[Themes 2.2, 2.3, Wolfbreak ROM Cyanogen Themes NEW ]

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Quelle: XDA

[THEMES][CM 6.1.1]Bliss HD
This is not mine :p just sharing with all


Screenshot from x10.

http://www.mediafire.com/?bm48qw8er25we9p use recovery to install.
Hmmm sihet so Ganz lecker aus *GG* aber iwas is an dem Designe das es Scheisse ausehen Lässt *GG* =) thx 4 Up
Quelle: XDA

Link: Lucid-X10 For CM6 Based Roms and Working on FreeX10

1. Go into Settings/CyanogenMod Settings/User interface/Tweaks extras/ and Reset UI tweaks to default if they are not already on default
2. Flash The theme via Recovery
3. After flash go back into CyanogenMod settings/User interface/Tweaks extras/Select a theme/gingerbread

This theme makes changes to

Lucid-X10 for [ROM] CM 6.1.1 Tweaked and with Extras Download
Lucid-X10 for [ROM] TMR_CyanogenMod Download
Lucid-X10 for [ROM] FreeX10 | BETA Download
For FreeX10 users, Install Cyanogen_Settings To use the full theme
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Quelle: XDA

Link: FroShed Blue / Lucid-X10 [CM6.roms & FreeX10]
FroShed Blue For CM6 Based Roms and Working on FreeX10, I can port it for other roms on Request

1. Go into Settings/CyanogenMod Settings/User interface/Tweaks extras/ and Reset UI tweaks to default if they are not already on default
2. Flash The theme via Recovery
3. After flash go back into CyanogenMod settings/User interface/Tweaks extras/Select a theme/froshedyoV10

FroShed for [ROM] CM 6.1.1 Tweaked and with Extras Download
FroShed for [ROM] TMR_CyanogenMod_007 Download
FroShed for [ROM] FreeX10 | BETA 4 Download
For FreeX10 users, Install Cyanogen_Settings To use the full theme

Attached is a zip that contains extras such as wallpaper, icons and launcherPro docks. Extract to your SDcard

NEW Dialer I take no credit for this Dialer. Credit for this dialer goes to smartgardens for finding it and
lightyear420 for sharing. It is a flashable zip Attached to this post.

Attached Files FroShed Extras.zip (1,003.1 KB, 478 views)
new_dialer.zip (2.19 MB, 349 views)

Den Dialer kann man auch alleine installieren - Free X10 B4 & CM6
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Quelle: XDA

Link: Minimalistic Black & White v0.4.2|CM|Miui|For Free X10 Beta 3/4|(17.02.2011)

Minimalistic Black & White

UPDATE v0.4.2

Hi everyone this is my first theme ever!
The theme still needs work but i couldn't wait so i decided to release, hope you like it.
It will be updated regularly so keep an eye out for the updates

This theme is for Free X10 Beta 3/4 only!

v0.4.2 - Added Modified Miui Music (Fixed Setting FC)
(credit to creators), small button press fixes.
v0.4.1 -Fixed SuperCycle Battery Mod

v0.4 - Added SuperCycle Battery Mod (thanks chiefy009 for icons), Added black Menu (options) finaly
, Fixed blue selectors and button presses to black, fixed some other small things.
v0.3.1 - Very small update , Fixed the blue popup (loading screen) background to black
v0.3 - Small update ,fixed pop up issue and button press, added more suitable wifi icon and usb disconnect image (thanks shvyue!), new dialer tabs visible text (dialer, contacts, recent, favorite)
v0.2 - Added CM Settings (credit goes to creators), New Boot Animation (credit to chiefy009), Added a black bar version
PLEASE NOTE: You have to change the clock color and notifications color for the black bar version from the CM Settings.
v0.1 - First Release

Quelle: XDA


Link: [Theme] X HC v1.0 | Froyo - Eclair - CM - Gingerbread | xRecovery | 18.02.2011


X HC. is a Honycomb style theme
Compatible with Eclair, Foryo & Gingerbread ROM's
Thanks to haxzamatic for this good idea :)

X HC Eclair |

For Eclair 2.1 Official ROM 2.1.A.0.435 FW

- framework-res.apk
- android.policy.jar
- framework.jar
- Conversations.apk
- FriendPivotLargeUI.apk
- Phonebook.apk
- SemcPhone.apk
+ BatteryPercent MOD
+ Reboot Option MOD
+ Bootanimation

