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Methode 1
Quelle: X10 R2BA026 Nordic Flashtool - xda-developers
Methode 2
Quelle: Debrand to Nordic Combined (B) Quick and update to 2.1 - xda-developers
Quelle: X10 R2BA026 Nordic Flashtool - xda-developers
Bin4ry schrieb:Hi,
because i know that all of you want to upgrade to 2.1 as soon as they can i decrypted the Nordic Generic (Nordic Combined) R2BA026 firmware for you and put it together with flashtool.
Just start X10flash.bat. It will ask you if you want to wipe userdata or not (if you wipe userdata you will be factory resettet, if not your settings and programs will stay).
It is neccessary that you have installed SEUS and it has detected your Phone in flashmode once!
This is important because SEUS installs the drivers which are used to flash it!
Just download the X10flash.rar in my attachement and overwrite the existing X10flash.bat with the one in the Archive!
Corrected Package without Error:
Mirror: (thanks to MarylandCookie)
Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Mirror: (thanks to Vin87)
Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
On 64-bit Systems:
1.) Be sure that you have the 32-bit Java Runtime installed. See Rooting-Thread for problem informations.
2.) Overwrite the DevID folder with this one: http://rapidshare.com/files/409246120/DevID_64bit.rar
Feel free to mirror the files.
Possibly Errors:
INFO: start
java.io.IOException: Unable to open channel, GetLastError=0
at com.sonyericsson.cs.usbflashnative.impl.USBFlashNa tiveImpl.openChannel(Native Method)
If you get this error you have added WRONG device ID.
1.) Open regedit and search the String (maybe you have more than one, then try this for everyone you can find):
2.) Add the long Number After that (smth like 1&12354132&3) into the deviceID.txt
3.) Delete or rename the DevID folder
4.) Run again!
If all don't work. Please install SEUS one time and this far SEUS wants you to connect XPERIA in flashmode.
After this is done you should find your Device ID! (Because SEUS found it and installed drivers! )
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\xxxx\xxxxxx\USBFlash.dll: Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platfor
If you got this Error, please uninstall Java -> Reboot
Download Sun JRE 32bit -> install -> Reboot.
If it still don't work Check your Envoirment Variables:
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X10 R2BA026 Nordic Flashtool - Page 9 - xda-developers
Now you should be fine.
If you got the unable to open Channel Error in Windows 7 (or Vista) please download the devcon-win7.zip from my attachement and extract the devcon.exe (32 or 64 bit) into your DevID Folder and run the flasher again.
Methode 2
Quelle: Debrand to Nordic Combined (B) Quick and update to 2.1 - xda-developers
arkedk schrieb:Debrand to Nordic Combined (B) firmware, quick and easy.
This will only work for X10i (Note Mini or Mini Pro is NOT a X10i) that is rooted!
You need to have Root Explorer installed
Edit you current system/default.prop file with Root Explorer.
Go in your system folder, press the Mount R/W button in the top right corner.
Long press the default.prop file > Open in Text Editor
Replace the digits (XXXX-XXXX) in these 2 lines:
Code:ro.semc.version.cust=XXXX-XXXX ro.product.name=X10_XXXX-XXXX
With the Nordic Combined (B) digits wich is:
Code:X10i CUST-NBC GENERIC [COLOR="Red"][B]1234-8465[/B][/COLOR]
Save & Exit.
Reboot your phone and use SEUS to re-install your phone to 2.1.
Voila, you should now be on 2.1
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