Quelle: XDA
Adrenaline Boost
Caution: It has been reported by a few that this script crash their root access and I have no idea why as this should not happen. Please read the thread carefully before you flash it into your system.
Adrenaline Boost may terminate your app like alarm ! One have reported to me that Adrenaline Boost terminate his alarm and almost make him lose his job because of woke up late
Proceed with your own risk !
What is this?
This is the actually the boost file from my CPU_Script
For those who have already use my CPU Script in 1st post , this is already included in the flashable zip package , so no need flash this again !
When and Why should I use this ?
Your phone's ram usage will get higher and higher everyday then you will find your phone become an @ss because it's turtle speed and only reboot fix this problem, this is because the os create system cache everyday that's why the ram get heavier and heavier everyday !
This script act like an adrenaline shot for your Ace.
It helps you to clear your system cache, get more free ram for you and gravely boost your phone's performance !
Best use before gaming !
Please be note that this script clear your system cache and your cpu will work hard to build back needed cache.
Some have reported to me that the Opera browser crash after boost when open over 3 tabs.
You system need caches to work , this boost is intended to clear old cache that are no longer using and let the system to build new cache, so if u boost it too often , your cpu will be very busy building caches and may consume more battery than normal !
Use it when it's needed !
What you need:
A Working Android Device
Proper Root
Terminal Emulator
How To Install ?
1) Download from the attachment below
2) Put into your sdcard
3) Reboot into CWM
4) Mounts system
5) Flash it
How to Use It?
1) Open terminal emulator
2) Type : Code:
For those who wants to include this script into your rom or mod this script and republish it , please pm me for permission , thanks !
Screenshot :
Before boost
Memory Free : 51708
After boost
Memory Free : 147668
Memory Freed 95960 !
How to uninstall ?
Use and explorer which have root access , go /system/bin , locate 'boost' and delete it.
Credits: LinuxInsight
Change Log:
Same thing , for those who have say that flashing this script unroot your device , this version may fix your problem ! Try and let me know
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Download Link : Here
My Cpu Script : LINK
Adrenaline Boost : LINK
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Adrenaline ROM
Adrenaline Boost
Caution: It has been reported by a few that this script crash their root access and I have no idea why as this should not happen. Please read the thread carefully before you flash it into your system.
Adrenaline Boost may terminate your app like alarm ! One have reported to me that Adrenaline Boost terminate his alarm and almost make him lose his job because of woke up late

Proceed with your own risk !

What is this?
This is the actually the boost file from my CPU_Script

For those who have already use my CPU Script in 1st post , this is already included in the flashable zip package , so no need flash this again !
When and Why should I use this ?
Your phone's ram usage will get higher and higher everyday then you will find your phone become an @ss because it's turtle speed and only reboot fix this problem, this is because the os create system cache everyday that's why the ram get heavier and heavier everyday !
This script act like an adrenaline shot for your Ace.
It helps you to clear your system cache, get more free ram for you and gravely boost your phone's performance !

Best use before gaming !

Please be note that this script clear your system cache and your cpu will work hard to build back needed cache.
Some have reported to me that the Opera browser crash after boost when open over 3 tabs.
You system need caches to work , this boost is intended to clear old cache that are no longer using and let the system to build new cache, so if u boost it too often , your cpu will be very busy building caches and may consume more battery than normal !

Use it when it's needed !

What you need:
A Working Android Device
Proper Root
Terminal Emulator
How To Install ?
1) Download from the attachment below
2) Put into your sdcard
3) Reboot into CWM
4) Mounts system
5) Flash it
How to Use It?
1) Open terminal emulator
2) Type : Code:
For those who wants to include this script into your rom or mod this script and republish it , please pm me for permission , thanks !

Screenshot :
Before boost
Memory Free : 51708
After boost
Memory Free : 147668
Memory Freed 95960 !

How to uninstall ?
Use and explorer which have root access , go /system/bin , locate 'boost' and delete it.
Credits: LinuxInsight
Change Log:
Same thing , for those who have say that flashing this script unroot your device , this version may fix your problem ! Try and let me know

Hit the Thanks button if you like this !

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Download Link : Here
My Cpu Script : LINK
Adrenaline Boost : LINK
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Stock Apps That Are Delete-able : LINK
Want To Make Your Stock Rom As Fast As Custom ROM?
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Adrenaline ROM