[ROM]InsertCoin M7 7.1.2 | Sense 7 Android L | Tweaks&Themes Apps | Quietly Brilliant

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Aktuelle Version v7.1.2 Full Rom
Aktuelle SVN Version r291 [ Stand 28.06.2015 ]


S-OFF oder Unlock
Custom Recovery
Gehirn und Logik


Your warranty is now void.
We are NOT responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
Support is limited. We do this as a hobby in our free time. We'll do our best to help you if you state your problem in clear English, with as much information as you can (what mods you selected, have you wiped, when exactly does the error occur, what type of phone you have (ul, l , ws etc.), what carrier, logcat and so on. The more information you offer, easier for us to help you. If you do not ask for support in clear English and with no information what-so-ever we will ignore your issue!
Leave the self entitled customer attitude at the door. We are under NO obligation what-so-ever to do anything for you. If we do it is because we like helping people. Using custom work published on XDA is not a right, it is a privilege. If you think otherwise please read here. Or watch this video.
NO Requests! When we work on InsertCoin we have in mind that we have to satisfy all users to a decent level. What works for us might not work for you and vice versa . We are not your personal ROM developers and it is not our job nor our intention to make everybody happy.
Do not come here asking "Hey mate, X rom has that awesome feature and if you don't implement it in your rom, I'll <insert whatever here>!" You flashed this ROM because you liked it at some point, if that change please stop using it.
Suggestions for improvements are always welcomed. As long as they are well documented and as long as you understand that NOT everything is possible.
NO ETAs! While we do our best to constantly work on the ROM to improve, *fix and add new features, again this is a hobby! There are periods when due real-life issues we can't spend too much time for InsertCoin! If this becomes an obligation passion fades and we might stop cooking the ROM


You must ask our express permission!
You are NOT allowed to use any part of the tweaks files, scripts or propriate InsertCoin apps
If you get the permission when you use the files you MUST post proper link to this thread and mention ( @baadnewz, @mikrosmile, @V6-Maniac)
Not respecting this simple rules will lead to reporting to XDA Administrators.


Neuste HTC One M7 WWE Base 6.09.401.5
Weitere Sprachen aktiviert (Full WWE)
Root, BusyBox und init.d Unterstützung
ADB Aktiviert
Akkulaufzeit, Leistung und Speicher Verbesserungen
sysro / sysrw Binärdateien
openvpn / SQLite-Unterstützun
Protokollierung deaktiviert und entfernt Bloatware
stripped Debugging-Informationen für eine verbesserte Leistung
mit der neuesten sdk für verbesserte Leistung optimiert
getrimmt Partitionen für eine verbesserte Leistung
zipaligned Apps für verbesserte Leistung
flar2 der Schreibschutz MOD zu S-ON Benutzer vollständig beschreibbar / System-Partition
Advanced Power Menü
Disable HTC One M8 Navigations Bar
5x6 Rastergröße Option in Sense App Drawer
Sense Launcher-Menü-Unterstützung
Die Möglichkeit die Rom von de-odex zu odex um zu wandeln
Lange drücken auf Home für die Menü-Taste
Smoothest ROM
Beste Batterie-Management
Schnelle Korrekturen / Aktualisierungen
InsertCoin Kontrol
InsertCoin Market
InsertCoin Zip Flasher
InsertCoin Themes
InsertCoin PerApp Farbe
InsertCoin Extreme Powersaving App Remap
InsertCoin OTA Updates
InsertCoin Market Web-Seite
InsertCOin Lockscreen und Gesten
OTA Update

AROMA Optionen:
optional Show LTE-Symbol statt 4G
optional deaktiviert NFC-Icon
optional Niedrige Proximity Sensor Sensibility
optional Lauter Lautsprecher Mod
optional Boot-Animation (Stock)
optional Exchange E-Mail Hack
optional deaktivieren HTC Farboptimierung
optional Deaktiviere HTC Color Steuerung
optional Deaktiviere Fast Domancy


Bewegungssteuerung funktioniert nicht! Sie brauchen einen Custom Kernel, der das unterstützt!


InsertCoin Rom SVN Repo
Es werden nur die änderungen neu heruntergeladen nachdem eine Start Base von ca 3GB geladen worden ist.
SVN Updates sind nicht immer geprüft oder stabil.
Neuste Commits
Wir richte ich SVN unter Windows ein!
Wie richte ich SVN unter Mac OS ein!
Das Tutorial wurde für das M7 (Sense 5) gemacht links müssen korrigiert werden.


