such a feature to be dropped comes as a surprise. The hope is that the code gets in soon."
Danny_Wilde schrieb:Wäre auch etwas unverhältnismäßig den bootloader zu öffnen und damit die Garantie und die DRM keys zu verlieren, um an das Feature zu gelangen...
MrMurphy007 schrieb:@Ron Swanson Xposed! Kam bisher für jede der letzten Android Versionen