Frage zur Trillian Push Funktion

  • 6 Antworten
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Hallo zusammen,

auf der Suche nach stromsparenden Messengern bin ich auf Trillian und der Push Funktion gestoßen. Ich hab mir das app installiert und meine eigentliche Frage ist, wie stelle ich die Push Funktion ein oder ist es standardmäßig eingestellt? Danke im voraus,

Ist zwar englisch, aber gut erklärt. Aus dem offiziellen Trillian Support Forum:
"Battery Saving Mode" set on under Android 2.1 or earlier = "When Trillian is not the foreground app, keep running but reduce how often you hit the network."

"Battery Saving Mode" set on under Android 2.2 or later = "When Trillian is not the foreground app, after a little while suspend and push notifications via C2DM."

"Battery Saving Mode" set off under any version of Android = "When Trillian is not the foreground app, pretend you still are. (This will not be friendly on battery life over the course of an entire day.)"

Why would I need battery saving mode if I have push? - Trillian Discussion Forums
Let me clarify, actually, because you're right that this isn't clear right now.

At the moment, the Octopus can support one 'notification method' per session. When a session is suspended, any message that needs to go to the end-user will be pushed via that notification method. Notification methods are, for instance, APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), the Android push data service, e-mail, etc.

'Battery saving mode' behaves differently on Android prior to 2.2 than it does on 2.2 or later. In both cases, however, it will save battery.

Prior to 2.2, 'Battery Saving Mode' will let Trillian keep running in the background, but will poll far less frequently (so that you don't just suck your battery dry). You're still connected, just that messages may arrive slower.

In 2.2 or later, 'Battery Saving Mode' means you actually are suspended (but the program isn't punted from memory) when you go into the background. Any messages you receive while Trillian isn't the foreground application will be sent to you via the Android push service. In other words, turning on battery saving mode /is/ how you enable push on 2.2 or later phones.

In both cases, if Trillian isn't the active foreground app, it will be drawing less battery than it would as the foreground app. Under 2.2, it will be drawing basically nothing since it hands off all responsibility to the push service; under 2.1 and earlier, it will start waiting between each poll of the network to avoid drawing too much power.

Here's the catch, though: if you're connected with battery saving mode on under 2.2, then your notification method for that session is Android push data. This means if you do pick 'suspend' in the signoff menu, push data is going to a dead endpoint via C2DM, not being sent via e-mail.

In essence, under 2.2 or later, you can have either C2DM push ('Battery Saving Mode') when the app is just running in the background, OR you can have the e-mail'd notifications when you manually suspend the app. Not both.

(Mind you, under 2.2 or later, there's not a lot of need to manually suspend the app; just letting it drop into the background is about the same in CPU/battery use.)

You are correct that this is not terribly intuitive; Octopus needs to support multiple notification methods per session so that 'Suspend' works as expected and pushes into e-mail even when using C2DM. Bug 12307 in Bugzilla is the ticket representing this issue, so you can add yourself to the ticket to track any activity on it.
Edit: Da war jemand schneller...
Ok hab ich das richtig verstanden? Wenn ich Android ab 2.2 nutze und denn "Battery Saving Mode" an habe bekomme ich trotzdem meine Nachrichten über den Android Push Dienst ohne Verzögerung? anders als vor 2.2 ?
Ja, Battery Saving Mode einschalten und die App nicht in den Suspend Modus schalten. Dann sollte push an sein.
Alles klar, danke.
gokpog schrieb:
Ja, Battery Saving Mode einschalten und die App nicht in den Suspend Modus schalten. Dann sollte push an sein.

Ich nutze Trillian an 3 Geräten, zwei davon mit Android 2.2 einer mit 2.3
Bei allen dreien ist der Battery Saving Mode eingeschalten.

Was bewirkt denn eigentlich dieser Suspend-Modus? Wofür verwende ich den?

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