InsertCoin M7 7.0.7-REPACKED (svn r222)
- removed PolarisOffice from system, seems some m7 units just dont have enough space on system partition. (due bad sector reallocation i suppose). you can grab it from PlayStore

InsertCoin M7 7.0.7 (svn r220)
- updated Sense Home (added tweaks)
- updated HTC Lockscreen (added tweaks)
- fixed HTC IME volup/voldwn scroll tweak

InsertCoin M7 7.0.6 (svn r215)
- mix of Sense 7 framework with M7 framework to keep maximum compatibility
- updated HTC Apps (Connect, Zoe, Facebook Plugin, Service Pack, Scribble, WorldClock)
- added Sense 7 HTC Stock Browser
- fixed HTC IME lag and auto-correction (update available also in PlayStore)
- fixed Ringtone Trimmer fc
- fixed AppOps

InsertCoin M7 7.0.5 (svn r207)
- updated Sense with lastest one from Retail M9
- added more colors and themes to HTC Theme Engine. (made by ineedone)
- improved HTC IME responsiveness
- cleanup
- fixed AROMA Errors

InsertCoin M7 7.0.4 (svn r176)
- fixed not being able to download / update Sense 7 apps in Google Play store
- enabled HSDPA PLUS Icon for Vodafone Users
- added HTC Sense7 MyTasks (thanks lee)
- updated HTC Connect

InsertCoin M7 7.0.3 (svn r172)
- updated HTC Backup
- updated Adaway with Material Design
- changed ART Compiler Flags, should speed up things
- fixed Priority mode (Interruptions) not kicking in/out at selected time interval
- fixed Kontrol FC in buttons tab
- fixed FMRadio
- added FMRadio Widget (sense6 one)

InsertCoin M7 7.0.2 Sense 7(svn r165)
- removed DND mode from Settings. not working (Sense 7 had it removed as default)
- fixed “Wake On SMS” and “Disable SMS to MMS coversion” tweak

InsertCoin M7 7.0.1 (svn r163)
- updated to Sense 7 from HTC ONE M9
- all tweaks included and working
- custom IC icons pack removed due Sense 7 built-in feature
- all bugs squashed
- US carrier variants still might have a few kinks
- thanks w00dstock help with HTC’s obfuscated code

InsertCoin 6.0.8
- added Verizon US support
- improved support for Sprint / TMO / ATT
- fixed IC wallpapers for US Carriers
- optimized ART
- disabled MultiUser (not working properly)
- Kontrol : Ambient Display Parameters can be edited
- Kontrol : Tap Extended Statusbar clock for world clock
- Kontrol new option. Enable / Disable Sweep2Sleep
- updated SuperSU to 2.46
- general cleanup

InsertCoin 6.0.7
- added Sprint US Support (WiFi Calling Incl)
- added TMO US Support (WiFi Calling Incl)
- added ATT US Support
- updated HTC Shipped Apps
- updated Play Store Apps
- enabled multiuser support
- added better stats in battery history (lyapota)
- increased max number of apps in a folder
- IC Market fixed layout
- Kontrol fixed layout
- Kontrol new option: Disable Photomask for lowe res picture contacts (lyapota)
- Kontrol new option: Hide Home Screen Icons Text
- Kontrol new option: Fast Unlock (lyapota)
- Kontrol new option: Move Keyboard cursors with Vol Rockers (lyapota)
- Kontrol new option: AutoCall Recording (Inc/Out) (lyapota)

InsertCoin 6.0.6
- added more windows animations speeds (only if you use English as menus language on your phone)
- added trash collecting on boot
- added APM German translation - credits old.splatterhand
- added APM Spanish translation - credits AxelCM1
- added APM Italian translation - credits senso36
- added APM and Blinkfeed Polish translation - credits pawslo1984
- added missing ANT+ Support - credits gamer765
- added support for IC Market Battery Packs
- added InsertCoin Wallpaper (either full wipe or run adb shell am start -n com.htc.android.htcsetupwizard/.activity.CustomizationActivity to make them visible)
- improved performance for HTC Launcher, StatusBar and Widgets
- improved HTC Launcher folder animations
- fixed Kontrol Tweak for Noise Suppression
- fixed MirrorLink FC when phone was remove for car dock
- fixed AppPinning in RecentApps - credits lyapota
- fixed Volume Keys when Vol Rockers were remaped - credits lyapota
- fixed not applying 6 levels signal / led blink / lte instead of 4g for some users
- replaced generic patched linker with sense patched linker - credits lyapota
- reduced Google Services wakelocks
- removed AROMA Option for audio fluence (deprecated)
- Kontrol new option: Hide IME(Keyboard) Switcher
- Kontrol new option: Always hide menu key
- Kontrol new option: remove / add boot sound (option value will be reset every time you flash full rom)
- Kontrol new option: fix permissions
- Kontrol new option: Long press power button for flashlight
- Kontrol new option: wipe battery stats
- Kontrol new option: mount system re-wriable