X HC FreeX10 Froyo |

Works correctly on FreeX10 Froyo Beta 4
+ You need CM settings for White clock, .... In second post

- framework-res.apk
- Mms.apk
- Music.apk
- Settings.apk
+ Bootanimation

X HC CM 6.1.1 |

Works correctly on CM 6.1.1 ROM
Tested on CM 6.1.1 ROM by Wolfbreak
Use for other CM ROM's by yourself ;-)

- framework-res.apk
- Mms.apk
- Music.apk
- Settings.apk
+ Bootanimation

X HC FreeX10 Gingerbread |

soon ....


From CM & FreeX10 Froyo ROM


From Eclair 2.1 ROM



Install instruction

X HC Eclair |
I'll upload it tomarrow
Here is 5 AM & i need to sleep

X HC FreeX10 Froyo |
1. Download
2. Install CM.Settings.zip through xRecovery [for CM feauters]
3. Install X.HC-1.0-FreeX10-Froyo.2.2.zip through xRecovery
4. Copy CMTheme folder to root of SD, go here:
Settings > CyanogenMod settings > User interface > Tweaks extras > Select a theme
& select XHC
5. Reboot

X HC CM 6.1.1 |
1. Download
2. Install X.HC-1.0-CM-6.1.1.zip through xRecovery
3. Copy CMTheme folder to root of SD, go here:
Settings > CyanogenMod settings > User interface > Tweaks extras > Select a theme
& select XHC
4. Reboot

X HC FreeX10 Gingerbread |

soon ....

X HC Extras |
- Default wallpaper
- DockBar
- Font for xRecovery [shown in ScreenShots]

If you like my work & want to show your appreciation, please Thanks


Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
beim x hc theme, wo muss ich da den cmtheme ordner auf die karte kopieren, damit ich den unter den einstellungen von cyanogen mod finde? hab den ordner in den root ordner kopiert, aber unter tweak extras wird mir kein xhc-theme angezeigt.
und wenn ich das handy neustarte ist der cmtheme ordner nicht mehr im root ordner drinnen.
hab das mit dem rootexplorer gemacht.
mfg ch
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Settings > CyanogenMod settings > User interface > Tweaks extras > Select a theme

Root würde ja passen - hast mal nen neuen Boot gemacht, damit er es erkennt?
jop hab ich schon, dann is der ordner weg.
ein ordner auf der sdcard der sich von selbst entfernt?
ja irgendwie ja.

würd sonst auch den [MOD] MIUI Music Xperia X10 V2.0 Updated
nehmen, da bekomme ich es nur nicht hin die .jar vom installationsmanager zu öffnen.

werden die alten themes eigentlich überschrieben oder sollte man die immer entfernen, wenn man nen neuen drauf haut?
mfg ch
Du kopierst dir deine Files - und zwar alle für das Update notwendige auf die SDCard - sicherst deine Apps die du nicht neu Installieren möchtest z.B. mit Titanium aus dem Market. Du hast selbstverständlich Root, XRecovery am Handy, davon gehe ich aus - und Bootest mal neu - gehst ins XRecovery und machst ein Full Wipe (Factory Reset), Dalvik Wipe, Battery Wipe - Bootest neu - danach wieder ins XRecovery - und beginnst lt. Anleitung des jeweiligen Themes zu flashen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
sry aber welche dateien meinst du jetzt mit "alle für das Update notwendige"?
Die, damit du dir das Theme flashen kannst.

Bei einem Theme ist es ab und an nur ein File, bei anderen wiederum mehrere usw - dies meinte ich damit.
ok jetzt funktioniert das!

allerdings sieht der theme noch nicht so aus, wie auf den bildern. sieht aus wie nen mischmasch aus dem standart free x10 und dem xhc :angry:
This is a theme from Cyanogenmod's website and can confirm it works perfectly on the free x10 running CM6.1.1 Roms - It is NOT my work, but I wanted to share this with you!!
Looks amazing on the x10!!!And his FROIS theme is also a work of art!!!

Rola is the awesome themer that created this!!!!


Please donate to the Developer if you like his work!!!

