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A1EXANDER'S M1U1 1.11.4

Everything related to MIUI (theme mostly) in this ROM will be kept stock, but the ROM is very optimized and tweaked for the X10. I will always keep this rom MIUI "stock", and update it every friday (if I have time).
* Its based on Spaarc's 2.3.7 ROM!
* Camera, cam 720p.
* Overclock! (use for instance setCPU to overclock)
* Increased call volume!
* Tweaked performance! ;D
* Some TriPNRaVeR tweaks! Thanks to Trip for sharing these to me!
* Loopy smoothness tweak and Juwe11 RAM optimization.
* Android 2.3.7!
* 54 FPS (APP2D)!!
* Fully working WiFI!
* Made for a1Kernel and unlocked bootloader.
* Its based on Spaarc's 2.3.7 ROM!
* Camera, cam 720p.
* Overclock! (use for instance setCPU to overclock)
* Increased call volume!
* Tweaked performance! ;D
* Some TriPNRaVeR tweaks! Thanks to Trip for sharing these to me!

* Loopy smoothness tweak and Juwe11 RAM optimization.
* Android 2.3.7!
* 54 FPS (APP2D)!!
* Fully working WiFI!
* Made for a1Kernel and unlocked bootloader.
ROM: [5/11|MIUI 1.11.4] a1exander's M1U1 v11
KERNEL: [5/11] a1Kernel v4
If you'd for some reason want old downloads, go to second post.
Installation guide:
1. Download a1exander's M1U1 rom and put it on your sdcard.
2. Download and flash a1Kernel v4 with Flashtool.
3. Go to CWM (volume UP on boot) and wipe data, wipe cache and wipe dalvik cache.
4. Flash a1exander's M1U1. Done! Fully working MIUI!

Alles auf Deutsch.

Hier noch ein andere Kernel: xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM][10/11]MIUI pRiMe 003+New Kernel(Unlocked BL)PowerUP Ur X10