InsertCoin M7 6.0.5 (svn r114)
- updated base to 7.19.401.2
- improved Sprint Support
- enabled Ambient Display (if you run into issues disable it from Settings Display)
- added ATT and TMO US Support (ported from M8, untested)

InsertCoin M7 6.0.4 (svn r96)
- updated HTC Shipped Apps
- updated Play Store Apps
- enabled multiuser support
- added better stats in battery history (lyapota)
- increased max number of apps in a folder
- IC Market fixed layout
- Kontrol fixed layout
- Kontrol new option: Disable Photomask for lowe res picture contacts (lyapota)
- Kontrol new option: Hide Home Screen Icons Text
- Kontrol new option: Fast Unlock (lyapota)
- Kontrol new option: Move Keyboard cursors with Vol Rockers (lyapota)
- Kontrol new option: AutoCall Recording (Inc/Out) (lyapota)
- No OTA / Incremental Update
- Still no US Carrier Support

InsertCoin M7 6.0.3 (svn r74)
- added more windows animations speeds (only if you use English as menus language on your phone)
- added trash collecting on boot
- added APM German translation credits old.splatterhand
- added APM Spanish translation credits AxelCM1
- added APM Italian translation credits senso36
- added APM and Blinkfeed Polish translation credits pawslo1984
- added support for IC Market Battery Packs
- added InsertCoin Wallpaper (either full wipe or run adb shell am start -n com.htc.android.htcsetupwizard/.activity.CustomizationActivity to make them visible)
- improved performance for HTC Launcher, StatusBar and Widgets
- improved HTC Launcher folder animations
- fixed Kontrol Tweak for Noise Suppression
- fixed MirrorLink FC when phone was remove for car dock
- fixed AppPinning in RecentApps credits lyapota
- fixed Volume Keys when Vol Rockers were remaped credits lyapota
- fixed HTC 6th Theme
- fixed HTC Car removal
- replaced HTC Notes with HTC Scribble
- replaced generic patched linker with sense patched linker credits lyapota
- reduced Google Services wakelocks
- removed AROMA Option for audio fluence (deprecated)
- Kontrol new option: Hide IME(Keyboard) Switcher
- Kontrol new option: Always hide menu key (option value will be reset every time you flash full rom)
- Kontrol new option: remove / add boot sound (option value will be reset every time you flash full rom)
- Kontrol new option: fix permissions
- Kontrol new option: Long press power button for flashlight
- Kontrol new option: wipe battery stats
- Kontrol new option: mount system re-wriable
- No OTA / Incremental Update
- Still no US Carrier Support

InsertCoin M7 6.0.2 (svn r36)
- disabled Ambient Display
- enabled fstrim on boot
- added wp_mod.ko will help users with s-on
- added optional ChromeBookmarksSyncAdapter . if selected go to Settings Accounts & Sync Google tap on gmail address enable “internet” sync thanks ckpv5
- Kontrol options: AM/PM indicator (enabled/disabled), StatusBar Clock (enabled/disabled) credits lyapota
- added TR translations for Kontrol and APM credits manken42
- cleanup
- other improvements
- Only International Variant (works ok for TMO US & ATT US. Sprint and Verizon you’ll have to wait)

InsertCoin 6.0.1 SVN r26
- fixed weather animations
- fixed Blinkfeed (Prism) gap
- enabled Ambient Display
- fixed Bluetooth freezing issues (thanks lyapota @XDA)
- Only International Variant (works ok for TMO US & ATT US. Sprint and Verizon you’ll have to wait)

