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is the most stable and feature-complete ROM for the mini for day to day use
This ROM is for the X10mini only. It is custom-built based on Cyanogen 6.1 and code from Floyo-CM 1.2.0. This rom runs Froyo on top of stock SE kernel and is stripped off as many SE 2.1 stuff as possible.
Special thanks to my friend DaRk_dOg who is helping with testing this ROM. He is also theming for MiniCM. His creations are trully magnificent
To cookers: If you use parts or all of this ROM for your custom cooks, please reference this thread
To everyone: Please don't mirror this ROM
- MiniCM is not a repackaging of X8 or any other ROMS. It is built for X10mini.
- Do not ask if this ROM has stuff NOT supported by either the kernel (i.e. Wifi Tether / Swap) or the device hardware (i.e. Flash). If any exotic features are implemented they will be in the following 'Feature list'
- The MiniCM6 theme is made exclusively for the MiniCM6 ROM. It is not to be used with other ROMS
- For Troubleshooting common issues visit: Troubleshooting - minicm - Troubleshooting common issues - Cyanogen ROMS for Xperia X10 Mini / X8 - Google Project Hosting
- Everything
- App2sd / Dalvik2sd compatible with 2.1 (storing to ext2/3/4 pre-existing partition is detected and mounted as such)
- Froyo native App2sd (storing to fat)
- ClockworkMod recovery v. and option to reboot into Recovery
- Undervolting and Overclocking handled CM Settings menu (by default none is active)
- Extra CM Performance Settings menu for SD Read Cache Speed
- Ultra brightness mode via CM Settings -> User Interface
- Arabic support for Browser / Gmail
- Mddi lag fix thanks to doixanh
- CRT screen on / off animations ported from Gingerbread thanks to doixanh
- Fake Dual touch thanks to doixanh and andrej456
- Overclocking thanks to doixanh
Bugs: (Please use the project's tracker for reporting bugs.)
- The notorious 'Reboot bug' is now fixed
- Root and CWM recovery already installed (flash it from here)
- Latest 2.1.1.A.0.6/2.1.1.C.0.0 SE firmware / Baseband: M76XX-TSNCJOLYM-53404015 due to kernel dependencies. Check this once and twice. There is no point to proceed if you don't have this.
- Download the latest ROM from the release link
- Rename the <release>.zip file to update.zip
- Copy the update.zip to your sdcard (top level). E.g via your PC or via 'adb push update.zip /sdcard/'
- Reboot to CWM recovery
- Keep a backup of your current status using CWM's Backup & Restore in case you want to restore.
- Select 'wipe data/factory reset' if you were not already using MiniCM6
- Select 'apply update from sdcard' from the top menu of CWM recovery
- Reboot (first boot will take ~2 mins)
If you don't stick to the above instructions you might get various problems (WiFi, Data traffic, Bluetooth etc).
In that case, and before reporting an issue, select 'Factory Reset' from the top menu of CWM recovery & Reboot
Downloads: Please do NOT mirror
If you would like to multiboot this ROM, use the attached MiniCM6-multiboot.zip. Don't flash this normally!!! Instead use the multiboot menu of the CWM recovery to flash it.
Do not report any issues regarding multiboot on this thread or on the issue tracker. Instead, use the designated thread..
Thanks to DaRk_dOg for making the multiboot zip for MiniCM6
Note that MiniCM6 updates are using Edify *only* and thus don't work with xRecovery, you need to flash CWM recovery from here.
Other themes (might not work correctly, use them at your own risk!):
Dark Theme for MiniCM
Ginger-Wallx MiniCM
BeautyBlue MiniCM
Red Theme MiniCM
MarksTheme MiniCM
Purple Theme MiniCM
HTC Hero Mix MiniCM
Lucid Froyo MiniCM
GingerBread MiniCM
Extremely Blue MiniCM
Simplistic MiniCM
If you are enjoying this ROM please consider donating:.
Donations are voluntary but allow me to spend more time on this device.
I can't be held responsible if this ROM bricks your device or makes it explode in your hands! Use it at your own risk!
If any of the apps included in the ROM is copyright-protected, please let me know so I can remove it.
- 14/6/11 MiniCM6-multiboot.zip
- 13/6/11 MiniCM6-1.0.2 build
- 1/6/11 CWM Recovery
- 15/5/11 MiniCM6-1.0.1 build
- 24/4/11 MiniCM6-1.0.0 Released
- 14/4/11 MiniCM6 RC2 build
- 29/3/11 MiniCM6 RC1 build
- 14/3/11 MiniCM6 Beta2 build
- 5/3/11 Posted fix for T9 suggestions and Theme
- 5/3/11 MiniCM6 Beta1 build
- 26/2/11 MiniCM6 Alpha3 build
- 22/2/11 MiniCM6 Alpha2 build
- 21/2/11 Posted fix for data traffic
- 20/2/11 MiniCM6 Alpha1 build
- Dies ist eine stabile Rom für das E10i (X10 Mini).
- Beim flashen der Rom werden die Daten (Kontakte, SMS, installierte Apps) nicht gelöscht, es sei, denn man upgradet von Android 2.1
- Flash und Wifi Tethering werden nicht unterstützt. (Kernel-/Harwarebedingt)
- Für Fehlersuche / Behebung besucht Troubleshooting - minicm - Troubleshooting common issues - Cyanogen ROMS for Xperia X10 Mini / X8 - Google Project Hosting
- Alles was mit 2.1 mitgeliefert wurde
- App2sd / Dalvik2sd kompatibel mit 2.1 (auslagern auf bereits vorhandene ext 2/3/4 Partitionen wird erkannt und gemounted)
- App2sd von Froyo 2.2 (Fat - Partition)
- xRecovery vorinstalliert
- CyanogenMod Performance - Einstellungsmenü zum Übertakten des CPU und einstellen des Caches der SD-Karte
- Vorgetäuschtes Dual - Touch (Danke an doixanh von xda)
- Es sollten keine Bugs mehr enthalten sein. ;-)
- Aktuelle SE Firmware (Build Nr. 2.1.1.A.0.6) Baseband: M76XX-TSNCJOLYM-53404015 installiert
- Root
- xRecovery installiert
- Die neueste Rom aus dem xda - Beitrag herunterladen
- Archiv in update.zip umbenennen
- Archiv ins Root Verzeichnis der SD Karte kopieren (/sdcard/update.zip)
- Gerät neustarten und xRecovery starten
- Unter "Backup & Restore" / Backup auswählen um eine Sicherung zu erstellen
- Via "install update zip" die Rom installieren
- Nach der Installation im xRecovery - Hauptmenü "Factory Reset (full wipe)" auswählen (Nicht nötig, wenn eine vorherige MiniCM - Version schon installiert war)
- Danach "Reboot Phone" klicken (1. Neustart dauert ca. 2 Minuten)
- Spass haben
QUELLE: [ROM] MiniCM6-1.0.2 [Update 13/6/11], Froyo 2.2.1 / CM 6.1.3 port for the mini - xda-developers
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