Quelle: XDA
[ROM] SE X10i - M&M`S MiUI 2.3.30 ML | Android 2.3.7 | NEW: V6.0 BEATS AUDIO (11.04)
Since it has become pretty quiet on the MIUI front for X10 maikinho10 and me started to build our own MIUI ROMs based on FXP CM7.2.
I guess we don´t have to tell you what an amazing work FXP is doing for this device. So we thought this CM7.2 ROM is a great base for the in generell speedy MIUI ROMs and could give us all a pretty fast experience.
The results are from now on the M&M ROMs which we try to support as good as possible and which we try to update every week with the latest FXP/MIUI version.
So feel free to ask any questions. We hope you´ll be satified with our support
Because MIUI is so amazingly and easily customisable for everybody we decided to leave the look stock MIUI.
MM TEAM kCernel v6.tft + KCernel Wifi Modules
FXP115 kernel for M&M´s MIUI
M&M´s V6.0 ROM
Extended settings V6.0 (flash this just AFTER first boot, mount system,data->flash)
Audio Beats and Xloud V6.0 (flash with CWM Recovery without any wipe)
Hebrew RTL Fix Thanks to Sina King
Arabic-Persian RTL Fix Thanks to Sina Kinghttp://www.handy-faq.de/forum/sony_ericsson_xperia_x10_forum/
[ROM] SE X10i - M&M`S MiUI 2.3.30 ML | Android 2.3.7 | NEW: V6.0 BEATS AUDIO (11.04)
UNLOCKED Bootloader!
Ich hab mir diese ROM gerade geflashed und darf sagen - geht wie ne 1. Ein MUSS für MIUI Liebhaber mit Tendenz zur neuesten Firmware für unser Handy - FXP111.
Diese ROM ist klarerweise nur für den unlocked Bootloader - sie basiert auf dem neuesten Stand von FXP111 Android 2.3.7 und dem beliebten MIUI.
Die ROM wird immer auf dem neuesten Stand der FXP-Firmware gehalten - d.h. ihr habt ein wöchentliches Update auf die neueste FXP-Firmware.
Die ROM wird immer auf dem neuesten Stand der FXP-Firmware gehalten - d.h. ihr habt ein wöchentliches Update auf die neueste FXP-Firmware.
Was braucht ihr?:
- unlocked bootloader
- Baseband71
Wer noch immer nicht den Bootloader unlocked hat ein kleiner Tipp - mit dem neuen Flashtool hier im Forum unter Anleitungen zu finden geht es Idiotensicher. Einfach Bootloader unlock anklicken, zurücklehnen und warten bis es fertig ist. Das schöne daran, man kann den Prozess auch wieder umkehren und den Bootloader locken. Einziger Nachteil: man muß LESEN können und ein klein wenig Hausverstand besitzen.
- den letzten CM7.2 FXP kernel flashen - mittels Flashtool
- download der M&M´s ROM aufm die SD-Card.
- booten des handys und in das CWM Recovery gehen.
- Dieses findet man falls es noch nicht installiert ist, ebenfalls im Flashtool zum installieren.
- im CWM Recovery macht ihr alle Wipes - factory reset, wipe dalvik cache und cache partitition
- reboot, es dauert ein klein wenig und nicht vor der Musik der Bootanimation erschrecken.
- nach dem Booten - "Einstellungen", "System", "Sprache und Tastatur", "Sprache auswählen"
- danach zu "Personal", "Display settings", "Advanced mode", "use custom", "Light level to dim" and wählt dort 20(default)
- Genießt die ROM - die schnelle ROM!!

Since it has become pretty quiet on the MIUI front for X10 maikinho10 and me started to build our own MIUI ROMs based on FXP CM7.2.
I guess we don´t have to tell you what an amazing work FXP is doing for this device. So we thought this CM7.2 ROM is a great base for the in generell speedy MIUI ROMs and could give us all a pretty fast experience.
The results are from now on the M&M ROMs which we try to support as good as possible and which we try to update every week with the latest FXP/MIUI version.
So feel free to ask any questions. We hope you´ll be satified with our support

Because MIUI is so amazingly and easily customisable for everybody we decided to leave the look stock MIUI.
- unlocked bootloader
- Baseband71
General features
- always based on latest FXP CM 7.2 and latest 2.3.7 MiUI
- Multilanguage
- Bravia engine
- Beats audio included
- Xloud
- new Apps from MiUI V4!
- Speed tweaks
- Battery tweaks
- Network tweaks
- Reduced many apps for a light ROM
- improved camera
- Camera MiUI and Camera Cm7 (no FC and Flashlight works in CM7 Camera App!)
- flash the latest CM7.2 FXP kernel or kCernel-FXP-mod-v1 + KCernel Wifi modules for more governers and full overclock option
- download M&M´s ROM and add it to your sd-card.
- boot into CWM recovery
- make at least one factory reset, wipe dalvik cache and cache partitition
- install the ROM
- reboot, don´t worry when it takes some time
- go to "Personal", "Display settings", "Advanced mode", "use custom", "Light level to dim" and choose 20(default)
- Enjoy the speed
Changelog V6.0
- ROM rebuild from Begin!!!
- Framework Multilanguage
- Miui delete unnecessary APPS
- Musik Froyo 2.2 include (Addon in Aroma installer)
- Wifi Tether fixed
- MiUI Settings NEW Update! (use Hotfix)
- MiUI CAM (with Focus!)
- Xloud for MIUI!!! (use Hotfix)
- MORE MIUI Updates
- FIX Sensors and CAMERA Files
- Screenshot issue fixed!!
- HW LED (soon as Hotfix)
- new Apps included
- WLOD Tweaks delete
MM TEAM kCernel v6.tft + KCernel Wifi Modules
FXP115 kernel for M&M´s MIUI
M&M´s V6.0 ROM
Extended settings V6.0 (flash this just AFTER first boot, mount system,data->flash)
Audio Beats and Xloud V6.0 (flash with CWM Recovery without any wipe)
Hebrew RTL Fix Thanks to Sina King
Arabic-Persian RTL Fix Thanks to Sina Kinghttp://www.handy-faq.de/forum/sony_ericsson_xperia_x10_forum/
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