Android crashes on high usage

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My Xperia Neo crashes all day

Scroll down for questions ^^

Situation atm:
Xperia Neo rooted
Cpu 1.4ghz
Ram: about 300mb (about 110mb average usable)
internal 470, but expanded with sd (link2sd)
Clockworkmod 6.04
Cyanogenmod 11 for Xperia Neo (unofficial nightly build: {Neo/Neo V}[DEV][KitKat 4.4.3][CM11.0] LegacyXperia - xda-developers )
Link2sd: Linking Apps from internal to external storage
Ram Expander: 256 mb additional ram on second partition (link2sd partition) of the sd card (ext2)
Cpu/Gpu not overclocked, but possible up to 1.4ghz(cpu)

If you need anything else, just ask.

Steps to reproduce:
- switch on phone
(- boost ram with clean master)
- start "Summoner Wars" (a game, just picked this because it needs much ram and it crashes most of the times after ~5 min)
- open the status bar by sliding on top of the screen
- slide down
-> freeze most of the times, if not just play for some minutes

My ideas to solve were the following:
- Expand ram because ram full all day if any game is started (swappiness: 50)
- boost cpu (didnt work at all because games dont rly need the cpu)
- 16 bit transparency (performance menu of cyanogenmod)
- Kernel samepage merging activated (performance menu)
- force gpu usage for 2d graphics
- "boost" game with clean master

After making some tests with adb over usb i noticed that the swap ram is filled about 75% + normal ram (dunno this because i cant see it in adb)

=> I guess the android ram manager stops the systemui process so when i try to load the status bar it cant find its cache.

Could it be that anything overheats? The smartphone is hot but thats normal for games i guess.

Another thing is that games (Summoner wars as example) start lagging after some time and i need to cool the gpu by using my fridge :D to make it work for some time again.

So here are my questions:
- Why does my smartphone crash?
- Is it the fault of the unofficial build (i think thats it -.-)
- can i lower the framerate to about 20/s and reduce color depth even lower than 16 bit?
- Can i clock down the gpu when not needed on full power?

Just to mention:
once android crashes, the processes systemui and a *.media process start restarting all day. To fix that i have to boot into recovery, delete cache and restart.
Hello virusscript24,

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Wir freuen uns Dich hier in diesem Forum, der weltweit beliebtesten Internet-Plattform der deutschsprachigen Android-Community, begrüßen zu dürfen.

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Danke für dein Verständnis.
Klar sry is mein erster Post hier, hab Englisch geschrieben weil ich dachte, dass es dann mehr Leute verstehen und weil ich's einfacher find' als Deutsch (bin zwar deutscher aber dennoch).
Dann ändere den ersten Post bitte noch ... Danke!!
kann ich diesen Foren eintrag irgendwie löschen und einfach übersetzt erneut posten? Würds glaub ich vereinfachen, da ich aktuell >extrem< wenig zeit zum übersetzen hab. Ich würd einfach warten bis ich zeit hab und es erneut eintragen.

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