Quelle: XDA
Autor: QuentinCosta
Link: [MOD] "Green Mod" with Icons | Screen off animation included [18/5/11]
Green Mod with icons like i said...
for those who like the green side!
in the pictures below you can see which icons are changed and an preview of the iconset.
there are nearly 140 icons in this set and its only a green mod of the prodigal sun iconpack that you can find in the market.
special thanks for this mod goes to loveboatcaptain
you have to install everything with rootexplorer or adb exept the icon set...
push it to sd and install in the normal way as iconset
my changes only for battery, statusbar and screen of animation. thats all... you have to do the rest with the iconset.
for demonstration of "screen of animation" use youtube...
if youre looking for a nice green livebackground, search "flurry" in market
you will find the rest in attachment.
i hope you enjoy...
Attached Files
SystemUI.apk (286.1 KB, 1 views)
framework-res.apk (5.71 MB, 1 views)
prodigalsun-green-trans.apk (691.2 KB, 0 views)
Autor: QuentinCosta
Link: [MOD] "Green Mod" with Icons | Screen off animation included [18/5/11]
Green Mod with icons like i said...
for those who like the green side!
in the pictures below you can see which icons are changed and an preview of the iconset.
there are nearly 140 icons in this set and its only a green mod of the prodigal sun iconpack that you can find in the market.
special thanks for this mod goes to loveboatcaptain
you have to install everything with rootexplorer or adb exept the icon set...
push it to sd and install in the normal way as iconset
my changes only for battery, statusbar and screen of animation. thats all... you have to do the rest with the iconset.
for demonstration of "screen of animation" use youtube...
if youre looking for a nice green livebackground, search "flurry" in market
you will find the rest in attachment.
i hope you enjoy...
Attached Files