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Hoffentlich fixen sie auch die neuen Cisco-VPN-Bugs:
VpnCilla moniert fehlende Systembestandteile, und alle Applikationen, welche auf eine tun.ko -Installation zugreifen (bei mir VPNC Widget), lösen ein Reboot aus:
Phone reboots when connecting DroidVPN - DroidVPN
Q: Why does my phone reboots/restarts when I open DroidVPN or when I press the start button on DroidVPN. This problem normally affects Sony Xperia Phones (ST18i,ST15i).
A: We have traced this problem on some faulty ROMs that doesn't properly handle the loading of tun module. This problem actually affects all VPN applications that uses tun.ko including OpenVPN.
Solution: Unfortunately we cannot fix this problem on our side since the problem relies on your phone's OS. So the only option you have right now is to flash a different ROM on your phone that properly supports TUN ..."
VpnCilla moniert fehlende Systembestandteile, und alle Applikationen, welche auf eine tun.ko -Installation zugreifen (bei mir VPNC Widget), lösen ein Reboot aus:
Phone reboots when connecting DroidVPN - DroidVPN
Q: Why does my phone reboots/restarts when I open DroidVPN or when I press the start button on DroidVPN. This problem normally affects Sony Xperia Phones (ST18i,ST15i).
A: We have traced this problem on some faulty ROMs that doesn't properly handle the loading of tun module. This problem actually affects all VPN applications that uses tun.ko including OpenVPN.
Solution: Unfortunately we cannot fix this problem on our side since the problem relies on your phone's OS. So the only option you have right now is to flash a different ROM on your phone that properly supports TUN ..."