InsertCoin 6.0.0 SVN r14
- Android 5.0.2 + Sense 6.0
- base 7.15.401.10 (thanks LlabTooFeR)
- tweaks ported (most of them)
- 9 themes enabled
- call recording enabled
- lots of goodies and optimizations
- blind cooked, thanks belsj @xda for testing
- Only International Variant (works ok for TMO US & ATT US. Sprint and Verizon you’ll have to wait)

InsertCoin 4.0.5
Von 152-164

InsertCoin 4.0.4
- added AROMA option to remove Chrome Bookmarks Sync
- fixed HTC Mail Syncing Issues
- fixed motion down voice dialling
- fixed screen unlock in right direction
- fixed HTC Notes FC
- enabled 15 quicksettings tiles instead of 12
- added 6 level bars for CDMA in IC Kontrol
- added option for led blinking while charging
- optimized apks
- updated Play Store Apps
- update HTC Scribble, HTC TV, HTC Gallery
- updated US Carriers Support

InsertCoin 4.0.3
(Full Rom Only)
added new extra Blue Theme to Settings Personalize Theme
(Theme has a dark grey overlay with blue highlights in toggles, switches, text selection and word predictions etc..)
added IC Watermark on the left on HTC Sense Input
added Polish translation for Blinkfeed menu
enabled HSDPA+ notification thanks old.splatterhand
disabled all quicktips
updated HTC Zoe
updated HTC Backup
updated Google Play Store Apps
bug fixes and performance improvements
removed duplicate google play services (should reduce wakelocks)
updated HTC IME
updated HTC Zoe
updated PlayStore Apps
removed English UK dictionary as preselected
chinese dictionary is now optional
battery and speed improvements
improved standby battery
added extra languages to APM (props lyapota)
added Russian translation for BlinkFeed (Prism ) menu
fixed and improved battery history reporting (thanks lyapota)
updated HTC Gallery
fixed Keep NFC On While Screen Off Tweak
updated Blinkfeed to Google Play version (tweaks and mods for BF also ported)
updated Chinese Language/Handwriting
updated Adaway
added Sprint and Verizon Support
added recovery update/detect/warning script as IC requires TWRP

InsertCoin 4.0.2
(Full Rom Only)
Updated Playstore apps
Update HTC Playstore apps
Optimized Aroma install percentage indicator
Added HTC Notes as optional
Added HTC Zero as optional
Added fourth theme in settings-personlize-theme (blue theme)
Seperated HTC Backup and HTC Advantage/tips in Aroma
Chrome Browser Sync is present at all times (non removable anymore)
Removed InsertCoin Additional Plugins menu (blinkfeed doesn’t like when those are removed)
Added HTC Boot Sound as optional
Set persist.sys.scrollingcache to 4 (all times) as default but still optional choices in aroma
Some reports say they have a massive memory usage, there for i deodexed stock apps but didn’t debugged them. This is only for testing to see if the memory issue is solved. my tools could be the culprit
Removed EasyAccessService as optional, need for custom gestures with a cutom kernel but many delete it and then complain that it doesn’t work and don’t read the explanation in Aroma
Added optional IC-Blue-Theme for testing only, won’t be added in final release!
Fixed NFC while screen off tweak
Possible fix for camera manual mode
Fixed HTC apps which have to be updated via PlayStore
Redone and cleanup Aroma / folders / addons folders / ect for better maintaince
Fixed sudden reboot on setupwizard
Fixed perapp color for blinkfeed which turned grey instead of the chosen color

InsertCoin 4.0.1
-Fix SuperSu
-Fix Widget Entfernen im Aroma
-Fix Gesten
-Fix EAS-Hack
-Add Tmo Support
-Aktualisiert Play Apps
-Aktualisiert Gogle Framework Service

InsertCoin 4.0.0
-Rebase Offizielle 6.09.401.5 WWE M/ Base
-Add VMWare in Aroma
-Add PowerStripWidget in Aroma
-Add HTC File Manager in Aroma
-Notizen entfernt wir nicht unterstützt in der WWE
-Add mehr Power Statistiken in denn Einstellungen
-Add Großes Anruf Foto
-Add Russische-Übersetzung für BlinkFeed
- Keine Sprint & Verizon unterstützung

