{ROM} | DarkEditionHD_v1.5 | [FXP109 + Miui2.2.1 + ICS] Lock+Unlocked BL | 08/03/2012

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Quelle: XDA

{ROM} | DarkEditionHD_v1.5 | [FXP109 + Miui2.2.1 + ICS] Locked + Unlocked BL | 08 März




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Latest Build: DarkEditionHD_v1.5
ChangeLog: Here


This ROM could not exist without the help of Crowds, alot of the original work was done by him and he deserves the recognition.
Carefully read all installation procedures in the 3rd post.
Check 2nd post for addons and contained apps list

I really REALLY hate the iPhone look of MIUI (not to mention iPhones) but i really do like the feel of Miui. The responsivness the way it all fits together. When i started using custom ROMs i used many. One of my favorites that i used before trying miui ROM`s was Wolfs ROM. Even though it is nice and fast, responsive, i just didn`t likke the stock base of it. And thats why i wasn`t really a fan of FXP.

Both of these guys deserve lots of respect for what they have done, because its awesome work, just not for me. Thats when i started trying out miui ROMs. After alot of time and effort i eventually found BlackEditionHD. Unfortunately Crowds has had to stop work on that amazing ROM. But as i enjoyed it so much I chose to start work on my own ROM. I asked Crowds for his help, and he gave some tools and info to help me carry on his work and create this..... The ROM I call DarkEditionHD

I have made this ROM by using FXP as a base, and porting Miui ontop. Giving you the benfits of both ROMs. The look and feel of Miui with the base work of FXP. The version of Miui has alot of ICS tweaks built into it. This ROM is my own, but the addons and patch files have been taken directly from Crowds` page. If they are yours please let me know and i will give you full credit.

My boot animation now works!!!

Installation Procedure:

Full instructions can be found Here

Note1: You must be on a Kernel with CWM5!!!
Note2: If you´re on a Rom with J´s or doom´s FXP kernel this should work, but not tested by me.
Note3: If you have any other kernel installed, make sure you have the correct WiFi modules. FXP Kernels do not need Wifi Modules.

Unlocked Bootloaders (Recommended):

Download ROM to your SDCARD - here
Unzip file and flash Kernel
Enter on CWM5 and wipe/factory reset
Install downloaded ROM
Enjoy the new adventure
From here you´ll need to go to 2nd post to install other addons/patches/apps.

Locked Bootloaders:

I really dont think its a good idea, because of the new versions of FXP and such, but if your scared about unlocking your BootLoader...

Follow cobrato´s HOW-TO Here.
Enjoy the new adventure
From here you´ll need to go to 2nd post to install other addons/patches/apps.
Huge Thanks to cobrato witch create theses patches so users can have more options to choose

If you like my work and think it deserves a beer...

Thanks to:

FreeXperia Team for there work and from there Rom on witch this was based on. Always check there thread HERE
Crowds for the initial brainstorming and much more along the way
Cobrato for his lock bootloader guide and patches
ALL XDA devs & Users

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
schaut ja prima aus :biggrin:
jetzt fehlt nur noch eine verständliche Anleitung in unserer Muttersprache
Ja, sieht gut aus und läuft auch sehr stabil und schnell. Die Sprache lässt sich auch auf Deutsch einstellen aber die Apps und Programme - Liste usw. sind immer noch in Englisch.
Bleibt das so ?
Oder hab ich was falsch gemacht.
Jedenfalls danke schön.
Guten Morgen Jakal45, ich lese gerade, dass du ein galaxy hast, läuft diese Rom auf diesem Gerät oder ein anderes?
Bedeutet dies im Umkehrschluß, dass ich mein HTC HD2 ebenfalls damit zum laufen bringe?
Danke für die Info : Thumbsup:
Ja hab ich auch aber die ROM ist für das SE X10. Die Oberfläche, Bedienung und alles ist wirklich super (meine Meinung) aber die Apps und die Systemsteuerung ist noch in Englisch bzw. die Notes und zB Privat sogar in Chinesisch :D naja vielleicht kommt ja noch was.

PS. muss meine Einstellungen ändern :thumbsup:
Multiupload nicht erreichbar!?
Der Link für die ROM geht auf Mediafire - Megaupload gibts ja nicht mehr.
quercus schrieb:
Der Link für die ROM geht auf Mediafire - Megaupload gibts ja nicht mehr.

Hallo quercus, danke für den Hinweis, hab`s gegoogelt, dann wird diese gefunden. Kann es sein, dass das Xperia 10i ,nicht entsperrt werden kann, so zeigte es zumindest das Flashtool an !?

{ROM} | DarkEditionHD_v1.5 | [FXP109 + Miui2.2.1 + ICS] Lock+Unlocked BL | 08/03/2012

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