Down load to cm theme file on sd card, run xrecovery BACK UP, WIPE DALVICK CACHE, flash the zip file n extras if you want em, reboot and enjoy!!!!

Here is the link to Rola's FROIS theme, hope you like his work as much as I do!!




Quelle: XDA

Autoren: Wesvista tremendouz PollPixx FOR MAKING LOGO

Gbread theme AOSP 2.2 v1.2 released!! works with freex10 beta 3&4 Message icon fixed

(Thanks to PollPixx for logo)
New Gbread theme for AOSP 2.2.1
Only AOSP 2.2.1 Supported!!
V1.2 and up works with freex10 beta 3 & 4
V1.2 released
Xrecovery works with beta 3 & 4 freex10
V1.2 works with beta 3 & 4
Flash message app to fix black icon attached under
If Color´s are still black go to settings then to cm menu
How to use new gallery function
-Start gallery
-Push volume down button
-Now you can scroll images with sensor
-Push volume down button again to disable it

Realy like my work??
Please Donate
Thanks for supporting my work
Hope you like it
Quelle: XDA

Link: [THEME][2.2] Slimer ~ Cyanogen 6.1.1 & FreeX10 ~ Feb 19, 2011
This theme was tested on CM6 and FreeX10 (thanks, bcool15 for testing on FX10!)

This theme's base is desire/cyanogen6

I do not take credit for any of the graphics used in this theme!!! It is a hybrid of Sempiternal's X FX10 theme and this theme created by vukandric. Big thanks to both of them for all the hard work they have put into creating both these themes!!!

Slimer v1.0
*install with Xrecovery

For anyone who is interested in the CM tweaks file I'm currently using I have included it in the download. This will complete the theme, including battery percentage, etc, just like shown in my screenshots. Extract the rar file directly to your SD card's root folder. The filepath should look like this:
SD card>CMtheme>Slimer.xml
Open android settings and navigate to CM settings>user interface>tweaks extras>select a theme....select Slimer.




Quelle: XDA


Link: AndroidOS 2.2.Froyo


AndroidOS 2.2.Froyo

Version 1.6 - only for FreeX10-Beta 3 - Froyo 2.2 ROM
[For X.Gbread Eclair 2.1 versions see second post]

- Battery Percent MOD
- Animation
- Nexus S Bootanimation [new-1.5]
- Notification bar [new-1.6]

For Recovery Menu

Thanks to zdzihu for xRecovery & FreeX10 ROM

If you like my works & want to show your appreciation, please Donate me. Thanks

Install instruction

[X.Gbread for 2.2 Custom ROM - FreeX10 Beta 3] [new-1.6]

- Move Zip file to SD card

- Reboot your phone & go to Recovery menu

- Go to "Install custom zip" & install X.Gbread.v1.6-2.2.1.Froyo-FreeX10-Beta3.zip

Quelle: XDA


[THEME][2/21/11] FroShed Blue / Gingerbread / Lucid-X10 / Frost-X10

FroShed Blue For CM6 Based Roms and Working on FreeX10, I can port it for other roms on Request

Gingerbread Is Below this theme & Lucid & Frost is on post 2

This theme is a port of my theme for the HTC Droid Eris,
This is one of a few and if this one goes well i can port my other themes over if requested

My Eris Theme Thread

Give some Credit to smartgardens Because if it wasn't for him asking me to I would have never ported it over,
and because i do not have an X10 device i cannot do any testing my self and he was kind enough to do all the testing

Always remember to make a backup before flashing incase somthing goes wrong or it does not work.
I am not responsible if any harm is caused to your device.

1. Go into Settings/CyanogenMod Settings/User interface/Tweaks extras/ and Reset UI tweaks to default if they are not already on default
2. Flash The theme via Recovery
3. After flash go back into CyanogenMod settings/User interface/Tweaks extras/Select a theme/froshedyoV10

FroShed for Wolfbreaks [ROM] CM6 Tweaked and with Extras Download
FroShed for [ROM] TMR_CyanogenMod Download
FroShed for [ROM] FreeX10 | BETA Download
For FreeX10 users, Install Cyanogen_Settings To use the full theme

Attached is a zip that contains extras such as wallpaper, icons and launcherPro docks. Extract to your SDcard

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