Download :
Offiziell :
InsertCoin v7.1.2 Android 5.0.2 base 7.19.401.2 Sense 7

Andere Links :
InsertCoin Offizielle Web-Seite und Downloads
InsertCoin Offizieller XDA Thread
InsertCoin SVN
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: thwwiw, Cassius83, KamiKaze2411 und 8 andere
Gefällt mir wirklich sehr gut und konnte sie so über BratwurstROM flashen (nur Dalvik/Cache/System wipe).
Keine Bootloop, oder sonstige Schwierigkeiten.
Toolbox 2.8.1 funktioniert auch, obwohl man in der SystemUI schon ein paar Sachen einstellen kann.
Von der Performance (Antutu)...na ja...ca. 25.000 Punkte, bei Hyouka 2.0.0 komme ich schon so auf 28.000 Punkte, aber was soll's...läuft ganz geschmeidig.
Werde es morgen mal weiter auf der Arbeit testen, Akkuverbrauch, etc...
Teste gleich auch eben, ob ElementalX 13.3 mit dieser ROM funktioniert...

Bis dann denn... :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Rom funktioniert wunderbar. Auch mit ElementalX 13.5.1. Alles sehr smooth. Habe bis jetzt keinen Bug gefunden.
Leichtes übertakten mit EX 13.3 auf GPU 450MHz und 4x Core auf 1890MHz @ Antutu 26682 Pt.
Dann schauen wir mal weiter...:thumbup:
paar bugs gibt's noch..

center clock funktioniert nicht
battery/signal mods noch nicht 100% ok. zumindest hab ich das problem
Sense Toolbox funktioniert bei mir überhaupt nicht. Kommt immer FC. Naja, abwarten. Sense 6 sieht einfach unglaublich gut aus.
Komisch...nun geht es auch nicht mehr bei mir! :(
Liegt es am EX 13.5.1...den habe ich gerade auch mal geflasht?
tool box wird nicht unterstützt
Nun geht es es nicht mehr...! :(
Lag vielleicht daran, weil ich meine Daten nicht gelöscht hatte, als ich von Hyouka kam, anders kann ich mir das auch nicht erklären.
Habe EX 13.3 wieder geflasht und trotzdem wurde Toolbox wieder beendet!
Na ja...
habt ihr auch probleme mit swiftkey? bei mir bleibt die stnd tastatur trotz umstellung
Die Gesten bei ausgeschaltetem Display funktionieren nicht zufällig schon, oder ?:thumbsup:
D1sc3pt schrieb:
Die Gesten bei ausgeschaltetem Display funktionieren nicht zufällig schon, oder ?:thumbsup:

Da es dafür den "Sensor Hub" vom M8 benötigt, werden diese wohl eher nicht aufm M7 laufen, da dies schlicht fehlt.
Nein die Gesten funktionieren, zumindestens bei mir, nicht.
Kannst aber mit einem anderen Kernel nachrüsten.
<edit> Hat wer Erfahrungen mit ElementaX - Kernel und diesem ROM? </edit>

Ich habe selbst ein Problem mit der Dateiübertragung von Mac auf mein One, Androidfiletransfer und HTC Sync Manager funktionieren nicht. Hat jemand zufälligerweise eine Lösung?

Mfg me :thumbup:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Werde auch gleich flashen, bin noch auf Stock mit ElementaX Kernel.
Gibt's irgendetwas zu beachten? einfach drüber flashen? o. Kernel auch nochmal flashen danach? Was muss gewipedet werden etc?

Werden diese Gesten voraussichtlich irgendwie noch in die Rom kommen können?
Bzw. etwas OT: Welcher Kernel hat das drauf in Kombination mit 4.4.2 und CM ?
Hab den ElementaX Kernel ausprobiert... funktioniert nicht.
OTA auf 1.0.1 ist raus ;)

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 19:49 Uhr wurde um 19:50 Uhr ergänzt:

Link ist wie immer ganz vorne zu finden ;)
mit dem ElementalX Kernel wirdauch nur die Double Tap 2 Wake funktion aktivieren, die anderen motion gestures werden noch? nicht funktionieren, evtl. wenn Sense 6.0 offiziell für unser M7 erscheint und der Kernel geupdated wird oder nje nach dem von was es abhängig ist.
Denke mir mal der Kernel vom M8 wird vorher schon geportet oder zumindest teile aus dem M8 kernel in denn M7 gepflanzt so das wir die Rom in vollen Zügen genießen können ;)


  • 2014-03-27 06.51.29.png
    2014-03-27 06.51.29.png
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