[ROM] Fidelity VX 7.0

  • 17 Antworten
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Nexus S

Nexus S

Hey Leute,

ich möchte euch ein ROM vorstellen und fragen ob sich jemand damit mal "herumgeschlagen" hat...


-Fixed busybox script not working on device without busybox installed
-Fixed NFC feature not available in Settings
-Fixed restoring CPU frequency on wake to kernel's default
-Fixed Settings crashing in some features
-Fixed small apps not showing up on device that doesn't have small apps installed before
-Fixed Xperia T files being deodexed properly
-Improved files permission compatibilities
-Optimized build.prop configuration
-Removed tweaks that override Thunderbolt 2.9.0 updates
-Updated Bravia Engine files from Xperia V
-Updated vendor's firmware and library files from Xperia V
-Updated more existing library files with compatible ones in Xperia V
-Updated Xperia V apps from ROM version 9.0.1.D.0.10
-Updated Xperia V binary files from ROM version 9.0.1.D.0.10
-Updated Xperia V framework files from ROM version 9.0.1.D.0.10
-Updated Xperia V library files from ROM version 9.0.1.D.0.10

-Added back improved screenstate scaling for better compatibilities and battery-life
-Added camera fix on 6.1.1.B.1.54 ROM using older library files
-Added Camera Mod 4.7.2 Cyber-shot for the best picture experience with Exmor R & HDR
-Added changing CPU governor to hotplug and pegasusq if available
-Added currency, mirror and unit small apps that don't come with Xperia T ROM
-Added Dalvik's VM heap optimizations found in Xperia V ROM
-Added completed Xperia T apps and framework files
-Added proper small apps package for ROM version 6.1.1.B.1.54
-Added root, busybox and init.d scripts support for locked bootloader device
-Added system partition in remounting script
-Added sounds and wallpapers found in Xperia T/V ROM
-Re-based Xperia T files to version 7.0.A.3.223
-Removed by-passing audio effects tweak
-Reverted SystemUI app back to default Xperia T ones with Power Management feature
-Fixed WiFi Hotspot Tethering not working
-Optimized script execution order for optimal performance
-Reduced Fidelity tweaks effectiveness to meet better standards and improved battery-life
-Updated script optimizations based on recent Thunderbolt 2.9.0 updates

-Added clearing init.d scripts on flashing
-Added latest working Xperia T binaries, frameworks and system libraries
-Added Skyfall theme/ringtone/wallpapers
-Fixed sqlite3/zipalign permissions so scripts will be executed properly
-Optimized I/O scheduler for lower latency and better sound quality
-Optimized kernel configuration for better stability
-Optimized VM tweaks
-Updated latest Xperia T apps
-Updated patched services.jar file from build 6.1.B.0.559
-Updated SystemUI to modded Xepria P's Jellybean style ones by seky0405
-Removed dropping cache and screenstate tweaks

-Added dropping cache on every 1hr as it shouldn't cause system lag now with improved configuration
-Optimized build.prop for more possible battery-saving
-Optimized Fidelity script for improved battery-life and system's stability
-Optimized kernel configuration according to IBM's standards
-Optimized screen-off script for being more efficient and compatible with boot-time
-Optimized VM settings for more battery-life and reliability
-Removed journal_async_commit in remounting script trying to improve storage's reliability

-Added new apps found in Xperia T apps
-Added Google apps with updated existing ones
-Fixed setting permissions script so it won't screw up root
-Fixed Xperia's Fidelity script errors in I/O scheduler optimizations
-Optimized build.prop tweaks for better memory management
-Optimized Fidelity script with more partitions' I/O optimizations and kernel,I/O optimized for lower load/latency
-Optimized system partitions remounting using data from external remounting script in main Thunderbolt script
-Optimized VM's dirty values and added more governors in list of changing scaling governor during screen-off script
-Removed scaling governor part leaving only optimizations alone in Fidelity script so user can have freedom to choose desired ones
-Updated existing apks to latest working available combined between Xperia GX/T
-Updated niaboc79's modified Xperia T SystemUI with battery percentage like Xperia P
-Updated Xperia T's new boot animation
-Updated Xperia T media sounds

-Added changing to powersave governor during screen-off
-Added Location based WiFi feature
-Added Partition remounting optimized for performance (disable barriers/noatime/async 15s commit)
-Added SQLite optimizations on first boot
-Added Supercharger's LMK patched services.jar with personally optimized LMK supercharged
-Added Xperia GX's improved boot animation
-Added Zipalign on flashing
-Improved package to be flashable on any ICS ROM
-Rebuilt build.prop tweaks from ground
-Removed bundled apps and some that suck battery-life
-Replaced KA SSpeed tweaks with optimized latest Thunderbolt v2.7.7 optimized with Xperia Fidelity
-Replaced InfinitySound with audio effects bypassed (Hard decision but Fidelity script won't need it)

1. If your device has ICS, bootloader unlocked, rooted and custom kernel capable of running init.d/recovery then skip to 5
2. Flash ICS ROM (It can work on any ICS ROM now but I tested only on official ROM build 6.1.B.0.550)
3. Unlock your bootloader from http://unlockbootloader.sonymobile.com/instructions
4. Flash Xperia P's Kernel with autoroot/init.d/recovery support from http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1841613
5. Flash Xperia P: Fidelity TX in recovery
6. Clear cache and dalvik-cache
7. Reboot
8. Wait for system to stabilize (probably 3-5 mins) and reboot again for smoother experiences

Download v7


Also, wer hats schonmal geflashed?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hab mich auch schon mal mit dem Gedanken rum geschlagen, sie zu flashen. Aber für eine Custom FW sieht sie mir zu "serienmäßig" aus, ich gehe da eher nach der Optik (mir gefällt das Stock-ICS besser als mit Sony UI, daher läuft auf meinem Handy auch CM ;) ).

Wenn man mal die Kommentare im original-Thread durchliest, fällt vor allem die kürzere Akkuleistung auf. Müsste man halt ausprobieren, ob das tatsächlich so ist oder einfach nur von der Nutzung abhängig... :)
Die Kürzere Akkuleistung kommt, weil die Leute den auf Stock-Kernel mit init.d support laufen lassen. Der Dev tested das Rom grad mit dem neuen ThP 3.3 Kernel und es scheint gut. :)
Na dann probiers doch mal aus ;) :)
Rapfl schrieb:
Aber erzählt dann, wie's läuft!! ;) :thumbup:

Kurz installiert, v4, aber ich hatte keine Statusleiste.
Und da das ROM odexed ist, kann ich mir nicht einfach eine reinbauen.
Reinfall :thumbdn:

Jetzt ist Vision dran.
solaris63 schrieb:
Kurz installiert, v4, aber ich hatte keine Statusleiste.
Und da das ROM odexed ist, kann ich mir nicht einfach eine reinbauen.
Reinfall :thumbdn:

Jetzt ist Vision dran.

Vision ist super, Dynamic ist killing!
Nexus S schrieb:
Vision ist super, Dynamic ist killing!

Killing...im negativen Sinne? Also man sieht das ROM und fällt tot um?
Oder "killt" es einen, wenn man die schnelle Performance von Dynamic sieht?

natürlich positiv gemeint ^^
Nexus S schrieb:

natürlich positiv gemeint ^^

Also was sollte ich installieren?
Wenn Vision super ist und Dynamic noch besser? ;)
Sag mal du willst mich auf die Palme bringen, wa? Nimm das Dynamic. Speeeed ohne ende ^^
  • Danke
Reaktionen: solaris63
Nexus S schrieb:
Sag mal du willst mich auf die Palme bringen, wa? Nimm das Dynamic. Speeeed ohne ende ^^

Ahh ja super, grade wo ich Vision geflasht habe, bekomme ich deine Nachricht :mellow:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Nexus S
V6 ist da
was bringt denn v6 ?

camera performance besser?
foodiwoodi schrieb:
was bringt denn v6 ?

camera performance besser?

Steht wie immer im allerersten Post dieses Threads°!
V7 ist da

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